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Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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It doesn't take a genius to figure out. But that's if you have 30 people. And at a level that is acceptable too.


What about the people who are on their own? Is it fair if they get killed upon arrival?


Btw, just to clarify, I have nothing against PvP in bases. I do however have issues on camping the port-in and med centres. That's my issue at hand.


FYI, you don't have to load again to land on Hoth. The planet loads when you arrive at the orbital station. Actually landing on the the planet is instant so 30 people can easily click the shuttle at the same time and orient themselves before they are overrun.

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FYI, you don't have to load again to land on Hoth. The planet loads when you arrive at the orbital station. Actually landing on the the planet is instant so 30 people can easily click the shuttle at the same time and orient themselves before they are overrun.


Aye. But you do appear at the exact same place which means the opposition only have to target a single area. A mass attack on one area and its night night new arrival.


You mention 30 people easily doing this. Have you seen 30 people respond to an attack at once before then? Honest question, not being a *****.

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Aye. But you do appear at the exact same place which means the opposition only have to target a single area. A mass attack on one area and its night night new arrival.


You mention 30 people easily doing this. Have you seen 30 people respond to an attack at once before then? Honest question, not being a *****.



Well, 22 people organized an attack. It stands to reason that 30 people can organize a response.

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The irony of it is that when the Imps did something similar on Ilum and camped the Republic spawns, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. This does not seem to have caused quite so much of an emotional response yet. Maybe after a few nights of it, we will have to see.

Hopping from port to port and hitting spots randomly is just what Open world PvP needs to get the faction warfare going :)


Ultimately, it would be interesting to see open world PvP where you can take the opposition's Fleet. It would mean there is no safe spot anywhere on PvP servers, but they are PvP servers, and there is a war on!

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as much as i share your definition of world pvp i still have to disagree on this point as it is contradicting itself. if most people do not share your opinion on world pvp, it can't work.


and actually it doesn't, at least on the very most servers. people are not moving over to defend against such a raid or a meeting to start one. they instead prefer jumping like mad in front of the wz terminals or wait a couple of hours for the 30min illum raid.


It works fine on some servers. See, on our server we took matters into our own hands...you know, actually talked to friends and enemies alike to schedule fun open world events.


People are crying saying they're sick of Ilum and Warzones, but then you have pessimists popping on here saying fun open pvp can't be done and nobody will participate without an incentive.


Both of those things aren't true. While Open World PVP doesn't happen very "naturally" in TOR, if you set it up, it's very fun for all parties.


I think most people still will defend a given planet, if they know about it in advance, just for the factional pride of it, and for the sake of doing something with their guild. It's harder to get people to leave their precious gear-grind spur of the moment anymore though, I will say that.


A lot of people get isolated from their larger guild membership and get used to playing with the same Warzone/Ops group these days now that these games are totally gear based. Events like this make the whole group feel like a team again.


Yeah, it's laggy right now, but that part will get better, and has been a staple of MMORPG's for a while. None of them handle large scale PVP well anymore. It's a small price to pay for actually having a real War on your server though.

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i must admit it might be more fun to do this on belsavis or something. alot more chance of there being lvl 50 players in the zone as normal, ans the port would be tough to hold due to lvl 50 mobs.


also i would agree that killing ppl when you have a 30:1 advantage is not a challenge, however when you have a 30:1 disadvantage? now that is fun

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I would ignore that Zash person, looking at his/her post it's clear it's a troll with no real input to the conversation.

No worries, I like to respond to some people that think they are good pvpers when they are in fact, terrible.


Just have to remember that a lot of the WoW pvp crowd has came to SWTOR and want to be on top since its a relatively new game.


I'm sorry, but I had to laugh. I bolded the source of my merriment.

Funny... too bad I didn't say anything about Sith being better than Repubs did I?

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Just have to remember that a lot of the WoW pvp crowd has came to SWTOR and want to be on top since its a relatively new game.




these are also the same people that keep whining for new pvp servers to be opened up by blizzard when nearly all of the pvp servers in wow have only medium populations.


why? so they can be first to 85 and gank lowbies day in and day out.

Edited by Corran
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The irony of it is that when the Imps did something similar on Ilum and camped the Republic spawns, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. This does not seem to have caused quite so much of an emotional response yet. Maybe after a few nights of it, we will have to see.

Hopping from port to port and hitting spots randomly is just what Open world PvP needs to get the faction warfare going :)


Ultimately, it would be interesting to see open world PvP where you can take the opposition's Fleet. It would mean there is no safe spot anywhere on PvP servers, but they are PvP servers, and there is a war on!


Like I said earlier - the key to OWPvP being fun right now is organizing it. Sad we have to do that, but TOR isn't designed that way right now.


If the major guilds on your server know about it in advance, the crying doesn't happen. You just have a good, old fashioned slobber-knocker and then head on about your business when everyone gets sick of it. All it does is add a sense of realism and factional pride to your server.


One can only hope that eventually they add some elements that are conducive to spontaneous PVP in this game, so all the kids that never got to experience it can find out what they're missing. Until then, there's no reason you can't open up communication among everyone on your server to set things up. Improving relations with your friends and enemies is never a bad thing.

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Getting kills while utilizing your pvp skills and tactics IS rewarding.


Ok...if your reward is a sense of accomplishment (i.e. fighting for fighting's sake, for the sheer fun of it) then we're on the same page. If your reward has to be some kind of gear or ability...not so much.

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Well, 22 people organized an attack. It stands to reason that 30 people can organize a response.


Ok, it is possible, granted. But have you actually arranged an event?


I'm a guild leader - to arrange any kind of event it can take a good while. Ops which have 8 man is hard enough. Not only do you have to get your players online at the same time, you also need to get them to the right place at the right time with the right gear/stims/meds blah blah blah. This does take a while!


Next, try telling 30 grown adults what to do... and see if they all follow your instructions to the letter! see if they wait patiently for everyone else to get ready and arrive.


Attacking an unarmed base is one thing, setting up a defense against a 22 man guild camping the port-in is something else!


If you're expecting 30 random people to drop what they are doing to go all the way to a planet where there are no rewards, then it's a rare chance indeed. Not saying it won't happen or that it hasn't, all I'm saying is with other things in the game, this is unlikely.


The fact this Exile group stayed for hours is something I'm laughing at purely because there is no challenge nor purpose for it.

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Just have to remember that a lot of the WoW pvp crowd has came to SWTOR and want to be on top since its a relatively new game.


True statement, but it has nothing to do with me. I never played WoW and generally look down on those who consider it to be some sort of MMO pinnacle when, in fact, it represents nothing more than a cater-to-the-lowest-common-denominator, mass-marketing of the genre.


SWTOR at least can cliam to have a compelling story, if not much more challenge.

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No, but you claim having numbers don't make you a hardcore PvP'er. You being a member of the Zerg tickles me.


I didn't say anything about them being hardcore or not.


I don't have the option to be the 3rd faction or an FFA player. I chose to play Sith long before the game even released.

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Ok, it is possible, granted. But have you actually arranged an event?


I'm a guild leader - to arrange any kind of event it can take a good while. Ops which have 8 man is hard enough. Not only do you have to get your players online at the same time, you also need to get them to the right place at the right time with the right gear/stims/meds blah blah blah. This does take a while!


Next, try telling 30 grown adults what to do... and see if they all follow your instructions to the letter! see if they wait patiently for everyone else to get ready and arrive.


Attacking an unarmed base is one thing, setting up a defense against a 22 man guild camping the port-in is something else!


If you're expecting 30 random people to drop what they are doing to go all the way to a planet where there are no rewards, then it's a rare chance indeed. Not saying it won't happen or that it hasn't, all I'm saying is with other things in the game, this is unlikely.


The fact this Exile group stayed for hours is something I'm laughing at purely because there is no challenge nor purpose for it.


I led a raiding guild in WoW, I know the futility of trying to organize people who have no real vested interest in what I'm trying to do.


The real reason that this guild was able to keep this foothold so long is because there is very little reason for the Zerg to care. They all have WZ's and Ilum crates to farm. If anything, the OP's guild showed us just how apathetic the community is to actual PvP for the sake of PvP.


It's a sad commentary, because the most fun I've ever had in MMO's was either being part of a big raid on a city or responding to one.

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Sounds fun up until the double spawn camping part. There was no real risk of counter attack for those Republics. Anyone entering Hoth is immediately killed or severely weakened by the AoE camp on the spawn point on both the shuttle and the medicenter. The only real ways they could have been forced out is by such a massive zerg that they get overrun at the shuttle. But getting that many 50s to stop whatever they were doing and coordinating is more of a pain than people may want to put up with. Plus the lag the Imps would have to deal with upon arrival means you need even more people to make up for being unable to respond upon landing while all the Republic has to do is keep AoEing the spawn. Alternatively you could get enough people to go die at the shuttle then revive on the spot at the same time. If you die again you have an even longer wait as well while still being stuck in place and unable to chat. If a player dies 3 times they are basically out. Requires less people but you can't chat while dead so only available to people together on third party chat. Probably harder to get than the first one.


As a few people have said it is the equivalent of the Ilum spawn camping (Actually worse since people couldn't even arrive on planet). The only difference is Ilum provides rewards that spawn camping happened across many servers so it was widespread and directly empowering the Empire PvP side.

Edited by GenericallyNamed
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