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  1. Yes...my question is whether the 1 in infiltration should really be in Shadows Respite or whether it should be in Infiltration Tactics for a proc'd SS.
  2. CephusPred

    Force Lift broken?

    This is absolutely a bug. I've had it happen to me several times just yesterday. So I started casting force lift and can beat on people repeatedly without the stun breaking. I will start reporting it now. This could be in part what is causing all the qqing about stun locking.
  3. Not so sure about choosing 41 power over 41 expertise. At around BM level expertise, if you have 1141 expertise and your target has 1100, this 41 point expertise difference corresponds to just over a 1% damage boost and 1% damage reduction. So, for a duel, if I understand the equations correctly, that is a net 2%+ damage differential. Moreover, if you are being attacked by multiple people, and you have that extra 41 expertise, the damage reduction helps you there, but power does not. It may *seem* like power would be the correct choice, and it might be if expertise is not working as advertised, but according to the formulas for damage boost and damage reduction, expertise is MUCH more important...
  4. Their last minute decision may have been the best, given the situation. However, Bioware completely failed by not having more extensive testing of ranked warzones earlier. And this was because of the perplexing decision not to allow individual level 50's to transfer to the test server. Say what you want about their endgame content, but BW has done a great job with the early and mid-level parts of the game. Yet, the way they have their test server set up, most of the playing by testers is on the part of the game that needs the LEAST testing, with relatively little testing on the end-game pvp content, for example. Or if that was too complicated they could have just placed a new quest in the starting zone that awarded enough xp to get to level 50, and provided 1 million credits and a fleet pass as rewards. Then people could have gotten right to testing end game PVP content. Of course, they could still level up if they wanted to test other changes to the game.
  5. Correct, and these people are hurting their own cause. BW can *see* that hybrid specs are not dominating in DPS, medals etc. Tanks specs may be dominating, but NOT hybrids. I believe BW will simply discount this misguided whining.
  6. For some reason, I read the title of this thread in Yoda's voice and thought it was stating that the "Project" ability would be nerfed in 1.2.1...
  7. /rant on Actually, I rage when I hear "XXX is broken". The word "broken" does not mean what the quote above says it does--at least not in its common usage. The above quoted definition of 'broken' appears to be unique to video game conversations and I find this use both perplexing and annoying. Broken means "not functioning properly." So, you can imagine an organized race in which a high performance race car competes against a station wagon. The station wagon is completely not up to the task, but one wouldn't say it is broken unless it is unable to move, steer, brake, etc. The resolve system may or may not be up to the task, but unless it is not working (e.g., allowing people to be stunned/mezzed when resolve is full) it is NOT broken. It may be a flawed and poorly designed feature of the game, but it is NOT broken. /rant off
  8. As someone who benefits from having a lot of cc's (and has someone who gets extremely frustrated when others keep me cc'd for a long period of time), the ONLY tweak I'd like to see is that the resolve bar does NOT empty WHILE you are cc'd. Nothing more frustrated than finally emerging from chained cc's to have your resolve down to 75%. Another possibility would be make your resolve not go down while you are still in combat until you are completely white-barred. Either or both of these changes would be minor and provide a slight nerf to cc's that could minimize the frustration factor.
  9. Just a word of warning. SWTOR (and many multiplayer games) are more limited by the CPU than graphics card. You can upgrade to a high end graphics card but still see low FPS on fleet and warzones if your CPU is outdated. For example, I upgraded to an i5 2500k and HD 7950 and saw a pretty big improvement, but warzones and ilum still brought the FPS down to 30. I then overclocked my CPU to 4.5 GHz and now rarely drop below 50 FPS in warzones and mostly run >70 FPS on fleet.
  10. The discussion of gear grind in PvP seems to boil down to two overly simplistic positions: 1) Progression is important vs. 2) level playing field (skill>all) In fact, what has made good PvP games good (e.g., Shadowbane) is that there is a fair amount of customization for gear and characters. As far as gear goes, rather than make it so that everyone has the same gear, it would be better to to make the gear progression in the game more about choice and customization. Actually, this is already the case. I *outgear* many of my opponents who also have mostly battlemaster because I swap mods to make the gear exactly what I want for my playstyle. I gain a gear advantage because of my knowledge of the game, which is an appropriate part of an a MMO. The problem is that SWTOR PvP gear progression doesn't explicitly promote or encourage customization--it just something the mechanics allow. Ironically, optimal customization requires more of a grind which will be exacerbated in 1.2, since there is more customization allowed. Essentially, this can require players buying duplicates and non-class specific items to obtain optimal mods etc. A better solution might be to allow WZ commendations for the purchase of empty gear (e.g., stalker chest with NOTHING in it) at a reduced cost and separate purchase of mods, armorings and enhancements. That way people could select the item set bonuses they want and the stats they want to stack without having to *double* grind. This would advantage cleaver and optimal gear assembly more than time-played. The staying power of an MMO will depend on variety and complexity of character development (including gear progression) and play. The current gearing scheme allows for this and, in fact, should develop this aspect rather than emphasize giving exactly the same gear to all.
  11. As a 31/0/10 I don't have difficulty against any particular class (can't kill a decent healer, though), but well-played mauraders are nasty. There are 2 REALLy good mauraders on my server that give me fits, and one REALLY good assassin that will kill me if I am not paying attention and react quickly. Some classes are more forgiving than others (like the kinetic tank).
  12. I agree the delay for project can be used to create a burst. There is a strategic component to this and I completely understanding wanting to leave it as is. But we can all get behind one change where the delay is only bad: Force Wave. There is NO advantage to the delay caused by jumping. More than a few times I've tried to activate this 'instant' skill only to be knocked backed, killed, stunned, etc while in mid air. So, let's leave the project issue alone, since we disagree and instead turn or moaning toward Force Wave...PLEASE make this instant!
  13. What MMOs have gotten away from is gear customization/diversity. Mixing, matching, tweaking with mods and enhancements in clever ways SHOULD give a player more of an advantage than simply buying off the shelf. For example, I re-mod my BM gear and believe I have an advantage over those who just use plain BM gear because I understand game mechanics. Skill isn't just about how you move and press keys--in an MMO it should also be about selecting the right build and gear. The more builds and gears become uniform, the more this becomes a FPS. Make high end gear easier to get--but give some wiggle room for optimizing gear configuration based on skill and knowledge of the game.
  14. As a component to revamping open world pvp, BW should consider the type of drops killed players provide for the victors. A simple drop would be some amount of merc commendations. But they could spice it up a bit by also creating single use novelty items that could drop after killing a player. These should be either or both fun to use and useful without being un-balancing. Some examples single use items off the top of my head would be: 1) in-combat self-rez adrenal. You drink it and if killed in the next xx minutes you get an option to rez while in combat. 2) 2 second combat vanish (useful for non-stealth classes) 3) A wookie disguise. You can appear to be wookie for 1 hour. perhaps making these items unique so you can have only 1 might encourage people to fight a lot and use without hording them. Overall, providing fun/useful temporary rewards for PvP would encourage more fighting, provide a purpose, reason for it, and allow for some variety in rewards. Just a thought for discussoin...
  15. The new patch has breathed some life into the PVP. I've experience faster warzone q's and much better games. People really are (overall) paying more attention to objectives. I've seen new people in the warzones and who are learning quickly since they observe the experienced players actually going for objective rather than medal farming. I know this varies largely across servers due to population and faction balance issues, but that is another (important) issue). The 3 kill credit per warzone is really a nice balance. If you need to do 6 warzones to win 3 for your daily, that is 18 credits right there, leaving only 12 boxes/kills on ilum. Or, if you never go to ilum, then it will maybe take 2 days to get the pvp daily. I think people see the real possibility of making BM without grinding. This, along with the last patch finally having its effects felt, will close the gear gap making PvP more fun and competitive. If 1.2 has a proportionally positive effect (a kick-*** new warzone), then I think SWTOR will have staying power for the coming year. Bioware has screwed up on a few things, but they have been fast and responsive and deserve credit.
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