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Everything posted by Tarianz

  1. Just another oversight by EA. Things like this should be hammered out before beta ends.
  2. I didn't say anything about them being hardcore or not. I don't have the option to be the 3rd faction or an FFA player. I chose to play Sith long before the game even released.
  3. No worries, I like to respond to some people that think they are good pvpers when they are in fact, terrible. Just have to remember that a lot of the WoW pvp crowd has came to SWTOR and want to be on top since its a relatively new game. Funny... too bad I didn't say anything about Sith being better than Repubs did I?
  4. You won't be doing this often, this type of "world pvp" gets very boring and has little to no reward.
  5. This should have been in the game already... I have no idea how Bioware missed it.
  6. Quitting after you get hacked even though they restore items and characters... interesting when you talk about patience like that
  7. At least know what you're talking about before posting so many dumb replies to people, seriously.
  8. Smart players know that if they are doing their job the damage won't be as high as others, the point is to find the maximum DPS one can do. They will be created when swtor allows it, you cannot and will not stop it.
  9. Yup, very very sad... but it's something that we all have to deal with... sandbox games don't make money, easy games make money.
  10. This part made me rofl. LOL, it's funny that no one has complained about this but I have this problem as well. It is very annoying but there is nothing we can do about it, just bad design. Needing the companion in the single player aspect of the game is also annoying, gotta just grind to 50 and then never worry about the companion again.
  11. I'm glad you made this thread, but this is the only game I've ever played that felt delayed in combat. I hope this gets fixed with priority.
  12. I'm not sure what Bioware's stance on macros are, but in WoW this would have been against the ToS.
  13. I'm level 43 and it already started to feel like a grind back at my mid 30s. The story isn't captivating me as much as it was for 1-30. The class quests are spread out too far now and the filler quests are annoying.
  14. Change it to Themepark MMO template. WoW = Thempark MMO.... SWTOR = Themepark MMO with almost all of the same things WoW has, but missing a few features. People will compare them when they are so similar. That's the problem I have with it, I wanted a brand new MMO from BIOWARE (an amazing company) in the star wars universe, but alas for business that was not going to happen with the success of the Themepark MMO genre with how many subscribers WoW had over the years.
  15. terrible choice of color, blue does not work with these forums
  16. Only a few hunters won at an MLG or Blizzcon, I highly doubt you were one of them.
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