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Everything posted by BounceZ

  1. Going to take the credits with the characters I'm taking across and buy the guild ship for the guild that side. The guild is still running, just on the opposite faction on a busier server.
  2. Lol! You go and sit in the corner and shhh you The only donations you gave you spent on repairs... and then some.
  3. Lol, I suppose when you look at it like that, yeah it is But all it is, is basically highlighting that anyone who takes up the guild is going to have approx 150 members already part of the guild. Whether they kick them or keep them there it's entirely up to the new owners. If you're wondering why we don't just transfer leader to one of those members, it's really simple - these guys didn't put the credits or the effort in to making the guild what it is. And those that did are no longer playing and the ones that do play are all over on a new server now. What you're getting is a guild that has been worked on and for anyone wanting a head start in the members count has that.
  4. Just a reminder that this guild is for sell and any people interested should post here directly or send me a private message. Alternatively you can whisper STARDEUS on the TOFN and inquire about it though I am on at random times during the day. If you wish to be contacted in-game, then best if you leave your character name below or via private message and I will contact you directly when I log in. Offers are in the region of 50 million credits, but willing to listen to offers of course.
  5. Guild ships have been on the BioWare wall of crazy since 2-3 years BEFORE launch of the game! You telling me, that 5 years later they can't do better than give us a empty ship you can do absolutely nothing with except plonk items down?! Nothing premature and unreasonable about it! It's crap!
  6. I actually have to agree. I've started decorating my guild ship only to find that none of the items are interactive! I mean, what's the point? Decorating isn't that much fun to be honest as you're pretty restricted in what you can do and what can be placed where. The items are dissappointing... You got a card table, can't use it! - why not allow players to play 1 vs 1 game? You got seating area or bed, can't use it! - why not allow players to interact with the item? Computer screens, can't use it! - use these to access holovids or events? Ok we got a few resources items, but even then you can only use it minimal times. Whooppe f'ing do! I'm wondering if I should even bother getting my guildies to unlock the other rooms?! Can anyone confirm if it's worth doing? If so, why? In short, another thing that has fallen well short of expectation.
  7. Aye, that's a good idea re the player ID that is accessible to friends and guild members alike, like a certain MMO that shall not be named In Rift though, they do have cross-faction guilds which work beautifully! It's like a few players in my guild at the moment - the players that do chat and take part in events, the ones that are popular and very much liked - should they decide to play on their Imp characters, the rest of us on the Rep side cannot interact with them. It also leaves the guild feeling that little bit more empty which in turn can put yet more people off who want an active guild. What's important to mention here is that the issue is NOT with the person choosing to play on their Imp character. The game is designed in a way that BioWare want players to play all characters, so they need to design a way that friends and guild members can stay in touch regardless what faction they play. So player ID and Cross-faction guilds is the answer for me. If the player however does not want to join the guild on the other side, they don't have to. They simply do not join it there.
  8. My name is Craig (Stardeus in game) and I'm the guild leader of Ace Squadron and we have been around since before the launch. With almost 2 years under BioWare's belt with Star Wars: The Old Republic, the game has had lots of great content added and it's getting better and better. But I am wondering when we're going to see some guild love? For an MMO, in my personal opinion, guilds are important for the future of the game. It helps build a better community and encourages better group content. It also encourages members who are enjoying the social aspect to play on, even when content has dried up. For this to happen, guild administrators need tools to work with. SO FAR... When the game launched all we had was practically a text chat system. You could invite people to a guild and chat was all you can do. Then guild banks were introduced a bit later on which was a relief. Then a little bit later after that reputation was added. Reputation does not encourage a better community in guilds imo. I have found that people will join a guild to leech off the guild rep, not bother to chat or take part in guild events and then leave after they have reached level cap. WHAT I'D LIKE TO SEE... The following is ideas that I have. * CROSS-FACTION GUILDS: In a game that encourages players to try all classes, it is therefor extremely annoying that we cannot communicate with guild members playing on the opposite faction. Whilst I know that it may go against lore, 1-sided faction guilds is old school. Allow guild members to stay in touch with their guildies regardless what faction they are playing. You can still restrict opposite faction grouping up and such if lore is that big a deal, but at very least allow the guild members to continue chatting and still represent that guild. • GUILD UNIFORMS : Being part of a group should be special. Like running a football team, wearing the uniform with it's own colours and logo shows you represent that team and are proud of it. I'd like to see a guild vendor that sells unique guild ONLY uniforms, mounts and items. I don't want to see just one uniform though, I'd like to see a nice variety of different uniforms that matches up to the guild colour and has the guild logo on it. Having a variety allows each member to customise their gear to their liking whilst the colours and logo is applied. I realise that this can potentially be done already in the fact that guild leaders can arrange that members get a certain colour system. But I am thinking more along the lines that a guild uniform could have a special bonus added, and will automatically update should the guild leader change the colours or logo. • EVENT CALENDAR: Allow members to set events in a guild calendar. This way members know an event is happening and can work it in to their daily lives. It should also show events that happen such as the Gree event or Bounty Hunter event. Members can confirm attendance and also get a notification when event is close. • GUILD QUEST & EVENTS: Quest and events that are for guilds only. To complete a quest, all members of the team must be guild members. In doing so, you get special items or perks that cannot be gotten anywhere else. If you leave the guild, that item will disappear until you rejoin or join another guild that has completed that content. Just a thought. • GUILD SYNCHRONISING SYSTEM: One issue I found was that there would often be guild members that need help whilst levelling. It's therefor dull and boring for any member who's higher level to help out as it's not challenging or particularly fun or rewarding. So a level sync would be appreciated where members can team up with the lower level guildie and sync down to their level, making the content challenging and fun again. • GUILD SHIPS: This was on the 'wall of crazy' before the game launched, but I have not heard anything since. Guild ships would offer guilds their own base of operations. But as we know, guilds have different ethos', therefor perhaps have a selection of guild ships that cater to those ethos'? PvP ships, PvE ships or social ships that have a selection of related content on board? Or perhaps have a standard base guild ship that you can build on to. For example, the guild has to complete a set of quest in order to unlock a standard Guild Ship and all that you got on it is a guild bank. But set achievements or quest that when met by members overall, can unlock various special things. So for people who like PvP content, if they match up to 5m kills, it unlocks a warzone training area, or a arena area. For PvE members, if they complete certain FP or Ops 100 times, it unlocks a special Guild FP that can be scaled. Things you can have on guild ships - guild bank - guild score board, featuring pvp and pve related leader boards - guild training area for pvp or pve - guild vendors - guild racing This is just me brainstorming. • GUILD CHAT: A built in voice chat system for those who don't want to type. It would be great to have voice overs such a Darth Vadar voice theme that when you talk, it sounds different to how you sound. Just an idea for those who don't like how they sound or might have problems understanding others due to accent. • GUILD MEMBER LIST: At the moment, I have 100 of so characters listed in my guild, when in actual fact its really 30 members with alts. I'd like to see a system that allows the guild leader to group up the characters under one name to correctly display the number of members actually in a guild. • GUILD ONLY COMPANIONS: Allow a couple of companions that can be unlocked if you join a guild and get the right reputation? Might be a nice idea. AT THE MOMENT... Guilds are hard to run because it feels like the guild leaders job is to try and keep people happy, but there are no real tools at their disposal to help with this. Ops, FP and WZ you can take part in solo. So this is my thoughts. Any ideas I get I will update this post. I'd be curious to see what others think of the ideas I have posted.
  9. I have personally found this event, extremely boring and very frustrating! It is a massive mess! I know Ilum was an incredibly huge failure in terms of PvP up until now and BioWare are scrapping the barrel to make it remotely interesting, but I find the latest event a big yawn! My guild mate and I found ourselves being ganked by teams of opposing factions. Yes we're on a pvp server, but the very second transfers become available, I'm moving. We found ourselves clicking on things to do a quest that didn't work. We found ourselves killing mobs with no registered kill! So after an hour, we only managed to do 2 quest out of the 6! I think BioWare really dropped the ball on this one. The quest are unclear and either badly designed or buggy. Sticking quest labeled PvE in a PvP area is pretty stupid! Dull, boring, yawn!
  10. Agreed, I have a house mate who sleeps above the room I am playing the game in. Any noise from the TV wakes him up so I tend to play with the sound completely down. Headphones will help those in normal circumstances, but like my previous post, not everyone likes using VOIP and can be for a number of reasons, and therefor should not have to feel obliged to get a headset. It doesn't necessarily mean they don't like the people much, it might just be a preference they have. Like my previous post though, I do think the OP should get a new guild in which the VOIP is not compulsory. If he was on the Ravager server I would suggest he joined my guild.
  11. It depends entirely about how the guild was set up. If the guild was not set up with the 'must have headset/VOIP' info, then being kicked is unfair. If it did have it, then the OP cannot complain. Because I don't know the official set up of the guild I can neither support or argue against the OP, but i can argue against people who have put forward arguments for and against TS in general, is what I did. Onto your second sentence, let me break it down so you can understand my reasoning. I actually have a hearing problem. Sounds are distorted and very hard to make out. What that means is I have to be looking at the person to lip read in order to understand the noise coming out of their mouth. Otherwise it hits me as a load of random sounds in which I cannot make out. headphones help, but only to certain people, if someone has an accent or too low or too high a voice, its extremely difficult and i have to stop everything i am doing to concentrate hard on what the person is saying often requiring the person to repeat themselves a couple of times. Music however doesn't have words in Star Wars. Sound Effects are quite easy to work out, as they accompany the visuals on the screen. - Launch a grenade, a sound of explosion to follow. Accompanying the voice over in cinematics is subtitles allowing me to piece together the words more accurately by usage of text on the screen. Voice alone and I would not be able to follow. Overall, some people for other reason other than mine, might just prefer to sit quietly without having to hear others go on or participate in conversation. You need to accept that just because you like using the VOIP many others don't. I have met plenty who would rather not for different reasons. Its not about fear, there might be some who are nervous or shy, but there are many reasons. I never once denied that VOIP is faster and easier. I have however stated that text chat is doable. P.S/EDIT: I will say again which i have done several times is the OP needs to find a guild that does not require VOIP to participate in.
  12. I have found some of your comments to be ignorant and arrogant. Allow me to counter some of your arguments. Firstly, VOIP is about preference and opinion. I know plenty of people who use TS. They are not terrible because of this. It's a personal choice. Don't start putting people down because they've chosen a particular method. You do not 'have' to use VOIP for co-ordination. Saying you 'should' is again a preference to your liking, it is however by no means the only and 'must do' way. I agree it's easier, but by no means the only way. Appreciate that you didn't tag people, however what about those with hearing problems, or those who cannot understand accents? Didn't invite them? Ok fair enough, but that would be for a guild I am guessing that states that VOIP is required right? And judging that you're a hard-core raiding guild, I suspect this is the case. If so, then fine, no issues. Even is I were a hard-core raider, I would not join your guild on that basis which I think we can both agree is for the best. I do agree that people need to be focused. I personally hate people going afk in content and stopping to feed the baby or talk to their partners and what not. Sometimes though it cannot be helped, but I do think each member of the Op/raid should make sure to the best of their abilities that they are undisturbed for the duration of the run. Again, you like to put someone down to make your point. YOU might consider a 72 man EQ as mindless and easy, but to others, they might enjoy it and find it a challenge. Not everyone is hard-core like you mate! If the group/guild is set up with the need for VOIP then fair enough, the person who doesn't like it can or should leave. However, it depends entirely on the group and guild and what the initial set-up implies. If it's a guild that does not require VOIP, then forcing someone to leave just because he/she prefers to type and receive info in that manner, then it's extremely selfish and unfair in which case YOU should be the one that leaves. I've mentioned this already, and you will probably degrade it like you have done to the OP, but my guild was able to complete the Op Eternity Vault in 2 hours using text chat. The guide was awesome and was able to communicate properly what is needed and when. But I agree if the guild the OP has joined has a TS requirement, he should leave. If it didn't then adjustment should be made accordingly when a player who prefers chat joins the group. I agree asking the rest of the guild to cater to one person is a bit wrong, but it depends on the set-up. If the guild (like mine) prioritizes Text chat over VOIP, then he would be well within his rights to argue. It depends on the guild or group. Also bear in mind that others also have reason's not to use TS. I can't use it because I have a hearing problem and I find it difficult to talk and do something at the same time because I'm concentrating on what I am doing and trying to understand the person talking. It's something I personally find a problem, because I have to stop what I'm doing to listen carefully. Ignorance hurts - you need to remember that there are many different types of players, skills, circumstance, computer settings etc etc and not all of them can/will use TS or any VOIP. Granted it's a prefered method for many, but not all. What the OP needs to do, is find a guild who suits his preferences.
  13. King, have you read some of the post? Have you not noticed how some people including the OP does not like it. I HAVE A HEARING PROBLEM..... so.... how can i communicate in OPs?! ALSO I TEND TO HAVE PROBLEMS CONCENTRATING WHEN PEOPLE ARE CHATTING TO ME... can't do anything about that. I personally have to read text to adjust information. I bolded these points because you seem to have this pre-conceived idea that just because VOIP are not preferred by some that it's 'unsociable' which is downright rude! And fyi, the guide in my Op run using the text was able to use it fine. By taking a little bit of time prior to the boss fight he explained what to do and was able to use short words in the fight.
  14. I don't like using TeamSpeak because I have a hearing problem. I also hate talking when I'm playing as I find it distracting personally. However I do know there are a fair few who 'must' use it. I'm a guild leader and my guild was set up with the text chat system as the main source of communication across all content. But I made an exception for my guild to use VOIP providing that all members in any group content is ok with it. Text chat is always priority over the VOIP. If a member who wants text agrees that VOIP is ok to everyone else, as long as he gets the info from the guide in text format, no problems. Btw, anyone who suggest content cannot be done without it, I can tell you now, it can. My guild completed the Eternity Vault purely on text in 2 hours the other night. It might be slower and a little bit harder without, but it's still fun and doable. OP, my advice to you is to find a guild that doesn't require VOIP. Like mine
  15. Do you think that perhaps when you talk about syncing with higher levels that means access to higher level content also? But they do the boost system in Warzones, I wonder if it'll be an issue to do that in normal content? Plus that 5xp thing is frustrating to me as well, when I got a higher level with me on one of my lower characters. It's a royal pain in the butt because it's a mate and I don't want to have to tell him to leave me alone because he's causing me to lose xp. The idea of the game is to encourage grouping, not to discourage it. I think this sync system would certainly allow friends to play together regardless of level then. Thanks for feedback Cloneboy.
  16. Totally! I would too. It's pretty dull just racing through content. I can't imagine it being fun for the low player also who can do nothing but pick up the loot. Of course it would be an option to sync down so those who do want to race a lower level through it was maintaining their high level, they can. I just hope we get a few more people posting in this thread for BioWare to at least look at it. Thanks for your thoughts Clockie.
  17. Have you ever gone to help him with your high level character? How was it, boring? Pointless? Or did you still enjoy the content even if it's something that is very easy and you gain nothing, except perhaps some credits?
  18. Just thought I'd bump this a bit to get more thoughts from the community. Last night I came onto the game to find that 2 guildies were trying to do a flashpoint, but for some strange reason they were not able to find a healer on the fleet to do it with. Upon asking them if they asked the guild, they told me they had, but no one offered to help. Naturally being the guild leader I went to help them, and bar the fact that Cadimimu is bugged to a point where you are crashing to desktop, it was dissapointing to see that guild members are not helping each other. The reason is pure and simple. The content offers no challenge and neither part really gains anything from it. I am absolutely convinced that if syncing down to a particular level is introduced, we'll see more and more people willing to group up with others.
  19. This could only perhaps be activated by mutual agreement. You set a bounty, a notice appears on other players screen. If you accept, you are both able to track one another. I had the idea some time back or a guild link. This is a system that guild leaders and officers get that allows them to communicate through the other guild regardless of faction. by mutual consent of the guild leaders, they can allow the two guilds to communicate. Any abuse and the guild leaders can switch it off again. What this offers is ways to arrange cross faction events Unfortunately it also means a lot of work for the devs. Would be nice though. ARGH! HOME TIME!! Chat laterz peeps, keep it real!
  20. But that's not a fault senor!! I personally don't care if some random is being ganked. Why should I? Is it going to be a problem to me? If it was a guildie sure, but because I personally don't have the man-power to set up a defense I would more likely encourage the guildie being ganked to leave the area when possible and I would set up a flashpoint for them until said gankers have buggered off. I don't see any fun personally in going to someones aid if the second I step off the shuttle I am going to get 22 pvpers spam attacking my entry area! I have neither the gear or skill or man-power to compete against such a big force. So why? And I'm betting that unless you had a decent enough group to go with to defend, you wouldn't do it either. If you say to me that you will singularly head to Hoth to help defend against 22-man guild camping the port-in, I will call BS
  21. Aye, adding a reason to be somewhere will certainly make people's trip worthwhile. Here are a few random ideas: • guild leaders to liase with one another regarding encounters. Set a time and place to attack/defend and actively promote the event in both guild and on their fleet. • BioWare to add in rewards/achievements for several things such as 'defend your base', 'defeat 3 or more opponents on the same fight'. Which will gain you alternative looking gear. •*Tracking device which shows people where other players are on the planet. That way you know how to avoid and find enemy players. Bounty Hunting as well - I know its a dead horse subject, but tracking down people for PvP encounters to earn rewards. • Have BioWare official events arranged in open world at set times as well. A notice that spans the fleet and worlds that an event is happening. Republic and Imperials are requested to go and help attack/defend a certain fortress and for the duration of the fight everyone is buffed to the same level. Basically for this to work, people need to have a reason to be there, a reward for their efforts and the opportunity to compete. All of which warzones supply. If these principles were applied to open world also, then more I'm sure would take part. But it can't be repetitive. These events need to be random times and on different planets throughout the week. so imagine on Tuesday night you're playing quietly, then a warning is issued "HOTH SPACEPORT IS UNDER ATTACK BY IMPERIAL FORCES, ALL ABLE-BODIED WARRIORS TO REPORT TO HOTH IMMEDIATELY" Then for you will see for PvP purposes only that you are buffed for that planet only. (will not work vs PvE). You will also be informed of some awesome looking gear if you take part and acheive certain objectives - kill x number of imps, claim a post etc. The attack will last for a long time on that day. Then at the end of the time, whoever has the most objectives all players who participated will gain reward in their mail box. Then Thursday morning comes.... somewhere else, another reward it happens again. Totally random.
  22. Lol, probably because they don't think it's fun? You might think it is, but that's your opinion
  23. I'm not sure I agree with the statement that just because people prefer Warzones as opposed to open world are not real PvP'ers. I think that's a tad unfair and a bit demeaning. Warzones is a form of PvP regardless of the mechanics involved. I don't enjoy the Warzones in SWTOR, but I did like 'some' of the battlegrounds in WoW in addition to the random open world encounters I've had in the past. I think you're of a dying breed I'm afraid chap. However, what ideas do you have to encourage World PvP again? Taking into account the current day MMOer, how can the mechanics be changed to encourage Open World?
  24. So you can see the issues about mounting any defense would take a special someone to make the effort to arrange something. I see a lot of people above applauding and saying well done, but how much have they actually taken part in defending something like this? Would they set a defense up? Only one person so far said their group would actually react. I do agree that if anything, the Exiles proved the lack of response from opposing factions. But wouldn't you say that having failed in provoking the opposite faction to retaliate, it will only have upset those people caught in the firefight and further deepened the dislike for world PvP? I know I would have. If I was trying to level up and couldn't even get a foot out of the shuttle door before my butt was handed to me, I would be less inclined to take part. I enjoy World PvP though, don't get me wrong. Love instances when I find myself 3 v 1 and taking down 2 members before the numbers overcame me. It's happened several times before and it was such a rewarding feeling knowing that it had to take three of them to take me down (plus one companion). I think it falls to people to liase with each other and organise events. Guild leaders who are willing to set aside time to organise a place and time for open world games.
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