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Commando needs some more CC or interrupts...


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Commandos need a way to survive CC spam and brutal melee interrupting them, ranged classes stack damage higher on me with their interrupts and CC, and in melee range after someone leaps or dashes through my knockback, i feel entirely helpless....


DPS Commando btw


I want to dominate other ranged and tank melee at the same time.Pl0x give me "i win" button.


How about not standing there looking pretty for 4 seconds after your grav round got interrupted?

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I'll agree that we don't need another CC since we have a small knockback that we can talent into Rocket Punch(great for certain situations) and a slow talented into Unload, which combined with Barrage procs is deadly in and of itself. I think we only need 1 or both of 2 things that would help survivability.


1. Some sort of disengage ability. We have rocketpacks as BH and the only real time we use them it seems is when we use our Knockback. Something along the lines of:


X ability: Launches Bounty Hunter back 15m. Any enemy within 3m of Bounty Hunter is slowed by x% for 3s. 30 Sec CD.


2. Interupt. Self explanatory.


Now before everyone flames on the first one, just think of this. Imagine how funny it would be to watch the BH jump back into the fire or acid in Huttball or off the bridge in VS, killing himself in the process of actually trying to save himself...

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Commando needs more damage and armour




L2 use more than Tracer Round/Grav Round.


Why does it seem that those who only use 1 ability (yes it's our main, I know) instead of using all we have always give us a bad name...

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Am a Battlemaster Commando, i have to say... IF they give us more cc, they will need to nerf our survivability AND damage....


I`d rather keep my damage...


We can`t get it all, the lack of cc is the way we are balanced, a class with 40% mitigation(30% armor 10% more from the gunnery talent), self healing via adrenaline rush/1 instant heal spell, shield) should NOT get the CC you are asking for.


The 15s knockback is already pretty OP vs any melee in huttball... and you can just kill any ranged.... you are the heavy armored self healing super turret...

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Am a Battlemaster Commando, i have to say... IF they give us more cc, they will need to nerf our survivability AND damage....


I`d rather keep my damage...


We can`t get it all, the lack of cc is the way we are balanced, a class with 40% mitigation(30% armor 10% more from the gunnery talent), self healing via adrenaline rush/1 instant heal spell, shield) should NOT get the CC you are asking for.


The 15s knockback is already pretty OP vs any melee in huttball... and you can just kill any ranged.... you are the heavy armored self healing super turret...


Ya the knockback alone with short CD is the best in the game and I have extreme amounts of fun on Huttball with it. The enemy hardly ever scores when I play defense.

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Bounty Hunters have the second best PvP kit in the game after Sorcerers. I honestly think you're either bad or want a hysterically overpowered class.


The above post talks about wanting to win against a melee in melee range. This thread is attracting some pretty bad players who have no idea what balance is.


im am a merc...i CERTAINLY do not think they need a buff in any way(nor a nerf for that matter)...however, what the hell are you talking about, mercs and im sure commandos are almost completely useless in huttball...yes they can hit hard and kill ball carriers, but any class is capable of that, so what are you talking about. There is more to PvP then big numbers.


That being said, i want to say again, i am not trying to buff us...NO BUFF


Edit: HOWEVER i do wish we could make a little more use of our jetpack...thats the whole reason i rolled a BH :(

Edited by longgrassgrows
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im am a merc...i CERTAINLY do not think they need a buff in any way(nor a nerf for that matter)...however, what the hell are you talking about, mercs and im sure commandos are almost completely useless in huttball...yes they can hit hard and kill ball carriers, but any class is capable of that, so what are you talking about. There is more to PvP then big numbers.


That being said, i want to say again, i am not trying to buff us...NO BUFF


Edit: HOWEVER i do wish we could make a little more use of our jetpack...thats the whole reason i rolled a BH :(


This! I strongly believe commando/merc doesn't need any buffs, they need a counter to their roflspam, which I believe is the highest dps in PvP if their uninterrupted. It only takes 3-4 tracers and one or two other spells to kill non-tanks.


I think it would be nice however if they gave them some kind of blink/location based charge with their jetpack, but if they did, they need to lose some damage in return.

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im am a merc...i CERTAINLY do not think they need a buff in any way(nor a nerf for that matter)...however, what the hell are you talking about, mercs and im sure commandos are almost completely useless in huttball...yes they can hit hard and kill ball carriers, but any class is capable of that, so what are you talking about. There is more to PvP then big numbers.


That being said, i want to say again, i am not trying to buff us...NO BUFF


Edit: HOWEVER i do wish we could make a little more use of our jetpack...thats the whole reason i rolled a BH :(


Actually, we're not useless in Huttball. I prefer hunting down enemy ball carriers and playing D, but when I'm in the mood I have no problem scoring. I position myself up high, help clear out those killing our carrier, and then get passed to, drop down, and run the ball in. Granted, I have to use my shield and knockbacks from time to time, but saying we're almost completely useless in Huttball is a bit much.


Also, like you said, we hit hard and kill ball carriers...but, um...isn't that part of the game? Huttball is more than just scoring...

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Also, like you said, we hit hard and kill ball carriers...but, um...isn't that part of the game? Huttball is more than just scoring...


So true. I keep our ramparts clear, kill enemy BC and make sure the center of the map is clear and I gets NO MVP LUV *sniffle*.

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Commando is a broken class or not finished or created in a bad way with no vision. Assault is a poor clone of Vanguard Assault system that works in a very strange way. We don't have Ion Pulse to burn our target with 100% chance, to proc HIB we need Full auto channel or CB channel use. (Ion pulse, stock in vanguard (all instant)). No defense abilities almost. RS is just too short and 25% of damage reduction is nothing to save your life from melee. Conc charge is supposed to work against melee but why the hell BW gave melee classes abilities which allow not to be pushed back? If you conc charge successfuly, melees just charge in you again stuning and cast breaking. I prefered not to use it against melee at all. Great design BW! Created an antimelee ability that makes only worse against the melees.

The whole spam mechanic is just stupid. You can compare us with snipers and their style, but we're not snipers! There musn't be spam in any class!!! Do i look a lancebot? I don't want to.


Not long ago i tried to play vanguard dps. I was shocked how good he is. Riot, aoe stun, harpoon, hib proc after stockstrike and ion pulse and the greatest thing is that i changed a bit my build and now run full AS spec with Ion Cell and shield in off hand. It's just a perfect pvp fighter! I'm 47 lvl now and will take 50 for sure and keep playing vanguard in future. After PVPing all day long with my vanguard i loged with my main Gunnery 64 valor lvl (7 BM items) and felt sooo uncomfortable standing at one place all the time only because the class is intended to stand like an idiot with a big gun having NO chance against melees and spam my only nice ability GRAV GRAV GRAV....oh lol. Melees are :rofling fighting against us! It's just a shame. Btw now i /lol too when fight against mercs. BW u're great class designers!

Edited by dejavy
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Commando is a broken class or not finished or created in a bad way with no vision. Assault is a poor clone of Vanguard Assault system that works in a very strange way. We don't have Ion Pulse to burn our target with 100% chance, to proc HIB we need Full auto channel or CB channel use. (Ion pulse, stock in vanguard (all instant)). No defense abilities almost. RS is just too short and 25% of damage reduction is nothing to save your life from melee. Conc charge is supposed to work against melee but why the hell BW gave melee classes abilities which allow not to be pushed back? If you conc charge successfuly, melees just charge in you again stuning and cast breaking. I prefered not to use it against melee at all. Great design BW! Created an antimelee ability that makes only worse against the melees.

The whole spam mechanic is just stupid. You can compare us with snipers and their style, but we're not snipers! There musn't be spam in any class!!! Do i look a lancebot? I don't want to.


Not long ago i tried to play vanguard dps. I was shocked how good he is. Riot, aoe stun, harpoon, hib proc after stockstrike and ion pulse and the greatest thing is that i changed a bit my build and now run full AS spec with Ion Cell and shield in off hand. It's just a perfect pvp fighter! I'm 47 lvl now and will take 50 for sure and keep playing vanguard in future. After PVPing all day long with my vanguard i loged with my main Gunnery 64 valor lvl (7 BM items) and felt sooo uncomfortable standing at one place all the time only because the class is intended to stand like an idiot with a big gun having NO chance against melees and spam my only nice ability GRAV GRAV GRAV....oh lol. Melees are :rofling fighting against us! It's just a shame. Btw now i /lol too when fight against mercs. BW u're great class designers!


So because Powertechs get an anti-knockback/cc ability and Juggernauts get 4 seconds of KB immunity after a charge you decide to just sit there and not use one of your best defensive abilities? Then you cry on the forums about being an "unfinished" class despite being arguably the second best PvP AC(and arguably the best PvE DPS AC) in the game?

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Actually, we're not useless in Huttball. I prefer hunting down enemy ball carriers and playing D, but when I'm in the mood I have no problem scoring. I position myself up high, help clear out those killing our carrier, and then get passed to, drop down, and run the ball in. Granted, I have to use my shield and knockbacks from time to time, but saying we're almost completely useless in Huttball is a bit much.


Also, like you said, we hit hard and kill ball carriers...but, um...isn't that part of the game? Huttball is more than just scoring...


i meant for the kinds of skill and abilities we have, we are not as compatible to huttball as other classes...and as for killing enemies and defending, i mentioned that, any class is capable of doing this...however many other class also have abilities to move around and yank ball carriers and so on.


I agree with you however, i score all the time and absolutely destroy other players, so i guess i went a little far as to say "useless"

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"the second best PvP AC" Lolwhat??? Who's the first then? And how do you count who's the first or second? Most dps in the end? Commando gunnery is the WORST class against melees! I know what i say, i took my BM fairly without exploits.


The best class, in my very humble opinon is the class which finds the way in most of battle situations he/she faces. Gunnery is perfect while stands still but if you played against premades, you must know that no one is gonna give u such an opportunity just to stand and spam. In most cases you have to run and conc charge all the time and gather charges in return. If you didn't know, gunner is the PRIMARY target among dpsers in premades.


Now i see sents/maras the best pvp class at the moment. Their tools are just perfect in attack/deffense matters. Sorcs/consuls are standing near. Guard/jug/vang are following them. Their damage isn't so high but survivability is just crazy. Commando gunnery/mercs with both specs are just...sux in comparison with other clases. They are the sweetest targets with poor defense and idiotic spam mechanics which is shut down easily. It dosn't mean that they are useless, no - their damage is great in common matches but their mechanics and survivability makes them weak.


My gunner with 13% of expertise reminds me a paper doll when i face operatives or assasins. I live a bit longer against maras and jugers but die anyway. I deal great against snipers it's true, but that's it. Smart sorcs just loss me - game over, died b/c of dots without a single shoot. Dots in assault spec are just weak. Plastique can make better but usually it serves as a shield breaker and if i don't see my target it's impossible to kill it because of selfheal. If we speak about pug WZs, gunner is great. I stand and destroy all around criting 4.5k with demo. Against premades (what my team and i usually deal with) it completely sux. Rerolling vanguard or even sentinel, will see.

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Gunner's dps must be nerfed, but give another non spaming mechanics then!!! I'd return to my main 64lvl valor the same day!

The gravs/missl spam are just killing the AC. There's no alternative. The ability is hiting painfuly but there's NOTHING else to do if your other abilities depend on spam (HIB, Demo).


People choose commando gunnery because it seems to them "ahh, it's great, you don't need to do anything but spam 1 ability and finish combo with the second one to be OP". And you know what? - they are right, damn it, they are right!!! Their dreams are breaking down when they face melees but they don't think about it yet.


I took another path - started vanguard dps alt. Feel ok against 2 players even. Oh, and 11 medals each WZ ofc (on 47 lvl).


My gunner is resting in garage for now. Hope i won't have to write R.I.P on its door. BW has to redo the spam mechanic for the class. If they don't... well, i'll just play vanguard coz i love trooper style.

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I think my only CC is ...


4 sec 60 sec CD stun, almost all classes have.


a Mezz, that i can barely get off, and when i do someone just hits them or they are DoTed out.


1 Pushback, ineffective against rangers and made worse by leapers or dashing melee. (not saying broken, just that i need more counters)




Umm operatives have the same issues. 4s stun on 60s cooldown mes (blind) that gets broken all the time. Ops do not get a knockback or speed or jump or push of any kind.


Join the club. Ohh get rid of your knockback first then join the club.

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I've played a Commando for awhile now and I've tried all the trees. I think the Commando can be very survivable in 1v1 with both Healing and Assault. With Gunnery I do crazy amounts of dps but if I kill someone in 1v1, it seems more like a failure on their part. It is very easy to keep the gunnery spec off balance and interrupt it. However, I do feel this is balanced by the amount of damage a Commando can do. I think some of the frustration comes from the fact that when left alone a Gunnery spec Commando can rain death down on their enemies. Making full use of your abilities (not just grav round) does help in 1v1 but unless its a sniper your probably going to hurt. The Gunnery spec Commando is a team player and with the right support can really shine.


I am an Assault spec Commando and currently loving it. I do great dps and burn down multiple targets at a time. I feel like the Assault Commando is still turret-ish but with a few instants and the ability to make plasma grenade instant and free I can knock down groups of people to 75-50% health depending on the situation.


I think the main issue here is that with Gunnery spec your either rocking it when left alone or getting killed in melee. I do find the class pretty survivable though if you heal and move when using instants. Commandos have 4 instants in Gunnery spec (HIB, Sticky, Stock, and Demo). And I have not played other classes so I can't say whether or not the standing thing is unique to the Commando. I also know that every class would shine if left alone with no one hitting them. I just feel Commandos do even better when left alone.


Edit: Btw Commandos have some of the best Aoe in the game. I read through the thread and was surprised no one mentioned this (sorry if someone did) Assault spec Commandos turn that Aoe into something that can kill multiple people. We get a lot of dps and abilities we just are very situational (do our best when left alone and standing still due to channels).

Edited by Sciffan
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Been playing since release, levelled two characters almost exclusively in battlegrounds, and I've yet to see anyone fake cast once in this game. Not a single time.


Sorry to sound like a total idiot but what is fake casting and how does it stop interrupts?


Is it typing "/emote is charging his gravround!!"

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Mercs does not need some more CC or interrupts

Sorry to sound like a total idiot but what is fake casting and how does it stop interrupts?


Is it typing "/emote is charging his gravround!!"

Fake casting is when you start to cast, but then cancel it yourself (by for example moving).


A good player would waste his 8-12 sec CD interrupt when he see you start casting, so if you manage to draw it out with a fake cast you are free to spam tracer missiles without fear of 4 sec lockout.

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You can hybrid into the Healing tree and make your casts uninterruptable for the 12 sec (15 if in pvp gear) duration of your Energy Shield. You can also talent whatever your version of Rocket Punch is to have a small knockback. It is very small, so it is really only useful if you maneuver your opponent to a ledge, but it becomes very useful once you can do this at will.




And if this is still not enough, contact the Cybertech of your choice and buy some grenades. 5 Minute cd, but still.

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