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At this point, is it even possible for republic to come back?


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republic as a vastly easier time doing the ilum daily than empire if republic is the smaller faction. Empire on my server can maybe do one ilum daily a week if they spend 2-3 hours a day farming armaments whereas republic can form a raid at any time can get their 30 kills in 10 minutes.
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There are plenty of reasons to be the smaller faction on a pvp server I shall list them;


-More Competition.

-Shorter Queue times.

-Tougher Fights.

-A natural skill gap due to fighting with disadvantages.

-Builds Character.


I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure they get an advantage of 12 Armor, 12 Main Stat and 6 expertise having BM, compared to Champion gear. Not really much of an advantage unless they need all that accuracy and alacrity.


Besides, just because they have a Battlemaster tag doesn't automatically make them a good player, it just devalues the title of Battlemaster, not really a big deal either. Sure I could see imbalances leading to issues when future gear levels are introduced, but as things are right now, those differences in health are more due to stims/pve raid epics, not pvp gear. At around 500 expertise, people like to mix in pve parts for stats, and sweet 2 piece bonuses.

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Estimates are that populations are 3:1 in favor of empire


Empire on Ilum can get 120 valor per kill, republic is lucky to get 60 a kill


In warzones its undeniable that the average win rate on empire is higher due to gear differences


I frequently see average HP's 2-3k higher on empire side on any given WZ.


All these factors are compounding, is there any possible change that can actually reverse the trend rather than just allowing the trend to further compound?



There's no point in being republic on a pvp server, its just too obviously outmatched


Do a frigging server reroll then on Bloodworthy theres good ilum battles going on daily and rebs premades running almost 24/7.

As for the ilum honor you do realize that the nodes can be capped by rebs too...

I´d say it´s for the rebs if you remove imp v imp huttball victories from the ratio.

For every Battlemaster rank i see 2-3 12-13k hp heroes in a WZ on imp side...


You see it´s not too shiney on the over pop side either masses of bad players and 2/3 wz´s being huttball

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WoW had a 2:1 Alliance:Horde ratio for a while. Then a bunch of Alliance rerolled Horde and that trend started compounding till it was something around 1:1.5 Alliance:Horde. Then the trend reversed yet again and it was 1.25:1 Alliance:Horde. Each time the difference was smaller. I suspect the same will happen here if Bioware gives incentive to roll Republic. Bring on the Wookiee Smugglers.


I'd make a second smuggler just to play one of those.

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On my server Infinite Empire, the PUBS are outnumbered pretty massively (I am an Imp). However, that does not mean that they are out and down in PVP.


In all honesty I see higher skilled players and better geared Pubs than I do Imps, although more Imps PVP on our server, the Pubs can roll them due to their organization and skill.


I absolutely love fighting those guys and have a lot of respect for the Pubs, they can kick the **** out of the Imps sometimes when outnumbered (and vice-versa).


Overall, I would love to see a greater balance between the two factions, but as they say 'the hotter the fire, the stronger the steel.' Instead of a massive amount of players trying to PVP, we have a select elite republic putting up a good fight. Half of the battle is networking and knowing who the good players are to group for WZ's and Illum, let your skill do the talking.

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Republic stink at PvP. That's the real crux of the problem, they really do suck. And I'm saying this as a BM shadow. Just for giggles I've been PvPing on a level 12 Merc, just to see what's it like on the other side.


I'm killing level 40+ players like they are level 10's, it's quite shocking to see just how bad republic players are, most of them can't even kill my level 12 merc, all I'm doing is kiting and using about 3-4 skills and using line of sight when they try and stand there and pew pew me.


My pinnacle was a huttball match where I got over 255k damage 15KB's (51 kills for 3 deaths) and 4 solo kills, each kill was against a player over level 30, I'm no PvP god, I just have experience but honestly it just show's how poor Republic players really are.

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I switched from Imp to Pub and am loving it.


I defected to the Empire and now I am having a blast in WZs. I hated Huttbal when playing on Rep Side and I love it now.


It's simply a bonus when you get called into a Warzone and fight Reptards.


It's not simply a matter of Republic being outranked and thus outgeared. I find the quality of the average Rep player lacking. Of course there are some awesome players there but they are rare, and I got tired of having to team with bad players.


I play on the same server as I have my Rep chars. I only have 3 Imp chars against 5 on Republic and the ratio is bad like around 2:1 (Imp:Rep) but not as bad as other servers.


It's easy to tell because on the 1-49 bracket you find your WZ outleveled pretty often but the result is almost always the same totally facerolling the Reps.


Playing at the Empire I face much less CC than I had while playing Republic, despite the classes having the same abilities. I am really shocked that even at 50 I can almost always manage to draw 3-4 Reptards away from the objective, or away from their support fire or heals and into the open where ranged classes from Imp side can obliterate them.


I can tell I am not an awesome PVPer or duelist but I try really hard to contribute.


This is an issue Bioware can't do anything about, the population and gear imbalance just add more favor to it, so that I can only think Reps are destined to be valor cows while Imps have their fun.

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Estimates are that populations are 3:1 in favor of empire


Empire on Ilum can get 120 valor per kill, republic is lucky to get 60 a kill


In warzones its undeniable that the average win rate on empire is higher due to gear differences


I frequently see average HP's 2-3k higher on empire side on any given WZ.


All these factors are compounding, is there any possible change that can actually reverse the trend rather than just allowing the trend to further compound?



There's no point in being republic on a pvp server, its just too obviously outmatched


-on my server, at least until very recently, most pubs were BM premades, so gear doesn't favour Emps at all

-The pubs have and can field a 30-50 group in Ilum, difference is- when Imps get beat they regroup and try to get more- pubs simply disband

-gearwise, pubs generally have better stuff


Frankly- people just wanted to roll imps more first- but, in a game that encourages alting so much, you'll see people playing pubs more soon.

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I enjoy Republic but I know the cooler classes are Imps. Mirrors my ***. You can't mirror the feeling of being a dark side bad ***. It just appeals to more people. Both adults and children.


C'mon man, we all know helping all kinds of ungrateful turds and then telling them how much you love to help them is way more fun.

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Estimates are that populations are 3:1 in favor of empire


Empire on Ilum can get 120 valor per kill, republic is lucky to get 60 a kill


In warzones its undeniable that the average win rate on empire is higher due to gear differences


I frequently see average HP's 2-3k higher on empire side on any given WZ.


All these factors are compounding, is there any possible change that can actually reverse the trend rather than just allowing the trend to further compound?



There's no point in being republic on a pvp server, its just too obviously outmatched


its mostly empire on all servers, one of the reaosns why i rerroled a republic some others did to and now im republic :D <3

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One method would be to hit the PvP armor/buff stats for both the 1-49 and 50 brackets based on population. I can see this being a decent scenario. The other alternative is pricing of ingame items like in AirRivals, but the effect would be non-existent since credits are easy to come by.


The Empire outnumbers the Republic. They have advantages over us in terms of their abilities despite most classes are supposed to be mirrors. If Bioware desires healthy PvP, people seeking an advantage will have to be pissed off. People want an unfair advantage. They want to win. The best way is to make their classes actual mirrors. That, and give a healthy nerf to Sorcerors and the Bounty Hunter's Tracer Missle spam.


Any other propositions to fix the imbalance would be welcome.

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The imbalance is bad and getting worse. Kaas City server has at least a 6 to 1 Empire advantage. I have a 50 Imp and a 50 Reb I'll log on to Imp Fleet and the Imp's have over 200 people on fleet. I log over to Reb Fleet and it's less than 50.


Imp's play nothing but Huttball and when they do play Rebels the Imp team full of BM's smear the Rebels with no gear. The gear gap is laughable.



There is nothing BW can really do at this point. It's going to take the Imp's to roll Reb toons on Imp heavy servers to balance things out. It's what I did, but I'm only one person out of dozens and dozens of Imps.




But BW does have an issue here. New 50's are coming up on the Reb side and there getting facerolled in PvP by over geared Imps. This leads to people either not PvP'ing any more or switching to the side that always wins, thus making the imbalance even worse.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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I defected to the Empire and now I am having a blast in WZs. I hated Huttbal when playing on Rep Side and I love it now.


It's simply a bonus when you get called into a Warzone and fight Reptards.


It's not simply a matter of Republic being outranked and thus outgeared. I find the quality of the average Rep player lacking. Of course there are some awesome players there but they are rare, and I got tired of having to team with bad players.


I play on the same server as I have my Rep chars. I only have 3 Imp chars against 5 on Republic and the ratio is bad like around 2:1 (Imp:Rep) but not as bad as other servers.


It's easy to tell because on the 1-49 bracket you find your WZ outleveled pretty often but the result is almost always the same totally facerolling the Reps.


Playing at the Empire I face much less CC than I had while playing Republic, despite the classes having the same abilities. I am really shocked that even at 50 I can almost always manage to draw 3-4 Reptards away from the objective, or away from their support fire or heals and into the open where ranged classes from Imp side can obliterate them.


I can tell I am not an awesome PVPer or duelist but I try really hard to contribute.


This is an issue Bioware can't do anything about, the population and gear imbalance just add more favor to it, so that I can only think Reps are destined to be valor cows while Imps have their fun.


We faceroll even imp premades with randoms on our server. It is sometimes painfull to watch. The only real challange are those 10 man premades, but we win more then we lose against them with 7-8 reps only. Just yesterday we capped all three turrents on Alderaan before the timer ran out against 11 imps with 7 reps only.


It feels like the imps are getting worse. Maybe it is the Ilum easymode or better PvP players jumping ship. It most definetly are not our guys getting better, more stupid reps are dinging 50 every minute. Maybe those fresh lvl 50 rep with zero plan were the better PvP players on the imperial side.


One way to fix the imbalance would be BETTER PERFORMANCE. Even with 5fps (and lately under 2fps most of the time) we push the imps back on Ilum, sometimes to their base, sometimes to the next respawn point, with 1:3 odds or worse. Then it all breaks down, people start getting BSOD and such lovely things.


To be honest, AoE caps for most skills should not be active in open world PvP. Ilum fixed. Whoever huddels loses.

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Most Imperials, especially those who got overnight BM due to Ilum, would probably never switch to Rep unless there was a huge incentive to do so. By that I mean they'd basically have to be handed gear on the other side. I hit BM about a week before the Ilum change and hated the entire concept of it since beta. The day after the patch I created a Rep toon with a handful of other guildmates. Not only did that essentially kill our Imp guild (around 30ish players) but I'm now the only one left who went Rep with an active account. The rest quit. I took a 6 month sub in the hopes the game would get much better and I don't see that happening for quite a while.


Gear progression so far isn't terrible except for the fact that Champion tokens never drop. I'm far from BM (only valor 45ish) but I'm also playing way less than I was on my Imperial toons. Although I (and my guild) made a bit of a name for myself on the Imperial side, Republic players have been pretty cool about some of us making the switch even though they are still seriously outnumbered most of the time.


What needs to be done? Well, the easiest way to get players to switch over is to somehow allow them to do a faction change and keep their valor, credits, gear, etc on their Republic mirror. Unfortunately, it'll never happen. BW is way too into the 'story pillar" to allow players to do that. Hoenstly, it's not a big deal. I got to 50 on my Rep mirror (having never played it in beta) and still spacebarred through most of the quests, including some of the class quests. Say what you want, these stories are nowhere near the quality they are hyped up to be.


Another option is to allow BOP and BOE items to be trasnferred to ANY character created on the same account, regardless of faction. I had to sell unbound items and do some wacky sales on Nar Shaddaa to twink out my Rep toons and move credits around. Not exactly the easiest way to do things (nor is it safe if someones watching the GTN there). In short, bind items to the account, not the character. On top of this, allow commendations to be traded again like it was in beta. Allow inter faction mail for toons on the same account as well.


Will "underdog" buffs help? Not really. XP/valor/credit buffs are not only enough, but kind of silly even for a short term solution. Most of the time they are minimal and hardly noticable.


I think over time it could eventually fix itself, but how many players will stick around to even see it? I guess I'll find out over the next 5 months as I finish up my subscription. :/

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I've destroyed BM's in Champ. I destroyed Champs before I got champ. But then, I am a decent player and I took the time to still gear the best I could (which includes crafting, auction and dailies). I have my hotkeys bound on my mouse. I am situationally aware. I LoS threats. I will stall objectives if I can't win. I will focus on my team's targets. Etc. I bet despite what you say, the two of you do none of that. And that's the only difference that matters.


I hit my 18 second DoT on everything close to an objective, i have half of the left side of my keyboard bound, with all my interrupts, stuns, and slows on easy reach. I focus-fire and have voice-com with a premade.


None of that matters when you have 4000hp less than the mirror class on their side, and they have a +5% bonus damage, and -5% DR on you.

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