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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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This cannot be true.


It should be perfectly fine to kill republic and deny them that boss. That is what a PVP server is.

They probably lied/hyped it up complaining to get them introuble. That makes no sense, on a open world pvp server no less, the enemy should have the right to deny each other from stuff thats whats fun about a pvp server, and open world pvp.
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Yeah...not exactly the definition of any PVP gamers I have played with since I colored my own D20 with a wax crayon.



colored my first die set in about 89.


Everything you have said about faction separation, I have made many a post about. THIS is the most MAJOR design of this game. Game breaking.

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When playing on Bioware's servers you abide by their definition of PVP or move along. You can ask them to change it of course, but telling them they do not understand how pvp works is silly, they know exactly how they want it to work on their servers, that is why their rules are as they are.


Pvp in this game is not a license to grief. If you are too immature to accept that go to a game that encourages it please.


Would you like for me to /wave before I attack?

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This thread makes me laugh. If you don't like to die, DO NOT roll on a PvP server. I get ganked, gang ***** and facerolled on Ilum all the time while trying to collect armaments. Mostly because I roll in solo, trying to be sneaky. Do I cry for devs to protect me? Not only no but hell no! If you keep getting out numbered in open PvP, run, die or bring in a bigger gang. I don't call the devs, I call my guild and give it right back to them. PvE servers and RP are totally different. On a PvP server and on a designated PvP planet with open world PvP, prepare to die, die often and die well.


P.S. Dieing well means not QQing to devs about griefing.


"plink, plink" <--- my 2 cents

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Unfortunately world pvp doesn't exist in games anymore.


To many people complain even when rolling on a PVP server that developers have started adding things to prevent people from pvping outside of designated areas.



It's a shame really, but this is the modern gamer attitude. God help us all.

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"Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?




On a PvP server this is fair enough.


In fact it's the very point of a PvP server..... it doesn't suddenly turn into a PvE server just because someone wants to kill a Boss.


A lot of people can't hack playing on a PvP server (and understandably so), but this isn't greifing, and hasn't been on any MMORPG PvP server I've ever played on.

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I agree with this.


If this is not the case then BW needs to remove the pvp flag when players are fighting mobs.


Or at least provide some way to tell if a player is in pve combat so pvpers can avoid "breaking the rules" by attacking them.




Attacking someone in PvE combat isn't greifing.


It's low IMO, but it's just life on a PvP server.

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I had to read 10 pages of drivel before I even saw one post questioning if the OP isn't just making up some story... especially considering how implausible this whole situation is.


Get real. People on the internet are like mindless sheep.

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Maybe I should stop ganking people doing dailies on Ilum then.


I do that every day and never got a warning so i guess we are on safe grounds here ;)


But this may change if enough people will start crying about beeing ganked while trying to grab an armament at central...

Edited by Endel
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If what the OP wrote here really happened, it is the most ridiculous thing I ever saw in an online pvp game.


I seriously hope the OP misunderstood or is exagerating the facts. Otherwise if that was on a PVP server... that is messed... up.


This is why people ROLL on Pvp servers to have epic stuff happen like this...

Edited by VoidJustice
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I had to read 10 pages of drivel before I even saw one post questioning if the OP isn't just making up some story... especially considering how implausible this whole situation is.


Get real. People on the internet are like mindless sheep.


When people were getting spawn camped on Ilum during the first day of 1.1, Bioware was warning people who were joining warzones and afking to get to the fleet in order to escape the Ilum spawn zerg.


So after that, stuff like this is quite believable.

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"Open world PVP" means you trade kills. Because that is an intended use of game mechanics.


Open world PVP doesn't mean you actually fight other players and try to WIN, taking advantage of the world around you. That's griefing.


You must have not got the BW design memo.

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When people were getting spawn camped on Ilum during the first day of 1.1, Bioware was warning people who were joining warzones and afking to get to the fleet in order to escape the Ilum spawn zerg.


Yep. But not warning peopel for trading kills. Because that's intended and normal, whereas escaping being 24/7 spawn camped by going to a warzone is exploiting!

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Best PvP I ever had in World of Warcraft was 3+ hours of fighting over Kazzak against 2 other Alliance guilds.


It included stuff like 40 people ressing at the same time to AoE bomb them to death right before they pulled.


It ended up with using having a absolute laugh over it on IRC with the guilds we fought later on because it was just a really fun night of great world pvp that you can not possible try and replicate in something like Ilum.


If you get a warning for "griefing" for actively engaging in world pvp then really Bioware just should disable the ability to attack players of the opposite faction and relaunch the game as a single player only game with multiplayer warzones and dungeon crawling.


The game already feels completely dead because you hardly see players from the opposite faction outside of warzones and Ilum. Might as well just take it one step further.


That is because the maps are theme parks. You being there is an eyesore to biowares art team. In your multi-colored armor. Sporting mohawks.


Being all rowdy. Cursing and killing.


Your the problem to bioware.


You play the game.

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When playing on Bioware's servers you abide by their definition of PVP or move along. You can ask them to change it of course, but telling them they do not understand how pvp works is silly, they know exactly how they want it to work on their servers, that is why their rules are as they are.


Pvp in this game is not a license to grief. If you are too immature to accept that go to a game that encourages it please.


If they intended the area to be off limits to open world pvp then they can easily set the zone to remove the pvp flags.


Therefore, under your logic its again an issue of staff. However, a staff mistake shouldn't immediately make the entire game pvp some carebear entity.


But threads going ignored does not help them any.


I thought they had staff to you know? monitor and comment and stop things from this from being 40 pages of nonsense?

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2 weeks after release of the game, Diabolic on the Swiftsure took a 30 man ops group to Hoth and took over several of the bases there. We stuck around for a few hours, and killed dozens and dozens of pubes. Questing came to a stand still on that planet on the pube side, as we had about 10 people sticking around next to the fleet shuttle.


A few weeks later, the patch came out that made that base into a sanctuary and last I heard it was because of our little stunt that so many bases were made into Sanctuaries.


Never recieved a warning or punishment for this.

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2 weeks after release of the game, Diabolic on the Swiftsure took a 30 man ops group to Hoth and took over several of the bases there. We stuck around for a few hours, and killed dozens and dozens of pubes. Questing came to a stand still on that planet on the pube side, as we had about 10 people sticking around next to the fleet shuttle.


A few weeks later, the patch came out that made that base into a sanctuary and last I heard it was because of our little stunt that so many bases were made into Sanctuaries.


Never recieved a warning or punishment for this.


Recap of every OMG we are awesome at PVP story ever;


We took overwhelming numbers to this place.


We killed everything with no resistance


We griefed people who could not fight back due to the aforementioned overwhelming numbers for a while.



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Honestly what happened to the OP was bs. I myself am more of a raid/carebear type in this game and even i think that ruling is crap.


PvP servers are there for a reason. Hell i rolled on one just so i would get in the habit of watching my back 24/7 as it added a new layer to the game. If the same thing happened to my raid group i would have just been like "tough luck gonna have to do this again later".


Players who have a problem with getting ganked as a lowbie or perhaps not being able to kill a mob when they like have no business on a PvP server.


And to that end Bioware has no business interfering with a PvP group raiding a PvE group on a PvP server. The people who rolled on a PvP server knew what they were signing up for. Combat anytime, anywhere no matter what your level may be etc.

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@OP: Wow, that's incredibly dumb that you all got warnings. My guild has had this happen when we went after other world bosses so we chased the imps back to their base, killed the guards, and camped them until they were forced to take the taxi to get out. We actually had more fun responding to Imps than we did killing the boss. Never did I once think that reporting them was the thing to do. Afterall, the message you get when joining a PvP server is that "actions that can be resolved through PvP will not be considered harassment." Interference by the opposing faction while attempting world bosses is just part of the territory when you roll on a PvP server, as is same faction groups trying to race you to the kill.
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This cannot be true.


It should be perfectly fine to kill republic and deny them that boss. That is what a PVP server is.


I have seen these warnings on my server. You why this is happening because carebears have made open world pvp a joke even on pvp servers.

Edited by Badlander
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