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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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But here, he openly said they weren't going for the world boss. Just kept tagging it to prevent the others from getting the kill on it.


So what I am guessing is:


The Republic team gets wiped while fighting, they come back to attempt again. As they go in, the Imperials tag the world boss first and the Republic team runs off to reset it (or whatever) they get wiped. Rinse and repeat. Sounds like harassment to you? Does to me. I am betting this is what happened and the OP is not telling the whole truth. Then they get a warning for just tagging a boss to prevent the other team from doing it. notice how he said after awhile they all left. No intention to kill it, just to harass. Now if the Republic team was smart they'd get more people to help wipe them out over and over. But whatever.


How many times do you have to touch a hot stove before you don't do it again. They should have learned that the boss wasn't meant to go down that night and moved on to something else.

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Actually it is.


Did you read the whole post?



Ok it was stupidly written, but my point is actually in the 2nd sentence:


But i still think 2 people bursting a tank when hes low hp is not PvP.


I would be fine with it if they couldnt just res up in 30 seconds and do it again. PVP should force you to res in the med center. <- Period.


Edited by Piriste
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I completely agree on this.


But i still think 2 people bursting a tank when hes low hp is not PvP.


I would be fine with it if they couldnt just res up in 30 seconds and do it again. PVP should force you to res in the med center. <- Period.


Actually, on PvP servers only, they should add a system in place where you can only rez in the main city and no where else. Make it cost you more money to take a speeder (flying dolphin) back to your quest area. It would also solve the world boss issue too. Wipe out the offending team and continue, rather than wipe out the offending team only to have them be back in 30 seconds again while you are engaged. SWG was the best. Send everyoen to the cloner.

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Spawn camping is camping the spawn - i.e. the medcenter which you just told me to rez at.


So the place where I died and the medcenter are the same place.


because you cannot think for yourself, using the rez options you ll get away from the medcent by ahving stealth for 12 SECONDS and if you die again just w8 1 min to get yet another 12 seconds.... apparently you are not able to do that so i need to tell you waht to do

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Actually, on PvP servers only, they should add a system in place where you can only rez in the main city and no where else. Make it cost you more money to take a speeder (flying dolphin) back to your quest area. It would also solve the world boss issue too. Wipe out the offending team and continue, rather than wipe out the offending team only to have them be back in 30 seconds again while you are engaged. SWG was the best. Send everyoen to the cloner.


Yes, this is what i'm missing.


Back in Everquest the GMs made sure you wouldnt enter the same zone again for 1 hour when you were killed in PvP, you were only allowed to pick up your stuff and go somewhere else.


If you couldnt level up elsewhere, you pretty much had to log off

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because you cannot think for yourself, using the rez options you ll get away from the medcent by ahving stealth for 12 SECONDS and if you die again just w8 1 min to get yet another 12 seconds.... apparently you are not able to do that so i need to tell you waht to do


Does rez - stealth make me immune to all damage?


As soon as my body disappears the enemies can start AoEing - unless I'm immune to damage during that stealth there's still no chance of survival.

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Here's my definition of griefing - killing lowbies half your level by sneaking into the spaceport or their base and then two-shotting them as soon as they go up to a quest giver. You can claim "but it's a war!" all you want but if you do this, you're still a tool. Especially if you then run like a little sissy as soon as other level 50s show up at the scene.


Too often people forget that this is still a game, and the other guy also wants to have fun. Being a jerk online is just as unforgivable as being a jerk at say a real-life sporting event.


Now, if you're outfighting people who at least have a chance to fight back (which I have to imagine was the case on Belsavis), then that's completely reasonable. IMHO, Bioware should institute more open world objectives similar to Warhammer.

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Yes, this is what i'm missing.


Back in Everquest the GMs made sure you wouldnt enter the same zone again for 1 hour when you were killed in PvP, you were only allowed to pick up your stuff and go somewhere else.


If you couldnt level up elsewhere, you pretty much had to log off


And in AC when you died, you lost 5% of your current experience towards your next level, 5% of each ability was reduced, and received 5% less benefit from gear, up to a 45% reduction.


Those are both pretty archaic systems when it comes to mmos, and there are some pretty good reasons why neither of them are still in common use.

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Here's my definition of griefing - killing lowbies half your level by sneaking into the spaceport or their base and then two-shotting them as soon as they go up to a quest giver. You can claim "but it's a war!" all you want but if you do this, you're still a tool. Especially if you then run like a little sissy as soon as other level 50s show up at the scene.


Too often people forget that this is still a game, and the other guy also wants to have fun. Being a jerk online is just as unforgivable as being a jerk at say a real-life sporting event.


Now, if you're outfighting people who at least have a chance to fight back (which I have to imagine was the case on Belsavis), then that's completely reasonable. IMHO, Bioware should institute more open world objectives similar to Warhammer.


Real carebear attitude. There is PvP solution for low level people killing and world PvP or any other PvP is hardly ever "fair".

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There's nothing wrong with killing lower level players - on a pve server they would both have to be flagged and on a pvp server they both chose a server with open pvp.




By "wrong" I mean as far as the game goes. Whether you morally approve is another matter

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Here's my definition of griefing - killing lowbies half your level by sneaking into the spaceport or their base and then two-shotting them as soon as they go up to a quest giver. You can claim "but it's a war!" all you want but if you do this, you're still a tool. Especially if you then run like a little sissy as soon as other level 50s show up at the scene.


Too often people forget that this is still a game, and the other guy also wants to have fun. Being a jerk online is just as unforgivable as being a jerk at say a real-life sporting event.


Now, if you're outfighting people who at least have a chance to fight back (which I have to imagine was the case on Belsavis), then that's completely reasonable. IMHO, Bioware should institute more open world objectives similar to Warhammer.


Sorry it upsets you, but there's clearly a warning for this when you choose to roll on a pvp server. Being a jerk? If you don't like the "jerks" go play on a pve server. Really simple.

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PvP on PvP is just that. Player vs Player. The End. There is no ..." ok enemy wait until were finished then well buff then were rdy for war". It's a battle untill 1 side leaves. People tagging the boss? Why dont you hunt him down and kill to reset the boss.


If a guild really wants a world boss or faction for that matter, they'll clean out the otherside. If you cant, well your team isn't strong enough. Try again later.



Seriously who rolls PvP server then cries to a GM when they get killed?

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And they get warning ???





In warcraft you had world bosses and noone cried like little ***** after being wiped by other faction...




so what's next ?? I get warning for killing Rep's while they quest IN OPEN PVP ZONE ??


Im gonna be honest I am outraged that something like this happens/or could happen. I mean UNLESS the reps reported you "exploiting" something, you should NOT get any warning!!! PvP servers are exactly for this.

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Real carebear attitude. There is PvP solution for low level people killing and world PvP or any other PvP is hardly ever "fair".


Why is it a Carebear attitude to show at least a certain level of decency and honor? I quite enjoy engaging other players in the open world, but camping lowbies in their own base has no real point except to be a griefer. BTW, I'm not going to "report" them or expect devs to come to my aid.

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Why is it a Carebear attitude to show at least a certain level of decency and honor? I quite enjoy engaging other players in the open world, but camping lowbies in their own base has no real point except to be a griefer. BTW, I'm not going to "report" them or expect devs to come to my aid.


If you're not a sociopath you must be a carebear by some people's logic. ;)

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I did not get a warning, I left early, and a couple of guildies were talking about getting a warning for it. They stuck around after most of us left, and were using the guerilla tactics of tagging the boss or waiting for them to engage then attacking flanks and such.


After reading the wall of text here, this is the only part that I can see that a complaint could be filed under. If they were constantly tagging the boss to prevent them from taking it down instead of waiting for the repubs to tag it, then going in to mess them up, then yes I can see the exploiting of game mechanics complaint under the existing rules. Other than that it just sounds like people crying about getting owned on a pvp server...

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Why is it a Carebear attitude to show at least a certain level of decency and honor? I quite enjoy engaging other players in the open world, but camping lowbies in their own base has no real point except to be a griefer. BTW, I'm not going to "report" them or expect devs to come to my aid.


becaues decency and honor only exist to amke yourself feel better because you are "good", doesnt bring results

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You get a popup when picking the server where they say that stuff like this can happen and no action will be taken against it.


That should be enough for both the GMs and the players.

If a GM gives you a warning, just tell him to do his job properly and read the rules of a PVP server and continue what you were doing.


I wish we had imp guilds on our server who do this, I'd be all over it.

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If the scenario played out as you described then that is comtemptable practice on the part of the csr. A pvp server means just that. If an opposing force cannot hold or maintain control of resources, then that is their fault. If it is a matter of pop imbalance, then that is Bioware's fault. It is by no means the fault of the opposition wishing to deny the enemy.


I'm going to create a ticket and refer to this thread in the hopes that it will spark an internal investigation. If enough players do the same BW will be forced to address any policy discepency that may have occurred and ensure I won't face some unfair mark against my account because of csr ignorance or ineptitude.

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becaues decency and honor only exist to amke yourself feel better because you are "good", doesnt bring results


And what results are those? Keep camping lowbies and they eventually quit/move on to other servers. Theneventually you have nobody to play against. That's really smart, especially considering how the Republic/Empire imbalance is already horrible. Anyways, I'm realizing I'm getting off-topic. As I said before, I don't disapprove of what the OP did.

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