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Patch 1.2 may be to late.


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Fair call but for me BW did a great job of making it appear as the holy grail, I had no expectation and deliberately avoided beta even though I was invited. All I went off was press releases and trailers, BW hyped the heck out of this game. After the first 6 weeks i'm losing interest, thats a bad sign for me.


That's how marketing works mate. Ever seen any commercial ever? Slap chop looked like the holy grail, son did Tai bo, so did 90% of movies and products ever made. Anyone think the expendables lived up to expectations?

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yeah. although you have to hand it to blizz. when they pushed out wow, it was the best out there in terms technology-wise. quality of content is arguable, but in terms of speed of delivery of fixes, tech and support, they were top.


Hindsight makes the crapstorm that existed during Vanilla's launch much sweeter than it actually was.XD


Believe me, SWTOR's launch, at least some of the vitriol thrown around about certain missing features, slow-to-come fixes, and complaints about content being devoured too quickly, gives me deja vu for Vanilla WoW.


Some of it has been eerily close to post-vanilla chatter.

Edited by Jaramukhti
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all i'm wishing for is that they be as agile and responsive as blizz when it comes to releasing fixes. this game has the key ingredients that made wow succeed -- big lore/story behind it, a solid fan base, it's own universe.


oh please BW, don't screw this up.



Hindsight makes the crapstorm that existed during Vanilla's launch much sweeter than it actually was.XD


Believe me, SWTOR's launch, at least some of the vitriol thrown around about certain missing features, slow-to-come fixes, and complaints about content being devoured too quickly, gives me deja vu for Vanilla WoW.


Some of it has been eerily close to post-vanilla chatter.

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yeah. although you have to hand it to blizz. when they pushed out wow, it was the best out there in terms technology-wise. quality of content is arguable, but in terms of speed of delivery of fixes, tech and support, they were top.
I agree with the support aspects, because I do remember having a live body to speak with during and after WoW's launch when the servers went up and down like pistons. No such system exists for TOR and it needs one.


Tech-wise BW has actually been knocking it out with their bug fixes and patches. The pre-oder code fiasco was fixed before EA. The server queue problem was fixed within a month (They should have held off adding the new servers imho.) And the combat delays and glitches aren't noticable until there's color/animation overload. I remember when Blizz changed graphics engines right before launch and it took them a whole year to launch a new launcher that kept it from crashing the game.


Oh, I saw on the PTS some weeks ago - but just noticed it in the game this week: at the bottom of the Customer Service Help Request screen is a greyed out tab labeled Live Agent Chat. How excellent would THAT be!?!

Edited by GalacticKegger
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You really think so? This game provides no challenge or rewards for hardcore players, theres no character progression beyond 50 for solo players. Class story lines are so similar (ie warrior & inquisitor class) that it takes the fun out of the story. PVP is dissapointing, space combat is terribad. Crafting is a joke, and worse yet they havent improved on the "holy trinity" system and have us running hamster wheels for upgrades.


No this wont be the next big thing, i'm sure it will have it's supporters but it isnt "elite". I keep hoping they will bring things forward and add some new concepts to the game to make it amazing, I want it to succeed. But after 15 yrs of MMO's you know a cherry from a lemon.


Yeah, I do, considering that I disagree with everything you said, it's a subjective opinion, and the individual subjective opinions of dated MMO elitists aren't exactly an efficient cost-benefit analysis of this game's longevity.


SWTOR's successful implementation of story and its marriage with familiar MMO mechanics are an achievement that the industry, and the media, have recognized. No butthurt WoW comments or flames on this message board is going to change that.


I've played MMO's since Runescape and Ultima Online and I haven't found a game that captivated my interests as much as SWTOR had, so don't think that your opinion is any more educated than mind. Perhaps I found the mind-numbing grinding of EQ2, WoW, LOTRO, and even SWG boring. Perhaps I am able to look beyond the petty complaints and recognize that for an amibitious vanilla release that has to survive in WoW's shadow, i'd put my money on SWTOR's longevity over any other upcoming MMO. Hell, even Galaxies lasted for eight years after the WoW clone implementation.

Edited by xCyberpunkx
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all i'm wishing for is that they be as agile and responsive as blizz when it comes to releasing fixes. this game has the key ingredients that made wow succeed -- big lore/story behind it, a solid fan base, it's own universe.


oh please BW, don't screw this up.


They will learn, same as Blizzard. It took Blizzard awhile before they actually knew how to right the ship. WoW's launch was actually very ugly (Blizz even offered free game time as an apology, at one point).


Bioware didn't come out of the womb all fully mmo-dev-developed. They have to go through their growing pains, too.lol

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I agree with the support aspects, because I do remember having a live body to speak with during and after WoW's launch when the servers went up and down like pistons. No such system exists for TOR and it needs one.

I would imagine you have someone to talk to when the something unexpected happened tat is out of the blue. Most people are complaining about not talking to someone concerning bugs that happens that practically everyone knows about or you can find out about on the server. What do you want that live person to do? Say sorry? They are CSR not programmers. They can't fix the bug. I'd send an automated response to that and save my live people for issues that requires info back from players like undiscovered bugs, player exploits and harassment, issues that prevent you from playing and I'm not talking about I can't see the exact second when my cooldown is ready. Stuff like that.

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Yeah, I do, considering that I disagree with everything you said, it's a subjective opinion, and the individual subjective opinions of dated MMO elitists aren't exactly an efficient cost-benefit analysis of this game's longevity.


SWTOR's successful implementation of story and its marriage with familiar MMO mechanics are an achievement that the industry, and the media, have recognized. No butthurt WoW comments or flames on this message board is going to change that.


I've played MMO's since Runescape and Ultima Online and I haven't found a game that captivated my interests as much as SWTOR had, so don't think that your opinion is any more educated than mind. Perhaps I found the mind-numbing grinding of EQ2, WoW, LOTRO, and even SWG boring. Perhaps I am able to look beyond the petty complaints and recognize that for an amibitious vanilla release that has to survive in WoW's shadow, i'd put my money on SWTOR's longevity over any other upcoming MMO. Hell, even Galaxies lasted for eight years after the WoW clone implementation.


First of all I think your version of a game "lasting" and mine are different. Yeah sure SWG stayed online, but was it a relevant game anymore? No, it was a massive graveyard of condemned guild cities.


Secondly, I don't think the endgame content and carrot chase associated with it in this vanilla release even compares to vanilla WoW. WoW was months of 40 man raids, SWTOR is weeks of 8 man raids. For WoW's vanilla endgame to compare to this game, it would need to stop at UBRS/LBRS.


I like the game and see it's potential, but they need to add alot of more difficult content really bad to hold my interest over the long haul.

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I like the game, I have a great time playing it. But I must admit its demoralizing to watch my server lose players. I can think of 2 dozen end-gamer/pvpers (my crowd) off the top that have unsubbed..


If I had a nickel for every game that I've played from launched and watched players zerg to level-cap then get bored, I'd probably be able to afford a Starbucks coffee.


Seems there are always people who skip over the content (which most people scream for) to level cap. Strangely enough, they get bored. Then a lot of those people leave.


What's left tends to be people who actually like to game.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you've never written software or worked in QA before...


I agree with you about bugs.


However first impressions last, when logging in and being auto invited to the guild, I thought I'd check how the power lvlers were doing, so clicked on the guild player level column to sort them. Then released it was a alphanumeric sort. This to me just feels sloopy. Unfortunately thats the impression I get from most of the features which are not VO or story.

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BW really needs to start incrementally adding in patch 1.2 and soon, or they may find themselves a bit short on players - many people did like myself, and bought a two month card to play, and it will run out.. way before the last of March and early April.


That being said, if theres no change by then, I am not about to put another two months cash while I wait - a wait that may or may not be broken by finding another game entirely. Others I am sure feel the same.


An incremental output would at least show they HAVE stuff completed, it wont interfere with anyones playtime - heck every Tuesday patch eh? It would also lower the amount of *surprise* "patches to fix the patch" that happens to every game with a major update.


Let's have a constructive discussion about this.


If the new patch is not awsome... ALOT of ppl will quit the game...

Here are a discussion about this



My guild will quit, as will many other guilds...

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"Seems there are always people who skip over the content (which most people scream for) to level cap. Strangely enough, they get bored. Then a lot of those people leave."


Which content would that be? The 300 hours of plot line, of which a very high percentage is intentional "dead time" spent walking back and forth/zig-zagging, through empty space ports, space stations, and in pointless transitions to stretch the meagre offering out? And once you've completed that, why...you get to roll an alt and do it all over again. Repeatedly.


And of course, if you deviate from the plot line, you just level to cap even quicker. Much quicker. Everything you do in game awards huge EXP. And once you've deviated, gained levels, when you return to the plot, you blow through it because you're now mounted and 10-20 levels past it.


See, that's the disconnect. It's actually an plot driven FPS with co-op/MMO play tacked on. Unfortunately, the single player plot advancement/EXP requirements were never synched with the co-op play. Or disconnected from the co-op play. Aggravated by the fact that the non-plot elements award much more EXP than the plot line, and much, much faster. You seem to think that "content" is just the plot line. Most of us consider the entire package (pvp, space missions, datacron hunting, ect.) to be "content". In retrospec, I'd have to say that the plot should have been the only part that awarded meaningful amounts of EXP toward leveling characters.


Edit: perhaps that's what the "Legacy" points were originally intended for? Level via plot, get bonuses/cool stuff via legacy points gained outside of the plot line?

Edited by Smitar
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"Seems there are always people who skip over the content (which most people scream for) to level cap. Strangely enough, they get bored. Then a lot of those people leave."



I watched every single cut scene from 1-50. Level capped in a little less than 4 weeks. Is this my fault?

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You see, the whole problem with this game for some people is the high expectations they had due to the year upon years it was in development, and which I admit I had. I agree that we should be seeing the polish updates right now, and it does seem that the game developers are in denial with these extra content updates. I also admit that there does need to be extra content, but because they made a mistake by releasing the game too quickly they must backtrack and fix it before releasing new content.


That being said, I know some people love the game. Say there is no problem, and I am happy for you! Wish I could say the same, but if you do look at the forums it is the majority of players that are having problem. Because if you take into account that for every one complaint, they represent ten people who are experiencing the same problem but stay silent. I also know that for people who enjoy the game and don't have problems aren't on the forums so it makes that argument invalid, but at the same time they have to silence all the people that are having problems by fixing there game. If it was only a few people you could say it's there computer, but it's not a few people. It's a LOT!! So please dev's, backtrack and fix your mistakes... before it's too late.

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I watched every single cutscene from 1-50 and hit 50 in 6 days...when the game launched.


Same here.

I started at 18 december, played for a week 17 hours per day, skipped NOTHING: watched every cutscene, even those "Oh hai bounty hunter, go strip resistance of their weapons and equipment, now slaughter some, now attack some of their bases, now slaughter a little bit more and off we go to kill their leader! Badabum!". 7-8 days with 14 hours per day leveling. Or I could not rush so much and do it 7 hours per day, and still be able to get lvl 50 before January.


Just fyi - I ran coruscant with my lvl 12 toon just skipping everything except main class chain - 4 or 5 missions out of 40 on a planet are your main storyline (those that don't repeat themselves and make sense). Stop blindly defending this game because "it's so pwetty" and "storyline is it's strong point". No, it's not. Only main questline is interesting, and it's barely 10% of missions.

Edited by AnotherJaggens
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If people aren't sure about wanting to play at the end of their two month sub, then chances are they shouldn't be resubbing anyways, regardless of when patch 1.2 comes out.


If you're on the fence about the game, the patch will revitalize your interest for a few days before you're right back on the fence.


This guy hit it on the head, which is why I've already canceled mine. It's good until middle of March, but I already find it more enjoyable to log out and do something else, so I can't imagine anything they add in 1.2 will make me say 'Wow, this is amazing and worth my money.'


I'd suggest the same to the OP.

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its still one of the best MMOs on the market today.... no one is saying that you (OP) or anyone else should "waste" there money on a product they are not happy with.


BUT i seriously doubt you have 8 lvl 50 characters all in Rakata gear .. cause i know people who level really fast and most of them are still sitting at 4 or 5 50s in partial columni gear. I myself have only 2 50s in nearly full columni and two more int he 35-50 range and i play alot.


I think patch 1.2 changes the face of this game ... alot is comming in 1.2 ... more flashpoints ..more warzones ... combat logs.... dual specs ... I mean the list goes on and on. If none of these things excite you enough to spend 30$ then maybe your in the wrong genre of games entirely.


MMOs are best when not rushed. Rush the patch and you will want to look for a new game for sure .... if your already burnt out ... take a break and come back when 1.2 comes out ... if you find something better then SWTOR then go there .. I suggest DDO personally its a fun game fast active combat twich game lacks seriously in PVP but they are launching Druid soon and they have a considerable amount of content. And not entirely endgame focused.


That being said ... most MMOs are losing players in hordes to come here ... you will be one of the few that leaves here for another MMO.

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"Seems there are always people who skip over the content (which most people scream for) to level cap. Strangely enough, they get bored. Then a lot of those people leave."


I have 2 50s and many mnay high level toons .... I skip story religiously (figure when i have one of each major class to end game then i will worry about story) and i am no where near bored of this game.


The game is a blast ... if you dont like repeating content then what are you doing playign an MMO? its what MMOs are all about.


This game is wonderfully challenging in some spots and stupid easy in others ... pending on the group and the gear of the group a flashpoint like FE or BP can be super easy or end in multiple deaths and exceptionally Challenging. EV is easy with a good group ... but undergeared group and its a big challenge. Same with KP.


I dont think any guild is at the point of three times a week raiding yet. I know ihave enough characters to do 4 raids a week personally (two evs two kps) but it doesnt get done. Guild leader can do 8 raids a day currently because of his shear number of 50s but he is not ready to leave the game either.


People who are bored and want to leave are not bored and want to leave cause they have too many 50s ... its cause they are not interested in playing more then one character so they get there one to cap get all there columni and then find they ahve nothing left to grind.


This game is bigger then one class ... one faction even. Try getting 4 characters per faction to end game and full columni'd up ... you will be here a while sitll and will have gone through all the story .... even if you skip it will take you at least 4 months of HARDCORE grouping for everything skipping all heroics and flashpoitns and pvp to get that done and that means no job no life outisde of the game and rarely eatting or sleeping (i know my first 50 was two weeks of exactly that loved christmas break and love my wife for understanding :p)


the majority of players will never see 8 classes to 50 ... but they could easily add character slots as part of legacy system as well (perhaps unlock a slot ever 20 levels of legacy)


but if people arent even willing to re-sub to see what legacy has to offer ... then let them leave. They will be back in a couple months when update 2 launches lol. Or whent he first expansion launches and they find out that there fully columni geared characters are now two or three gear tiers lower then they need to be to attempt the content let alone beat it.

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Same here.

I started at 18 december, played for a week 17 hours per day, skipped NOTHING: watched every cutscene, even those "Oh hai bounty hunter, go strip resistance of their weapons and equipment, now slaughter some, now attack some of their bases, now slaughter a little bit more and off we go to kill their leader! Badabum!". 7-8 days with 14 hours per day leveling. Or I could not rush so much and do it 7 hours per day, and still be able to get lvl 50 before January.


Just fyi - I ran coruscant with my lvl 12 toon just skipping everything except main class chain - 4 or 5 missions out of 40 on a planet are your main storyline (those that don't repeat themselves and make sense). Stop blindly defending this game because "it's so pwetty" and "storyline is it's strong point". No, it's not. Only main questline is interesting, and it's barely 10% of missions.


Yay! Are we all stating opinions as facts now? MetooZOMG!


Sooooooo, let me get this straight: you played 17 hours a day for 1 week. That's 119 hours. Here's the thing, dude: your definition of rushing compared with that of people with jobs, families, kids, and other responsibilities is completely and utterly skewed. The fact that you call 7 hours playtime per day "not rushing so much" pretty much says you life and those of the vast, VAST majority of people that play video games is completely different. I simply can't imagine playing 7 hours per day, to say nothing of 17 hours per day. And I have many, many friends who game, and absolutely none of them are able to play that way.


NOTHING is going to be interesting or fun for 17 hours per day. I have never played any video game of any type that would entertain me for 17 hours a day for a week. And I've been playing PC and console games since the early 90s.

Edited by Eldrenath
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