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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 1.2 may be to late.


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I love how people keep claiming this game will see a mass exodus, with no evidence to that theory. Even after the numbers have shown an incredible growth.


Where would this incredible growth be? The game had 1.7 million players in its first 10 days. It has not grown since its added some subs but lost some also. After 40 days the best you can say is it stayed steady when it is apparent that it did not. For the game to have the same amount of subs at day 40 as it had in day 10 no one could have quit in the month on Jan.


If you take all the numbers given at the absolute best case senerio this game has 1.8 million people and thats if no one cancelled that bought the game after Dec 31st or anyone that used a timecard or multsub cancelled or anyone that payed an extra month cancelled.


This game has not grown but decreased in subs.

Edited by Emeda
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I was there at WOW release and we did the same thing then - complain - ALOT - it's what we do


We're the customers - we're the ones paying for this game to have been created in the first place and paying for it now as well.


They can ignore us and then we'll ignore them - by unsubscribing


And look at what happened to WoW. It was a total failure and had to go F2P after 6 months . . . oh wait, that didn't happen.

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Where would this incredible growth be? The game had 1.7 million players in its first 10 days. It has not grown since its added some subs but lost some also. After 40 days the best you can say is it stayed steady when it is apparent that it did not. For the game to have the same amount of subs at day 40 as it had in day 10 no one could have quit in the month on Jan.


If you take all the numbers given at the absolute best case senerio this game has 1.8 million people and thats if no one cancelled that bought the game after Dec 31st or anyone that used a timecard or multsub cancelled or anyone that payed an extra month cancelled.


This game has not grown but decreased in subs.

How many threads were you planning to do this in? Is the pay really that good? Edited by GalacticKegger
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My point though was that without some show of good faith a LOT of people who leave..


To be honest, I'd like a state of the game address. If I was in charge of this tortanic I'd post a wall of text explaining what's going on behind the scenes. Give the players some hope and try to retain customers so I would have that sub coming in to work with. Sadly I think damage control may be a bit useless at this point :(

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I havent done any threads on it but in the treads that say the sub is growing I put it in there.


Is there anything I said in what you quoted not true? Didnt think so.

By your posts of subs dropping because the game sucks appearing in macro threads, UI threads, sandbox threads, LFG threads, threads where someone actually states they enjoy the game - even Patch 1.2 threads like this one right here ... one certainly obviates the same message making the rounds. Which is why I asked if the pay was good. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Still waiting on those numbers you have magical access to...or are you just trolling? My bet is on the latter.


C'mon....back up your statement with empirical evidence you have no access to.



Go here: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


If you click on the "Change (week before)" column to reflect positive (green) you'll see about 14 servers with a positive growth. The number was at least triple that a few weeks ago. This in no way reflects a "mass exodus" but this certainly reflects a fairly high drop in server population.


And this includes people leaving low pop servers to join higher pop servers. let's face it, more people are leaving than joining. In the end, with the games cumulative issues, I couldn't imagine any other results.

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Dude in your sig is right about bug fixes and development...but that has nothing to do with SWTOR. SWTOR isn't sunk because of the bugs, it's sunk because of the poor game design.


  • Dull lifeless world (no music, no ambient sounds, painted-on cut-and-paste NPCs, no day/night cycle, no weather): not a bug
  • "World of Statues" mobs with no AI: not a bug
  • Non-interactive world (can't open a door, can't sit in a chair?): not a bug
  • Orbital stations/loading screens: not a bug
  • Ultra linear world-on-rails questing: not a bug
  • Mediocre story lines: not a bug
  • Massive faction imbalance: not a bug
  • No class balance (everyone has a knockback, melee are worthless): not a bug
  • Incredibly easy "nightmare mode" bosses pugged in a week: not a bug
  • Cookie-cutter talent trees: not a bug
  • Worthless crafting system: not a bug


Then there's the PvP grab-bag system, Ilum win trading, 5 FPS, low-res textures etc etc. Those at least could maybe be fixed in with a patch. But there's not going to be a "hey we're making the world alive" patch. Fixing combat balance and talent trees would be a massive overhaul, which you're only likely to see for a new expansion.


Bug fixes, new content...those are nice things, sure, but the problem is the game is just rotten from the inside, and can't be "fixed." It is what it is, and that's why the devs are so quiet. They know they laid a turd and are just trying to keep as many people clinging on as long as possible to eek out a few more months of subscriptions and move a few more boxes off shelves before this steaming pile goes F2P by the end of the year.


This needs to have it's own post and it needs to be replied to so many times that it becomes it's own sticky.


Best post I've read in a long long time.




Today was the last day of my sub. I was kind of sick of wow, but after my rig went down and waiting on the RMA motherboard to get here, I played WoW free on my Mac. After a year of not playing..it's actually kinda fun.

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Go here: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


If you click on the "Change (week before)" column to reflect positive (green) you'll see about 14 servers with a positive growth. The number was at least triple that a few weeks ago. This in no way reflects a "mass exodus" but this certainly reflects a fairly high drop in server population.


And this includes people leaving low pop servers to join higher pop servers. let's face it, more people are leaving than joining. In the end, with the games cumulative issues, I couldn't imagine any other results.


Since 80% of the server changes are in the red, that only goes to prove the point. Population is on the decline. 14 servers with positive growth doesn't balance out the other 40 with negative growth.


People are leaving because of the reasons listed by the fellow I quoted above this. Those issues he stated are not bugs, just poor game design. BW isn't addressing these issues and their subscription rates are going down.


Edit: My apologies. I thought you were siding with the guy that I had quoted in that post. While these numbers don't reflect actual numbers of subs, it does give an idea about where the game is going.


It's going down, and BW better get every programmer on it before it's too late and they have 6 years of development fly out the window before they are really able to cash in. I hope they do; I'd like the game to be great and play for an extended period of time. As it stands, nah.


Edit: It's amazing that this topic is even still open. The mod's are on a thread closing spree about anything having to do with population changes/declines.

Edited by salvadorellama
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Dude in your sig is right about bug fixes and development...but that has nothing to do with SWTOR. SWTOR isn't sunk because of the bugs, it's sunk because of the poor game design.


  • Dull lifeless world (no music, no ambient sounds, painted-on cut-and-paste NPCs, no day/night cycle, no weather): not a bug
  • "World of Statues" mobs with no AI: not a bug
  • Non-interactive world (can't open a door, can't sit in a chair?): not a bug
  • Orbital stations/loading screens: not a bug
  • Ultra linear world-on-rails questing: not a bug
  • Mediocre story lines: not a bug
  • Massive faction imbalance: not a bug
  • No class balance (everyone has a knockback, melee are worthless): not a bug
  • Incredibly easy "nightmare mode" bosses pugged in a week: not a bug
  • Cookie-cutter talent trees: not a bug
  • Worthless crafting system: not a bug


Then there's the PvP grab-bag system, Ilum win trading, 5 FPS, low-res textures etc etc. Those at least could maybe be fixed in with a patch. But there's not going to be a "hey we're making the world alive" patch. Fixing combat balance and talent trees would be a massive overhaul, which you're only likely to see for a new expansion.


Bug fixes, new content...those are nice things, sure, but the problem is the game is just rotten from the inside, and can't be "fixed." It is what it is, and that's why the devs are so quiet. They know they laid a turd and are just trying to keep as many people clinging on as long as possible to eek out a few more months of subscriptions and move a few more boxes off shelves before this steaming pile goes F2P by the end of the year.

So what you're trying to say is that you not only don't enjoy playing the game, but you also don't believe BioWare is telling you what you want to hear. Got it. See, wasn't that a lot easier than beating yourself up? Edited by GalacticKegger
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Edit: It's amazing that this topic is even still open. The mod's are on a thread closing spree about anything having to do with population changes/declines.
"Trolling,” which we define as posts or threads that knowingly lead to overly strong, negative, and emotional responses for mere shock value, is not allowed on the Service. Accounts created with the sole intent to “troll” will be immediately and permanently suspended. Constant personal attacks are also considered trolling. (See also “Forum Guidelines” below.)


I'm guessing that's probably why they're deleting posts. imho there's a difference between "We really need character transfers because my server pop is low [add screen to prove it here]" and "This game sucks for every reason imaginable and it's going to die before [insert any upcoming game title here] comes out and I'm quitting tommorrow and anyone who even thinks about buying this game is just as dumb as the people playing it." Not everyone gets it. The tragedy is the ones who aren't getting it are the ones screaming the loudest.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Aint about full patches, its about incremental fixes as a whole. Why wait to put in a bunch when you can do a few NOW ? And rushed? rushed?



Patch early, patch often should be the mantra of any MMO development team.


However, it seems that even a miniscule patch involves colossal downtimes with this version of the Hero engine. Given that, they're handling patches in the old way that makes sense.

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What is this "step back" you mentioned?


No addons? That is good.


LFG? Destroys communities and makes TOR a lobby game like WoW is today.


Please explain this step back.







O'lawdy. Are you...you really just...





So, in the fleet, there are...how many flashpoint accesses?


How many flashpoints do you leave fleet to go to? ...two? On Ilum?



Bahahahaha. Just because we're calling it 'fleet' doesn't mean it's not a lobby, mate.


Welcome to your lobby game with on-world Heroics you have no meaningful reason to do outside collecting orange vanity gear.


Which you can also do...where?


In the fleet!


And where do you sit day after day after day bumming for groups, or dithering while your guild team gets ready to go?


In the fleet!


At least in WoW you can physically go to dungeons if you feel like it. Not that there's any particular need to anymore, but...wait, what was that?


Where do you physically go in game to do flashpoints and operations again?


Say it with me now.


To the lobby...er...I meant to say 'fleet'.


Wait, didn't I just say lo-er...I meant fleet?


Gosh, I couldn't tell the difference.




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Yes, but no one does. Ever. Why would they?


No argument there. I know plenty of folks in my own social circle, including me, like to go solo them with frequency since transmog's come out. See a -whole- lot of pugs flying for old content to get transmog gear and achievements for all the old content, which is nice, and very little of that is available through the LFD/LFR tools.


Absolutely dirt easy to get in on a pug for content at your own level, or start one, if you don't mind people clear up to 85 coming and facerolling it for you, in fact. At least, if you let them have stuff to transmog if they wanna roll on any of it.


Been a pretty fun experience for me on my one lonely 85 as well as my putzy little 58 healer I've been literally plinking away at for the past two years. I got to do molten core on said healer with a pretty close-to-on-level group (highest was a 71 tankadin that desperately wanted the paly drops for transmog), and it was still pretty challenging and altogether fun.



Here though, I dunno. None of those flashpoint instances exist anywhere on any of the worlds. You -have- to go to the fleet to do them at all.


No ifs, ands or buts. And while that's not necessarily any kind of terrible, horrible, very bad thing...trying to say it's not a lobby is just hilarious and wrong.


WoW's turned into much more of a lobby than it was for most of it's life, no dispute there.


SWTOR's lockstepped itself into being one straight out the gates.

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I only read like the first 9 pages of this thread, so if my point has been pointed out already, you can go suck your nuts. The problem with the people QQing in this thread is that they actually believe that TOR should just 3 months after release be at at the same quality/gameplay/whatever-level that WoW was after years and years of polishing, bug fixes, class balancing, and new content. Jesus F-ing Christ, the game is a quarter of a year old, give BW a f'ing break. See how the game is after a year or so. In the meantime, if keeping the subscription up is too expensive for you, save your money, go play Rift for a few months and see how much better this game was even at launch.
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