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Everything posted by Racheakt

  1. I un-subbed today. Zero days left, this will be my last post. I was no longer having fun, I will move on try some F2P games (have an STO, DCUO, and LOTRO account) until Diablo and Guild Wars 2 comes out, may even flirt with Secret World or Tera. If you are still loving the game, go a head and have fun, don't let anyone tell you diffrent. Just not enough unique for me, see you all in a year or two. May the Force be with you and Good Luck. V/R Racheakt.
  2. This pretty much sums it up for me, I am on the fence. I was a CE buyer, Mass Effect fan, Loved DA:O, I just finished Mass Effect 3, and played DA2 Before i picked up SWTOR, based on these last three works I have lost a little bit of respect for BW. I WANT to love this game but I have only loged in once in the last 30 days, I have been hanging in for cross server instance finding and the 1.2 legacy stuff. Neither looks to be as forthcoming or "attention grabbing" as I had hoped. I loved the story on my first toon (BH) but while levling a seccond toon I did not enjoy it, with a large percent of the same faction content is the same --- Bleugh!!! I either grind 1.7 mil or level a new toon to unlock my legacy -- neither sounds all that great right now IMHO. On the fence, leaning in the direction of leaving.
  3. I got notified I paid for another month, laziness on my part really. 1.2 is what I am hanging my continued patronage on. I am not fool enough to think it is the god of all fix-alls, but it had better be a huge step in the right direction.
  4. I just got an e-mail telling me i paid for another month; sadly i have not logged in for two weeks.
  5. If it is such a "Small" thing that you say is easily ignored on your screen, then it should be even easier to ignore when it does not appear on someones screen you cannot see correct?
  6. Insult aside, In the case of the spoiler, as I have stated many times Light/Dark side decision points exist to allow you to drift from one side to the other. Ones sexual preference is not transient.
  7. This is my position. I don't see the downside, and none has been coherently articulated otherwise.
  8. You realize I am not arguing for a mere toggle, but rather make your sexuality a part of the the character right? your post goes a long way to prove the point that this content was best left out entirely for both preferences.
  9. Oh god yes, I have been begging for a sever forum... I want to go to a place where i can communicate with my fellow server members without having to randomly run into them in one of this games many many zoned areas. There is demand, no one is using the horse-spit they have now because nobody (projecting a bit here) want to dig through 100 other servers posting noise to find something for their server. EDIT: another point I have rolled on 3 servers looking for an active compatible "community" After getting one toon to max level only to see my first server choice fizzle out, and the following toons to mid level on other servers I am losing faith in the game, now if I had server forums where i can go ask questions, lurk, see how the players are then I can make an informed choice of which server is best for me.
  10. I love this idea. Also thanks for pointing out that Rift has implemented this, been thinking about going back ;-) EDIT: mainly because of the RIFT mobile app too....
  11. Fair enough, choose to make a bi-sexual toon and ignore or take the prompts you want
  12. The problem here is that this topic is hit a "real-world" nerve and crosses into a topic that has the ability to offend in a real way. With Item C, there is a large population that are offended, and having the constant "here flirt with the person who is same gender" button will be at least game impacting (item A1) or offensive. So (IMHO) the "just skip it" is not an option. As for Item D, I can live with that, real world you just run into folks you may not agree with. I am pointing out though that the vast majority in this game solo that content. If someone is that hung up about it just don't group for that content like 99% of the player base does. I cannot say as to your personal play style, I tend to play myself, which is someone who is not interested in one gender at all. Which means if I play a toon of my opposing real life gender I would pursue SGRA content. But that is how I have been led to understand the topic of sexuality, it is what is (like race or gender); even though I may be playing one sex, I am still the player and I am attracted to what I am. See some of my logic on this. Light and Dark is a moveable state, you can fall to the dark side and be redeemed over and over. Humor/wit/sarcasm is done (can be done) based on who you deal with. My BH hates force users and is a sarcastic jerk to the Sith, but will joke with my crew and other BH. To that end I do not see a straight toon (or a homosexual one) after the 100th prompt for the same gender flirt saying "ok". One can make the argument about bi-sexual content, but then again we do not have trans-gender sex selection either..... This is one a whole heartily agree with, BW cannot write a realistic relationship story, none of them are that far from an adolescent "Yes, I'm getting laid" level. BW has put themselves in a needless bind by including any romantic arcs to the game. MMOs need to appeal to wider audience to be successful. Not including any such content at would have allowed the two sides of this argument to just enjoy a decent Star Wars game, blissfully leaving the real-world behind. But by including OGRA and not SGRA instant dissatisfaction on one side; Then to say you are going to include SGRA those who have an objection (or no desire to see it all the time) to that want a toggle, boom another argument. All of this when we should be enjoying the game. Sad in this was really a needless inclusion that is going to nothing but negatively impact the subscription base, as everyone would have played without it, but there will be people who will leave of it not handled in a way they feel does their world view justice. GL BW on the balance.
  13. Actually I think I think the OP was looking for a dialog on how to accommodate people of different beliefs without offending anyone (tough to do with this topic) Can't be redundant if there is no toggle now. I have not seen an valid argument against the idea that is not grounded in emotion. Here is how I came to the belief that having the orientation as a core trait like race or gender is the best solution: A. Orientation is not a malleable trait like Light & Dark Side. 1. To argue orientation is a malleable trait I think is absurd, one cannot be turned homosexual nor straight. 2. If it is a fixed attribute then having unwanted "flirts" is immersion breaking and annoying (See Anders DA2) B. A UI toggle is insulting to some, it implies their lifestyle is something that needs to be filtered. C. Like it or not there are those who will be offended by constant Same Gender prompts. D. All of the flirt option I have seen are in class/companion stories (i.e. Private) or solo content. Ask yourselves why does it matter if someone somewhere wants to only flirt with one gender only? Do you want the choice to be "in their face"? If it is, this is not the venue (IMHO). Ask yourselves why do you want a "toggle"? if it is "to keep the gay out", again this is wrong reason. In many areas of the world they are accepted members of society. How do you as a game developer merge the two into a reasonable compromise of the two camps? By having the orientation as a core trait like race or gender. A. It does not make sexual orientation "objectionable" it makes it a part of the character. B. Allows for all sides to see only "flirt" options they want. Now what is a rational objection that is not grounded in emotion or prejudice (one way or the other)?
  14. Look at my posts in this thread, I have been for making the selection at the character selection. I was not asking for your percived opinion on my honesty. I have been looking for an amicable solution for all involved; I think a mear toggle implies to some that it is worth filtering, I think by making you select the sexuality of your toon meets closer to "letting you play the hero you want" as opposed to "let me filter the gay out". Like it or not, there may be some people who do not want to constanly choose which orientation they are -- they just are what they are. I have not seen a "flirt" option in group dialoge yet, it is almost all in your storyline or solo content. Again I ask if it is largly only something the player sees (and nobody else) what is truely wrong selecting your toons sexual preference and having the "flirt" option keyed to that?
  15. 'Tis the way of the raiding themepark. Bosses have more and more HP/armor, players need more and more Damage to take them down. Funny how it works, each new "tier" is a gear check to beat the enrage timer....
  16. pontiac fiero Not that great of a car, but had the looks that people liked at the time...
  17. OP, I have been flirting with the idea of unsubbing and coming back later in the year to see wher the game is. But to each thier own.
  18. Out of curiosity what is -- in your opinion -- wrong with selecting a toons sexuality as part of character creation?
  19. To be fair, DA 1 id a far better job than DA 2. DA2 was abysmal in both story and how it handled companion relationships. I am going to play ME3 to see if BW has learnd a thing or two if not it may not bode well for the future of this type of content in SW:ToR
  20. I want to say this is what I think and have stateed (not so verbosely) before ones sexuality is (as it is always pointed out) is exactly the same as one race or gender. If sexuality based content is added that makes it so the prefence of the character is a factor then it needs to be selected when you create the character. Having universal flirt does not make sense to me. With LS/DS points it is possible to "fall" to the dark side and be "redeamed" to the light side; this is a changeable factor of your toon. There is no diloge choices to shift gender or race of the character you are playing. Unless of course one wants to argue for the redeemability of one sexual prefence? no? me neither. Also this is not a toggle "filter" in the concept that "i do not want to see this" implying it is bad, you are selecting the orientation at the start. This is the best solution for all involved, those who choose can play the homosexual toon, while those who don't (who cares what their reason are) can play a straight toon. We cannot even change ACs in this game, so I see no issue with a fixed sexual preference that cannot be changed.
  21. Light sabers can be critted, there are several posts with screen shots, let me go see if i can find them. Edit : here
  22. No I am saying that ones sexual preferene is like race or gender (unchangeable not, like ones force alignment which is changeable). Select it when you create the toon. If you are a homosexual toon you would never flirt with other gender the same way if you were a Female toon you would refer themselves as a male, or a Chiss would call themselves a Sith Pureblood. I am not censoring anything, just putting for the option where belongs.
  23. I went light, that is how I roll. Plugging the cyborg's oil pan was a bonus. Seriously though the dark choices in the game are Hannibal Lecter meets Jason level of homicidal. Who is going to hire a BH that would kill his clienet for pocket change?
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