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What are things that baddies do that make them terrible PvPers?


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1) Mock people on their team instead of trying to coach them.

2) Tell others how bad they are and how bad everyone else except them is instead of trying to help them improve their game play.

3) Overreact when something bad happens, rage at the rest of the team and demotivate them.


AND....in forum PvP


1) Make posts like the OPs.



Agreed. People acting like elitist douchebags because they feel safe to do so on the internet has gotten way out of hand.

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Its always worth a shot to buy a few seconds. You never know who is around that has a knockback or harpoon up, and a small group of certain classes can drop an unsupported ball carrier in a few seconds.


But what is the harm in stunning them, if it only delays the inevitable, and how does that make someone a bad player?


And if it fills their resolve bar just as a grapple shots out to pull that ball carrier back onto the flame pit?




Resolve matters - don't fill it just before something important.

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Agreed. People acting like elitist douchebags because they feel safe to do so on the internet has gotten way out of hand.


It's gonna be much better when the internet is fully censored, just a few more years and topics like this one will be nothing but a bad memory. Good to see that the death of free speech will at least bring SOME good with it =3

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It's gonna be much better when the internet is fully censored, just a few more years and topics like this one will be nothing but a bad memory. Good to see that the death of free speech will at least bring SOME good with it =3


Your "free speech" has only proven that there are far too many narcissistic ******es in the world.


*And before you think otherwise I'm all for free speech. As long as the threat of physical repercussions are there. Too many people become douchebags when they're unafraid of getting slapped in the mouth.*

Edited by Vaipyr
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Your "free speech" has only proven that there are far too many narcissistic ******es in the world.


*And before you think otherwise I'm all for free speech. As long as the threat of physical repercussions are there. Too many people become douchebags when they're unafraid of getting slapped in the mouth.*


We are all humans here right? Our species is one of the most narcissistic in the known universe (And peacocks don't even get close)


Is it really such a surprise that everyone takes internet as the place to annoy as many people as possible for their own amusement?

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Tunnel vision.


There are a lot of variations. The most common are as follows:


1.) Continuously zerging the same player over and over because they killed you at some point.


2.) Clicking an objective repeatedly even though you're taking damage.


I see it all the time, and I used to be guilty of 1. Situational awareness is very important in this game, and people who latch onto one idea and don't let it go are just as bad as keyboard turners.

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Make a list...what are the things you see people do in PvP that are just plain stupid and make them bad?


1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.

2. Fight away from the nodes, ignoring the stealther who swung around behind to cap right in front of God and everybody.

3. Walk away from an otherwise undefended node.

4. Focus on trying to kill the ball carrier when the tank next to him has him guarded, the healer next to the tank is healing away, and you and one other guy are the only ones there to deliver damage.

5. As a tank class - not using guard or taunts because you can't be bothered with the extra keybinds.

6. Mindlessly zerging a well defended node by yourself, somehow thinking that trying the same thing over and over again is going to provide a different result.

7. Being a hero - trying to carry that ball across to the end zone when you have 4 people on you, and there's a friendly standing there in the end zone ready to catch the pass.





8. insult / disrespect a good players that are trying to carry them

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My favorite:


Me and two other players were running to left turret of Civil War. Before we could cap it, we were intercepted by a stealther assasin. We finished him...and started to guard. After while, when two of us wanted to move towards a central objective to assist with capture...


... we noticed that our turret wasn't capped yet.


We capped it.


We promised to each other that it will be our secret.

Edited by Riulassher
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Not passing the ball to the 3 people on the ramps ready to take it and score.


As mentioned before:


Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.


This does not make you a bad. I have many times zerged a group by myself so thos who respawned already can try and take middle. sure i wont defeat the group but I have many times slowed them down so they get to mid late and my team had time to take advantage of less defenders at mid. Sometimes all they need is an extra few seconds to finish capping. So zerging the group can give that.

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Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.


This does not make you a bad. I have many times zerged a group by myself so thos who respawned already can try and take middle. sure i wont defeat the group but I have many times slowed them down so they get to mid late and my team had time to take advantage of less defenders at mid. Sometimes all they need is an extra few seconds to finish capping. So zerging the group can give that.


Yeah, occasionally doing the suicide thing makes sense. Like if you're the only person around and 3 dudes are about to set the bomb on Voidstar. You might not like it, but you don't have many options there, gotta stop em somehow until reinforcements rez/arrive. =D

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I dunno, if (using Voidstar as an example) there's 5 or 6 of my team mates headed towards the east door, and the ENTIRE enemy force is at the west door, I'd hope at least 1 or 2 of the players on my team would help me go distract them until the bomb goes off.


Also, I'm one of those people who *****es about Sentinel/Marauder being squishy as hell... In PvE. Never had a problem with PvP, really. I mean, I die a lot, but I'm also usually in the top 5 or less in DPS and kills, so it evens out.


And I don't use any heals on my Sorc, cuz I REALLY suck at healing, and by the time I got everything set to heal someone, they'd be dead, and I'd have just wasted time that I could have been doing damage. And I'm usually close to dead for the same reason.


Also, I use keyboard for movement... mainly because I haven't been able to figure out how to use the mouse.



But yeah, I'm more than willing to admit my noobishness in MMOs, and especially PvP, but most of the things mentioned here (That I didn't cop to doing, myself) even annoy the hell out of me!

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Capping turrets on the outside of the turret where you are in LOS to be shot at 30m away, instead of capping the turret on the inside, away from LOS from the people incoming (buys you 5+ seconds to get a cap).


CC'ing ball carriers and putting them at full resolve bar while they are still in the middle of the arena.


Ignoring basic strats at begining of matches.


"Helping" the ball carrier kill enemy players, instead of trying to run to the goal line and wait for a pass.


Healing classes jumping in on a fight, so they can get the KB on someone that is at 500 life, instead of tossing you a heal when you are really low in health too.


People not paying attention to who has dots, and not helping to cap turrets when they are the only one without a dot.


Not CC'ing targets to help slow them down when capping doors/turrets.

Edited by Humankeg
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1: People who use stuns as openers (excluding Operatives and Scoundrels). Aka, BH's opening with electro-dart.


2: People who won't engage in an equal fight in fear of getting rolled. Example: There are 3 people defending a node. You, another guy, and a stealther are on your way to attack. The stealther turns back for some reason, and so the other player follows. Now, what would've been a 3v3 is a 3v1 and the two who left are playing grab-*** between nodes.


3: People who think they can run through fire with the Huttball.


4. People who think they can run through fire with the Huttball.


5. People who think they can run through fire with the Huttball.

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Make a list...what are the things you see people do in PvP that are just plain stupid and make them bad?


1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.


this i can agree with filling the ball carriers esolve bar to solid white when you can pull them back or knock them away.


2. Fight away from the nodes, ignoring the stealther who swung around behind to cap right in front of God and everybody.


this one you have to bare in mind the stealth bug that alot of people are abusing right now so you cant tell who and what is capturing or has captured the objective or disarmed etc


3. Walk away from an otherwise undefended node.


this is realy anoying i can agree with you on that even when you tell 1 or 2 people to stay and defend ><



4. Focus on trying to kill the ball carrier when the tank next to him has him guarded, the healer next to the tank is healing away, and you and one other guy are the only ones there to deliver damage.


knock backs and crowd controll works here or nuke the ball carrier and cc the healers :p



5. As a tank class - not using guard or taunts because you can't be bothered with the extra keybinds.


yes anoying also people complaining when they got so many skills they dont use :/



6. Mindlessly zerging a well defended node by yourself, somehow thinking that trying the same thing over and over again is going to provide a different result.


this you can only do if you have the objective or defending it to stop the other team defusing or capturing to delay them from taking or disarming.


7. Being a hero - trying to carry that ball across to the end zone when you have 4 people on you, and there's a friendly standing there in the end zone ready to catch the pass.


yes pass the dam ball ><






thats pretty much it i think :p

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My favorite:


Me and two other players were running to left turret of Civil War. Before we could cap it, we were intercepted by a stealther assasin. We finished him...and started to guard. After while, when two of us wanted to move towards a central objective to assist with capture...


... we noticed that our turret wasn't capped yet.


We capped it.


We promised to each other that it will be our secret.


Bwahaha! Good one. But your friend is probably wondering why you just told everyone. <3

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