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Everything posted by BinxDarkstar

  1. Actually, it's specifically stated at one point that Padmé was Force Sensitive, but had not been discovered by the Order (and also that her sensitivity was very minor) But it was enough to ensure that Force Sensitivity would ALWAYS breed true in the Skywalker line. Luke had, at very least, CLOSE to his father's potential, but unlike his father, he was able to reach his full potential.
  2. but again, if such a thing wasn't forbidden in the first place, they wouldn't have to hide it. Palpatine would not have been able to manipulate Anakin nearly as easily had he been able to be open and honest about his relationship with Padmé, because that was the main focus of Palpatine's manipulation, preying on the fact that Anakin wanted so desperately to save his wife, and he COULDN'T TALK TO THE JEDI ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEY'D KICK HIM OUT. "Them's the rules" is not a valid argument to saying it isn't an extremist view. They may have the right to kick him out because relationships are forbidden, that doesn't make the views any less extremist.
  3. Um... Twi'lek Settlers on Tython that were being massacred and the Order refused to help them until the Flesh Raiders started killing Jedi. You mean aside from excommunicating Jedi for falling in love even when they HAVEN'T fallen to the dark side? Here's a thought for you: Would Anakin Skywalker have fallen to the Dark Side if he had been allowed to be married to Padmé and not had to keep it all a secret? Also, there's a period of time that the Jedi Order took direct control of the Galaxy, and had to be ousted by the Republic who wanted their sovereignty back.
  4. ^ Plus the fact that Bioware's refusing to talk to concerned gamers about the most common issues being brought to their attention, and their Q&As are a farce; rarely, if ever, telling us anything that wasn't already easily accessed knowledge. Bioware's obvious lack of concern for their customers' views are the main reason I dropped my subscription (That and playability of the Jedi Knight class)
  5. I highly doubt #4. There've been two Q&As already, both with more than 10% of the tread dedicated to SGRA questions (which, logically, SHOULD guarantee it a spot on the final Qs) And in both cases, they completely ignored the issue. Like I said, at this point, it seems to me that they're purposefully ignoring us, were lying about SGRAs, and have no interest in implementing them. There's NO reason for this complete lack of communication on the matter.
  6. Ok, seriously, this shouldn't be an argument. EVERY WRITER WHO HAS EVER BEEN A PART OF SW HAS SAID THAT SIDIOUS IS THE STRONGEST SITH EVER. That being said, I STILL think Revan could beat Vader because of everything that Vader had hampering his abilities; BUT GM Luke, who is less powerful than his father's original POTENTIAL, but is quite possibly more powerful than Sidious reborn, would tear Revan apart, meaning that if Vader had NOT lost the battle on Mustafar to Obi-Wan, he would have torn Revan apart without breaking a sweat. But as it stands Vader is said to be about 80% of Palpatine (Pre-Cyborg had the potential to be 200% of Sidious) It's never specifically said, but I believe Malak was approx Vader's strength when empowered by the Star Forge (meaning that naturally, he'd be far weaker than Vader), which would mean that Revan is at least slightly stronger. But, that's just opinion. Also, anyone who wants to say you can't use EU lore for Sidious or Vader: Lucas doesn't consider ANYTHING in the EU to be canon, so Revan doesn't even exist in his eyes, so it's ALL EU, shut up.
  7. Threepio, hands down. Jar Jar never once made me laugh. He made me facepalm a lot, but never laugh. C-3PO at least got a chuckle out of me here and there.
  8. I'm still bloody pissed that purple crystals are restricted by alignment. Really any crystals, because that just slaps canon in the face, but especially the purple one.
  9. OP has 6 gigs of RAM, the 1 gig you're referring to is the dedicated RAM on his/her video card Also, the game has serious memory leak issues, so most of the problem is the game, not your computer.
  10. STRONGLY disagree with this statement. Most everyone I know who plays MMOs bought this game, whether they were star wars fans or not (unless they just flat out too broke, or their PC couldn't handle it). On top of that, the game attracted a lot of Star Wars fans as well, who aren't big into MMOs. This melding of a real Star Wars-esque storyline, with traditional MMO mechanics was probably the biggest thing the game had going for it. It's too bad it has so many issues that make it less fun for people.
  11. I dunno, if (using Voidstar as an example) there's 5 or 6 of my team mates headed towards the east door, and the ENTIRE enemy force is at the west door, I'd hope at least 1 or 2 of the players on my team would help me go distract them until the bomb goes off. Also, I'm one of those people who *****es about Sentinel/Marauder being squishy as hell... In PvE. Never had a problem with PvP, really. I mean, I die a lot, but I'm also usually in the top 5 or less in DPS and kills, so it evens out. And I don't use any heals on my Sorc, cuz I REALLY suck at healing, and by the time I got everything set to heal someone, they'd be dead, and I'd have just wasted time that I could have been doing damage. And I'm usually close to dead for the same reason. Also, I use keyboard for movement... mainly because I haven't been able to figure out how to use the mouse. But yeah, I'm more than willing to admit my noobishness in MMOs, and especially PvP, but most of the things mentioned here (That I didn't cop to doing, myself) even annoy the hell out of me!
  12. ^ One of the most important tenets in economics and business. But, like most large corporations, BW is not showing a lot of intelligence in that department, lately
  13. Ancient Greek doctors make you laugh? I believe the word you are looking for is "hypocrites"
  14. Yeah, because no one playing this game has a spouse, or kids or anything... BTW, I did read your post, and the exact words you highlighted were "massive timesink"
  15. If the only thing you care about is a time-waster, why not go play a game like "The Sims Social" that does absolutely nothing but waste your time? Class balance and open PvP may not be high on your list, but they are high on most players' lists
  16. No- The classes aren't properly balanced. Bioware seems to have a "nerf everything into uselessness instead of buffing other things for balance" policy, which in turn makes the PVE experience unenjoyable for certain classes. But, what really bugs me is BW's apathy towards their consumers. Even this weekly Q&A is a freaking joke. They rarely tell us anything we didn't already know, and they go out of their way to ignore the people asking the most popular questions, because it's "controversial"
  17. I just cancelled my sub. Honestly, with the number of people asking about SGRs being so huge, it felt like a pointed slap in the face to be ignored for the second week in a row. Add to that BW's "nerf everything into uselessness before giving anyone buffs" policy, and the general lack of survivability in the classes whose storylines I actually like, The game just isn't fun to me anymore. I'm really disappointed.
  18. Also, most of the rakghouls lived underground, if memory serves, so an orbital bombardment of the planet's surface would do exactly what it did to the rakghouls when Malak attacked it. In other words, not a damned thing.
  19. I think the Sith and the Jedi are both wrong, but for different reasons. The Sith believe in letting your emotions, your passions fuel your actions. While any emotion; be it joy or rage, love or hatred, jealousy, desire, sadness, righteous indignation, what have you; there is a fine line between using your emotions, and letting your emotions control you. The Sith, as an organization, value power above all else. To quote Palpatine on the matter: "I can feel your anger. It gives you focus...Makes you stronger." However, what the Sith also fail to realize is that not knowing when to retain a cool head causes bad things to happen. Anakin turned to the Dark Side in an attempt to save his wife, then tried to kill her in a fit of rage. This is the problem of emotion for Force users, because touching on those darker emotions grants great strength, but the effects are, as Lucas himself said, "Unnatural and corrupted" and also highly addictive. Once a Jedi starts down the Dark path, it's nearly impossible to come back. Because of the types of actions one is prone to taking when they don't control their actions; yes, I would classify the Sith as evil. The Jedi, on the other hand, take a completely different extremist approach and attempt to cut themselves off from emotion entirely. This is just plain stupid. Any sentient being feels. Any sentient being will have emotion. Personally, I believe the Jedi Order is every bit as responsible for Anakin's fall as Palpatine was. If the Order, rather than trying to cast away all emotion (out of fear, ironically, which is supposed to be the quickest path to the Dark Side), had taught Anakin how to deal with his fears regarding his mother, and his feelings for Padmé, rather than trying to force him to bury it all, he might not have touched the Dark Side when his mother was killed. Hell, he PROBABLY would have been able to save her before anything happened, because he would have been ENCOURAGED to protect his mother. Same thing with Padmé. If he had been able to talk openly with the Council about his wife, and the premonitions he'd been happening, He wouldn't have felt that the only answer was to turn to the Sith. Trying to block off emotions means that they get repressed, and any psychologist will tell you that the more you repress your emotions, the more likely it is that eventually, you'll lose it. That being said, I tend to follow the ideals of a Grey Jedi, but more like Qui-Gon Jinn than Jolee Bindo; in that, while the majority of the decisions I would make, myself are Light Side choices; and I do believe that the Light Side is balance and purity, while the Dark side is imbalance and corruption; I hold a differing view of many things to the Jedi Order, and think that some of the Orders most staunchly held traditions are, themselves, paths to the Dark Side.
  20. Honestly, I don't really care anymore how they do it, or even when. I just want to hear something more than the same freaking response that we've gotten since September. What really bugs me about this is that a statement posted by a dev in this thread saying "It's on the back burner at the moment due to this, this and this" OR "We're working on it and you'll see something in the near future" would take less than 5 minutes to do, and yet NO ONE seems to think to do this.
  21. I dunno how feasible it is, now. But I definitely agree this should have been an option from the start. Anywhere else in SW canon, the color crystal doesn't do anything but make the color, and there's a second (and sometimes third) crystal used for focusing and achieving specific results. That being said, my biggest gripe has been with how difficult it is to get them. If all the colors (except maybe the black/color) were available to EVERYONE, whether as cheap little "changes color but does nothing else" items or as something you can learn from an artifice trainer, it would make the game better. I dunno about everyone else, but the most annoying thing to me, aesthetically, had been color crystal restrictions. If I want a purple lightsaber, why shouldn't I be able to just go hunt down the crystals like you could in KotOR?
  22. Ok, I've actually done research, and I say Revan. Here's my reasoning. 1) Anakin Skywalker was primarily combat focused. Pre-Mustafar, he had actually put very little training into the mental aspects of the Force, because they came so easily to him. On the flip side, upon his transformation into the big, black cyborg that frightened us as children; he began to depend heavily on the Dark Side of the Force just to keep himself alive, limiting the amount of energy he could put out against his opponents. His movement and Force abilities were also hampered by how much of his original body was lost. Revan, on the other hand, DID master both the light and dark sides, and was described, after his marriage to Bastila Shan, as a "Jedi who walked the razor's edge between the Light and Dark" able to tap into both aspects, without falling to either. Unfortunately, Vader never had a prime. His prime as a combatant was pre-mustafar, but he learned FAR more about the Force after his fall. That being said, Revan would win, but it would likely be a pretty good fight. Also, if Vader had not been chopped to **** by Obi-Wan, but had still been by the Emperors side for the next 20 years? Then you'd have a Darth Vader with superior combat skills AND a superior connection to the Force, one that isn't hampered by losing his other three limbs and lungs. And Revan would be ripped apart.
  23. Actually, I've had a lot of problems with Sentinels. The DPS is really good, but we're so squishy, it's ridiculous. Skill or no skill, if I have every buff available to me active, then an elite 3 levels below me should not be a problem (honestly I think a lot of the problems would have been much more minor if you got Doc earlier instead of T7 or Kira, because really, the sentinel's only major drawback is their extreme squishiness. If, at level 35, I currently had access to Doc, or to a place where I could just max the hell out of C2's gear, those Harrowers wouldn't stand a chance.)
  24. Seriously, I've been ************ about this alot, myself. The amount of DPS my Sentinel does is completely pathetic compared to the amount of damage I take. In a typical warzone match, i'll deal between 80k and 100k damage, but I'll have died somewhere between 15 and 25 times. But, honestly I don't find a lot of problems with PVP. my main issue comes with the fact that with every PVP aspect they nerf for QQers, they make things harder on the PVE players. It is freaking ridiculous that I'm getting owned by level 30-32 elites when I'm at level 35, with Kira, a stimpack, medpacks, Force Might, Saber Ward, and Call on the Force active. On top of that, there's nowhere to buy parts for T7, so unless you tell Kira to **** off and only focus on gearing the droid, you have no tank. Things that Knights/Warriors need majorly: Increased DPS to make up for squishiness (Sentinel/Marauder) Increased defense/endurance to make it a viable tanking option (Guardian/Juggernaut) A place where we can easily get parts for our droids (All classes. Even C2-N2 could be useful if I could A)turn off his attack feature and B) find parts for him) EDIT: Also, crowd control. Being constantly in the thick of things, Knights/Warriors (especially the Sentinel/Marauder) should have a couple crowd control abilities to even things up when we get mobbed by a bunch of enemies at once.
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