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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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so a vote system based on majority would result in people kicking people who didnt deserve to be kicked. Such as being bad at pvp isnt grounds for being removed from the warzone. With a vote system it would have to activate the afk timer.



the best bet is to increase the number of possible medals based on other criteria and increase the value of the medals. At the end of the warzone a multiplier is added based on the number of points the team has. Specialized medals for each warzone should be added as well.


This way individual effort is promoted and winning amplifies it but losing does not remove possibility for gaining rewards. Not doing anything results in far smaller reward.

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People cant handle losing so they blame others and quit.

when i quit it is others and i indeed do hate loosing, simple as.

and with others i mean that healer standing in pits and healing only himself for medals, it's the ball carier that never passes, it's the people in voidstar to lazy to use cc so i can place/disarm a bomb and it's the people that fight 'midfield' on alderaan leaving the guns open to be captured and who only defend for medals but do nothing to stop a cap and so on .....

I'm not wasting my time with groups like that, deserter debuff or not.

Edited by Bubalous
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so a vote system based on majority would result in people kicking people who didnt deserve to be kicked. Such as being bad at pvp isnt grounds for being removed from the warzone. With a vote system it would have to activate the afk timer.



the best bet is to increase the number of possible medals based on other criteria and increase the value of the medals. At the end of the warzone a multiplier is added based on the number of points the team has. Specialized medals for each warzone should be added as well.


This way individual effort is promoted and winning amplifies it but losing does not remove possibility for gaining rewards. Not doing anything results in far smaller reward.

It won't be like the fear mongering would like you to believe.


Just be patient and you'll see :)

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maybe if they would balanced teams better people wouldn't leave. I'm not going sit there and waste my time in a match I have no chance in winning. what do I get out of it?


maybe if the higher levels and higher valor ranks didn't groop together, the teams wouldn't be so unbalanced and people wouldn't leave. It's basicly exploiting, and I'm getting sick of being stuck against the same teams over and over while they own a server for the whole day.

By balance, are you implying that first-time PVP queuers clicking the "Solo Queue" button don't deserve to be able to play warzones with max valor rank people who also click the "Solo Queue" button?


You can't alienate part of the player base simply because they are less experienced at PVP than other people.


If high valor ranks want to increase their odds of playing with similarly experienced PVP'ers, then they should group queue themselves. If they don't do this, then they are playing at their own risk by solo queuing.

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Didn't have time to read through the whole thread, so this might have been mentioned before...


All I can say is, that if some kind of penalty for is implemented for quitting a Warzone, then IMO a couple of things need to be addressed:


1. Getting thrown into a Warzone already in progress...especially when there's only a few minutes left of the match and your team is already under by several points. This has happened to me many times and I've ended up in for example a 0-4 point match with only 2 or so minutes left. Needless to say this is a waste of time and the possibility of that even happening in the first place should be eliminated altogether. That or you should not receive any penalties whatsoever for leaving under such circumstances. IMO, please only place us in matches that are starting fresh from the beginning without exception.


2. Having to face pre-made groups with a random one...so enforcing as strict and narrow matching as possible in terms of random groups vs pre-mades would be nice, preferably only random groups vs random and pre-made groups vs pre-mades. Facing one pre-made group with a full random group is bad enough and having to face two pre-mades with a completely random group should never occur IMO.


Bottom line, TL;DR:


If I'm queuing up for Warzones, I'd rather wait longer than being placed in a match in progress with impossible odds (e.g. short on time and under by several points) and/or having to face pre-made groups with a completely random one.


While I can understand that WZ-quitting is a problem, please fix the above first before starting to penalize players for simply leaving a situation with very poor not to mention unfair starting conditions.


I do realize there may be reasons I'm not aware of for this not perhaps being such an easy fix, but this is just my simple opinion from a purely player-oriented perspective...so take it as you will.



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By balance, are you implying that first-time PVP queuers clicking the "Solo Queue" button don't deserve to be able to play warzones with max valor rank people who also click the "Solo Queue" button?


You can't alienate part of the player base simply because they are less experienced at PVP than other people.

Not suggesting that at all, but they will be alienated because they wont stand a chance.



If high valor ranks want to increase their odds of playing with similarly experienced PVP'ers, then they should group queue themselves. If they don't do this, then they are playing at their own risk by solo queuing.

When 3 people can spawn camp the other team, When a team can't get a singel kill against the other they are not playing their exploiting. It's not fun for the other team, and it's going to discourage people from doing pvp. But if that's what you want go ahead sit in the pvp que all day long because no one new is going to be doing pvp.


all I'm saying is people should fight their own level, if they don't want to they have no right to complain about people leaving.

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By balance, are you implying that first-time PVP queuers clicking the "Solo Queue" button don't deserve to be able to play warzones with max valor rank people who also click the "Solo Queue" button?


You can't alienate part of the player base simply because they are less experienced at PVP than other people.


If high valor ranks want to increase their odds of playing with similarly experienced PVP'ers, then they should group queue themselves. If they don't do this, then they are playing at their own risk by solo queuing.


It's funny how "skilled" - or just well geared - people whine about how newbie/ungeared people can get into their Warzones and how that's dumb. But they sure don't mind it when those newbie/ungeared people are on the opposing team. =D

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Entered a game yesterday, just started; had me and one other person vs 8 ppl. This lasted for 2 minutes before we got just enough to cancel the game end timer, which at that point we were 4 caps in the hole. The other team (my same faction) then proceeded to trash talk us and farm us in our own end zone. This always lasts full duration of a game. I left.


I just want my daily, cus I don't want to play my heal agent no more and get on my SAGE as soon as possible. I hate my heal agent, worst class in game by far. Thus get my daily, move on. If daily did NOT rely on wins, I would be happy to lose all night long.


Premade vs scrubs...this happens often, 99% games are always total beat down. Infact after running with a few premades I have come to realize that the matching system in this game is crappy. Basically if you are on a premade, you get matched with PuGs. If you are a PuG, it puts you against a premade. I have seen only a few games which was premade vs premade to this very day and guess what happened every time? One premade always leaves.


Is WZ leaving out of control? Maybe. Should there be a lock out timer if you do leave? Probably. Would I soak it to avoid getting stomped on for 15 mins? Hell yes.


Put in a punishment, people will still leave.


Or in some cases get hosed if they happen to crash...yay!

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It's funny how "skilled" - or just well geared - people whine about how newbie/ungeared people can get into their Warzones and how that's dumb. But they sure don't mind it when those newbie/ungeared people are on the opposing team. =D
Indeed :)


It goes along with how they don't care about anybody on their team - it's their own time, money, etc, and they'll quit if they want to.


But suddenly we are gonna see penalties for quitting, and they care about all those poor people out there that will get griefed by the quitter penalties and votekick system.


They only care if it could potentially effect them (which it won't, so long as they play by the rules).

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They closed my thread so here is my original:


Can someone please call A&E to get them to do a special on me? I mean, I'm walking on sunshine, but I leave warzones with bads in it. I really need someone to show me the light. I just can't seem to shake the habit, no matter how I try.


We been dancing with Mr. Brownstone

He's been knocking

He won't leave me alone

No, no, no, he won't leave me alone

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Well it all comes back to the cause doesn't it? Until you address the issues making players want to leave a warzone, they are still going to do it. Make the penalty so severe that they stay and what do you think is going to happen? They are going to magically decide to contribute?


Or will they try to "help" the match end as quickly as possible? Some seem to assume that its only one or two bad apples in the bunch. When its half the basket instead? Then its no longer the minority.


You can change the game but you are not going to change the people playing it. So instead of trying to make players let themselves be taken advantage of, and build lots of ill will toward the game in the process, how about you make it so there is less chance of that happening in the first place.


Of course this doesn't even bring up the particulars of how the voting would work. Simple majority or will there be a threshold? What sort of appeal will be available to the player through the mods?


If they don't like the system they can mouth off on the forum like I do until it's changed or until they give up and quit. Meanwhile, they can roll a stealth class and avoid getting farmed most of the time. No automating. What is the difference? Automated play is too often used by leveling services and credit farmers. Besides, sometimes I still help my team pull off a win at the last minute because I'm in the right time and the right place. A bot will never do that. Um, right place right time. Wow, how did I mangle that?

Edited by maradigamer
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Then BW needs to grow some and crack down on the exploiters like every other MMO actually does!


IF they did that they would have to strip away all the gear(if a ban was too extreme) of the people that exploited and that happens to be mostly the imps I think(considering that the imp ratio is higher as well, this is more likely). And most likely those people would throw a hissyfight and then quit the game leading to even more empty servers.

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People leaving WZ's - why? Because premades do not deserve to be played with, nor does BW deserve patronage without balancing group buffs and creating a separate PVP que for people who can't stand premades.


Ask yourselves this question: if premades are such good company, why does nobody else want to play with them? Talk all nice on the forums - in the WZ its all filth talk over the general chat.


Then again if they fix the group que it will be whole teams leaving WZ's because they can't stand a fair fight.


To respond in advance: NO we do not want to form our own premade groups - for the same reason we don't like being stuck in the same que.


Don't care about "penalties" either. There is no penalty even remotely as unbearable as the company of premades.

Edited by Comfterbilly
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It's funny how "skilled" - or just well geared - people whine about how newbie/ungeared people can get into their Warzones and how that's dumb. But they sure don't mind it when those newbie/ungeared people are on the opposing team. =D


I mind. I'm not a ganker or a griefer. I prefer to play against people with similar abilities and stats so the fight can go either way. That is fun for me. Not some lopsided match because the six hundred club is out and/or the hackers, exploiters, griefers, etc, etc... Have decided to queue up for a few hours.


PvP is not PvE no matter how much some might treat it as such. There are players on the other side too and if you camp, gank, or grief them too badly they won't come back. This drives up queue times and shrinks the potential pool of players. Besides, its not like this is "real" PvP anyway. Hehe... This game actually has a PvP "stat," hilariously enough.


Not to mention that "gear" can create huge disparities in other stats too, like health. You can have two players meeting in matches with the same level and advanced class, but one has 15,000 for health and the other 20,000? How about one has 100 expertise and the other 600?


Would that be a fight that that player, with 100 expertise and 15,000 health, would want to face again and again? For days?


Pretending that everyone is as morally and socially challenged as some, only cheapens the conversation.

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I really dont understand ppl who quit WZs.

SWTOR is just another MMO, and like every other MMO it share the rule of 'the only valuable resource'. Its so *********** universal, that its shared even between theampark and sandbox MMOs.

And yet ppl tend to semi-non-lose one petty WZ, by losing what is really valuable.


Do i really need to tell what it is?..

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I dont see any patch notes on this? can someone copy paste it plz.


Well this is what we have from the "powers that be."


Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Note the lack of "add."


Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior?


Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.


Note the lack of "penalties for quitters."

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No one really AFKs in warzone.


They stay in the same spot, but they'll move a foot or two to avoid being considered "AFK".


Or find a place to hide and then sit something on the back up key if they don't already have, "an app for that." Its harder to pick out who needs to be voted off when they are out of sight.

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I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


Seriously ??? you want the queues even longer than they already are ?? meh


A simple fix would be to add an incentive to stay, as it is now when trying to do your daily there is ZERO incentive to stay if your up against a pre-made or you join the losing side.. and I mean ZERO.


So why should we bother ? easier to quit and re-queue and hope for a better team.


The dailies should be a points system, so many for a win, so many for a loss, so at least hanging around in a losing game would be worth something, instead of the time waste it is now.


And as for the comments like "you just suck, learn to play etc etc" thats just moronic dribble.. It doesnt matter how well you play if your pugging it against a pre maid.. or most of your team just dont bother trying etc..


And that brings up another point, why even try ?? there is no real incentive to try and cap the ball in huttball, I was in a match the other day and scored 5 times in huttball, so we won 5 - 3, because I spent all my time trying to win the match I dint have many kills or damage, so at the end I next to no valor, commendations or anything, and not even a single vote, the votes when to the ones with the most kills/damage.


So why bother ?

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