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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I don't leave every game that goes south, I only leave games when players aren't even trying to win.


Wow, you stay in some losing games, incredible commitment and character. Some of us stay in all of them.


Part of me wonders if the people complaining about leavers are just bad players and THEY are the reason people leave.


Yes, people staying for an entire match is unfathomable. It must be that they are bad.


It's amazing that you have trouble comprehending this character trait.

Edited by richardya
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People whining about people leaving even though there is a debuff incoming for leavers is getting out of control.


The debuff is great actually.


When I join a warzone with three players at 10,280 HP. I can now leave immediately, so I don't have to carry useless scrubs. Now I have a debuff to prevent me from re-queing into that warzone and hopefully, meaning i don't accidently requeue with them.


Or as a stealth class, i can just AFK.

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The debuff is great actually.


When I join a warzone with three players at 10,280 HP. I can now leave immediately, so I don't have to carry useless scrubs. Now I have a debuff to prevent me from re-queing into that warzone and hopefully, meaning i don't accidently requeue with them.


Or as a stealth class, i can just AFK.



val·or [val-er]



boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery: a medal for valor



You should be ZERO valor buddy.

Edited by Sconnoll
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And this is determined by you? You monitor all of them? I can determine when a match is going south and I will notice if a player makes a mistake but I don't have this ability to determine an entire team is refusing to coordinate. Are you sure it's not just when you are frustrated with a losing team?
It's quite easy to tell actually. If you can't tell, maybe you are the problem.
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People are leaving WZ one simple fact. We have got to the point we know who uses the exploits in the game. We see them we leave.


See full team of Commando's, and we leave. GRAV GRAV GRAV. 5 secs whole team is gone,


Doors are still able to be bugged from within, and patch did not fix them.


Heck. You join a pvp match. You see a score your down 4 to zip with 4 mins to go. Smart person would leave to find a better match or a new one.


This so called option to kick. Sure lets add another stupid option in game.

"I told you to pass" kick. doh rage kicks here they come


Lets just get this Straight and out of the way.

All PVP on any game will have people using expliots, cheats, hacks. The game is always slow to patch, and keep patches fixing them. Get use to it. Been like this since online gaming had pvp. Part of it.


Wish to cry about People leaving, just pre-form a group. Just remember game does bug some after match, and disbands group. Take a lot of time reforming groups. Better then crying on forums or in game. Just make a team be happy.



16 pages of gibberish before finding someone with the real issue of people leaving warzones. One that absolutely needs to be dealt with ASAP before BioWare should ever start penalizing players for leaving. I'm not saying that other issues presented here don't have validity, however, until the real issue is addressed, everything else is meaningless IMHO.


As I stated in another thread, nobody should be penalized for leaving PvP Warzones until BioWare does something about all the damn hacking and exploits going on within PvP, especially Huttball.


Right now it is an absolute joke as to how much it is happening. Some hackers/exploiters aren't even trying to hide it at this point. There are 1-2 guilds notorious for it on my server, alone.


As soon as my guildies and I see players doing it we will most often, immediately leave the warzone. So I ask, why should we be punished for not wanting to play with or against a bunch of cheaters?


Once BioWare decides to address the hacks and exploits and do something about these cheaters, then by all means implement said penalty. Until then, I don't think so. The moment they also start penalizing players for leaving Warzones because (in some cases) others are cheating, they'll start bleeding subs including my guildies and I...and I'm a six-month subscriber that loves this game.


If you, like some, either doubt or have no clue the hacking exists, youtube "SWTOR hacks" and you'll see what I'm referring to. Keep it mind a lot of those videos are extreme uses of these hacks. There are a lot of more subtle examples of hacking and exploits going on in your Warzones right now!


BioWare needs to address this before they even think about anything else!



Edited by Calindra
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Part of me wonders if the people complaining about leavers are just bad players and THEY are the reason people leave.


Maybe, maybe not. From your point of view, it'd automatically make leavers pros and most of them certainly are not.

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Another problem that goes hand in hand with wz quitters is games starting with ANYTHING less than 8 players.


Im assuming this happens due to the countdown timer when joining, causing the wz to reserve that player's spot until they choose an option or time out. This has the unfortunate side effect of delaying someone else from joining until the last possible minute, which can make them late on the unnecessarily long Voidstar speeder or trapped behind the spawn wall. When this happens the short-manned team is almost guaranteed a loss, not only because their outnumbered but because more people will leave knowing its a pointless fight.


Why cant it just extend the start timer until the groups fill up? I'd rather wait an extra minute for an even match than waste longer on a fight we cant win. It would be a better customer experience if you just kicked me in the balls and made me log off the game for 15 minutes instead of starting the match.

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If you, like some, either doubt or have no clue the hacking exists, youtube "SWTOR hacks" and you'll see what I'm referring to. Keep it mind a lot of those videos are extreme uses of these hacks. There are a lot of more subtle examples of hacking and exploits going on in your Warzones right now!


BioWare needs to address this before they even think about anything else!




It's usually bugs, not hacks and sometimes actual abilities.


The in the wall huttball one is a bug. I was in there not long ago, but I used the stuck command I think and got out.


I've seen a ball carrier in there once.


Yesterday I was perma stunned in huttball, and with no one around to engage I used the stuck command and it worked in that situation too.


I have played a lot of pvp in this game, and in games in general and I have a pretty good eye for hacks and I am not seeing it.

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This situation is getting way out of control. Today, I'm getting into warzones with only 5 people left in them which then fill up and gradually empty again. More and more people are just leaving a warzone at the first sight of a loss. I don't usually leave. Today after getting into that 5 man warzone and watching repeat people joining afterwards and leaving I finally thought wth should I be the one to stay in this if noone can be arsed to take their turn when a loss comes, so I bailed. It's got to the point where the system is now just broken.


We need a fix. I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


Whatever happens, it can't stay as it is.


Agreed! I cant remember the last time I was in a WZ where someone didnt bail, or even if i've ever been in one where that didnt happen. There definately needs to be a penalty for bailing.


There also needs to be a option for the group to kick someone who's not doing anything. A few nights ago there was a player who was in 3 WZ groups I was in who went off to a remote corner, stealthed and spammed that his guild was recruiting the whole time in all 3 WZs. He NEVER did anything else.

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Players should be penalized in commendations and valor, (possibly credits and XP too) for deserting. In addition, they could be marked as a deserter and penalized with vulnerabilities in their next match. This is for those players that already have all the gear and valor they need who don't care about a meager slap on the wrist.


This wouldn't necessarily address the issue of players going AFK and refusing to participate, but if you stand to gain rewards for participation, you should similarly be at risk of penalization for deserting.

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Players should be penalized in commendations and valor, (possibly credits and XP too) for deserting. In addition, they could be marked as a deserter and penalized with vulnerabilities in their next match. This is for those players that already have all the gear and valor they need who don't care about a meager slap on the wrist.


This wouldn't necessarily address the issue of players going AFK and refusing to participate, but if you stand to gain rewards for participation, you should similarly be at risk of penalization for deserting.


Wrong.The reasons some people leaving a warzone is many.If you have some phone call and u need to quit then why to penalized?Or you crash ?That makes no sense.Plus Admit 1 thing and is true:Some warzones because of the joining timing maybe can blocked inside a wall of voidstar.Or as happens often in civil war to be 6 reps with 8-9 imps.Why the reason for someone to stay?Battle is already lost.Havent you realize the game is 75% imp and 25% republic?Maybe in the feature fixed that ,but for now this happens.Plus most imps have better gear than republic players because of numbers.Imps can do much easiest hm flashpoints that republic players.

Always we must thing both factions not only 1 side:p

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I know my guildies and I just started doing the whole pvp and warzone thing.


1 It has happened during huttball, I was slammed by 5 people, couldnt pass the ball, lagfest then crash. It wasnt like I wanted to quit ( not taking this all personally mind you)


2 I have had a guildmember say she isnt going to do pvp anymore because of all the people yelling at her in chat bout she didnt know what she was doing....duh, she was new there



My point is you have to consider these things whan you suggest taking action against people that quit, some of them are in fact not quitting at all. Not to mention some that do quit, are encouraged to quit because the group is upset....just putting it out there:cool:

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did a lvl 50 warzone today and i inspected 3 new names i have not seen before,1 had green weapons,1 had green implants and the 3rd had lvl 43ish blue and orange armor.i let the vetern pvpers i know by name what was up and 4 of us left.just because you can pvp with the big boys/girls does not mean you should.i refuse to play in warzones against premades and i refuse to carry other players.
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Been PvPing since 1.1.5 quite a bit and the leaving is considerably lower. I think the changes in this patch really made a difference, at least on my server.


It still happens often enough, but I agree it's not quite as common (at least, from personal experience on my server). I am, however, curious as to why people continue to do it. Since 1.1.5, I've never had a clearly "already-over" game of hutball or voidstar get dragged out for farming. It doesn't gain people anything any more, and it was my biggest gripe about the skill + gear imbalances cause by the groupfinder.


The people who I see who regularly still quite are either of two types:


1: People who quite specific warzones because they don't like them. There are several people who will quit Hutball because they just don't like it. As soon as you seem them join, you know they're going to quit again. I don't mind that so much, because there is usually a minute left to add members to the team.


2: Battlemasters who used to be rampant quitters before hand, and are literally "only in it for the Battlemaster bags". Easiest path to Battlemaster gear or nothing.


Personally, I though they had infered they were moving away form a "daily wins" type warzone quest, and I think that would have solved the #2 issue. Sadly, it's not yet happened, so the quitting continues (and I don't mind, I understand where they're coming from, even if I don't agree with the limited amount of time people use to make a judgement call in).

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In a sub-50 Huttball yesterday, we were stomping the opposition 5-0, everyone agrees to start farming. Except me. I just don't get the point of farming, we may as well score that final point and move on to the next WZ. Its quicker for the winners, and less painful for the losers.
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It's usually bugs, not hacks and sometimes actual abilities.


The in the wall huttball one is a bug. I was in there not long ago, but I used the stuck command I think and got out.


I've seen a ball carrier in there once.


Yesterday I was perma stunned in huttball, and with no one around to engage I used the stuck command and it worked in that situation too.


I have played a lot of pvp in this game, and in games in general and I have a pretty good eye for hacks and I am not seeing it.




Anyone willing to do a proper search can find these hacks online and where to download them. Also, if it is bugs as you say, then why is it happening predominately with one or two guilds and the same players.


I know what bugs are. These are definitely hacks. Bugs are indiscriminate as to which players they happen to. The problems I'm referring to, it's the same players and same guilds time and time again.


I have screenshots of some warzones where the players from the opposing team (almost all from the same guild) all had 50 or 60 kills each, with 1, 2, or 3 deaths each, while not one person on our team had more than 12 or so kills. This never happens in any other warzone I've been in no matter how organized one team has been. The reason this group was so good, is that you couldn't kill these players. Even with 3 or 4 of us banging on the same opposing player at the same time! Nobody is that good!


Also, not only were they impossible to take down, but some of them would teleport out of range when death seemed imminent only to reappear halfway across the map...and I'm not talking about the ability assassins and shadows get or the 4 sec invis sentinels and marauders get either. This is either a teleport hack or a speed hack that looks like a teleport due to some sort of lag it causes.

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Just because the Q&A session didn't word it exactly as you wanted, that makes the Lead Combat Designer's credibility as being diminished?


Both parts have been answered, very firmly in fact. The Lead Combat Designer said there will be penalties for quitters.


The Q&A session addressed this antisocial behavior even further, by stating there will be a votekick system to get rid of folks who deliberately engage in unwanted behavior such as AFK'ing.


Just because they weren't put into the exact same post, doesn't make them both valid. It's like going back to the first few pages of this thread and Paradigamer still insisting, even now after the Q&A, that I'm wrong about the votekick system because the Lead Combat Designer didn't mention it.


They don't have to keep saying the same thing over and over again. All that matters is if they come back and say, "We changed our mind about penalizing quitters, and now are just going to put in a votekick system." Then it would be a totally different story. You're putting words in their mouths at this point, however.


Again I ask, post a thread requesting clarification. If you are unwilling to seek clarification, then you're just trolling and baiting people into an argument. If you genuinely want clarification, you will seek it.


This, "we'll wait and see" approach you are taking, and then at the same time telling us we're wrong, are completely contradictory to someone who wants clarification, and really just wants to get a rise out of everyone.


Just had to necro this post to say "told you so!" neener neener neener.:p

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