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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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You think it's bad now? Wait til they implement a system that punishes people for leaving with a 15 minute time out or something and suddenly the queue times sky rocket because of it.


There are really serious issues that need to be addressed in this game but people ditching a WZ is not one of them. I guess it's easier for the "programmers" to focus on crap like this instead of dealing with the harder issues at hand.


Id rather a long queue and a good game than a short queue that wastes my time with leavers.


edit: You can defend what you do all you want. You know its selfish and detrimental to everyone else. I also never noticed a queue change in WAR when they implemented a 15 min debuff so I call BS on what you think will happen anyway.

Edited by glenbruton
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I understand that,


but it's wow players that will destroy this game because of what blizzard did.


I'm hoping Biowizard doesn't let that happen.


They and the wow community did it once with the nerf to scoundrels/operatives while completely disregarding all other classes.


Destroy and destroy, imo WoW aint destroyed and Blizzard created a game that worked very well compared to this and was a biggest success of all time and EA can just dream about those numbers. Just cause you didnt like it doesnt mean that millions of people didnt like it, there is 5 times more people playing it still after 8 years than this.

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How do you not understand?


This "No Child Left Behind" culture is really pathetic and I'm tired of it. It's YOUR duty alone to be competitive. You have the same tools as anyone else with which to work. Handle it yourself by whatever means you can. If I spent time leveling and gearing, I deserve the advantage.


In old RPGs if an underleveled person attacked a person of superior gear and levels, they got annihilated. It was right. It was expected. It was as it should be. Go get more levels, more gear, meet me man to man and the outcome will probably still be the same if your attitude is scrounging for handouts, or if you're looking for someone else to diminish me to empower you.


Eventually you have to rely on yourself and put in the time. There are going to be discrepancies. Deal with it. Work your way up and earn your keep. That's all there is to it. School may have taught you that there are no losers, but the real nightmare you will face is that there are losers. Losing is great incentive to get better or quit. That's what separates goods from bads.






You are preaching to the wrong choir son.


I have 2 level 50 tons in all champion gear and 2 levels shy of valor rank 60 on both.


Try talking up to my level next time you address me on the forums.

Edited by Ahebish
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Destroy and destroy, imo WoW aint destroyed and Blizzard created a game that worked very well compared to this and was a biggest success of all time and EA can just dream about those numbers. Just cause you didnt like it doesnt mean that millions of people didnt like it, there is 5 times more people playing it still after 8 years than this.


Then go back to wow


Noone is asking you to stay.


Go play that great 10 year old game I can play on my atari 2600 but choose not to because I'm to lazy to take it out of storage.




get your facts strait


SWTOR had the biggest recorded launch of any MMO in history. Yes that includes wow.


Secondly, Wow has 12 million people my @zz explain that to all the DPS'ers sitting in Q for up to 90 minutes while tanks have instant Q's.


You are unbelievably naive and you are the soul reason why I can't wait for you to leave this game then maybe it can progress in an orderly manner without interference from Blizzard crybabies.

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Then go back to wow


Noone is asking you to stay.


Go play that great 10 year old game I can play on my atari 2600 but choose not to because I'm to lazy to take it out of storage.




get your facts strait


SWTOR had the biggest recorded launch of any MMO in history. Yes that includes wow.


Secondly, Wow has 12 million people my @zz explain that to all the DPS'ers sitting in Q for up to 90 minutes while tanks have instant Q's.


You are unbelievably naive and you are the soul reason why I can't wait for you to leave this game then maybe it can progress in an orderly manner without interference from Blizzard crybabies.


Not playing neither but dont cry about a game that changed MMORPGs from niche games to mainstream. When WoW laucnhed, these games usually had 100kto300k subs so you cant compare sale numbers at launch and when you say its for 10 years, it has much more challenging endgame content than ToR which has none and PvP in TOR is biggest joke in MMORPG history. What coems to graphics and high res textures, atleast WoW has high res textures like any other MMORPG these days except ToR.

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You are preaching to the wrong choir son.


I have 2 level 50 tons in all champion gear and 2 levels shy of valor rank 60 on both.


Try talking up to my level next time you address me on the forums.



So will everyone else in a month or 2. Gratz.

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Most of this sorry generation of gamers, and kids in general need to learn the value of losing, and how to do so with honor, class, respect and dignity.


What value you ask? See the part about honor, class, respect and dignity.

Edited by ohmslaw
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I want a debuff for the f.... leavers.

They go in a game than they are responsible for loosing the game and leave and than i get in that **** game and can take there loose.


That is utterly ****.




I really cant understand why there isnt one yet?

Its 2012 and ALL games past showed you that a debuff is needed for leaving a warzone/Battelground or however you call it...

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First thing that needs to be changed is the way PvP Dailies and Weeklies for war-zones are completed. Make first to be completed after completing 6 war-zone matches and the second after 20 (or w/e reasonable number). BW current approach to change things could work too but it may also backfire, with some people farming for medals and others leaving to avoid being farmed (although objective medals should be implemented ASAP).


A truism for the quitters out there. In PvP somebody will do the killing while somebody else do the dieing. Simple as that. By leaving you are not doing your part, either by killing people or by dieing. Don't get me wrong, do the killing by all means if you are able to do that but if not, man up and do your best. Although I'm sure you won't agree, doing the dieing while fighting hard will make you a better PvPer and, on the long term, the entire community will be better with more high level players actually competing trying to best each other.


Bottom line I'm PRO 15 min CD on joining war-zones for quitters. Not out of spite but because when I'm trying my best out there doing the dieing and you leave, it makes it even harder for me. So let's do the dieing together and, while it might not be as fun as doing the killing together, it surely beats me dieing alone and you staring at load screens.


“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.”


Cheers, Lenroc!

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Most of this sorry generation of gamers, and kids in general need to learn the value of losing, and how to do so with honor, class, respect and dignity.


What value you ask? See the part about honor, class, respect and dignity.


funny... i was thinking that this sorry generation needs to learn that losing is bad.


everybody gets a trophy for participation nowadays and everybody seems to think losing is ok. these are also the same people who say, with a straight face, that they want a fair fight... but also have no problem steam rolling lesser geared players.


if your going to spout off about having values, at least don't be hypocritical about it (maybe not you in particular... this is something ive noticed people with this stance take in general).


that whole thing about "its not about whether you win or lose... its how you play the game" thing? feel good BS. the real world is all about winning. winners are the ones pulling in the big paychecks... losers are the ones picketing and whining about how they don't.


but to be fair... if you must lose, yes, lose with dignity. but here's the rub of it... this is a video game... not the final stand of the spartans. there is no point in wasting your time fighting to the last man.


maybe if each individual warzone match's results had some sort of effect above and beyond how quick someone gets their gear, there might be some reason to stick around in a losing match. but as it is right now... yea, hanging out in a losing match is nothing but a waste of time and effort... and often incredibly frustrating as you watch your teammates make mistakes that they should have learned not to do in the little leagues when they were lvl 10.

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that whole thing about "its not about whether you win or lose... its how you play the game" thing? feel good BS. the real world is all about winning. winners are the ones pulling in the big paychecks... losers are the ones picketing and whining about how they don't.


Off topic and probably will get a ticket for it but , WTH :). People picket and whine about RL games being rigged not about the fact someone gets a bigger fair paycheck. When you compete against another that gets to make the rules you have no chances of success. That's why you see them screaming and picketing, is the last resort they have.

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i also like how people call quitters griefers.


lets examine why the ones who stick around call them that...


quitters are leaving losing matchs, leaving the people who stick around to be run over without resistance. hence they are griefers, yes?


hmmm, seems to be a logical fallacy somewhere in there...


a) the match starts. the quitters see the match going south and turning into a loss.

b) the quitters leave, the ones who remain get run over even more easily than they already were.

c) the match is lost and the ones who were left behind are angry.


if the match was going well, the quitters wouldn't be leaving. they are only leaving when the match turns into a lost cause.


which means, the quitters aren't really griefers. all the people complaining about the quitters are just pissed that they're losing all the time, and looking for a scape goat to pass the blame to, instead of manning up and learning the tricks to winning more often.


bottom line, the quitters are not the reason the ones staying behind are losing all the time, as the matches they leave are already lost before they even leave. if anything, the quitters are just speeding things up, so both you and them waste less time in lost causes. adding a debuff penalty isn't going to do anything to make things better because the reason you lose has nothing to do with the quitters.

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i also like how people call quitters griefers.


lets examine why the ones who stick around call them that...


quitters are leaving losing matchs, leaving the people who stick around to be run over without resistance. hence they are griefers, yes?


hmmm, seems to be a logical fallacy somewhere in there...


a) the match starts. the quitters see the match going south and turning into a loss.

b) the quitters leave, the ones who remain get run over even more easily than they already were.

c) the match is lost and the ones who were left behind are angry.


if the match was going well, the quitters wouldn't be leaving. they are only leaving when the match turns into a lost cause.


which means, the quitters aren't really griefers. all the people complaining about the quitters are just pissed that they're losing all the time, and looking for a scape goat to pass the blame to, instead of manning up and learning the tricks to winning more often.


bottom line, the quitters are not the reason the ones staying behind are losing all the time, as the matches they leave are already lost before they even leave. if anything, the quitters are just speeding things up, so both you and them waste less time in lost causes. adding a debuff penalty isn't going to do anything to make things better because the reason you lose has nothing to do with the quitters.


Ahh, a post demonstrating some common sense. Refreshing.

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mainly the reason for people leaving at my server is, that most of the time the repubs start with 5-6 people so the imps either opend a door allready, took 2 points allready or had made some goals allready.


Or we even play against more then 9-11 where it mostly ends after 120sec but well......



I dont agree with leaving i dont like it at all but i sometimes understand the people doing it.

They just try to finish their PVP dailies which doesnt work at all sometimes.


It takes me sometimes from 4pm to 10-11pm until i finished both pvp dailies. The system at all is crap it needs more just then a leavers penality



This may doesnt apply to a high population server but mine isnt....

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i also like how people call quitters griefers.


lets examine why the ones who stick around call them that...


quitters are leaving losing matchs, leaving the people who stick around to be run over without resistance. hence they are griefers, yes?


hmmm, seems to be a logical fallacy somewhere in there...


a) the match starts. the quitters see the match going south and turning into a loss.

b) the quitters leave, the ones who remain get run over even more easily than they already were.

c) the match is lost and the ones who were left behind are angry.


if the match was going well, the quitters wouldn't be leaving. they are only leaving when the match turns into a lost cause.


which means, the quitters aren't really griefers. all the people complaining about the quitters are just pissed that they're losing all the time, and looking for a scape goat to pass the blame to, instead of manning up and learning the tricks to winning more often.


bottom line, the quitters are not the reason the ones staying behind are losing all the time, as the matches they leave are already lost before they even leave. if anything, the quitters are just speeding things up, so both you and them waste less time in lost causes. adding a debuff penalty isn't going to do anything to make things better because the reason you lose has nothing to do with the quitters.


I played a lot of aldaraan WZ´s where players left short after the enemy had two turrents and than we turned the game and we won.

So how goes your theory with that?

Edited by MrDream
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Off topic and probably will get a ticket for it but , WTH :). People picket and whine about RL games being rigged not about the fact someone gets a bigger fair paycheck. When you compete against another that gets to make the rules you have no chances of success. That's why you see them screaming and picketing, is the last resort they have.


lol, not to add to it (and likely get myself ticketed in the process).


so long as there are rules, you can compete. the trick is to man up and play by their rules (rather than try to fight against them), learn them, love them, use them the same way they did, to get to the point they're at.


i dunno bout others, but i want to earn what i get... i don't want it handed to me. i also don't want it taken away from me after i've gotten it, after sucking it up and slogging through all the BS to get there, just because the next guy in line didn't feel like putting in the same effort.


i heard a comic (Bill Hicks i think) put it nicely once. line up a hundred ceo's with their pants down and sweaty asses hanging out. then take two people, and tell them that all they need to do to get a million dollars a year for life is kiss each one of those sweaty bare asses. one person will still be complaining about how unfair it is while the other one is halfway down the line with puckered lips.


its all about getting to your goals in the most efficient (albeit unpleasant) way.

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I played a lot of aldaraan WZ´s where players left short after the enemy had two turrents and than we turned the game and we won.

So how goes your theory with that?


never once said that a come back is impossible.


but, judging from this thread and the posts in it...


my guess is that's the exception to the rule.


once again, the general feeling in this thread is that these losses are caused by quitters. 9 times out of 10, again judging by the responses people have posted here, the quitters aren't leaving until the match is already all but lost... so the quitters aren't the reason for the loss and a penalty isn't going to fix things 9 times out of 10.


the question is... is it worth sticking around in losing matches on the off chance that the team your with will pull their heads out of their collective rears and suddenly have some sort of epiphany and win?


after slogging through loss after loss in search of that one in a million team, no... it most certainly isn't.

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It's a game, and I want to play it. I'm not going to learn to enjoy 2v6 because more than 3/4 my team is literally useless. I'd rather do something else. I'm not going to learn to enjoy pointless combat with random people with no regard for competing to win the match. I'd rather do something else.[/i]


The 50 brackets should have helped with some of this, but now competative PVPers are leveling thei alts and so we are seeing a rash of it again. Some of us just play WZ's for the fun of it and the pointless combat others not so much. Finding a happy medium is tough. Kudos to BIOWARE for trying.

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its all about getting to your goals in the most efficient (albeit unpleasant) way.


Sorry m8, I think you are wrong. If instead 2 guys you get the same offer to everyone (kissing the those CEO arses), they won't have the money to fulfill their end of the bargain. They only pick few because it is all they need for the dirty work against the others. And even if you are in those few u may be outplayed by the one with softer lips :p. What would that get you?

Don't like your system sorry.

But let's agree to disagree, and leave it to that.


Cheers, Lenroc!

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Sorry m8, I think you are wrong. If instead 2 guys you get the same offer to everyone (kissing the those CEO arses), they won't have the money to fulfill they end of the bargain. They only pick few because it is all they need for the dirty work against the others. And even if you are in those few u may be outplayed by the one with softer lips :p. What would that get you?

Don't like your system sorry.

But let's agree to disagree, and leave it to that.


Cheers, Lenroc!


hehe, fair enough, so long as we stay civil about it. kinda wish people would do that in general, solve alot more problems if people didn't let emotions (particularly anger) get involved in their disputes.

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Should there be some sort of mechanics like in chess where you can just concede the game?


I see no point in losing 15 minutes in Huttball when it's 2 - 0 after 3 minutes and my team does not demonstrate any coordination. Even with a penalty for leaving, I'd still leave because it's just not fun to play under these circumstance. My motivation is not not to grind valor or win at all cost. I just want to have a decent fun game opposing 2 equally match teams.

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I know it's possible, but is it probable? No friggen way.


Happened to me yesterday. Well, I don't know the exact score, but I remember perfectly clear that in a complete LVL50 Alderaran Warzone our team got exactly zero kills (yes, absolutely no kill), and our complete team ranked below all members of the opposing team on the final score screen. That was very funny ...

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