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"Tab" targeting. A nightmare.


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I like the tab targetting through all, it lets be get everyone dotted up proper! :p


There is an keybind that will let you get the closest enemy. If that fails there is good ole mouse click too.


The problem with making a system too "smart" is it will just mystify people as to why they cant target person "C".

Edited by salamanderx
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I like the tab targetting through all, it lets be get everyone dotted up proper! :p


There is an keybind that will let you get the closest enemy. If that fails there is good ole mouse click too.


The problem with making a system too "smart" is it will just mystify people as to why they cant target person "C".


Please, stop giving "Target nearest enemy" as an example.... since it is targeting also enemies behind you that are a bit closer than that enemy in front of you....


Please.... stop, really. stop.

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Please, stop giving "Target nearest enemy" as an example.... since it is targeting also enemies behind you that are a bit closer than that enemy in front of you....


Please.... stop, really. stop.


yeh so it is a L2play factor.


you basically just admitted that.

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yeh so it is a L2play factor.


you basically just admitted that.


No it isn't. Why on earth would you ever want to target someone behind you? How the hell does that make any sense at all? If I wanted to target the person behind me, or to the extreme side, I would turn and face that person. If I am going to attack someone, I am going to look at them. When was the last time you seen someone run towards another player, with the intentions of attacking, only to spin around so they can target them from the opposite direction? I am going with never!


I am consistently in the top 3 in any given WZ, and spend most my play time in PvP. I have been gaming longer than many people have been alive. I have been playing MMO's longer than some people have been out of diapers. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the tab targeting in this game needs help.


EDIT: For the record this thread isn't saying the current system is absolutely broken, obviously it functions on some level. But the degree of frustration it provides compared to its function is out of balance. Really the fix to it is simple, and multiple viable suggestions on the matter have been made in this thread.


I like the tab targetting through all, it lets be get everyone dotted up proper! :p


There is an keybind that will let you get the closest enemy. If that fails there is good ole mouse click too.


The problem with making a system too "smart" is it will just mystify people as to why they cant target person "C".



Look, another awesome person who didn't bother reading any responses to this thread...shock and amazement.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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No it isn't. Why on earth would you ever want to target someone behind you? How the hell does that make any sense at all? If I wanted to target the person behind me, or to the extreme side, I would turn and face that person. If I am going to attack someone, I am going to look at them. When was the last time you seen someone run towards another player, with the intentions of attacking, only to spin around so they can target them from the opposite direction? I am going with never!


I am consistently in the top 3 in any given WZ, and spend most my play time in PvP. I have been gaming longer than many people have been alive. I have been playing MMO's longer than some people have been out of diapers. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the tab targeting in this game needs help.


EDIT: For the record this thread isn't saying the current system is absolutely broken, obviously it functions on some level. But the degree of frustration it provides compared to its function is out of balance. Really the fix to it is simple, and multiple viable suggestions on the matter have been made in this thread.


i did mention in a previous post about giving us options to change it and not a full out change


ive been gaming since the 80's so i know how you feeeeeel.


Look, another awesome person who didn't bother reading any responses to this thread...shock and amazement.


nah you only read one of my replies, so in your own words, shock and amazement.

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apologist logic: yeah tab targeting is beyond terrible, but the fact that you don't like it means you need to l2p


I never claimed I have an issue in playing with the targeting mechanism.


26 binds on my sentinel... another 2 for targeting really aint that bothering.


But the system is horrible, it is not intuitive and buggy (as people including myself have posted).


The OP has 2 suggestions for 2 targeting methods that will make this whole thing more intuitive and less random (since during a wz, as melee, targeting gets so random since you are always surrounded.)


They can be so kind to add these 2 new options and not perform a complete overhaul.

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Please, stop giving "Target nearest enemy" as an example.... since it is targeting also enemies behind you that are a bit closer than that enemy in front of you....


Please.... stop, really. stop.


Verill you stop. I understand you think this is bad advice and dosn't fix anything, but what you don't understand is that 3/4th's of the people who are complaining about tab targeting in this thread probably have no idea they can change it from next to nearest.

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Verill you stop. I understand you think this is bad advice and dosn't fix anything, but what you don't understand is that 3/4th's of the people who are complaining about tab targeting in this thread probably have no idea they can change it from next to nearest.


Maybe , maybe not.


But asking for the nearest to be a frontal targeting is a very valid call.


I can also say that most of the people don't play a melee and thus not experiencing this in the magnitude that melee classes do.


You target what is in your frontal vision, not behind. You want to target nearest behind you.... turn.

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For me, sometimes I have to mash tab repeatedly in order to get it to cycle if there's any lag whatsoever.


Also, the ops window. It doesn't even let you use abilities bound to the mouse unless you move the cursor away from it. So dumb and unergonomic. And why the hell can we only have 2 windows up at the same time?


UI in this game is just so, so terrible. Bioware, let players mod their UI like WoW does and we'll do your damn jobs for you.

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After 50+ pages of replies, hopefully Bioware will address this.


I never had many issues with tab-target ... until I stopped playing my healer. As soon as I started playing a melee I was wishing I was playing my healer again simply because targeting was infuriating.

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After 50+ pages of replies, hopefully Bioware will address this.


I never had many issues with tab-target ... until I stopped playing my healer. As soon as I started playing a melee I was wishing I was playing my healer again simply because targeting was infuriating.


^ This


I won't say you can't work with it , but it is stupid beyond believe since it does not work according to your view cone when nearest target is checked

Edited by LexiCazam
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^ This


I won't say you can't work with it , but it is stupid beyond believe since it does not work according to your view cone when nearest target is checked


Yeah, as an aside is there anyway to turn off the BS feature of firing whatever skill is in the first action bar slot when I right click to target someone?


I can't count how many times I've right click targeted someone in stealth only to fire my auto-attack (is on my first action bar slot) from stealth and miss my opener.

Edited by LexiCazam
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I chalk this debacle up to when rpg designers who never ever played an MMO, design their first MMO. Same reason for the bike ride on void star, same reason for the 4 loading screens between planets, and orbital stations, making your class quest bounce back and forth from dromund kaas/coruscant while ignoring the fact that you already have a HOLOCALL mechanic already in place, non customizable ui, reward systems based on random number generators, tool tips that list no quantifiable numbers for players to utilize, lack of transparency for rules; determining who wins in warzone ties, design a companion for ranged classes that pulls mobs into melee range to kick your ***, C2-N2, limiting player choice on companion use, impossible class quest bosses who you cant target due to LoS error, the huge *** friggin space port on coruscant, the required walk between disconnected taxi pads on dromund kaas (dont worry you only have to come back to dromund kaas 20 times during your class quest), et al I could go on and on, but I have have already wasted the last 2 minutes thinking all this up so, it is time to move on to other things in my head... Edited by Figmentus
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