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ILUM 1 day of fun 6 days of pure frustration(imperial pov)


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Let me start out by saying, yes im imperial and yes there is a faction imbalance on my server. I love pvp, but it seems that the only enjoyable time i have on ilum is Tuesday when the weeklies reset. Every Tuesday there are always good fights on both sides. However, the 6 days that follow are ZOMG zergfest outside the republic base. I can only imagine how much this blows for pub players. Usually their are a few players with some intelligence in whatever ops group i am in begging everyone else to stop ganking the base to allow the chance to come out and give it the ole collage try.


For the most part i just stand behind the hill sitting down waiting for everyone to back up in the hopes of some action(pulling a character and getting one kill every 10 minutes doesnt do it for me). Sometimes they listen and will start to back up, when this happens everyone gets an instant chub and chases them back in the base at the first sight of them coming out. I am not sure why this is so hard to understand, and i realize im probably gonna take it from republic players in this thread but this is just my opinion of a broken system and i refuse to join in on base zerging.

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You need to start affecting change.


On our server its Imp sided too (not nearly as bad as some servers) but instead of camping outside their base, we fight over this bridge right outside one of their graveyards in the SW corner.


The bridge controls zerg, Republics respawn quickly (while Imps have to run a decent length), and fights aren't all that bad.

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You need to start affecting change.


On our server its Imp sided too (not nearly as bad as some servers) but instead of camping outside their base, we fight over this bridge right outside one of their graveyards in the SW corner.


The bridge controls zerg, Republics respawn quickly (while Imps have to run a decent length), and fights aren't all that bad.


yeah thats what was going on this last Tuesday and was really, really fun. I guess it was wishful thinking that this was going to happen on a regular basis.

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As a republic player that makes no qualms about using the rebpubic base, all I have to say is


Too freaking bad.


I for one am not going to "give it the college try" whne it is 3 or 4 imp to every republic. Anyone that thinks that is a productive endeavor is a moron.


You want kills and you want to have those odds, then you can come take your chances at the republic base.


Otherwise have fun waiting for crates to spawn.


Don't like it, then re-roll Republic if you want a real PVP challenge.

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They need to make each instance of Ilum have a 1 to 1 population cap with a queue. Maybe it would convince some people to reroll on the other side so they could get in faster. Also, the zone is too huge. I spend all my time trying to get back to the battle, only to lag out and appear in the middle of 30 repubs. lol
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The only time we get more than a handful of people fighting at ilum central is when we get 20 ppl on both sides kill trading at ilum central. Camping a base? doesnt happen because there is hardly anyone ever there, and any fighting that does take place is one side ganking the other 15 minutes, then popping to a warzone so the other side ganks for 15 minutes...


Ilum is an embarresment. Give us something as good as nordland.

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As a republic player that makes no qualms about using the rebpubic base, all I have to say is


Too freaking bad.


I for one am not going to "give it the college try" whne it is 3 or 4 imp to every republic. Anyone that thinks that is a productive endeavor is a moron.


You want kills and you want to have those odds, then you can come take your chances at the republic base.


Otherwise have fun waiting for crates to spawn.


Don't like it, then re-roll Republic if you want a real PVP challenge.


im level 35 on my republic alt and im working on it. I know that if their are only 6 pubs and 20+ imperials no one is going to come out, however when they do have numbers the imperials give them 0 chance of making an effort.


as i said these are the views of one player and i know everyone's experience on this planet varies from server to server and player to player.

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As a republic player that makes no qualms about using the rebpubic base, all I have to say is


Too freaking bad.


I for one am not going to "give it the college try" whne it is 3 or 4 imp to every republic. Anyone that thinks that is a productive endeavor is a moron.


You want kills and you want to have those odds, then you can come take your chances at the republic base.


Otherwise have fun waiting for crates to spawn.


Don't like it, then re-roll Republic if you want a real PVP challenge.


I'm gonna go ahead and put this out there. I for one will run around solo in Illium for an hour and chase every pub I see. Even camping the pubs base solo while the rest stay grounded in central until a bit pub force comes. Whenever there is a straggler pub I always go at him, I might even go for 2v1 if I think I can take one of you out before I die. However, for whatever reason you guys use that base a clutch for ever situation. Every pub still runs away even when I am alone, they run directly for the base as soon as I attack them. At one point they kept trying to kite me back into their base when there was 2 of them. Yeah I know imps outnumber you, but when you have a ratio of 60%-40% and we are at your doors, go for the damn push. your spawn point is like 5 feet away. You'll die once then come back and stomp us.

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For two days strait there was no OPS action on Ilum on my server. You couldn't find a repub to fight if your life depended on it. I was actually starting to get some concerns that many of the Repub PVPers had given up on the site.


But then something happened on Ilum yesterday that took many of us by surprise. We had two Imp OPS groups running and the Repubs actually pushed us all the way back to our base.


Instead of the usual, "repubs at center" or "6 at sa" messages we generally type to inform on repub movements, instead we were typing "fall back to center", "regroup at NA", and even "everyone back to base".


Sadly though this was short lived. Once we had our backs to the wall, we played very aggessively and all but wiped the Repubs in just a few minutes. And with no close respawn location for them they never could regroup. Within 10 mins of wiping their assault at our base, we were back to their base doing the usual grapple farm to get our kills.


What was a perfect opportunity for them to regroup again, speeder north, and retake the northern map, ended up instead with a fissle as more of their ops members left the zone.


I don't know what the fix is for Ilum. But what I do know is that Ilum definately isn't working. When I think of rolling an alt, I simply think about the hell that PVP has become in this game and I quickly come back to reality.


Anybody who thinks that warzone victories or Ilum dailies / weeklies are easy to achieve have never experienced an Ilum devoid of any action. On the days when it becomes all quiet on all fronts, I literally sit back in my chair and wonder what do I do now?

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I was in Ilum yesterday when I found a few Republic players. I mentioned it in PVP chat and we had enough to form a small OPs group. Sure enough, the fight ends up at their base with not much getting done. I am telling my OPs group to back up to Southern Assault at least to give them a chance to spread out or come to us. Everyone refuses to do so, which means keeping the other players in their base, which also means, no kills for either side, unless of course you get harpooned into the base and insta-killed. How fun! People create their own problems and fail to realize it.


I have a question though; is there anything preventing the other team from taking a speeder elsewhere on the map if they are being camped at their main base? I know they can read say, and I did try to mention it while on the other side of their wall before riding away, but it never happened. The zone is huge, there should be no reason not to use the whole map for small skirmishes. Put some resource nodes on that side of the map. I am not sure how chests spawn out there, but I hope it's not just at the control points. Encourage people to ride around. I hate base camping.



Kaas City

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I have a question though; is there anything preventing the other team from taking a speeder elsewhere on the map if they are being camped at their main base? I know they can read say, and I did try to mention it while on the other side of their wall before riding away, but it never happened. The zone is huge, there should be no reason not to use the whole map for small skirmishes. Put some resource nodes on that side of the map. I am not sure how chests spawn out there, but I hope it's not just at the control points. Encourage people to ride around. I hate base camping.



Kaas City


i keep asking a republic friend whenever he gets on my vent this same question. I have not gotten a straight answer.

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I was in Ilum yesterday when I found a few Republic players. I mentioned it in PVP chat and we had enough to form a small OPs group. Sure enough, the fight ends up at their base with not much getting done. I am telling my OPs group to back up to Southern Assault at least to give them a chance to spread out or come to us. Everyone refuses to do so, which means keeping the other players in their base, which also means, no kills for either side, unless of course you get harpooned into the base and insta-killed. How fun! People create their own problems and fail to realize it.


I have a question though; is there anything preventing the other team from taking a speeder elsewhere on the map if they are being camped at their main base? I know they can read say, and I did try to mention it while on the other side of their wall before riding away, but it never happened. The zone is huge, there should be no reason not to use the whole map for small skirmishes. Put some resource nodes on that side of the map. I am not sure how chests spawn out there, but I hope it's not just at the control points. Encourage people to ride around. I hate base camping.



Kaas City


What would be the point of going anywhere but where the zerg is? The purpose of ilum is to complete dailys and weeklies to get better gear to complete dailys and weeklys faster


The only competition is which side gets its done first. Theres no defenses to capture, little point in controlling assaults, and dying at your base means you can be back in the fight in 5 seconds. Id say the game is working as designed (poorly).

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Let me start out by saying, yes im imperial and yes there is a faction imbalance on my server. I love pvp, but it seems that the only enjoyable time i have on ilum is Tuesday when the weeklies reset. Every Tuesday there are always good fights on both sides. However, the 6 days that follow are ZOMG zergfest outside the republic base. I can only imagine how much this blows for pub players. Usually their are a few players with some intelligence in whatever ops group i am in begging everyone else to stop ganking the base to allow the chance to come out and give it the ole collage try.


For the most part i just stand behind the hill sitting down waiting for everyone to back up in the hopes of some action(pulling a character and getting one kill every 10 minutes doesnt do it for me). Sometimes they listen and will start to back up, when this happens everyone gets an instant chub and chases them back in the base at the first sight of them coming out. I am not sure why this is so hard to understand, and i realize im probably gonna take it from republic players in this thread but this is just my opinion of a broken system and i refuse to join in on base zerging.


maybe its just the server you are on. on my server, i find fun pvp in ilum everyday. usually starts with a small group of us raiding center zone and we pick up more people here and there. we( republics ) controled ilum quite a bit yesturday and all of the big battles took place around center and southern zones. its actually been a while since we have had any "base zerging" in ilum on my server. maybe its because we can get enough rep players to not have to sit by turrets.

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What would be the point of going anywhere but where the zerg is? The purpose of ilum is to complete dailys and weeklies to get better gear to complete dailys and weeklys faster


The only competition is which side gets its done first. Theres no defenses to capture, little point in controlling assaults, and dying at your base means you can be back in the fight in 5 seconds. Id say the game is working as designed (poorly).


i think this is part of the problem. I play this game because i love pvp, and miss the big fights that i used to take part in when i played SWG. i know this game will never get to that point. I find myself just spamming my buff in the back of the group just to finish my dailies(takes a looooong time) then i just leave and begin to queue up.

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I was in Ilum yesterday when I found a few Republic players. I mentioned it in PVP chat and we had enough to form a small OPs group. Sure enough, the fight ends up at their base with not much getting done. I am telling my OPs group to back up to Southern Assault at least to give them a chance to spread out or come to us. Everyone refuses to do so, which means keeping the other players in their base, which also means, no kills for either side, unless of course you get harpooned into the base and insta-killed. How fun! People create their own problems and fail to realize it.


I have a question though; is there anything preventing the other team from taking a speeder elsewhere on the map if they are being camped at their main base? I know they can read say, and I did try to mention it while on the other side of their wall before riding away, but it never happened. The zone is huge, there should be no reason not to use the whole map for small skirmishes. Put some resource nodes on that side of the map. I am not sure how chests spawn out there, but I hope it's not just at the control points. Encourage people to ride around. I hate base camping.



Kaas City


EVerytime I have been on Illum, we make every effort to not use the base and fight in the open.


As soon as we win and don't move, a horde of 2 to 3 times our number will show up almost every time.


At that point we try to go mobile and not use the base. Then the horde, I assume by the stragglers we kill, tracks us down and with 2 to 3 times our number we get rolled.


Than half the repub players leave Illum to do something else and the remaining Repub use the base.


Again, as long as Imps have numbers and they want kills, then you will be at the repub base.


Using the base it the best and smartest option when out numbered, no matter what anyone says.

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maybe its just the server you are on. on my server, i find fun pvp in ilum everyday. usually starts with a small group of us raiding center zone and we pick up more people here and there. we( republics ) controled ilum quite a bit yesturday and all of the big battles took place around center and southern zones. its actually been a while since we have had any "base zerging" in ilum on my server. maybe its because we can get enough rep players to not have to sit by turrets.


that sounds like i got randomly put on the wrong server:(

Edited by cycao
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As a Republic on Wound in the Force, we always sit on our Bridge of Shame (SW spawn point) and just farm the bridge. We only really fight if we have say, more than 8 players in the zone or so. We have nearly perfected our bridge farming technique, but it is not fun. We sit patiently and have the Imps all get upset and charge us to die down below. I feel bad for the Imps, because we give up very few kills in this technique. We are horribly outnumbered, but we give up very few Valor kills.


Ilum is a joke, and I hate going there.

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Why can't they implement DYNAMIC EVENT BATTLES/INVASIONS on Ilum?

This would solve quite a bit and make it fun for either side.



Then they have like REAL boss droids and boss AT-ATs coming at the Imperial base, etc that need to be defeated. Along with tons of smaller elite troops.


For me that would be a blast.

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