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  1. As a Republic on Wound in the Force, we always sit on our Bridge of Shame (SW spawn point) and just farm the bridge. We only really fight if we have say, more than 8 players in the zone or so. We have nearly perfected our bridge farming technique, but it is not fun. We sit patiently and have the Imps all get upset and charge us to die down below. I feel bad for the Imps, because we give up very few kills in this technique. We are horribly outnumbered, but we give up very few Valor kills. Ilum is a joke, and I hate going there.
  2. Somebody call the WHAAAAAAAMBULANCE! The OP needs a tissue. Knockbacks are fine. Learn to play. Maybe instead of trying to snipe from on top of a ramp, move to the side and take a shot?? If you think shooting as an Operative is bad, try being a healer and finding a target within Line of Sight to heal. Then come back and talk to me you baby.
  3. As a Combat Medic, healing in this game is fine. My only major complaint is when people join a Warzone, their names do not show up in my ops UI as available targets to select and to heal. It is pretty damn annoying having to physically target them on-screen to toss out a heal.
  4. No way in hell please. More Warzones, not Arenas. Keep Warzone pvp meaningful and people will continue to play. The worst thing you could do for PvP is to scale it down to 2 vs 2 battles. Short answer: No.
  5. Most servers don't even have a community anyways. There are no realm-specific forums, and the game has been out for only a month. There is no big server communities to destroy, because they were never established in the first place. Also this will probably be beneficial to smaller servers that do not have the large 50 population to warrant a 50's only PvP bracket.
  6. PvP and PvE should be separate gear, and itemized accordingly. This prevents the hardcore raiders from being able to completely dominate in PvP, because they have the best PvE raid gear. If you want to raid, go ahead. The gear rewards from doing so, should enable you and your raid to progress further into PvE content at a higher difficulty. PvP should be a level playing field. Eventually everyone will be 50, and those who PvP will all have their expertise gear. Also expertise as a PvP stat makes it so that PvP is actually based on skill, rather than 3-shotting someone. You will have to isolate DPS from healers, use CC properly, and time out your kill shots on enemy opponents. This makes for better PvP battles, than say, stun-locking someone in CC and 3-shotting them without them having a chance to defend themselves.
  7. Belish

    west coast pvp

    Wound in the Force Republic players need more recruits!! Our player base seems tiny. The other day we had a small group on Hoth. There were 24 Republic players on the planet... and in one quest area my stealthy friend counted 17 Imps. It can really get ugly, but at least there are people to kill!
  8. Belish

    Cross Realm PVP

    I am still really surprised that they did not: A) Make brackets for Warzones, at least a 50s only bracket. B) Enable cross-realm Warzones, so that the brackets would be full of equally leveled pvpers. This awful system boggles my mind.
  9. *yawn* No one cares. Get off your soapbox. Quit patting yourself on the back, and play the game. If it is too much for you, quit. Whining on the pvp forums does not do anything productive.
  10. OP, Get off your soapbox please. No one cares about your feelings or opinions. If you hate it so bad, leave. No one will miss your whiny attitude. There are many other people to play with, so you will not be missed. Take your smug $15 and go cry somewhere else. Oh, and BioWare is probably already happy you at least paid $60 already. Have fun playing something else, we will have fun playing swtor.
  11. WoW PvP at launch was awful. Hell, it took at least six months before the honor system was even in place. I remember being on Feathermoon (RP) Horde side, and being zerged at least 3:1 (on a good day) at Tarren Mills. It was my warlock and a handful of other brave players, vs a wall of hungry Alliance players. At least SWTOR has a valor system, and a couple warzones to hold people over. I hear there is also a pvp planet (Ilum?!?) It will be interesting to see how the pvp in this game ripens and develops over the next few years. Only a strong player base will help it ever get there.
  12. This! I am still leveling up, but I have lots of friends... because everyone loves a good Combat medic!!
  13. It sucks for healing. Everyone is constantly out of Line of Sight (LoS). To top it off, I always have a million Sith jumping at me on the top level to smack me in my commando face. I would much rather play either of the other two any day.
  14. I think this Empire trooper is destined for Wound in the Force. Once I get my shiny golden-ticket email.
  15. It is looking like Wound in the Force is going to get this Galactic Empire player. Unless the queues end up unplayable, then we'll see.
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