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Disable sorcerer pulls on ball carriers


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It's a bloody joke that The Pit is a sorcerer fest. No other class so destroys the game flow and balance. They already have powers that shileds can't block and can't be resisted, knockbacks and the only weakness, light armor is nullified by their arbsorption shield. They're crazy OP enough as it is, without their ally pull ruining hutball.


Disable ally pull abilities on the balll carrier. It's not hard to add it as an effect to the debuff the ball carrier has. It's ludicrous how the Pit plays out the same over and again. Tired of the sorcerer dominated PvP already. Can we move on to the new FotM please?

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It's a bloody joke that The Pit is a sorcerer fest. No other class so destroys the game flow and balance. They already have powers that shileds can't block and can't be resisted, knockbacks and the only weakness, light armor is nullified by their arbsorption shield. They're crazy OP enough as it is, without their ally pull ruining hutball.


Disable ally pull abilities on the balll carrier. It's not hard to add it as an effect to the debuff the ball carrier has. It's ludicrous how the Pit plays out the same over and again. Tired of the sorcerer dominated PvP already. Can we move on to the new FotM please?


I don't think this is a Sorc problem, more of a your team doesn't know how to clear the rafters problem. So ultimately it's because you're queued with a bunch of randoms. It is annoying, but it's not unbeatable.

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sprint in front over fire then pull. hahah this **** is so op its hilarious.


then you will have all the sorcs saying knock us down blablabla.


but i can't... my cover requires cover and by the time i enter cover they already knock me down.


every WZ are Biased towards sorcs/force users...


Alderran jump over the platform in the middle..

Civil war... sprint to the turret to make sure noone can stop you before you cap it.

huttball... sprint pull which is completly op for huttball..

Edited by DestyOwn
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It's a bloody joke that The Pit is a sorcerer fest. No other class so destroys the game flow and balance. They already have powers that shileds can't block and can't be resisted, knockbacks and the only weakness, light armor is nullified by their arbsorption shield. They're crazy OP enough as it is, without their ally pull ruining hutball.


Disable ally pull abilities on the balll carrier. It's not hard to add it as an effect to the debuff the ball carrier has. It's ludicrous how the Pit plays out the same over and again. Tired of the sorcerer dominated PvP already. Can we move on to the new FotM please?


What, you don't likek playing Sorcball??


Sometimes I think the rest of us are just there to amuse the sorcs/sages.

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Nay! Stop making suggestions with the attempt to turn the only actually halfway strategic minigame into yet another generic pew pew arena where all that counts is who has more damage/healing. There are various awesome abilities that others classes have that do have an nearly as big impact on HB. Just to name charge, grapple/hostile pull or push.


It's fine as it is.

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I agree with pull causing a ball drop or fumble as such but in the interests of fairness, this should also apply to Vanguard and Powertech pulls to cause an "advantageous fumble" otherwise we are just going to get a lot more LOLPULL into firepits.


In short, pulls are a little too good in huttball of any kind.


Reminds me of Riftstalkers using the recall teleport with shards.

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The problem isn't that pulls are too good per se it's that class balance in this game is atrocious in terms of huttball utility.


Basically sorcs need their utility nerfed a bit and operative/gunslinger need their utility buffed.


The biggest problem is force speed, not friendly pull. Friendly pull doesn't give you anything a good passer doesn't give you. Force speed, however, is absolutely ridiculous in huttball because it allows you to ignore fire, something no one else can do except a properly specced marauder - and even they don't get to run fast while ignoring fire.

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He's not saying that pull is OP because you can pull people into fire or the poison pits... he's saying being able to pull an ALLY holding the ball is OP because it completely negates the fact that the ball handler travels at 0.00001 miles an hour if someone can just stand on the goal line and pull him right into it.
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I don't think this is a Sorc problem, more of a your team doesn't know how to clear the rafters problem. So ultimately it's because you're queued with a bunch of randoms. It is annoying, but it's not unbeatable.


Right. So you just have to have 2-3 people on the rafters to clear sorcerers, and 1-2 people on your goal line looking for stealthers that a jugg can jump to.


Then you only have half a team actually trying to get the ball or do anything. Do you know what this results in? You guessed it, the other team always controls mid and has the ball, they will score eventually no matter how many times you patrol the rafters.


Your team is retarded if they care about the rafters, control mid, get every neutral ball, win.

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It's a bloody joke that The Pit is a sorcerer fest. No other class so destroys the game flow and balance. They already have powers that shileds can't block and can't be resisted, knockbacks and the only weakness, light armor is nullified by their arbsorption shield. They're crazy OP enough as it is, without their ally pull ruining hutball.


Disable ally pull abilities on the balll carrier. It's not hard to add it as an effect to the debuff the ball carrier has. It's ludicrous how the Pit plays out the same over and again. Tired of the sorcerer dominated PvP already. Can we move on to the new FotM please?


Lets not take into account that assassin, shadows can pull the opposing ball carrier towards them as well as powertechs,vanguards.


Your point is invalid alot of classes have advantages in huttball.

Edited by Baalazar
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I don't think this is a Sorc problem, more of a your team doesn't know how to clear the rafters problem. So ultimately it's because you're queued with a bunch of randoms. It is annoying, but it's not unbeatable.


You nailed it. No need for a nerf, but LOTS of need for good communication in PvP.


Clear the rafters. Problem solved.

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Friendly pull doesn't give you anything a good passer doesn't give you.


I disagree with this point. Friendly pull can pull a stunned carrier to safety, which can be a real game-saver. It can also keep a ball carrier in range for heals when they are just running in a blind panic. Just a minor quibble. :]


That said, I don't know if I agree with the OP that it needs to be nerfed. People need to pay more attention to what is going on around them, rather than just tunneling the ball carrier. I don't want them to turn Huttball into a simple capture the flag game just because people aren't willing to develop better situational awareness.

Edited by belialle
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You nailed it. No need for a nerf, but LOTS of need for good communication in PvP.


Clear the rafters. Problem solved.


Yeah clear the rafters, and then while you are standing up there after clearing the rafters I will force charge to you, force push you, and force charge to someone else. BAM goal.


Thanks for the easy win.

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Sorcs are an extremely vulnerable class while on the run so if they get such great positions, that means you got no control of the higher elevation and will most likely lose terribly anyway.


Like another poster mentioned friendly pull is pretty much the same as passing to that guy. It's slightly better (because you get two guys there instead of 1) but not significantly so, and the class executing can be easily killed.


Force Speed is pretty overpowered but not as much as charge I think. Force Speed can usually be defended by putting someone in front of them (stun/KB at the right moment), while charge cannot be defended this way at all (the defender gets charged into).

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It's really fun trying to clear a Sorceror off a rafter as a melee class that can just be instantly punted from the rafter down into the pit, rooted for a long time and then takes even longer to get back up onto the rafters...


Now, I'm not sure what the biggest issue with Sorcerors is in Huttball but the balance of that map is pretty screwed up. Pity us poor Scoundrels who are reduced to contesting the middle and hoping that there aren't ranged DPS on the enemy rafters killing us. A Sorceror and a Sniper up there and, well, I become reduced to a HOT machine for the most part.

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I am not sure of the timer on force leap but all that class needs is for you to hang out equally spaced and boom he is gone. Or a force leap, pull, pass, score.


This is why you need to punt those folks into the pit.


rescue, the pull has a 1m timer..


Force leap 15 seconds, watchmen spec can get it to 12

There there is Zealous Leap, another 15 second jump to targets for sents, just with a shorter range.

and Guardian Leap for guards,, which is basically the same thing and the pull for sorcs/sages but with only 20 second cooldown.

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Sorcerers are not a stealth class so it's not like you won't notice them taking the upper paths. By the way, if a Sorcerer is on high ground, they can also just DPS melee classes without fear of retaliation so it's a good idea to get rid of them for your own sake anyway.


If you're a class with KB, it's basically the first guy who KB wins when it comes to positional issue. If you don't have KB, you probably shouldn't pursue a ranged class up there. I think only Marauders have this issue (Powertech can grapple, which is better than KB in terms of removing people from high elevation)? Certainly there are more classes with KB or Grapple then classes without either.

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It's really fun trying to clear a Sorceror off a rafter as a melee class that can just be instantly punted from the rafter down into the pit, rooted for a long time and then takes even longer to get back up onto the rafters...


Now, I'm not sure what the biggest issue with Sorcerors is in Huttball but the balance of that map is pretty screwed up. Pity us poor Scoundrels who are reduced to contesting the middle and hoping that there aren't ranged DPS on the enemy rafters killing us. A Sorceror and a Sniper up there and, well, I become reduced to a HOT machine for the most part.


its really fun trying to clear a melee off the rafter as a ranged class that can just be instantly thrown from the rafters and then not have things like force leap to jump back up to them..

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First off im a Sage healer.


I do beleive that having pull (which is actually a deagro tool) should be speced for in the heal line, its called Rescue not "omg burn in hell".


Seen alot of DPS Sages using it to highly aug their kill rate.


But that being said, the "jump" to target ability should also be a high spec ability, would make the chain of Throw > Jump > Throw > Jump abit less common.


PS. I Love Hutball! and often we loose even when im pulling targets to me

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