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Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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Where did I say I did not like the game? 5 is not negative. 5 IS right in the middle.


5 (or ~50%) is below average for most reviews. "Average" games usually fall somewhere in the 80-85 range.


Using your own metric is perfectly acceptable of course, just don't be surprised when people see you give a game a 5 out of 10 and assume you nearly hated it.

Edited by marshalleck
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I respect their review, but it's only an opinion. Lots of games have received high scores that I did not care for, and that's fine because everyone is entitled to their opinion.


I have not read the review, but as long as the writer didn't ignore some of the flaws in the game I'm not going to hate on him or his magazine.


However, if he blatantly left out a lot of the issues with the game I would then label it for what it is, yellow journalism.

Edited by Fomby
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These reviewers play a few days and write up some trash that people pay to read? Try asking us-the paying customers.


Okay if they did ask us the Paying customers the would probably find that the vast majority of people playing it actually like the game, while a handful of folks hate everything about it.


And the hate machine would still claim that's rigged. :rolleyes:

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SWTOR a good game?


It... It can't be! It just ... Can't be! The forum Astroturfers keep telling me it can't...


No but all joking aside, many people in these and other forums seem to be on a crusade to convince everyone that SWTOR can't be a good game because it's not the kind of game they like. Seem to be convinced that if it succeeds that they'll never see investors promoting the hard core playstyle they prefer.


At some point you have to stop and realize, when a billion reviews all seem to agree in something they rarely ever do (universally positive reviews), perhaps they might be onto something.

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Its so amusing when there is a negative review all the haters say they agree and that SWTOR is doomed and I told you so. When a positive review gets posted it is worthless and paid for...


Here's a shocker: different people may rate this game differently. Some like it and some don't, is that really that hard to imagine? This game is not 'worth' 1/10 or 5/10 or 10/10 in general because ITS AN OPINION.

Edited by Gokkus
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SWTOR a good game?


It... It can't be! It just ... Can't be! The forum Astroturfers keep telling me it can't...


No but all joking aside, many people in these and other forums seem to be on a crusade to convince everyone that SWTOR can't be a good game because it's not the kind of game they like. Seem to be convinced that if it succeeds that they'll never see investors promoting the hard core playstyle they prefer.


At some point you have to stop and realize, when a billion reviews all seem to agree in something they rarely ever do (universally positive reviews), perhaps they might be onto something.


Well said.

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Well then, I guess a huge portion of gamers are wrong, and Dragon Age 2 for example really was a fantastic and widely well-received title.


Yes yes, I know, /v/ hatemonger conspiracy. :rolleyes:




Read the low scores and you will see what I am talking about.

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At some point you have to stop and realize, when a billion reviews all seem to agree in something they rarely ever do (universally positive reviews), perhaps they might be onto something.


I wonder if you will be singing the same tune, should it come to pass that 1-1.5 million of TOR's initial subscribers don't remain past the 6 month mark.

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PC Gamer gave it a 93/100


That's one of their best reviews of the year. The critics are definitely in love with this game that's for sure. The critics seriously want this game to be the WoW killer, I can just feel it every time I read a critic review. PC Gamer did a huge spread on it in their latest issue and they even gave space combat a glowing review.


So the critics love it. Time will tell if the average paying customer likes it as much.


Ugh, I hate when people tried to tout this game as a "WOW Killer". It never could.


Its a totally different genre. Some people like Swords, Shields, and Wizards over Space and Sci-fi.


Heck, even GW2 isn't going to be a WOW killer.

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Well as basically a review of PVE 1-50.


"I tried each of the different Warzone modes and briefly visited Ilum; though, since I’m not really a PvP fan, I didn’t concentrate on this aspect"


Would be interesting to have them reveiw it by someone who is a fan of PvP.


If it were a pvp game then a pvp review would matter. But it's not. Not yet anyway.

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I wonder if you will be singing the same tune, should it come to pass that 1-1.5 million of TOR's initial subscribers don't remain past the 6 month mark.


You keep rubbing your hands together hoping for this....I hope you don't try anything foolish should Bioware announce yet another population growth soon. :rolleyes:

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Hell I don't look for a wow killer an loved this game till 50 and I saw that the same bugs over and over, fix after fix brings more bugs and no fixes, illum was going to be a big and great place to pvp lie, big open world lie. endgame is bugged out the ***, gear looks like crap, mounts look like crap, crafting is a joke. would been happy if it was a rpg, but mmo not even close! and i didn't pay for a rpg!! and if it's so great why r u in forums go play the great game!!! Edited by ousmokeit
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