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RANK SWTOR against these other 7 popular games...


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Simple task just for fun. Rank the following games from top (best game) to bottom (worst game). I present a list of choices in no particular order... Obviously these are not all MMOs, just gauge it strictly off the amount of fun you had playing each (if you did not play a certain game feel free to simply leave off your list)




Zelda: Twilight Princess

Metal Gear Solid 3

World of Warcraft

X-wing vs. TIE Fighter


Neverwinter Nights 2

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I'm not sure you can objectively compare non-MMO's with MMO's. Non-MMO's offer a much shorter gameplay experience and usually have an ending or they are "beatable" in some way.


MMO's are typically judged more over the duration of the game experience, which can last many years. The fun factor is just too different to compare in my humble opinion.

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Metal Gear Solid 3

Zelda: Twilight Princess


World of Warcraft

Neverwinter Nights 2



And I actually enjoyed the "sp" part of swtor, just liked the rest of the games better.

Barly played X-wing vs. TIE Fighter, so can't realy properly rank it.

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Hmm... I've only played 5 of those... Out of those, from best to worst:



Neverwinter Nights 2



World of Warcraft


My ranking of MMORPGs (in terms of how long I played them and my personal enjoyment level) that I've played and/or tested through the years...


















Edited by Skylarke
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I don't get it, you have SWTOR at the top and bottom?


Actually, that kind of mistake fits in perfect with the kind of self-contradictory cognitive dissonance spewed by the complainers on a daily basis here haha


I tend to agree that it's apples and oranges for some of these though. I'm really liking SWTOR and I'm an old-school D&D fan too, so NWN2 (not to mention 1) is high on my list as well. WoW was what it was for a couple years of wasted life haha...really enjoyed it at the time, but it became such a lame grindfest and was so overladen with game-breaking addons for things like the arenas, that I couldn't stand it by the end of Burning Crusade. People don't want to actually play the games anymore...they want the games almost played for them.

Edited by Blotter
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Really? Of all the awesome games in history you've chosen those? The only one that even makes sense to be on the list is wow.


I'm not claiming those are the best games ever made, just some random games that came to mind. Good or not, millions of players have played all of those games so they are well known.


Throw in some of your own games if you would like just be sure to include SWTOR so we can keep this on topic for the forum.

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World of Warcraft (Can't argue with the amount of my life spent with this game)

Morrowind (Epic, first sword board RPG type FPS I played)

Borderlands (Fun, I liked the mix of FPS and gear collecting)

SW:TOR (Disappointed)

X-wing vs. TIE Fighter (If this was just Xwing or Tie Fighter I would rank above TOR, no comp between TOR on game level, just on the impressions it left.)

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Of the ones I've played:



TIE Fighter






World of Warcraft





Metal Gear Solid 3





There's a lot of space here









Edit: change my top answers to the original x-wing/tie fighter PC games as I don't think I've played x-wing vs. tie fighter (memory is giving out on me in my old age)

Edited by Seerees
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Really? Of all the awesome games in history you've chosen those? The only one that even makes sense to be on the list is wow.


Well, if he picked some of the best games ever made it wouldn't be much of a list, SW:TOR would be at the bottom for most of them. SW:TOR is decent, it's a fun game leveling up, but it's no Dungeon Keeper, Civilization, Grim Fandango, etc (obviously this is a personal list of some of my favorites but I think most people who have played these games would agree they are among the best).

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Well, if he picked some of the best games ever made it wouldn't be much of a list, SW:TOR would be at the bottom for most of them. SW:TOR is decent, it's a fun game leveling up, but it's no Dungeon Keeper, Civilization, Grim Fandango, etc (obviously this is a personal list of some of my favorites but I think most people who have played these games would agree they are among the best).


Civ 4 > SW:TOR >>>>>>>> Civ 5

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X-wing vs. TIE Fighter (fav game freshmen year of highschool, but not dying to play it today)

World of Warcraft

Metal Gear Solid 3

Zelda: Twilight Princess (of all the Zelda games, why this one?)


(never played below)


Neverwinter Nights 2


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Throw in some of your own games if you would like just be sure to include SWTOR so we can keep this on topic for the forum.


Not much point really. There are much more than 7 games I consider better than swtor. If it was only about mmo games then it'd be at the top.

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Shouldn't it be a list of the same genre and ilk , hmm all I can think of are 4 other games that were/are similar.


Phantasy Star Online , Phantasy Star Universe , Star trek online and Star Wars Galaxies.


Anyone think of any other sci-fi mmo's . Oh and I can't include swtor yet as I haven't played it long enough yet , two months is nothing for an mmo. four years on pso and 5 on psu , I didn't play the other two I mentioned.



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sorry i made my own list....


AO at the top. :eek:


It was a neat game, and it was a lot of fun as Fixer to spend my time running missions for people who wanted specific items (whatever the term used was, I can't remember, looking for a mission with a specific item reward and then simply rushing to the end of it), but I'm not sure I could call it the best MMO.

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sorry i made my own list....


Your list is a much better list, although I am sorry to see that COH is so low on your list since that is one of my favorites.


COH (Played 7 years)

SWTOR (Played 2 months)

AOC (Played 5 months - I thought this game was going to be the heat, but Funcom screwed it up)

WOW (Played less than a week - didn't like the cartoon graphics)

EQ (Played less than 1 day, logged in, looked around, uninstalled)

EVE (Played less than 1 day, logged in, looked around, uninstalled)

DCUO (Played a couple of weeks of Beta, Played a day or 2 when it went live, uninstalled)

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