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Ok so It's offical. BM Bags are broken. My next question is.....


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FYI; I've been a computer programmer for 16 years. All you did there is prove that you are not willing to listen to reason.


I have been working with computers for 27 years


I did engneering for 4 years


I have been programming for 10 years.


2 extra if you include my youth days


What have you just proven..



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But it is random and it need not be a biased number generator to produce an unfair outcome. Note the difference in unfair (what you are seeing) and biased.


Let's say we flip an unbiased coin (50% chance to land on heads or tails) ten times each. There are 2^10 different outcomes (including the order of the flip) and each outcome has the same probability (0.5^10). The outcome you get may not seem fair to you (same number of flips as me) but it is random and it is unbiased.


Sample outcomes:

H, H, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, H

T, H, H, H, H, H, H, H, H, H


If we let H be a piece of gear you want then in the first outcome you would only get three pieces, however in the second outcome you get nine. Let's say you currently have the first outcome and I have the second. You have the same number of tries as me, yet you got six less pieces of gear. You are fully allowed to say this is unfair since we put in the same amount of effort, however you are not allowed to say this is not random; it is, stop trolling.




Biased random is still random



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I think you are confusing "RANDOM" and "FAIR".


It is very RANDOM as there is not a set way to repeat the same steps are arrive at the same outcome. That is the definition of RANDOM.


Unless you can definitively create the same outcome by following the same steps, then it is still RANDOM.


Because it works for some and not for others is still RANDOM, just might not be fair. As we are not sure what is causing the issue, there is no way to tell what is going on.


Your definition of broken is also wrong.

A) They didn't say it was broken.

B) Broken just means not working as intended.


Broken doesn't mean your specific scenario which you made out of thin air.


Thus again this is all really pointless.


What exactly are you hoping for out of this thread? What is your end result that you hope to achieve?

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I have been working with computers for 27 years


I did engneering for 4 years


I have been programming for 10 years.


2 extra if you include my youth days


What have you just proven..




This is an obvious lie, your behavior and grammar clearly disprove this.

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What exactly are you hoping for out of this thread? What is your end result that you hope to achieve?


excellent. why don't you go and ask the same question to every single person that decides he wants to post a thread.


confusing fair and random???


How. there are people just not getting anything.


How is that fair or random.

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This is an obvious lie, your behavior and grammar clearly disprove this.


Just like when i told you guys about this you assume that it's not possible,


Mate wheather you believe it or not. I did all of that


Like you guys like to tell me


Get over it or deal with it

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Just like when i told you guys about this you assume that it's not possible,


Mate wheather you believe it or not. I did all of that


Like you guys like to tell me


Get over it or deal with it


Everything you post is the crappiest attempt at a haiku I've ever seen.

Edited by drdarpa
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And in that time you still didn't figure out how to use spellcheck, or write a paragraph? And Most ~45 year olds I know at least have a teeny amount of restraint. You do not.


1.) 27 /= 45

2.) I have alot of restraint i also thought i'd share my thoughts with you guys. Since you guys love to share your thoughts about RNG

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No, there are people getting things. In 28 bags, I've gotten 7 BM tokens, exactly 25%. But THAT is luck. It does give tokens, just at a lower rate than they said (which I have no idea how anyone can screw up).


Some of this stuff is beyond disconcerting.


This isn't massive system flaws (which the game has, see: Ilum). These are basic variable issues.

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Fact. I was writing code when i was 4 years old on the BBC computer back when you could get books that would discribe to you how to write a whole game in code and you'd have to write it down.


remember the BBC. ofc you don't and even if you don't you'll just google it to pretend you do. but yes i was writing code when i was 4.


again i don't really care if you believe it or not.


But since your wrong about me being 16 and you just added that number from thing air.


I think we have our first attempt at true randomness wouldn't you say :)

Edited by Notannos
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well this is turing into a slag fest so i'll leave it at this.


Thank you bioware for putting some off us out of our misery


And letting us know that we can no longer progress. It is a relief to know what's going on and i would say it would be nice if we can have an ETA when this will be fixed.


Other than that great game bioware.


Really great game!!

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excellent. why don't you go and ask the same question to every single person that decides he wants to post a thread.


confusing fair and random???


How. there are people just not getting anything.


How is that fair or random.


I'm not asking them. I'm asking you.


If you lack an answer then I guess I can ASSUME you don't have one you just are crying 'cause you have nothing else better to do.


I JUST explained the difference between random and fair.


Could the BM bag system be unfair? Sure.

Is the BM bag system not random? No it's definitely random. Half your posts are claiming that it is NOT random. You are in fact wrong.


Again definition of random is: Not being able to repeating the same steps and definitively come to the same result.

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Are you not listening!!!!


The bags are broken!!!


Offical from Bioware.


you mean your still crying RNG when bioware told you they're RNg isn't working





are you not listening? people still get commedations infrequently, some more than others.. Until I see a developer post, not just some random post saying "its a known issue" from some unknown customer service rep, we can only speculate.

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you can only have 1 BM bag at one time. Before or after 60


You can choose to not accept the quest reward and just leave it blinking pending. I already posted that on page 9 of this thread. You can take the Daily again the next day and stack your rewards like that. A lot of people that rushed to V60 did this, and got their gear before they broke the bags. I unfortunately must have just missed it, because I'm 2/24 (which even if it wasnt broken and did have a 25% chance, that's a 8.33% success rate [indicating that there is a difference between drop rate and success rate!]).


Also for note: if you have 3 quests pending, you cant board your ship. Just a heads up.

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are you not listening? people still get commedations infrequently, some more than others.. Until I see a developer post, not just some random post saying "its a known issue" from some unknown customer service rep, we can only speculate.


Well to be honest it just seems like as usual u guys try your hardest to ignore what's right infront of you. Many reasons why this is the case but none of them change the fact that It is broken.


none of them do

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I'm not asking them. I'm asking you.



And i'm asking you why you don't ask them as well.


Ask everyone who posts what they are trying to achieve with a post


some are trying to be heard.


some are trying to discuss


need i go on


I've made a post about an issue i think it's important.


do you guys really need to be spoon feed info 24/7

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Well to be honest it just seems like as usual u guys try your hardest to ignore what's right infront of you. Many reasons why this is the case but none of them change the fact that It is broken.


none of them do


A fact isn't a fact when its speculation.

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Very simple


It's not fair but working as originalyy designed. My friend and I both hit BM at the same time. I have opened 3 more bags than he has. He now has 3 BM pieces and I still have none. The only thing Bio will look at is maybe a way to make it more fair and balanced in the future.

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