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I quit WoW to play SWTOR and don't regret it!


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I still have my WOW account going but I havn't played in a while. My Rogue on Alliance side, DK Tank on Horde.


Cataclysm made PVP a chore. Daily questing got boring, I eventually only logged in to run raids with my Tauren DK tank with the rest of guild... which have now stopped because everyone is off playing SWTOR or just running the LFR system.


I'm hoping that competition between the two games means that both WOW and SWTOR improve and perhaps get back to old WOW raiding while I adventure in the Star Wars universe. Will just have to wait and see.


The thing that really strikes me as the main difference between the two games though is this:

In SWTOR, you are the hero. The story is about you, the choices you make and how they affect the universe, you get to lead armies, stop doomsday weapons and can be either a villain or a hero on either side.

In WOW Thrall is the hero, the story is all about him and how awesome the Horde he built is. You just get to tag along and try to bask in his reflected awesomeness.


That and Bioware has worked hard to give both sides equal attention. Whether playing my trooper or my agent you get to see the good and the bad of both sides. Blizzard's love for the Horde is so great that they go out of their way to have quests showing that Alliance soldiers are cowardly deserters they have to store in pig stys and that Orc children can't even comprehend the meaning of surrender, while Horde armies win and crush the Alliance.


Even out of the game, they mock one side while cheering the other.


In SWTOR, whether you're Imperial or Republic there are soldiers that'll fight on regardless of crippling wounds, or incompetent commanders that waste the lives of their men for no good reason. There are heroes and villains, genius military leaders and incompetent buffons. There's no shame in choosing either side. Whatever else happens you are awesome.


In WOW, if you're on the Alliance, you're a target of mockery for the Horde.

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I like how in SWTOR, you don't need to explain any of the boss fights because they're all tank and spank variants. Most bosses are just that. Some knock you back or charge you randomly. Most have some for of ground AoE to not stand in. I can think of 2 fights where this isn't the case.


I like that. Makes raiding really easy.

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I quit WoW for SWTOR, leveled to 50, downed all the raids, PVPed for awhile and got my full set of PVP gear. Even leveled a couple alts and experienced almost every form of crafting.


What SWTOR did was made me appreciate how good WoW is. So Im going back to WoW until either SWTOR gets its act together or GW2 is released... Have fun.

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I like how in SWTOR, you don't need to explain any of the boss fights because they're all tank and spank variants. Most bosses are just that. Some knock you back or charge you randomly. Most have some for of ground AoE to not stand in. I can think of 2 fights where this isn't the case.


I like that. Makes raiding really easy.


You like easy raids? And people complain about others churning through the content...

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WoW was quite spoilt before SWTOR release because it didn't have any serious competitors. For example, they would get away with buffing some classes (DKs, frost mages, rogues with legendaries) to be completely OP and destroy all the others in PvP. Late WoW PvP was actually not more than one getting bashed during a stun lock / frost nova; or rerolling through 85 horribly boring levels to be able to bash the others during a stun lock / frost nova. This was Blizzard's technique of keeping people rerolling and twinking and they would not even comment on class balance at all. I believe that SWTOR has given more feedback and reaction to customers in 2 months than WoW had in the last 2 years. This alone would be reason enough to swap WoW for SWTOR. Apart from this, SWTOR is loads of fun. Edited by Cretinus
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WoW was quite spoilt before SWTOR release because it didn't have any serious competitors. For example, they would get away with buffing some classes (DKs, frost mages, rogues with legendaries) to be completely OP and destroy all the others in PvP. Late WoW was actually not more than one getting bashed during a stun lock / frost nova; or rerolling through 85 horribly boring levels to be able to bash the others during a stun lock / frost nova. This was Blizzard's technique of keeping people rerolling and twinking and they would not even comment on class balance at all. I believe that SWTOR has had more feedback and reaction to customers in 2 months than WoW had in the last 2 years. This alone would be reason enough to swap WoW for SWTOR. Apart from this, SWTOR is loads of fun.


Calling SWTOR WoW's competition is as wrong as saying that Whitney Huston is still alive.

WoW has over 10 mil active subs. Nobody will be WoW's competition for a damn long time.

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Okay.. I am too weak willed to resist this:




Just to voice the other side in it's own thread I will say it:


I played the game for 2,5 hours after gym last night, played a level 50 Flashpoint and enjoyed myself!

I did something similar for the last few weeks every free night I had time. This means an average of 4-5 nights a week, and extra time on the weekends.

I enjoy playing with my girlfriend and my guildmates.


I realise the game has many bugs and shortcomings, but love the game and the way it allows me to spend my precious free-time nontheless.


I expect to eventually become bored with this game, as I have with so many others in the past. But if it even manages to keep me occupied for 10% of the time WoW did, I will be a very satisfied buyer.


And once I quit, the only people I will announce it to will be my guildies, as they deserve to know when and why I stopped playing this game.


I am the 90% of silent gamers who feel no need to blurt out their love or hate for this game. I do not think this game is the second coming of the Messiah, or that it is a horrible game not even worth the MMO title. I enjoy it for all it is to me: A lovely passtime to spend my free time on.


If that makes me a 'lol you suck casual', than the joke is on you. Because to me, and many others of the silent majority, this game is just that: A Game. Nothing more, and nothing less.


Peace out.




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Okay.. I am too weak willed to resist this:




Just to voice the other side in it's own thread I will say it:


I played the game for 2,5 hours after gym last night, played a level 50 Flashpoint and enjoyed myself!

I did something similar for the last few weeks every free night I had time. This means an average of 4-5 nights a week, and extra time on the weekends.

I enjoy playing with my girlfriend and my guildmates.


I realise the game has many bugs and shortcomings, but love the game and the way it allows me to spend my precious free-time nontheless.


I expect to eventually become bored with this game, as I have with so many others in the past. But if it even manages to keep me occupied for 10% of the time WoW did, I will be a very satisfied buyer.


And once I quit, the only people I will announce it to will be my guildies, as they deserve to know when and why I stopped playing this game.


I am the 90% of silent gamers who feel no need to blurt out their love or hate for this game. I do not think this game is the second coming of the Messiah, or that it is a horrible game not even worth the MMO title. I enjoy it for all it is to me: A lovely passtime to spend my free time on.


If that makes me a 'lol you suck casual', than the joke is on you. Because to me, and many others of the silent majority, this game is just that: A Game. Nothing more, and nothing less.


Peace out.


I'd be curious to know what you actually like about the endgame, as your post has nothing constructive about that aspect. But seeing how you haven't even replied again in your own thread, i'm guessing this won't get answered by you either...


What makes you like this endgame better than WoW? It's basically the same mechanics, but WoW does it much better and is more polished. Once you figure that out, you will be bored to death with SWTOR too.

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Calling SWTOR WoW's competition is as wrong as saying that Whitney Huston is still alive.

WoW has over 10 mil active subs. Nobody will be WoW's competition for a damn long time.


Well, dunno how many active subs they have. But the last time I logged in, it did look like a dying diva.



R.I.P. Whitney

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I realise the game has many bugs and shortcomings, but love the game and the way it allows me to spend my precious free-time nontheless.


I do not think this game is the second coming of the Messiah, or that it is a horrible game not even worth the MMO title. I enjoy it for all it is to me: A lovely passtime to spend my free time on.


+1, it's a great game and a lot more entertaining, dollar for dollar, than your average movie these days.

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I'm playing dailly and loving it!


I constantly find myself day-dreaming about things like Huttball and I'm currently managing to function on less than 20 hours sleep a week. I have 4 toons on the dark side and 2 on the light, 5 crafters and I keep a note pad by my keyboard to keep track of my biggest hit in WZs (Sniper is my main). I spend a worrying amount of time at work on these forums (yes, I'm at work now) and I am looking forward to new developements.


I left EQ2 because the devs broke it and went to Rift. I left Rift because the devs broke it and wandered the MMO wilderness until SWTOR came out... fingers crossed, no regrets.

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Calling SWTOR WoW's competition is as wrong as saying that Whitney Huston is still alive.

WoW has over 10 mil active subs. Nobody will be WoW's competition for a damn long time.


Most of WoW's subs are in Asia. That 10 million number is SO over played that in reality if you add up the paying subs in NA, EU and Brazil you get a better understanding of that games success. Comparatively SWTOR isn't that far behind in NA/EU markets and despite what you might read or hear in WoW land, that is the market cares most about. It will be interesting to see these two games push each other to the limit in the coming years, I know I already like the direction SWTOR is heading.

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Most of WoW's subs are in Asia. That 10 million number is SO over played that in reality if you add up the paying subs in NA, EU and Brazil you get a better understanding of that games success. Comparatively SWTOR isn't that far behind in NA/EU markets and despite what you might read or hear in WoW land, that is the market cares most about. It will be interesting to see these two games push each other to the limit in the coming years, I know I already like the direction SWTOR is heading.


Source or just trolling.

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Dont worry mate, You will. Just give it some time ;)


I feel your anger. Yeeessss, the rage!




Why do you want someone to dislike the game? If you dislike it that's fine, but why do you feel the need for others to dislike it as well?

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