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10 Good
  1. Honestly, Ive always wondered why Esseles was by far and away the most involving flashpoint. All the other flashpoints are just corridors of mobs. Dont know why they made one like this and the rest so boring...
  2. I quit WoW for SWTOR, leveled to 50, downed all the raids, PVPed for awhile and got my full set of PVP gear. Even leveled a couple alts and experienced almost every form of crafting. What SWTOR did was made me appreciate how good WoW is. So Im going back to WoW until either SWTOR gets its act together or GW2 is released... Have fun.
  3. The sad thing is that most people are making excuses for what is obviously and seriously lacking. Be it because of design or budget, I believe this is one of the major flaws of this game...
  4. Well its a good thing recount tracks those too isnt it? People who are against any type of in game parse or combat log utility are bad players that dont want people to know they are bad. Period.
  5. I really hope you are at least getting some free playing time for all your white knighting. You just come off as a *******... Your argument isn't that the game does have ambiance and a rich vibrant world, its that players dont care about having a rich vibrant world in a Star Wars game. Please just think about that for a second.
  6. I just dont see enough new subs to offset the people leaving. Players might not be leaving in "droves" but they arent arriving in "droves" either.
  7. If that was the case, they would just make one giant desert with mobs for us to kill and say here: Interact. The fact that MMOs create diverse worlds and landscapes IS IMPORTANT. The life, ambiance, immersive quality, and overall emotional connection we have to these worlds is extremely important to many many players. I mean most of the success of this game is due to the emotional attachment to the STAR WARS universe to begin with. You are faulting us for actually asking for that world to exist IN GAME? LAWL.
  8. The sad thing is that these changes are coming too late...
  9. I love all the people asking the ones with thoughtful observations and real complaints to leave already. Enjoy the game with low subs while the devs push the eject button...
  10. Im on my way out. Ambiance doesnt make the game better? Pretty stupid comment.
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