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Observations From Penny Arcade


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But yeah, I empathize with Gabe as well. I really didn't understand the need for there to be a gap between Act I and Act II, especially since there wasn't really one between Act II and Act III.


I had the same R&R mission between act II and act III.

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They are not in any particular order... the first one was first though actually... That free to play comment was his first comment on the game.


the other ones are in random order.


The final post would be the message I originally posted... which ends with him not touching the game anymore...


after about 3 comics of him seemingly enjoying his time.


Are you actively choosing to ignore this?


Here, I'll bold the important parts: "I am sure I'll go back to SW:TOR"


He voiced a couple of frustrations with TOR. I have some as well. Does not mean he hates the game, by any means.

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i stopped reading when he used the words BS and the F bomb obviously not a real reveiw.



I said the same thing when I finally got back to fleet and clicking on the guy I was rewarded with some xp. For a company that decided to throw out major gameplay mechanics in lieu of story, this is just shameful.

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Yeah, I was a bit upset when that happened to me as well.


I mean, I didn't *********** blog about it, but it did strike me as odd.


LOL same


I did send in feedback about the uselessness of that particular set of events in beta (the other planet hopping didnt bother me at all, I find modern players worry to much about something taking a extra minute, always in to much a rush) but somehow, like everything else, it made it to Retail.


Did strike me as odd, here Bioware allows players to speed zip through levels at a insanely fast pace but for some strange reason they throw this no content time sink in for no other reason then to have it in.



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Are you actively choosing to ignore this?


Here, I'll bold the important parts: "I am sure I'll go back to SW:TOR"


He voiced a couple of frustrations with TOR. I have some as well. Does not mean he hates the game, by any means.


I am not ignoring it at all... Someone already posted that link


How does the game being so broken in his opinion that he will only come back till it's fixed do anything but reaffirm the negativity?


I enjoy aspects of the game as well


I never once said he or I hated it.


I very much hate certain aspects of the game though and for good reason.

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How does the game being so broken in his opinion that he will only come back till it's fixed do anything but reaffirm the negativity?


He never said he won't be coming back until they fix it. Just that he will be coming back.

Edited by Thaltom
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Yes, but why would you go back to Nar?


Up to that point, at least on the Republic side, the bonus series starts about the time you finish the planet, if not before. Nar was the first one that had a bonus series that started at a level higher then the max level of the planet. On Nar you leave and don't do the bonus series until around the end of Chap 1. This is after you have done both Tatooine and Alderaan.


Unless you knew about it because you read it here, or somewhere else, you'd likely not have a reason to go back to Nar Shaddaa other then the cross faction GTN.


So they set it up so you have to go somewhere and encounter a NPC who will give you a reason to go back to Nar Shaddaa, at which point you get the bonus series.


Personally, I picked it up on nar shaddaa before I ever left there. The quest becoming available is based on your level. If you had just randomly gone back to the fleet at the correct level you would have seen the NPC with the quest there as well. It's not suddenly active because you are going back to finish chapter 1.


You're trying to create a link between finishing chapter 1 and the nar shaddaa bonus series being available, but that doesn't exist.

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Time sinks sure, but when they don't even bother trying to hide the fact. That's when it gets insulting.


Oh and keep defending it to the hilt I'm sure bioware will have your medal in the mail.

Oh noes, someone disagrees with me. Biodrone! Biodrone!


Every single mmo i've played had obvious timesinks. Stop acting all hurt because you had to spend 5 minutes travelling back to the fleet

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Let me get this straight...


  • OP complains about storyline quality.
  • OP claims many players find issue with the quality of SW:TOR's storylines and story telling.
  • OP quotes Penny Arcade.
  • Penny Arcade complains about the mindless planet-running back and forth and the rather confusing fact that every end of chapter is just a "Return to fleet, then go back to ship" quest with no dialogue or anything meaningful whatsoever.
  • OP declares Penny Arcade hates the SW:TOR story lines.


I believe that this is the textbook definition of "Straw Man" :rolleyes: Gabe hated the mindless running and the anti-climactic R&R quest. He never ONCE complained about the storyline quality whatsoever. Reading comprehension, mutha' ****a', do you have it!?

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The game has flaws, but he's whining about stupid ****.


QFT. The only reason that I can see to complain like he does about the orbital stations and taking the 2 extra minutes to go back to fleet and then back to Tython (unless he has a horrible PC, which I'm reasonably certain he doesn't) is if he has very limited time to play... which I suppose he does.


I can't wait to see what he has to say once he hits endgame. ;)

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Let me get this straight...


  • OP complains about storyline quality.
  • OP claims many players find issue with the quality of SW:TOR's storylines and story telling.
  • OP quotes Penny Arcade.
  • Penny Arcade complains about the mindless planet-running back and forth and the rather confusing fact that every end of chapter is just a "Return to fleet, then go back to ship" quest with no dialogue or anything meaningful whatsoever.
  • OP declares Penny Arcade hates the SW:TOR story lines.


I believe that this is the textbook definition of "Straw Man" :rolleyes: Gabe hated the mindless running and the anti-climactic R&R quest. He never ONCE complained about the storyline quality whatsoever. Reading comprehension, mutha' ****a', do you have it!?


Agree. PE complained about 1 annoying thing that was a deal breaker for him. Never once complained about the story line itself.

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when the world is too big because is useless when is to small because is too small


when is full because the mobs are all too close to eachother when there are to few because player have to fight for a mob


when they move because they are not always in the same spot when they are in the same spot because they don't move


when it's a time sink because there are timesink where there aren't time sink because they missed time sinks and it's too short


when there are minigame because there are minigame when there aren't minigame because there aren't minigame


when it's casual firnedly because it's casual friendly like crafting when it's complicated becuase it's too complicated


when there is long text to read because there is long text to read when there is voice because there is voice when u skip the text because there is no story


they will never make it right no matter what they do someone will complain.



btw i work as desiner/programmer/architect and i can tell you space is never wastes useless space has always a meaning you may not understand it but there is a reason techincal reason/structural reason/flexibility reason

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He never said he won't be coming back until they fix it. Just that he will be coming back.


As in... when the game is patched....or fixed...


Generally when people leave an MMO for a while and plan on coming back its with the hope of updates and fixes..


but ok... I think your trollin me.

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QFT. The only reason that I can see to complain like he does about the orbital stations and taking the 2 extra minutes to go back to fleet and then back to Tython (unless he has a horrible PC, which I'm reasonably certain he doesn't) is if he has very limited time to play... which I suppose he does.


I can't wait to see what he has to say once he hits endgame. ;)


It's not the time, it's the completely in your face, immersion-breaking nature of this particular transition. They didn't even bother providing a dialogue. Lazy, annoying design.


And yeah, if he ever gets to 50, he'll have a lot worse to say.

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haha, I remember that exact series of "quests" and thinking *** as well. The planets which make you zone through an airlock and then a orbital station before getting to the actual planet got old right around that point in the class quest.


I still made it through and all the way to 50... but I also unsubbed at that point because at 50 you don't even have pointless travel to look forward to doing since there's nothing to do at endgame.

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The quest becoming available is based on your level.


The bonus series isn't available until lvl 32, you finish Nar at ~24.


It's not suddenly active because you are going back to finish chapter 1.


You're right, it has nothing to do with finishing chapter 1. It has everything to do with what level you are.


It just so happens that most people will finish chapter 1 about the same time the Nar Shaddaa bonus series is available. So it's natural that at the end of chapter 1 you are giving some reason to head there.


Sending people fleet to talk to a NPC who sends you to Nar is not the best way to do it, in fact it's a bad way to do it, because the NPC you are sent to talk to, doesn't actually direct you to the one who gives you the quest.


But I find it hard to believe that they send you back to the fleet, to talk to someone for no real reason at all, but happens to be standing near the NPC who gives you the bonus just by random chance.

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I can relate to this.


However, at the end of Chapter 1 of your class story that little trip to the fleet is sort of a way to get you to pick up some flashpoint related quests and do some flashpoints, mingle with the other players or doing some PVP (though PVP can be queued from anywhere); before getting back into the grind.


At least that is my opinion on it.

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I can see Gabe's point. It's not really about the lack of interaction with the quest giver or even the amount of travel. It's the needless, transparent wasting of time.


I've enjoyed the smuggler questline and I'm enjoying TOR right now. But what jars me out of fun and immersion in the story is the obvious design elements that suck up time, and for no good apparent reason.


The biggest problem for me is the cognitive dissonance that goes with all the pointless foot travel in a futuristic setting.


I have a starship, I can get medical droids to come out to revive me, and I can get a shuttle to warzones. But I can't make a holocall to get a taxi/shuttle? I need to go through an orbital station to get planetside? There's no way I can call my ship to come pick me up?


I get the desire to impress on players the size of place. But there's better ways than artificial barriers that soak up time.

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I can relate to this.


However, at the end of Chapter 1 of your class story that little trip to the fleet is sort of a way to get you to pick up some flashpoint related quests and do some flashpoints, mingle with the other players or doing some PVP (though PVP can be queued from anywhere); before getting back into the grind.


At least that is my opinion on it.



How dare you have a different opinion of the much vaunted penny arcade.


It was obviously a slap to your face you just didn't realize it. I mean you had to go back to the fleet, BW literally just insulted your family heritage and punched your mother.


You should have quit right there just as he did.

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