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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who is still in after 60 Days?


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Starting to hit a wall on my main. Currently doing the BM gear grind. Have already blown out EV and KP.


Rolled a new alt, but I'm not big into alts. Figure to stick around until the March content update to see what it brings. Then I will decide to sub/unsub. Kind of sad because I planned on playing this game for years.

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It has nothing to do with "Sticking with Bioware", or not.


As long as I am enjoying the game, I will stay with it.

Regardless of bugs or features (or lack of features), as long as I am enjoying it, I will stay.


The name of the publisher or developer is immaterial to me. It' the game itself that i judge.


And for now, I am staying.

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Hell yeah, I'm in - this game is alot of fun, and I love that I can have a great solo or group experience - I can scale my play depending on my time constraints - Got 30 min, do some cool class quests or space battles - got 3hrs, hit up some flashpoints or pvp. Not going anywhere for a while.
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Still in and going strong. May take a break for Mass Effect 3, but I'll be back.


Pretty much this. I also got a game for Valentine's Day that I might be playing for a while but still staying subbed and will be logging as often as possible.

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I have 3 days left on my sub and I just canceled. Too many technical problems. Every time there's a patch I end up locked out of the game for hours, sometimes days, until a hotfix comes along and I can get back in. It's just not worth it to me anymore.
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Yeah, soon it'll only be you five people who like this game left as the rest of our subs run out. Will definitely lol when the numbers from Q1 are released and of 3 million copies of the game sold, only 750k are still subbed.


if it's 750k without you and those with your attitude then i'd say that's a big win for Star Wars! :D

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Here for about the next month - getting bored now


  • Lack of real customisable housing,
  • Highly repetitive content,
  • Lack of sandbox content of any kind *(yes I know they never said it would be sandbox)
  • Dull, lifeless worlds that all feel the same. yawn yawn yawn every world.



Just a bunch of little things that all add up to turn start to turn me off SWTOR.



Another month logging in for a couple of days a week then I will leave SWTOR and hold out for GW2 - as much as I hate fantasy settings there is nothing else on it's way.

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So who is sticking in with Bioware after about 60 days of the game being out. I have 5 days left on sub and I am out..


I'm in, probably for atleast the rest of the year, I still have plenty of stuff to do ingame, crafting, PvP, Flashpoints, story (6 more + dark/light/crazy), datacron hunting, exploring, space-minigame, codex etc and I haven't even touched "endgame" yet and I have not had any serious issues with anything apart from my graphichs card not playing nicely with Cademimu FP.

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Oh I'm definitely sticking around for a while, my highest is only 41 atm, still a ways to go for him, plus I've got another few alts that I want to get to 50 too, as I'm enjoying their stories, and that will take me a good few months more.


After that, who knows. I usually keep going back to EVE, but I like to have a themepark or two on the go as well, and switch between various ones (e.g. CO, DCUO, LOTRO, DDO, STO and others). SWTOR might join the rotation for the occasional month of play.

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3 days left on my sub but I haven't actually logged in for like a week or so, maybe a bit longer than that. I'll probably take a look at what the Legacy patch brings, because I'd really like to play a Togruta Jedi if they decide to make that possible, but otherwise I think I'm kinda done.
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3 days left on my sub but I haven't actually logged in for like a week or so, maybe a bit longer than that. I'll probably take a look at what the Legacy patch brings, because I'd really like to play a Togruta Jedi if they decide to make that possible, but otherwise I think I'm kinda done.


I'll miss you most of all Scarecrow....

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Playing until my 3 1/2 years is up, and depending on then I'll see after that but atm enjoying the game, I mean yes they need to add some stuff and improve some stuff but 1.2 looks good I, just for the sake of the community, hope to god that they've tested the patch extensively and washed out the game breaking bugs and alot of other small ones
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Out here.


Game's mediocre and shallow, story isn't as good as a decent singleplayer game due to the lack of consequences/changes possible in the game world and of course.


No European support


Myes. LotrO for me for now. Pending Secret World and Diablo 3. Probably going to ignore TOR for at least half a year or so.

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