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Everything posted by ElhonnaDS

  1. You mean like a space combat system, or a crafting system that you don't even have to be logged into to use? Yeah- something like that would have been cool.
  2. Really- you knew that people would tell you that to earn money, you have to have a profession? You occupied Wall Street, didn't you?
  3. I find it funny that 3 and a half months into the game, people are still accusing people who have a level 50 of having "power-leveled" and "space-barred" through the game. Really? Really. That was a valid argument a week in, a month in...maybe a month and a half in. But in three months, most people who actively play the game have had time to get to 50 on a toon. They may have chosen to have all level 30-40 characters, I guess, but if they had stuck to one they'd have had a 50. I haven't played (even though I stayed subbed) since Mass Effect 3 came out, I work full time, go out on the weekends, and still ended up with a 50, a 46 and a couple of lower level alts. And I did every quest on every planet, even after I out-leveled them. I didn't space bar through a single conversation. I don't get how anyone could believe that there hasn't been enough time since the game came out for the average player to get to 50 on a character. I can understand that they maybe didn't play all that much, or hopped around a lot, but there's no way you can claim the game is too new for people to have max level toons. If you want to say that it's not fair that 50's got the month, that's fine. But to say that the only people who could have a 50 right now are people who play 12 hours a day/space-bar/power level blah blah blah is nonsense. I think someone calculated that 1-50 takes about 100 hours- that would be like an hour a day since it came out, or like 3-4 hours a night twice a week. That's really unattainable.
  4. It's because they can't curse. I just spent the day playing Mass Effect and every alien in that game uses the full range of English profanity. In Star Wars, they don't- you get things like "Scum" and "Nerf-herder" because of its attempts to be family friendly. In response to the post above me, The Mountain on Nar Shadaa tells you he'll see you in hell at some point, I'm pretty sure, so in Star Wars it's a concept for at least some cultures.
  5. Not general chat, but back when I was playing WoW, there was a guildie that I used to flirt with quite a bit, and we'd send each other tells between pulls on raids. His favorite was XOXOPXOPXOXOP (the "P" indicating that I was being slipped the tongue- it was all in good fun). One night, we were between pulls, and the other hunter types into raid chat "What the H*** is with all that licky kissy sh***. Dude, is this what you do when you're supposed to be healing? Save that sh*** for El." I imagine there was a mistell involved- I thought it was hysterical.
  6. I would prefer that this game didn't add any non-canon events. It would totally break immersion. I don't care about immersion in other MMO's- I skip reading quests, listen to music, etc. I enjoy them in other games. But in this one, it would just kill the idea of a serious Star Wars world. Does no one remember the Star Wars X-Mas special, and what a great piece of fiction that was?
  7. I agree. They went this whole year without any holidays. All 6 weeks of it. Shameless.
  8. I'm sure some people would like to play a Jawa- not me, but some people- but I doubt them not adding it will cost more subscriptions than I can count on one hand. Certainly the cost to do the art, subtitles and adjust camera angles would be more than the cost of the few lost subscriptions.
  9. Still in and going strong. May take a break for Mass Effect 3, but I'll be back.
  10. No, I don't think it would have. I think that this was the selling point of the game, and one of the main reasons i play it.
  11. I sincerely doubt they're paying 30% royalties. Most manufacturers/wholesale providers give better deals to larger customers. My company has published wholesale prices on our products, that go right out the window for large retail chains, international distributors, etc. 30% is the published rate that any joe making a game in his attic, or a small start-up business, would get. I'm sure that Bioware/EA negotiated a much, much better deal than that.
  12. "Cathar don't miss much. Snipers miss even less." "We are Dawn Herald" "I'm in such good cheer. There's no need for poisonings." "Save the Nexu" "Me=Tired//Caffeine Input=Insufficient" "My squad saved Corelia and all I got was this stupid T-shirt" "Korriban Sith Academy Class of 2012" "I wasn't planning to live forever anyway. I'm in."
  13. If there is a mob with a respawn timer that needs to be killed, then I will generally accept a blind invite. If I'm the one inviting, I'll most of the time ask before I invite unless we're standing there both waiting on a respawn. Other than that, I do prefer to kill quest mobs solo, or with a group of friends. Sorry, it's just my preferred play style. Very often, people will be on the same quest as me, but i'll be on 38/40, and they'll be on 3/40 when they invite. It won't make sense for me to take the invite- I'll be out of their way in a second. Also, i have had people invite me and then pull more groups of elites than we could handle and wipe us. Finally, it is quite possible that if they're in combat they just don't see the invite. I once had some smuck invite me while I was killing an elite (I don't even think killing it was a quest objective- but it might have been). I didn't see the invite until the mob had died, and I offered to stay and help when the next respawn came, if he needed it. He proceeded to trash me in general chat for not accepting the invite, and said something like "It's too late- I already know you're scum," or something like that when I offered to help. Also, there's a setting that auto-declines group invites (I'm pretty sure), so it may be that they're not even seeing that you did invite them. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for someone not to accept our invite, which you seem to not be taking into account.
  14. Maybe try the Trooper forums too? The LI for the female trooper is a Cathar, so that might draw a little bit of the furry crowd.
  15. So...you're upset that people are just generally chatting in general chat? And people have the temerity to try and help you by replying to you in the same chat channel you asked a question in? My goodness...what nerve. We should fix this by making a separate chat channel for people to have general discussions with. You know, separate from PvP and Trade channels. Some kind of general forum where people can socialize with each other in game. I wonder what we should call it?
  16. It's not any different on any official forum for any game I've played. I mostly tune it out. Usually I prefer fan sites, because the atmosphere is better. You might have one or two people who feel the need to haunt those forums for months or years after they quit, looking for attention, but overall it's a less hostile atmosphere.
  17. Nautolan, Chagrian, Cathar, Togruta would all work well with existing classes, story and voice acting.
  18. I'm am in charge of marketing for a smaller candy/cookie manufacturer. I don't really have an official title, but I maintain the website, write most of the sales literature and press releases, attend the trade shows and do the legwork for securing new clients and new projects. Only 30, but I'd like to think I'm a professional
  19. Just for some perspective, lets flip the roles. Lets say you had a woman on some other chat board, talking about her jealous husband. Lets say the situation was something where she liked to watch movies with her girlfriends. The latest movie was "Pride and Prejudice," and she made a comment that this was such a romantic movie or something. And lets say that her husband got upset, and said she shouldn't be watching romantic movies because it makes him jealous. How many people do you think would be saying, "Well if he feels that way, you should probably respect his wishes and stop watching romantic movies. After all, it's just a movie- does it mean more than your relationship?" How many more people do you think would be talking about jealousy and controlling, unhealthy relationships? About how irrational jealousies and insecurities can lead to abusive relationships? About how she needs to make sure that he's not dictating little things in her life that he shouldn't, because it could lead to more and more controlling behavior?
  20. I don't go out of my way to tell people I'm a woman, but I don't shy away from it either when it comes up. I've had people derisively ask why I would play all female characters, and I have no problem telling them because I'm female, and I like playing a female as a result. If I'm having a conversations with someone, and they call me he, I usually will correct them- I don't think it's attention seeking behavior to not want to be called a man. Most of the time if I call a female toon she, and it's a guy playing it, he'll correct me, after all. That being said, I have also seen a couple of things online that do make me ashamed for female gamers in general. I think I saw no less than 3 different toons in general chat in the time I was questing on Tattooine saying something along the lines of "Can anyone give me credits for a mount? I'm a girl IRL, btw." That was kind of nauseating. I also had a guy friend who made a toon called CutiePieIRL in a different game, who stood around in Stormwind in badly itemized gear to see how much free stuff he could get, without even asking for it. And I have gotten tells from guys for weeks after I was in a pug vent with them, despite all of my replies being polite and neutral. So I think that while some girls do play the girl card, a lot of the idea about "saying I'm a girl for attention" comes from the fact that some guy gamers forget how to act like rational people around girls.
  21. I'm 30, and I play 5 hours on weeknights, and usually 12-14 hours per weekend, depending on what other activities we have planned. Generally, I play with my boyfriend, or by myself when he's playing league of legends.
  22. I'm happy with the romance arc for the most part. It lasted, at least on my trooper, just long enough to get me to 50, plus some follow-up e-mail. I imagine that any major story developments between my toon and her mate will take place when there are more major story developments in general- future content patches, expansions, etc. The only thing I'd like to see in between is for those little e-mails to keep coming once in a while. they're cute and not too hard on Bioware resources to add into the game every couple of weeks or so. But honestly, I'd like to keep getting followup e-mails from other NPC's too, so that's more of a general story thing. The one thing I will agree with that a lot of people have said, is that I would like the things said when I click my romance companion during gameplay, to better reflect what's going on. If I had been doing my job for years, and gotten several promotions, my husband was still saying "I guess you'll do alright. You've gotten this far," I might possibly injure him :/ Also, "Sir"...meh
  23. The only character I've played to level 50 is the trooper, so I don't know how all of the other-classes story NPC's end up. That being said, for my Trooper, I'd like :
  24. I don't think droid will ever (or lore-wise should) be a playable race. They're considered property in both the Republic and the Empire. They are, for the most part, regularly memory-wiped to prevent them from developing a personality or any kind of free will. Those droids that haven't had their memories wiped have either had the luck to have an owner who prefers them to keep their personality, or go rogue and turn violent. Even if one was to, with their free will, decide to try and serve the Empire or the Republic, they'd be most likely treated as found property, and either returned to their owner or memory wiped so that they could be useful again. They wouldn't be able to play any class with a government affiliation, because property can't hold rank, nor would they be able to be force users since they're not alive. I just can't imagine them being able to interact with person after person the way the other players can, and be given tasks and assignments, because they're looked at as tools.
  25. I do want to see all the character's stories, but I don't get much enjoyment when the light vs. dark side choices are "poison the slaves" or "poison the slaves a lot." I would defect on any Empire character I played, provided it was a story based defection and not just pay 20 bucks and you suddenly have a gunslinger of the same level as your sniper.
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