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Boring Static World of SWTOR


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Add day night cycles maybe different for each planet


Add weather events


More critters


Make quest with roving heroic pats and groups that will pwn you solo if you engage them


Add some regular level pats


Have more NPCs respond if you click on them


Add more crew skill loot nodes in the world PVP areas


Allow more gear appearance customization


Create small dynamic event zones on each world


Make travel between planets less cumbersome


Allow customization of player housing


Just a few of the many great ideas that could transform this game in to something really really special. don't know how patient folks will be though. I, for one, am not that patient when it comes to my entertainment being boring... just me though.

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"Cake for you, kids!"

"Yay! but where is the candle?"

"Erm, Sorry dear, i forgot to buy, let me grab some fast."

"Here is the candle. Cheer!"

"But where is Justin Bieber decoration on the cake? Boohooo!!!"


In short, dont expect you would get a 7 years contents of WoW right of the bat from a 2 months MMO, it will not ever happen in any MMO. :rolleyes:


Cake for you, kids!

Yay, but this is just flour?

Don't worry, I'll buy the other ingredients sometime!

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I think a lot of this has to do with the lack of sound. Where is all of the music? It's great that the epic music starts when you engage an elite, but where is the subtle background music while traveling? I'm forced to fire up windows media player and play my own music because SWTOR just fails altogether in that department.


Added music and ambient sounds would do a lot in helping TOR find its soul. I'd like Bioware to acknowledge that this is a huge problem that needs to be addressed. The great thing about MMO's is that they provide (well...they're supposed to provide) a living and breathing world that players want to explore. I find it hard to explore TOR's planets because doing so isn't engaging at all.

Edited by Dumpiduke
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Question what MMO added/changed this dead world, no life kind of thing after launch?


Watched two friends play up to 50 and STILL to this very day no matter what time the places are DEAD.


But you know for the most part every mmo is like this. And were all kids so the "they are not doing it so why do I have to?' pops up. But here it a tad worse. The life moves but never off the spot its on.


So is it going to change? Some of us told them many many many months before launch..it was called BETA. Now they did NOTHING then you expect them to start now?

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Rift did a very good job of making the World non-static. Ultima Online did a better job of non-static World than SWTOR does.


SWTOR has to have the most boring, static world of any MMO I have ever played and I have played them all except LoTR.


When you have to place NPC's in the middle of the road in SWTOR in order to make people have to A) go around them B) fight them because they do not move around anywhere is a big problem. I am sorry if you do not think that is a problem, but it is.

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Rift did a very good job of making the World non-static. Ultima Online did a better job of non-static World than SWTOR does.


SWTOR has to have the most boring, static world of any MMO I have ever played and I have played them all except LoTR.


When you have to place NPC's in the middle of the road in SWTOR in order to make people have to A) go around them B) fight them because they do not move around anywhere is a big problem. I am sorry if you do not think that is a problem, but it is.


Ultima online is a vivacious living breathing world?




what's up next for you friend? are you going to state that Adam Sandler is Academy award winning material and Denzil Washington is an acting school reject?

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Rift did a very good job of making the World non-static. Ultima Online did a better job of non-static World than SWTOR does.


SWTOR has to have the most boring, static world of any MMO I have ever played and I have played them all except LoTR.


When you have to place NPC's in the middle of the road in SWTOR in order to make people have to A) go around them B) fight them because they do not move around anywhere is a big problem. I am sorry if you do not think that is a problem, but it is.


MMO was an after thought in this game. truth is Coriella would have been a better end game planet then ilum.

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I agree with the OP. I mean it's not like we don't have NPCs having conversations with each other, dancers and performers doing their thing in Cantinas, traders haggling with each other, etc. Nope, would be nice if we had those things.




These are great examples of pretty much the only non-static elements that exist in the game currently. The problem is that there isn't enough of it.


For all of those ex-WoW players, TOR needs a few "Stitches" roaming the planets. Is there a single World Boss that isn't just standing there picking his ***?


While I'm on the subject of mobs...is anyone really content with the whole multiple mob groups system? For me personally, I find it to be more of a nuisance that nearly every group you fight consists of at least 3 mobs. It doesn't make me feel heroic, it just annoys the crap out of me and adds unneeded clutter to the world. I find it odd that groups of mobs just stand around doing nothing and they really lack variety. Where are the enemies that are: on mounts, with pets, flying, sleeping, etc. There just isn't enough variety.

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There are things called NPCs. That is an extremely lazy stance to have. I shouldn't depend on other players to make the world seem interesting. Especially on questing planets. We should feel like we are part of a giant gaming world, not just a bunch of players in an empty area.


umm isn't the point of a Massively Multiplayer Online game to supply a setting which the players which make alive by participating.


Sounds like you're looking for a a single player RPG since you rely on NPCs and not real people.

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umm isn't the point of a Massively Multiplayer Online game to supply a setting which the players which make alive by participating.


Sounds like you're looking for a a single player RPG since you rely on NPCs and not real people.


Soooo, in your definition, we would have a painted background, but no movement or noises other than our own?

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Rift is the only game I've ever played that seemed to have active content. Mainly because of the invasions and roaming baddies that would take over whole quest hubs and such. But really, that was the extent of it and the main premise of that game. You take that out and it'd be shallower than WoW vanilla.


But can someone give me an example of what we're talking about here? I find it hard to expect something out of a game that A) never promised it and B) you can't find in any other game.

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Thing is, this MMO doesn't feel more alive or dead than any other MMO I've played. WoW (at least through the free trial), LOTRO, EQ1&2, CoH...


The complaint of a static world could be applied to ALL MMOs, not just SWTOR. And SWTOR does a damm sight better job at tackling the issue than most. Name me one MMO that is any different.


And yes, I've also played Rift through a free trial, and it too feels the same as any MMO.

Edited by Cerion
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But can someone give me an example of what we're talking about here? I find it hard to expect something out of a game that A) never promised it and B) you can't find in any other game.


Can find more NPC activity in a few minutes of WoW than you'll find in this entire game. Seriously. This game is like a Walmart at 3am to WoW's Disneyland. The difference is striking.


Not saying Disneyland is the best thing. Just saying there's a massive difference in the environment.

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I logged in to LoTRO the other day to pay my housing and kinhouse upkeep. I stepped behind the house (in the Shire) to overlook the fields. That poor hobbit has been pulling the same weed for at least 2+ years. I swung by the Combe lumber camp and some lumberjack is still trying to split the same log...
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Every plant feels dead....


Every city is a ghost town....


Couple that with the decline in Server Population, Guild War's 2 can't come fast enough.


the fact that you and thousands of others hold GW2 up higher than TOR was ever held during the hype machine. you are destined to be more let down that you've ever been.


then again i heard if you lick the box of GW2 it cures you of all cancer and bestows everlasting life.

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