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After playing SWTOR will you still be purchasing ME3 at launch?


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I like the conversations a lot.


I never got into ME because I didn't like the interface and the game play when you "weren't" having conversations. :(


I'd like to play. Does ME2 have the same type of game play as ME? What about ME3?


I played DA:O, that worked for me. Didn't try the second one.

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No way will i buy ME3! Not after DA2 and then this game..


I will wait a month or two before i even think about buying it, Its not the same Bioware that made great games imo, Its a crappy EA game with what once was a Titan name brand in the RPG genre..

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People who say they aren't buying the game are kidding themselves. Its one of the best games ever created. ME1 was amazing and ME2 was even more amazing. Better than 1.




DA2 and TOR are not made by the same people who made ME 1&2 or even DA:O for that matter. They have multiple divisions you know trying new things.

Edited by Jaick
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Hells Yeah I'll be getting ME3 at launch!


SWTOR just had lots of dialogue choices, most are not good ones.


ME3 is what SWTOR could be if they focus on developing a proper game and changes things to make it better.


Playing SWTOR just makes me want ME3 even more...one more day, one more day...(demo)

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People who say they aren't buying the game are kidding themselves. Its one of the best games ever created. ME1 was amazing and ME2 was even more amazing. Better than 1.




DA2 and TOR are not made by the same people who made ME 1&2 or even DA:O for that matter. They have multiple divisions you know trying new things.


I will disagree, I liked ME 1 way better but i will say ME2 story was pretty epic.. Gameplay on the other hand felt really dumbed downed for an RPG but i still consider it a good hybrid shooter game.


I hope for the ME franchises sake it will be awesome, but i doubt it will be.

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Nope, I'm still not much of a fan of BioWare games after having tried SWTOR as my 1st BW game.


You should have tried all their earlier games with the exception of Dragon Age 2. Bioware used to be something special and someone you could trust with your games.

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Of course, Mass Effect is made by a different division within Bioware... And even if SWTOR sucked(Which is does not) I would still buy it, I want to know how the trilogy ends.

It is the same with Halo, I want to know what will happen to the Chief.

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No, I didn't get the second one. I like the first game, just never really felt like playing the second one much as it seemed identical to the first one, except with no exploration of planets so I never bought it. Edited by MaGicBush
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I'm pretty sure I will. The only reason I'm not absolutely sure is because at that point I'll be going through 2 involving storylines at once and it may be hard for me to switch back and forth.


The storylines I go through with my classes in SWTOR are so gripping that the only other games I play right now don't involve story.



Like battlefield 3 multiplayer for example.

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