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Increase Characters to 16 Please Per Server


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I agree with this OP.


Legacy pretty much lends itself to 16 slots being the best scenario, especially as we are going to be playing a lot of solo hours with the freefall population statistics on a lot of servers right now.

Edited by SkuzBukit
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Especially with the new Legacy features coming out, I think having more character slots (and by extension, a larger family tree) would be great. It lets us experience the features offered without playing on multiple servers, and just keeps friends close by, considering that many (if not most people) like playing with alternate toons. I think the best way to implement it would be to include it as a legacy unlock. That way, if people don't want to more characters per server, they don't have to pay to unlock it.


/signed and endorsed

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Surely supported, as said in other topics, would be perfect to have 16 slots, and I do not see what that would disturb the server, it would be nice if someone from the staff in the future will have to confirm or put an end to our hopes once hahaha


(a Kaleesh also want to play T.T)

Edited by Kunitokotachi
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To be honest the only issue Bioware has with adding more slots per server is the server load issues, bottom line they need to spend more money on server hardware or open more virtual machine servers to maintain a bigger server account size.


Well personally im capped with 8 slots already on my server, heres a win-win suggestion you can implement immediately - allow merging of 2 seperate server accounts under one legacy on the same server, thus helping ppl with needed character slots and making a quick buck on monthly subscription fee - of course there would be ppl objecting the idea, but they can vote with their money and not buy another account, but you also know that other ppl will, so the least you could do is keep that option open for us to choose.

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Having more character slots or characters shouldn't affect server load issues. Environments and customised content are usually kept physically separate in serverland.


However, as killjoy says the loading time on corellia/belsavis is quite poor, but I know they are massive files.


Anyway, back onto the forum topic. I'm sure that you, BIOWARE, know that most people who wanted to play every class and didn't have enough character slots on their server to do so would have either made a number of characters on another server or made one and deleted it and continued to level up another.


My question is, hopefully you guyz are still watching this thread, If there does come a time where more character slots become available can we merge/transfer from one server to our main server?


Because for many of us who have played the game since early-access it really doesn't make sense having 12 lvl 50s (and no, I only have 3 lol, but eventually 12) on two separate servers when we would otherwise have made them all on one server for things like, companion presence bonuses, legacy items and just plainly some variability. I have 2 sith toons, one tank, one healer, no dps. So transfering my Sniper from Bacca's Blade to The Progenitor would make a lot of sense.


Whether or not these are paid transfers or free transfers I don't mind, I'm sure you guyz haven't decided this yet though. However, you do say you have plans for the future for this aspect of the game. Any details on this would be great, such as a timeline, a year, 2? Having said that I know this is a fan excitement issue, but do tell when you know! ;)





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I'd like to see the number of toons per server increased very soon too. My last of 8 is fast approaching 50, and there are other things I still want to play out, and on the server I'm on. I don't want to have to go to another server, just to play another class. So yes, more slots, the sooner the better. Thx.
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Legacy level 49 and gonna hit 50 any day now...


4 lvl 50s (Jedi Grd and Shadow, Sith Sorc and Marauder), 1 lvl 42 gunslinger, 1 lvl 32 powertech, and 2 lower level alts.....


I NeeD MOAR slOts!


Seriously though, I will pay for it. It will be the ONLY thing that I will pay besides my usual sub fee after F2P launch, and I guarantee you that I will pay. Bioware devvies, there's money to be earned in this venue!


Edit: I will guarantee you that even the money earned from RP server extra slot unlocks will pay for any additional server farm upgrades you will have to make. Many people on RP servers like me are willing to cash out for it. Many people on Progenitor(where I play) has already hit the max 8 slots and many of us desire more.


Let's face it, you made a Bioware RPG in an MMO, and the only Bioware game I didn't create 20 different chars was Dragon age 2, and that was because it's options were limited.

Edited by Manweth
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It makes sense since the server merges. We had the ability to create many characters on other servers, giving us the chance to try every permutation of the classes and professions, and now that will be a bit more limited...allowing more characters makes sense.


16 essentially allows both permutations of each class.

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We do have plans to make more character slots available per server and will bring you more info as soon as we can. Thanks for all your suggestions in this thread!


Allison will this be part of the cash shop? Im assuming so as most freemium games go this route. I support it 100% if it is as I will gladly pay for more slots.

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I had eight level 50s quite awhile ago, and I haven't been playing SWTOR since then... Leveling alts and PvPing are what I like best, so when I ran out of character space on my server, I stopped playing. With every crew skill covered, ~65 million credits, and every legacy perk purchased, rerolling on another server just seemed very distasteful.


I would gladly pay for more character slots and come back to SWTOR. I've been an avid gamer (Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, Ragnarok Online, Allods Online, etc) for about a decade now, and SWTOR has been the highest quality game that I've played.


Please take my money and give me more character slots. <3

Edited by ZenithStorm
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