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Why aint nobody playing sniper/GS?


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snipers/gunslingers have only slightly higher burst than mercs. However its mitigated by more types of defenses and defensive cooldowns, which overall results in mercs having more reliable burst in their burst rotation.


(tech vs ranged attacks, higher armor penetration/reduction).



I play a Merc and a Sniper, the fact that 90% of the dps from snipers is weapon/ranged dmg kills them.


Against lighter armor its not so much of a big deal but if people start popping defensive CD's or they wear heavy armor, your pretty screwed.

You can't do enough dmg for it to matter, you cant take any dmg, and you cant out run anyone.


I have been on both ends of the match up and have seen a sniper blow everything he had and the merc just looked like he was tickled and powered through with a tracer missile spam. Everything the sniper has has to go through every inch of dmg mitigation this game has.

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Because everyone wants to play as a Jedi pwning ppl left right and center.


As for snipers in general, they're a fantastic class can do easily at 10k burst like an GS/OP, just lacks mobility though so it isnt favored as much, The Merc/Trooper is the same situation but doesnt need to use cover before unleashing its abilities, and its a bit of a messy affair imo.


and then they moan they are useless on Ilum. I can easily farm 40k valor on Ilum withing an hour (including CTDs every 15 mins) and I do not feel GS has no mobility. In fact if you play your GS like a turret you are bound to fail. Going into cover, bursting then changing position is what you need to do as GS. That gives tons of survability and confuses enemies.


If only Ilum wasn't so laggy and gave some REAL rewards I wouldn't leave it at all.

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Gunslingers are hard to play. When starting my alt, i died 3 times in the first 5 levels. Plus there were quite slme bugs in the beginnong, like coverbug or at rep side the corso riggs harpoon bug. All of which disincentivized players to level that class.
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I have a 50 sniper the class needs about > < much love to be a viable class that's fun to play. Most of the people posting pics of them topping damage charts as a sniper are playing lethality build which isn't sniping it's just running around spamming dots <which can be instantly purged> and cull. The two trees that require you to actually take cover need some tweeks and our dmg type on snipe series needs to be changed. Finally pvp is about mobility that can't be denied you drop into cover and that little wall is like a flag that attracts every melee dps in the zone. Fighting off one or two of them isn't bad but it's like throwing meat to dogs when they see it. Once they're on you we have no real escape mode that's readily available like a leap or a sprint save for a 4 sec 15% speed increase in the lethality tree.
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The only thing I hate about gunslinger/snipers is that marker appearing on the enemies head.

It's like "Hey there! I'm a sniper, you're in my range and I'm going to unload all of my ammo into your skull for the next couple of seconds, please run!"

Edited by aritha
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I enjoy playing my Gunslinger alt. It's actually a pretty powerful class, especially when people decide to ignore them. If people just leave me be, then prepare for people to get ripped apart. It also provides a decent amount of support to boot.


The only problem is the cover system is a bit of a pain to deal with in pvp. It's not the worst thing in the world, but I can understand how people might not like it. You can definitely play a run n' gun style, or bunker down in cover. It all depends on the situation. In Huttball I like to run n' gun, but in Voidstar or Alderaan I tend to bunker down.


I think the class could use some tweaks. Cover is definitely a strength, but it's also just as much a weakness. I would like to see some of the skills be usable outside of cover. Too many seem to be restricted to only being in cover. Damage only skills remaining cover dependent would be fine, but I would like to see some utility opened up for outside cover (i.e. the knockback).


Definitely fun and rewarding though if you're willing to learn how to balance run n' gun and bunker down. Maybe not the best choice in a 1v1 (depending on the opponent), but it does shine in the group warzones.

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The other bad thing about snipers/GS is :


Their main competition is mercenaries and sorcs - both of which not only get a self heal but can respec into a full healer if needed. Can do arguably more damage with better CC (I'd love speed shot to slow...) and can LoS people and self heal when needed.


Sorcs even get force speed and a bubble as an added bonus.


GS/Sniper is like a hybrid sorc only worse in every possible way.

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- OMGZ Dat Sorc pewpews me wid lightiningz!!!

- Muhahahaaa Unliiimiiiitaaad Poooowaaa!11 Shiny Lightning BZZT

*Sniper sneaks in a couple of invisible 4k crits*

Random newb dies.


In 10 mins a new thread on PvP forums emerges: "*** Nref Srocs DEY Shootz lightningz for 4k ticks ***??"


*Sorc watch arrives with their testimonies of 9k Bubbles, 7 Knockbacks and Sorcs managing to cross-guard each other*


Random newb 2 reads forums: "wow Sorcs are overpowdered, gud, exactly wut I needz, cuz I jus got faesrolled on my Sniper, while I did kleek dat Snipe very fast".


Conclusion: +1 Sorc -1 Sniper...



See the pattern?

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Why ain't nobody playing sniper?


Because every other class in the game can do the same thing as them.. only they're not restricted to Cover.


"My Sniper has amazing burst and i'm top dps"


Guess what, My Pyrotech Powertech is the same thing... and i'm not restricted to Cover.


If you want an example of DPS, Look at the Sniper, then Look at Marauder.


Marauder is basically the melee version of Sniper, only it has far more utility, equal damage, much better survivability... So why the hell would you bring a Sniper.


God help you if Entrench isn't up, cause then you're useless as half your abilities cannot be used.


imagine if Marauders for example could only use their main abilities for 20 seconds out of 45-1 min.

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Why ain't nobody playing sniper?


Because every other class in the game can do the same thing as them.. only they're not restricted to Cover.


"My Sniper has amazing burst and i'm top dps"


Guess what, My Pyrotech Powertech is the same thing... and i'm not restricted to Cover.


If you want an example of DPS, Look at the Sniper, then Look at Marauder.


Marauder is basically the melee version of Sniper, only it has far more utility, equal damage, much better survivability... So why the hell would you bring a Sniper.


God help you if Entrench isn't up, cause then you're useless as half your abilities cannot be used.


imagine if Marauders for example could only use their main abilities for 20 seconds out of 45-1 min.



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True story about sniper is that you own the lower bracket in terms of damage dealt, but when you hit 50 you are literally ****. Good part is that after working your *** hard to get your items you will eventually own again if you know your game.


Sad part is that when hitting 50 you have to totally change your style of play in order to get some medals while your gear is ****. Cause your Ambush will no longer crit for 4k dmg, your snipe will deal 600 dmg, and all your instant casts are a pure joke in terms of damage. So you will have to rely more on orbital strike and supporting the team with well timed flashbangs and legshots .

Edited by ntyzor
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Logic says:


Useless in instanced PvP = low populated class in game where there is instanced PvP.


And yes, I'm playing sniper, I feel e-l33t.


I can not carry the ball.


I can dot people on voidstar or orbital strike doors.


I can dot people on Alderaan (inbetween some future patch which will make cap uninterrupted by dots).


2 classes remove my dots with instacast on lowCD which cost 2,5 resource lesser than removed dots.


Thanks God that scrubs usually have not got cleanse on their quickslots.


That's all folks.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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i think its because of 2 things:


1.) noone likes the operative/smuggler in general, they arent a ****** walking tank the trooper is or the juggernaut sith warrior, or even the darth maul doublesaber.

The GS/Sniper are just a guy with a gun. Not appealing to a person whos starting the game.


2.) If you DO start playing a smuggler/agent then the first few levels you cant really tell that the operative/scoundrel is going to be a melee cuz your main abilities for the first 10 levels are all cover based medium ranged abilities (tbh i feel they should have kept the whole class medium ranged would fix SO many issues operatives/scoundrels are currently having).

So youre given a choise - do you go a class with stealth, healing and you presume range+damage. Or do you just go pure damage. (this was asked from be actually the other day by a lvl 10)




on a side note:

I also think the issue here partly is that the smuggler/agent gets almost no feedback/care by the developer, the forums are flooded with "fix this bug", "this is unviable", "feedback to this" etc etc. and not a single BW employee has responded to them.

Heck i even remember a post that tallied up sorc/bh/war forum replies and got like all of them having 50-70 replies while the agent forums had a total of 3 replies.




anyway thats just my opinion

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My main is a scoundrel and I have a gunslinger on its way.


I often ask myself, why do I play smuggler?


Answer is: Because I like their ship, their guns and their set of clothing (not the wannabe zorro crap).


But fact is:


Scoundrel Dps < Shadow Dps

Scoundrel Heals < Commando/Sage Heals

Gunslinger dps < Sage dps


The Smuggler class has little utility, little survivability and thanks to the sorc/assassin we dont have the damage to back it up.


Unlike the shadow, the scoundrel is a one hit wonder. Your job is to kill someone quickly before you die yourself. Unfotunately we no longer have the damage to support that.


In general its not a very strong class. Yes good players can make it work.


I started levelling a Consular Shadow, and to have so much more utility and about equal damage compared to my 1700 cunning almost full rakata scrapper (WZs). Feels like a joke really.


PreLaunch this class was the least favored in our guild. Now it still is. I wonder why?


If you are reading this, and your main is a Smuggler/IA, I challenge you to roll one of the above "better" sides to your current advance class before you speak. You will feel much stronger. :)

Edited by Zlashie
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It's true. I'm sorry, but there's no way my gear (No PvP gear, only lvl 34) gives me a huge advantage. Snipe and ft hit for 2k, Ambush for 3k, easy. I haven't gotten SoS yet (2 levels!), but I imagine that it'll tick for 1 - 1.5k per second. I just can burst nuke out all my energy and CDS and kill someone with ease.


Leg shot > Ambush > FT > Insta snipe > Leave Cover > Re-instasnipe > Entrench (If they don't lose interest as they should and go for the ball) > Snipe > Snipe (Followthrough (FT) as needed) > Takedown > Re instasnipe


I'm sorry but snipers can be pretty mobile if they do it right. But if they're nuking, they'll have to stand still. Having the highest range in the game, I like to leg shot people at about 33 meters and nuke them while any other class can't even hit me.


Many people go for snipers first thinking they'll get the low hanging fruit first. I like it when I'm not ********ed by the whole team (1 or 2 people), because then I prove them wrong by nuking them down.


********. I have a lvl44 sniper. With a mix of PvP and questing gear. Snipe crits for about 1500 and ambush crits for about 2k to 2.7k. I usally need about 5 to 10 ambush shots to get my 2.5k damage medal.


How it normally goes is I laze snipe sorc, he range stuns me then hits me 2 or 3 times with lightning and dead I am.

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Because Snipers are just stupid. As a Jedi Guardian I totally destroy them with my eyes closed. But then they knock me back and set up their stupid shield that prevents me from force leaping, so I just sneak away through the backdoor in any warzone and leave them there waiting for me to return which never happens.


If you want to play such a ****** class, be my guest. I'm not playing it and i'm not playing against it either. I think the Sniper is even more lame than the Tracer Missile spamming Mercenary.

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I have a BM Sage and a 15 Sniper. So far, I know exactly what everyone means by lack of mobility. But like one guy said, it's more about positioning. Compared to the Sage, which is far better in pvp than the Sniper, the Sniper class is more rewarding, fun, & challenging. Mistakes made with a Sniper are a lot more costly than Sage mistakes.
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I personally went with Sage over Gunslinger after playing Sniper first to about 20(My guild rerolled early on) because the cover mechanics is really terrible.


I'm sure I'd enjoy Dirty Fighting spec given the higher mobility, but even then you still need to use cover a lot.


The class is by no means underpowered, but I just felt I was fighting against the mechanic instead of it being a extra level of depth.


It was just no fun, when the game was lagging behind my own reaction time because clunky mechanics.


So while Sage is the flavor of the month at least it feels like a more complete class to me at least.

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God help you if Entrench isn't up, cause then you're useless as half your abilities cannot be used.




Sorry, which half of our abilities can't we use?


I use Entrench defensively in 1v1s or when I'm holding a turret/door, or offensively when I want to make the train assisting the ball carrier waste all their CC on me before blowing them all off the walkway.


I was unaware dropping Entrench opened up a whole series of attacks that were otherwise unavailable. I guess I'm doing it wrong :-( though win percentage and scoreboards would suggest otherwise.

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