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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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This! /sign
Honestly, I think those of us non-quitters would lose far less matches because we'd have more stable 8-man teams more consistently. We'd have far fewer matches where we are constantly down 1 or 2 people because of the merry-go-round of quitters coming in, leaving, and new ones joining, and quitting. Edited by Nangasaur
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It's not a punitive measure to PLAYING. It's a punitive measure to QUITTING.


And it's well past needed.


AND it WOULD make PLAYING more fun, because those of us who don't quit wouldn't have to deal with quitters completely ruining our chances to compete and have a chance.


Actually, what you'd get is belligerent people in the game, doing nothing to win and probably mouthing off making the war zone experience just that much worse. Forcing people to do something is not the approach to take.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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You just proved the second point of my diatribe: the anonymity of the internet makes people think it's ok to quit on their team.


It matters not whether the team is comprised of only your close friends (or teamspeak buddies, for that matter), or random joes from your server. That's not the point at all and you know it. What matters is that folks use this as an excuse to blame everyone else for a failed, broken system that allows quitting to be rewarded, because there's no personal accountability for one's actions, and there's no names to faces, etc.


I hope when you grow up and have to go to work for a big company, you decide to do a half rear-end job because the CEO doesn't know you from the guy on the chicken packing plant assembly line next to you, and a half rear-end job pays just as much as 110% effort. That is what you're saying, after all. You only have to care when people you know are watching.


A company isn't random


come on man


It's carefully selected by the ceo especailly in big companies.


please think more deeply about what you're saying

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You don't need to punish, just add incentive for playing hard even though you lost. If you already have your champ gear or higher, medals are not a big deal to you. You can get better rewards doing dailies instead of playing out a horribly one-sided match.


I PvP for fun too, I just don't think a random assortment of players vs 10-12 player champ/bm premade is very fun.

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Both teams should meet with the same chance at winning. That does not mean, that in every game you end up with a winning combination, it just means that over time you need to have a 50:50 chance of being in a winning team, except of the difference that your own skill makes.


This, on our server as Empire PUG there is currently a 3% chance to win a WZ. All games against Republic are a guaranteed loss and well, pugs beating premades isn't happening. It takes people HOURS to compete dailies. Coming home at 17:00 and logging off at 22:00 and just been able to compete 2 dailies is just retarded.


People who need nothing other the dailies done leave immediately if their team isn't wining so most games disband because of that. There is also the problem that there is no credit/valor DURING the game. In WoW you're constantly getting honor while in a BG and participating and therefor giving you no reason to leave.


This game needs a WZ that is much shorter then the current ones. Spending 15 minutes per game isn't fun at all if you're on the loosing side (especially not if it's game after game). A WZ that would last at most 5 minutes and which can be completed faster by achieving all objectives.

Edited by Scalare
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This is why I stopped ball running. I get my 11-15 medals and call it a day. Sometimes if it's close I'll only get 9 cause I'm helpping to try to win. But if it's looking like a win or a loose I start farming medals. More valor/comm's, why wouldn't I.


I even get the ball to pass to enemy just so I can get defender points.




When I see that a WZ is going south I check in the ops chat to see if anyone cares, then just start farming valor.


I won't waste my time trying to play the objectives when my team is obviously incompetent. Instead I'd rather play on the outskirts, taking out targets of opportunity and getting some kind of satisfaction.


If people get their **** together or if some good people come on to replace quitters, I'll change my strategy back to the game at hand. I just refuse to be the only one playing to win.

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I have absolutely no problem with losing. What I do have a problem with though, is wasting my precious game time that I don't have much of. Therefore, quitting instead of slogging out a losing match that gives me nothing. And that's the crux of the matter. Winning advances you towards the daily, losing does nothing. Therefore people will quit no matter what.


um, that's an interesting way of saying you don't like losing.

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Actually, what you'd get is belligerent people in the game, doing nothing to win and probably mouthing off making the war zone experience just that much worse. Forcing people to do something is not the approach to take.
Not in my experience from the past 5 MMO's I've played with PVP warzone queues that implemented quitter penalties.


I'm sorry, but your assumption is just wrong, and suffers from sinking ship logic. Quitters eventually do one of two things: get sick of quitting and not being able to play the way they want, so they cave in and start playing the right way, OR they quit the game entirely.


Both are win/win situations for those of us who enjoy playing, win or lose. Which, I'm sorry to have to break it to you, is a gigantic majority of the playerbase in comparison to the quitter player base.

Edited by Nangasaur
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Important: All the people saying we should not do this because some people get DC'ed........Of the countless matches I enter that are "already in progress" I would say 95% are losses. This leads me to believe that DC is not the main issue. If it is an issue then you may have a legitimate issue with your system.


I feel bad for you but I don;t think we should design the game around you.

Edited by richardya
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Not in my experience from the past 5 MMO's I've played with PVP warzone queues that implemented quitter penalties.


I'm sorry, but your assumption is just wrong, and suffers from sinking ship logic. Quitters eventually do one of two things: get sick of quitting and not being able to play the way they want, so they cave in and start playing the right way, OR they quit the game entirely.


Both are win/win situations for those of us who enjoy playing, win or lose.




My experience is the opposite, which is why I posted it. You're experience might vary, but I won't say it if I hadn't seen it myself.

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Not in my experience from the past 5 MMO's I've played with PVP warzone queues that implemented quitter penalties.


I'm sorry, but your assumption is just wrong, and suffers from sinking ship logic. Quitters eventually do one of two things: get sick of quitting and not being able to play the way they want, so they cave in and start playing the right way, OR they quit the game entirely.


Both are win/win situations for those of us who enjoy playing, win or lose. Which, I'm sorry to have to break it to you, is a gigantic majority of the playerbase in comparison to the quitter player base.


I agree.


A quit penalty is merited and has worked well in other games.


Also add a vote-kick mechanic for the afk-troublemakers.


These are not new problems, the solutions have been worked out and tried and tested MANY times already.

Edited by thanealpha
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Leving the game is not selfish.


What is selfish - to be a 12 000 hp complete clueless nab in greens who drives normal players to leave wz as long as they see you.


Nobody have to carry you to valor/wins/epixx.


Be pro, be famous on your server, nobody will leave your team, cause they know you will manage it.


Too bad.


If you want to PvP with PvPers, then play on a PvP server.


You come to a PvE server then you get what you asked for; A bunch of people that are primarily interested in PvE but still paid for access to the warzones, and are encouraged to join PvP by the unique designs and superior stats of some of the PvP gear.


You want to be a 'pro' PvPer? Let me know how much that pays?

I have been a professional truck unloader, a professional war fighter, a professional chemical operator, a professional lot of things... All paid a lot better than I can see being a 'pro' PvPer would pay, so I will stick to PvP as a minor hobby.

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Important: All the people saying we should not do this because some people get DC'ed........Of the countless matches I enter that are "already in progress" I would say 95% are losses. This leads me to believe that DC is not the main issue. If it is an issue then you may have a legitimate issue with your system.


I feel bad for you but I don;t think we should design the game around you.


There's plenty of DC'ing in this game...that cannot be underestimated. But I'd GLADLY suffer a 15 minute lockout if I DC'd to insure that less real dropping would occur in ALL the warzones I don't have disconnect issues.


BTW, the game is VERY buggy, this isn't an issue of the end-users system nine times out of ten.

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I rarely see people leave midmatch, usually they leave at the beginning because its a map they hate. Maybe the common denominator is you sucking.


I think that the common denominator has been established already - people that don't understand what teamwork is. At this point i don't expect quitters to be good at pvp because their fundamental value system has proven that they don't understand what it takes to play a role in a team, and they're just there to piggy-back off the hard-work of 7 good players.


Quite frankly, these people who have so many negative views about the game and really need to just quit the game and move on if they're so unhappy with it's mechanics. They're not obviously not enjoying the game and generally are the same people that end up using exploits to win after quit-farming enough times doesn't work, and then say "But the hutt-ball announcer says cheating is ok!" as if it's a legitimate argument.


They're quitters, act like children, are narcissistic and are a small portion of the population that feel it's ok to ruin someone else's gaming experience because they're not getting their way. With 1.8 million subscribers BioWare will not miss these few thousand individuals.

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Make the daily 9 pts. You get 3 pts for a win and 1 pt for a loss. Anyone who leaves the WZ early for any circumstances is on a 15 minute lockout before they can enter another WZ.


Those who quit get a very small punishment and those who stay through a losing match get at least a small reward. This type of setup seems fair and pretty easy to implement.

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I agree.


A quit penalty is merited and has worked well in other games.


Also add a vote-kick mechanic for the afk-troublemakers.


These are not new problems, the solutions have been worked out and tried and tested MANY times already.


Vote-kicking can be abused and there's already ways to deal with afkers.


Just /say "Hey free kill over here!" and players will run at the opportunity.


Or (if your class has the ability) pull them into the middle of a fight, which kills them and starts the deserter timer.


Problem solved.

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There's plenty of DC'ing in this game...that cannot be underestimated. But I'd GLADLY suffer a 15 minute lockout if I DC'd to insure that less real dropping would occur in ALL the warzones I don't have disconnect issues.


BTW, the game is VERY buggy, this isn't an issue of the end-users system nine times out of ten.



It's just another excuse used by quitters, which inevitably backfires on them.


Disconnects are so extremely few and far between in comparison to quitters, it's a total non-issue. It's just a straw man fallacy, intended to misdirect attention from the real, true issue and get people to argue about something that has no bearing on the real nature of the problem.

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OFC, Every Battlemaster just quits.. i do...


dude you can't grind Bm bags , so its only wins and ilum.


sometimes it takes over 7-8games to get 3 wins cuz of pugs. and the fact that i got 1 Bm Comm in 34bags , im not gonna endure a faceroll in any WZ.


IF they fix the BM bags and that you cant buy BM bags with something.. ill stay in the games, otherwise if it's a faceroll im always gonna quit.


staying in a game where i get ganked 3v1 4v1 all the time wont make me a better player.

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Originally Posted by Turando

The change is simple:

Require just 1 win for the daily

Require 4 wins for the weekly

Requiring a WIN still discourages the AFKers.

Tell me one thing:


WHY do you want to get your equipment faster?

What will you do if you are full T3?

If you only play for equipment, you will probably unsub, right?

If you play for fun, why do you care if it requires 1 win or 3 wins?


The quest rewards are fine as they are, they give a strong incentive to win games.


I'll answer your questions, but first I'll let you in on a little secret.... winning is fun, getting constantly roflmao-stomped isn't.


WHY do you want to get your equipment faster? .... I don't really, but I want to be proportionally rewarded (in some way) for the time invested. When you are not rewarded sufficiently, it ceases to be fun and becomes work, that is when people unsub. Gear is a gaming reward system to motivate people to play more. That is it.


What will you do if you are full T3? The gear gap is reduced, PvP is more competitive, which means more wins and less losing (not necessarily wins > losses), which means more fun, which means more motivation to play.


If you only play for equipment, you will probably unsub, right? Agreed, if your goal is gear, and you've reach the terminal end, yes, those folks will unsub. But I would suggest that those players that treat gear as I describe above, as a means to have fun, instead of gear itself, then they will not unsub.


If you play for fun, why do you care if it requires 1 win or 3 wins? If you play for fun, then why have ANY wins? Or is it fun to have 63 losses and 3 wins like that other thread. You need to widen your vision. Although "fun" is a relative term, it is based loosely on the idea of proportional reward based on the of time invested in an activity. Don't confused "competition" with "fun." Quite frequently, competition means a lot of loss, which on the average is not fun. Competition has a completely different reward system.


Let me use a sporting analogy. That vast majority of people suck at golf, I am one of them. But why do I play it? Because every round, I have that 1 shot that was awesome (by my standards). For a brief moment I WIN, which means I have FUN, and I am motivated to improve myself and get better. Of course, I usually don't get better, but I have that moment where I am motivated (through SUCCESS) to play the game again.


TLDR: Whether you PvP for fun or for competition, both are based on the same truth: Their relative enjoyment is based on experiencing a proportional reward from the perceived participation. When a voluntary experience ceases to be enjoyable, people quit.

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staying in a game where i get ganked 3v1 4v1 all the time wont make me a better player.
Then quit playing the game altogether.


It already sounds like you only pay to play this game to complete two quests per day, then log off. Sounds like an incredible waste of time to me, and probably money, too, depending on your circumstances.


You're obviously not having any fun just playing the game and enjoying it for what it is.

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Why are people leaving?


If its because of pre-mades dominating, make it so people can play without playing against pre-mades. If teams are that lopsided you really cant expect people to bother playing.


If its because of losing, hand them a loss and lock them out of their daily for an hour.

Edited by salamanderx
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