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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People leaving wz is now out of control.


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-People play PVP to complete the dailies.

-Dailies are only completed by winning.

-Gear awarded from daily PVP bags can be harvested for mods/enhancements.

-Losing awards nothing.


You're a game designer and you wonder why people quit at the first sign of losing?


Who invented this garbage?


leaving costs you comms and valor. you get none if you leave. but there needs to be a deserter debuff for leavers. during primetime on my server people leave at the drop of a hat.


"oh they took door 1 on voidstar?" /leave


leavers not only **** over the team they were on but the new people that get qued in. they are scum.

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You mean scrubs? Being known as a scrub is the best penalty. ;)


Gear farming scrubs who don't pvp because pvp is a fun way to spend your time, it's just another source of pixels to collect, like it's pokemon, they actually want to spend as little time as possible in PvP. Presumably so they can then go and collect other pixels in PvE. Then they can proclaim that they have a full set of pixels! At which point they no doubt parade around thinking "check me out aren't I awesome" like some kind of plastic soldier. While the rest of us enjoy some PvP.

Edited by Jargonaut
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Perhaps it could cost credits to enter a match, a sum you get back if you stay until finished. And loose if you leave. Still bad if you for some unknown reason disconnect though. But unless you run out of credits, you could still reque soon after. The sum? not a lot, maybe 10xLevel. That is 100 credits at level 10, and 5000 at level 50.

If it would work? I guess the wz-quitters would just "afk" instead.


Still finding it weird some people ctd (crash to desktop) a lot. Since december the 20th, when i began, i only CTD'ed once (at some cave on Alderaan).

Had some issues with getting booted to character selection screen upon entering a WZ, most of which seemed to go away once i removed my title and moved from fleet to my ship. Queuing from my ship also reduces (re)loading time when leaving a wz.


Just my 2c, or 2 credits if you are all IC.

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Perhaps it could cost credits to enter a match, a sum you get back if you stay until finished. And loose if you leave. Still bad if you for some unknown reason disconnect though. But unless you run out of credits, you could still reque soon after. The sum? not a lot, maybe 10xLevel. That is 100 credits at level 10, and 5000 at level 50.

If it would work? I guess the wz-quitters would just "afk" instead.


Interesting idea but finding more ways to punish paying customers for not wanting to waste their time, without addressing the cause of them wanting to leave in the first place, will do more harm than good.


Still finding it weird some people ctd (crash to desktop) a lot. Since december the 20th, when i began, i only CTD'ed once (at some cave on Alderaan).

Had some issues with getting booted to character selection screen upon entering a WZ, most of which seemed to go away once i removed my title and moved from fleet to my ship. Queuing from my ship also reduces (re)loading time when leaving a wz.


Just my 2c, or 2 credits if you are all IC.


I have guilders who still crash regularly just from loading dialog scenes, let alone the hectic warzone environments. I still regularly, not nightly but at least once every couple of nights, drop through the map in Huttball. Not to mention the known exploits like the chasm jumper for sprinters in Voidstar.


Warzones still have lots of issues that should start being fixed first.

Edited by SirRobin
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Why do people who dont like to pvp even worrying about their pvp dailies? Its not like the pvp gear helps in pve, its actually not even all that great in pvp!


I pvp to.. pvp. And when my daily is finished.. i continue to pvp


When im valor 100, i will still continue to pvp


I dont get it. Why would people who obviously dont like pvp in the game care about having pvp gear?

Edited by Elysion
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Seems to me the way to make the warzones more fun, is to make more brackets.

Levels 10-25 Level 26-40

Level 40-49 and Level 50

To do this requires that the warzones are cross server. Otherwise you have infinite waiting queues.

The problem with the warzones right now, other than long queues, are that even though they bump up the HP and damage/healing done, the lower levels don't have access to the same amount of abilities and therefore get owned by the higher levels.

Edited by Allistair
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Why do people who dont like to pvp even worrying about their pvp dailies? Its not like the pvp gear helps in pve, its actually not even all that great in pvp!


I pvp to.. pvp. And when my daily is finished.. i continue to pvp


When im valor 100, i will still continue to pvp


I dont get it. Why would people who obviously dont like pvp in the game care about having pvp gear?



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It's only gotten worse since Bioware stupidly let loose with the cause of warzones not counting.


I pay attention to whom the ops leader is, because that was the first person in. And lots of times now they leave. ON PURPOSE before the WZ even begins just to grief people.


If the first person leaves dooming the warzone to not count is the ONLY justifiable reason to quit a WZ until this gets fixed.

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If the first person leaves dooming the warzone to not count is the ONLY justifiable reason to quit a WZ until this gets fixed.


I don't need permission or justification from you or anyone else to leave a wz. Let's get it straight, you and the OPbad aren't entitled to my presence in a pvp zone (which is your essential argument), you have to continue to earn it.


You and all the other crybabies' argument is that a body count wins a WZ. This sort of misdirected mindset is why you lose. You're trying to make an argument of quantity over quality. Although you guys don't really believe that because if you did, you wouldn't be upset that we left, especially when someone is going to take our place in the wz in a few seconds.


Your real problem is this. You and the op and all the other crybaby children whining about pvp quitters suck, and you want someone to prop you up so you can get phat lewtz without putting forth the effort. And you're upset when someone gives you a consequence because it impacts them. In short, you want welfare.


You can qq and flag my posts all you want. BW will remove them because you cried about it. The fact of the matter is that if you whiners put forth half the time you spend crying on these forms toward learning your class and understanding what you need to have and do to be successful in pvp, you wouldn't be on here whining.


Truth hurts, crybabies.

Edited by drdarpa
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I don't need permission or justification from you or anyone else to leave a wz. Let's get it straight, you and the OPbad aren't entitled to my presence in a pvp zone (which is your essential argument), you have to continue to earn it.


You and all the other crybabies' argument is that a body count wins a WZ. This sort of misdirected mindset is why you lose. You're trying to make an argument of quantity over quality. Although you guys don't really believe that because if you did, you wouldn't be upset that we left, especially when someone is going to take our place in the wz in a few seconds.


Your real problem is this. You and the op and all the other crybaby children whining about pvp quitters suck, and you want someone to prop you up so you can get phat lewtz without putting forth the effort. And you're upset when someone gives you a consequence because it impacts them. In short, you want welfare.


You can qq and flag my posts all you want. BW will remove them because you cried about it. The fact of the matter is that if you whiners put forth half the time you spend crying on these forms toward learning your class and understanding what you need to have and do to be successful in pvp, you wouldn't be on here whining.


Truth hurts, crybabies.


I started the topic and the main point is I don't want to get put into some fail wz that you left because you and the others in it where losing.

Edited by Averran
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Vote against penalties. The daily/weekly quest should be based on personal performance in a team setting. The goals should be things which aid your team to win a round of a pvp minigame. You make capturing or being near an objective when captured as part of the progression requirements and for an added bonus attain a certain number of medals by doing damage, healing, protecting to get another bag and even possibly keep wins as a heroic bonus where you get another bag. But I fear that any added bonus for winning would just land us right back here again. So medals should be for accomplishing objectives and bonus just doing you know "pvp". :)



I don't need permission or justification from you or anyone else to leave a wz. Let's get it straight, you and the OP aren't entitled to my presence in a pvp zone (which is your essential argument), you have to continue to earn it.


You and all the other on the side of the OPs argument is that a body count wins a WZ. This sort of misdirected mindset is why you lose. You're trying to make an argument of quantity over quality. Although you guys don't really believe that because if you did, you wouldn't be upset that we left, especially when someone is going to take our place in the wz in a few seconds.


Your real problem is this. You and the op and all the other on the side of the OP about pvp quitters suck, and you want someone to prop you up so you can get phat lewtz without putting forth the effort. And you're upset when someone gives you a consequence because it impacts them. In short, you want welfare.


You can flame & flag my posts all you want. The fact of the matter is that if you put forth half the time you spend posting on these forms toward learning your class and understanding what you need to have and do to be successful in pvp, you wouldn't be on here posting about it.


Truth hurts.

PS I removed all the crybabies in this post so as when the mods attack you for it a copy will still exist because it's truthful.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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This situation is getting way out of control. Today, I'm getting into warzones with only 5 people left in them which then fill up and gradually empty again. More and more people are just leaving a warzone at the first sight of a loss. I don't usually leave. Today after getting into that 5 man warzone and watching repeat people joining afterwards and leaving I finally thought wth should I be the one to stay in this if noone can be arsed to take their turn when a loss comes, so I bailed. It's got to the point where the system is now just broken.


We need a fix. I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


Whatever happens, it can't stay as it is.


Stop sucking.


That is all

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You're an idiot. I started the topic and the main point is I don't want to get put into some fail wz that you left because you and the others in it where losing.


And likewise, I replied to the topic stating that I don't want to get a penalty for deciding that wasting my time isn't fun/at&t decided to die/bugged client kicked me out/wife needed me/I was on call and got a call from india because SNMP farted for 2 seconds and they don't know how to be patient/I got grouped with 7 bads like you, etc etc etc etc, the list goes on and on. You're not different or special, kid. I've had to endure bads like you in every MMO that I've played in the last 11 years. The only difference is that instead of begging for money to buy epics, you're crying for welfare epics on the forums. I have no sympathy.


Like I said before, if BW implements this, I just won't enter pugs at all. This will likely become the case with any other well-geared, skilled player. Then you bads can have fun rolling against premades without someone to prop you up.


Oh and for the record, it probably doesn't help your point to call someone an idiot and then confuse the words "where" and "were".

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/I got grouped with 7 bads like you, etc etc etc etc, the list goes on and on. You're not different or special, kid. I've had to endure bads like you in every MMO that I've played in the last 11 years. The only difference is that instead of begging for money to buy epics, you're crying for welfare epics on the forums. I have no sympathy.


And what information did you use to conclude that I'm bad? You have none, you're just talking nonsense. You're worried that this idea of penalties has a real chance of implementation so you're desperately trying to associate it with bad players to discredit it. You're grasping at straws.

Edited by Jargonaut
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I used to stay to the very end but it's gotten so bad on my server that I can't even get my daily within a week much less do the weekly. I play about 15 to 20 matches a day and I'm lucky if I win one. Finally I just gave up after one bad session of Huttball. Basically it went like this: Everyone was off fighting well away from the ball and down in the little pits and a sage would get the ball run up the left and score then go get it and do the same thing. I was the only one after them but butween her and another sage they just cc me and score each time. Nobody would come help or quit chasing that one guy who made them mad. The sage went up the left five times in a row and when it was 5-0 and nobody was helping I had to leave. During that match after another score we had four people in the middle and not a one of them went for the ball. I was omw over there when the sage beat me to it and goes to run up the left again. Those same 3 people were too busy trying to kill someone else and nobody but me chased her again.


And how about everyone fighting well away from the doors and one lone person just walks over and places a bomb and still nobody even tries to deactivate it. Obviously it's more important to have everyone attack that one tank who's being healed by their commando budy. Sad thing is they never think to attack the healer, not that they should even be out in the middle at all mind you. These are some of the reasons why I will quit. I don't mind losing a fight whether we're outgeared or outplayed but I do mind losing because nobody will even try. I'm not there to let the other team farm me over and over again.

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So when I zone into a WZ that is 8 vs 14 and it's 40 to 390 I should stay?


When 4 of my teammates rush snow side and lose to two enemy players, that's a sign that I should hang out?




You zone into a WZ and it's 40 to 390. You leave. You fail. That was free valor.

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And likewise, I replied to the topic stating that I don't want to get a penalty for deciding that wasting my time isn't fun/at&t decided to die/bugged client kicked me out/wife needed me/I was on call and got a call from india because SNMP farted for 2 seconds and they don't know how to be patient/I got grouped with 7 bads like you, etc etc etc etc, the list goes on and on. You're not different or special, kid. I've had to endure bads like you in every MMO that I've played in the last 11 years. The only difference is that instead of begging for money to buy epics, you're crying for welfare epics on the forums. I have no sympathy.


Like I said before, if BW implements this, I just won't enter pugs at all. This will likely become the case with any other well-geared, skilled player. Then you bads can have fun rolling against premades without someone to prop you up.


Oh and for the record, it probably doesn't help your point to call someone an idiot and then confuse the words "where" and "were".


You sir are a moron! Love how people like you thinks they're so much better than everyone else. His topic was valid and you starting acting like a child then try to be all grown up pointing out his grammar mistakes. We don't take lip from school bus drivers!

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