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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I agree with the daily needing to be changed to 3 full games played, not 3 wins. I don't even understand how Bioware failed on the entire PvP system.. well, actually, I take that back, but that's another topic...


I also love how we're paying to design this game. No, we're not helping Bioware 'make small adjustments to an already completed game'... they (Bioware) are effectively crowd-sourcing the last 25% of this games core development! They should have hired more programmers during beta, and I STILL think they need to hire more programmers to get this game where it should be in the next 3-6 months.



Edited by -Kraxis-
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Did you ever consider that maybe we're just tired of getting queued up with the same level 40 geared scrubs over and over again?


First week or so, I whisper people with tips about doing their dailies and etc. After a week of them not gearing up, not playing any better and still queuing all day long I just ask them to stop playing or quit if I get 3-4 of them on my team. I'm not interested in carrying you, busting my *** to kill people only to have you get the ball and run the wrong way with it or something (happened to me twice today).


LOL. I carry you *********** quitters 10x more than you carry yourselves, and proved this last night to quite to a few of them on my server. To the point that I spent matches with them, pulling them into the fire in hutt-ball, and off the ball-runner to throw the match. What's ironic is had they stayed in a match 3 hours earlier they would have gotten a win, but instead they quit. ( You waste my time, and make warzones night-mare mode to win, then i'll make sure you feel the same degree of difficulty in your matches )


When it came close to the Daily reset, they were QQing about NEEDING that last win. So i let them know they missed one hours earlier, and i was accused of lying and didn't win that match, or lead that Ops group to a win.


Well they weren't going to get their Daily turned in on time anywas so i played normally.


2 scores, 1 assist, 1 uncounted score. Won 6-0 in about 7 min.


Thus your argument is invalid, because my gear sucks.


(Disclaimer: I whispered other people in the Ops groups and gave them the head's up on why i was throwing matches, and they were cool with it.)

Edited by Evil_Santa
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A 15 min debuff isn't long enough. If you are leveling that is. Basically you can just quest pop in see if you want to be there and leave with a 15 minute punishment. The WZ was about 15 minutes anyway.


Maybe the 15 min penalty hurts a 50 more but I would just do something else. Jump on a alt for a bit perhaps. Just doesn't seem like anything time related is enough these days. Need to have some penalty on a persons Valor rank! Leaving a warzone early will cost you a total valor rank in addition to the loss of points and a debuff locking you out of wz for 1/2hr.


Might seem severe but I think it could be more then even what I said.


This is by far the worst idea ever... Like seriously did you really think about this before posting it?


You do know that people get kicked out if they d/c.. How about if the game crashes. Which let me tell you it has happened a few times. How about if the internet goes out in your house, your computer crashes...


Seriously bro by implementing this horrible idea you'll be negatively impacting peoples gameplay. I know i would quit this poor to mediocre pvp game if due to poor luck i lost a valor rank and other stuff for d/cing in a WZ. The game is already gay as a sniper. I struggle to get 6 medals (valor 45) and i see other people with 10+ medals.. Not to mention i get shat on by all BMs and or champion geared classes. Most of the time it took 0 skill from them. However, on top of all these variables the best part is when wins are not getting counted towards your daily.. 3 times in a row trollololol!


I don't care if people leave the game. I've left games where the team has 3 sorc healers,1 tank jug, and some other worthless classes that just stand around to do nothing while the other 4 people win the game for them. The game isn't perfect and implementing a negative effect to a broken system will only make people quit.

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Why would someone quit a winning Warzone? You don't make any sense.
Believe it or not, I've seen some really disgusting levels of quitting on my server.


Quitting as soon as a single goal is scored in huttball.

Quitting as soon as first door bomb is planted in voidstar.

Quitting if Imps happen to lock 1 turret tenths of a second before we do.


Are those matches losing? No. The game just got started. But people still leave minutes into the start of a match when the opposing team gets the first upper hand.


In football, is the winner determined by who scores first, or are there 60 minutes of playtime to decide this, and possibly an additional 30 minutes?


In baseball, is the winner determined by the first team who makes it around the bases to home plate?


Tennis is even more confusing...but I think people get my point: This quitting is so incredibly out of hand, that people give up and don't even want to try because they didn't score first. Why is that? Because they've decided through some convoluted ADHD thought process that it's far better and more rewarding to just leave and queue again because the game lets them do it. I can't think of any game or competitive sport in the history of gaming that rewards someone for quitting, with the exception of boxing or MMA - those guys get to walk away with their life - why should this game be any different?


It just doesn't make sense.


Quitters say it's their money and their choice what they do with it. Ya, well, you're playing with 7 other people (or more, if there's cheaters, but that's neither here nor there), and I'm pretty sure their subscriptions add up to more than yours. It's THEIR money, and you're ruining the game for them. Go on, use that excuse all you want, but you'll get no sympathy from me, as you really are just solidifying another reason for BW to punish you for leaving early because you're interfering with more subscriptions than just your own.


There's more people who stay than there are quitters. And this is a business for BW and EA, after all. They can afford to lose quitter subscriptions if they /nerdragequit; they're quitters anyways. They have 7 other people who don't quit and enjoy playing, win or lose, and will continue paying to do so.

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I agree with the daily needing to be changed to 3 full games played, not 3 wins. I don't even understand how Bioware failed on the entire PvP system.. well, actually, I take that back, but that's another topic...


I also love how we're paying to design this game. No, we're not helping Bioware 'make small adjustments to an already completed game'... they (Bioware) are effectively crowd-sourcing the last 25% of this games core development! They should have hired more programmers during beta, and I STILL think they need to hire more programmers to get this game where it should be in the next couple months.




That's capitalism for ya, and you're quite right on what they're doing to design the game. Effectivly BioWare/Electronic Arts have turned the first 3 months of SWTOR into a pay-to-play public beta test.

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I just did a Voidstar match, there were 8 of us on imps when the match started, when the gate opened we saw 7 sages (no joke) and a shadow and the door was breached within 30 seconds and most of them were nearly unkillable, my ops window dropped from 8 members to 3 members in a matter of seconds, I decided to just quit too.


**** like this happens a lot, I'd even do it with the 15 minute debuff, 15 minutes is enough time to blow off your steam from a bad loss or a team of scrubs.

Edited by Sookster
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I just did a Voidstar match, there were 8 of us on imps when the match started, when the gate opened we saw 7 sages (no joke) and a shadow and the door was breached within 30 seconds and most of them were nearly unkillable, my ops window dropped from 8 members to 3 members in a matter of seconds, I decided to just quit too.


**** like this happens a lot, I'd even do it with the 15 minute debuff, 15 minutes is enough time to blow off your steam from a bad loss or a team of scrubs.



Or heck, go run around Ilum and kill people.


Look at the GTN.


Talk to your guildmates.


There are a thousand things to do during that 15 minute cooling off period, within a week of it being implemented the folks crying about it will have moved on to complain about something else; probably along the lines of how they have to kill too many players on Ilum for the daily there, too, and want to be able to send their companions on a full group mission via smartphone app to do the daily for them.

Edited by Nangasaur
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Are those matches losing? No. The game just got started. But people still leave minutes into the start of a match when the opposing team gets the first upper hand.


It is ridiculous. It's just a game but the analagy to sports is dead on. Imagine if you were watching a baseball game and A-Rod went home after the first inning.

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I vote L2P some of you.


It some matchs it's a waste of my time to stay in the game cos everyone is just ignoring the objectives or just plain stupid.


I'm not saying i'm a good player. I'm ok. But when i see most people on my team just being silly why should i be forced to play with you.


Also entering matchs that are already lost. Why should i join your lost match cos you need me to stay. Sorry mate your team lost the match not me. Why should i be forced to play in a game that was lost with nothing to do with me.

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I agree with the daily needing to be changed to 3 full games played, not 3 wins.


You dont have to be a rocket scientist to guess what will happen when you do that.


Do you think anyone will even care about winning if there is no incentive in the whole game to win a PvP match?


Players will go zerg a few games, get their daily, get their T3, unsub cause they beat the game. Everyone who is a real PvPer that likes winning and hates losing and plays for fun will quit doing PvP and it will eventually die.


Then, as soon as players are full T3 you will have leavers again, and even more rampant. They dont need the daily anymore, they dont need to win, they dont need equipment, they are just there to roflstomp enemy PUGs. If they dont have a premade and the enemy is not a PUG, they will leave.


As long as leaving a game is possible, people WILL leave games. You have to stop them from leaving games for a good amount of time after they left one, so that they can not leave more often than someone that plays all matches through.


The only way to fix leavers is to stop them from leaving games.

Edited by skyflash
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If the pvp in this game was fun, you think:


A: More people would leave

B: Less people would leave


Adding a punitive measure won't make it any more fun.


Agreed. We keep saying it, the reason people leave is because of the 3/9 daily/weekly win requirement and faction imbalances cause this to require players to invest hours upon hours into a single quest, THIS JUST ISN'T FUN. You can't deal with the individual symptoms in a vacuum.


An effective solution must address the core problem:

faction imbalance = > unreasonable win requirements => only power factions completes quests and improves gear => faction imbalance


Why do we keep pussyfooting around this? Ask yourselves, why was the 10-49 bracket fun?

- Competitions were more even (nobody really cared about gear)

- Even if competition is more fierce, only ONE win is required for the daily.


The change is simple:

Require just 1 win for the daily

Require 4 wins for the weekly


Requiring a WIN still discourages the AFKers.

Edited by Turando
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I hate huttball.


Let me queue exclusively for Civil War and Voidstar, and wait longer, then I'll take your deserter debuff.


Huttball is the buggiest POS for force leapers and I hate the place regardless.


They've already said this, this won't happen until they have cross-server queues, which is a ways away.

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I saw interesting things this weekend:


One guy rage quit a WZ and was put right back in. I thought that was AWESOME!


I logged into Hutball just in time to see the final score come up. I still made nice cash/valor for that.


I also zoned into Civil War half over... and WE WERE WINNING? Who quits THAT?


EDIT: I only hit Hutball on half my queues. I played more CW and VS than I have since I started. I think it would be kind of cool if BW would keep tally, the more you stay a whole match, the more likely you are to get the 'premiums'.

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Originally Posted by KeltikTwo

If the pvp in this game was fun, you think:


A: More people would leave

B: Less people would leave


Adding a punitive measure won't make it any more fun.


The correct answer ist:


C: The same amount of players would leave


Because being in a winning game is still more fun than being in a losing game, no matter if the game in general is more or less fun.


People are leaving because they want their equipment faster, we have to prevent them from getting their equipment faster by leaving games. That will effectively make it useless to leave games.


If someone is leaving a game, he will have to wait for the same time until joining a new game than the people playing through the game. Thats the only real fix possible.


That the PvP in general is bad and requires fixing is true, but it has nothing to do with leavers.


The change is simple:

Require just 1 win for the daily

Require 4 wins for the weekly

Requiring a WIN still discourages the AFKers.


Tell me one thing:


WHY do you want to get your equipment faster?

What will you do if you are full T3?

If you only play for equipment, you will probably unsub, right?

If you play for fun, why do you care if it requires 1 win or 3 wins?


The quest rewards are fine as they are, they give a strong incentive to win games.

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Agreed. We keep saying it, the reason people leave is because of the 3/9 daily/weekly win requirement and faction imbalances cause this to require players to invest hours upon hours into a single quest, THIS JUST ISN'T FUN. You can't deal with the individual symptoms in a vacuum.


An effective solution must address the core problem:

faction imbalance = > unreasonable win requirements => only power factions completes quests and improves gear => faction imbalance


Why do we keep pussyfooting around this? Ask yourselves, why was the 10-49 bracket fun?

- Competitions were more even (nobody really cared about gear)

- Even if competition is more fierce, only ONE win is required for the daily.


The change is simple:

Require just 1 win for the daily

Require 4 wins for the weekly


Requiring a WIN still discourages the AFKers.


You are joking right. At least you can still win BGs quite easily to get your dailies done. Ilum right now is 100% broken for the underpopped side if you don't kill trade. Getting swarmed by 6 imperials all day is fun!!




You are whining about nothing. GO AWAY.

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I vote L2P some of you.


It some matchs it's a waste of my time to stay in the game cos everyone is just ignoring the objectives or just plain stupid.


I'm not saying i'm a good player. I'm ok. But when i see most people on my team just being silly why should i be forced to play with you.


Also entering matchs that are already lost. Why should i join your lost match cos you need me to stay. Sorry mate your team lost the match not me. Why should i be forced to play in a game that was lost with nothing to do with me.

Ya know, it's funny, I see, "L2P" or, "I quit because my team sucked and I don't have time to play with people not as good as I am."


The funny part about this is, these quitters never stay long enough to prove how good they are and show everyone they mean srs bizniz. So, again, it's another excuse for bad players and /nerdragequitters to make themselves feel better about leaving.


Imagine if things were like when I was a kid, and we didn't have MMOs; we played outside from sunrise to long after sunset. We were all on little league baseball and football teams, and all our families came to all our games to watch us play, have fun, and compete, win or lose.


Imagine if someone on our team - heck, I can just imagine if it was me - walked off that baseball diamond in the first inning after the other team scores the first run. While walking off, I yell out, "My team sucks. I don't have time to play with a bunch of terrible players. I paid for my baseball glove, bat, shoes, and uniform. I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want. It's not THEIR money."


I wouldn't have been allowed to EVER join a little league team again, at least not without a whole lot of counseling and probably an embarrassingly long summertime grounding to my room by my parents for embarrassing them and my entire family in front of their friends (small town, everyone went to school together, worked together, and everyone's parents did, too). I can probably think of a few more punishments to go along with it, including the pummeling by my ex-friends the first day back at school (ex-friends, because they were my team mates I walked away from, at least some of them), but then I would just be over-embellishing and TL;DR would commence.


Kids today, and sadly many of them are adults by now or fast approaching it, didn't grow up with those kinds of consequences preventing them from being jerks. Facelessness of the intarwebs lets them do it and at the same time not feel any remorse for having done it.


edit: ok, so TL;DR probably would suffice, but I enjoyed reminiscing about my childhood enough that I won't try to sum it up for anyone who feels they are too good to really pay attention. Probably /nerdragequitters anyways.

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@OP: First thing you should do is:


A: Not suck so bad that when people see you, they leave.


B: Join a guild, but one that doesn't suck so bad that when people see them, they leave!


C: Make some friends that don't suck balls.


It's not hard winning BGs, 80% of the player base is half retarded. Getting all 9 wins for your weekly done on the first day shouldn't take that long, it doesn't for me (and I'm still in the 40s rank valor not a BM).


Dear Morholt, you're a muppet.


I generaly finish my dailies/weeklies in plenty of time and then continue to do warzone afterwards because I don't really do PvE. That may either be solo or in a premade. This is not the purpose of the topic. What I object to is getting into someone elses cast off warzone that they failed at and bailed out.


You nob'ed.

Edited by Jargonaut
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This situation is getting way out of control.



Whatever happens, it can't stay as it is.


You're absolutely right.



I propose a 15 minute debuff for anyone that has less than 4 medals in 1-49 (or less than 6 medals in 50) or less than 2500 objective points.

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You're absolutely right.



I propose a 15 minute debuff for anyone that has less than 4 medals in 1-49 (or less than 6 medals in 50) or less than 2500 objective points.

Ok, that's just a completely disrespectful response and honestly, you're trolling. In other news, Celine Dion is criticized for saying what others are too afraid to say: http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/13/celine-dion-on-houston-drugs-took-over-her-dreams/?hpt=hp_c2 Edited by Nangasaur
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If they changed the daily and wekly quest objectives to matches played and not matches won, this would end instantly.


Whoever was lead for PvP really didnt think very long or hard about a system that is enterily dependent on people winning rather than participating. Why would a player who only needs the quest and is forced to play X number of games to complete that quest stay when they will receive nothing (because they no longer need valour?)


Poor design.

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Ok, that's just a completely disrespectful response and honestly, you're trolling.


How so?


I'm being dead serious. My solution is designed around the game flaws just as much as the OP's solution is. Although my solution corrects the source of the problem, not the result.


In fact, I think that players should get 0 credit (valor or commendations, or xp in the case of 1-49) if they do not meet a minimum amount of participation. Participation being damage/heals/prot or objectives.


Is it too much to ask a player to actually play to win, or is that disrespectful too?

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You're absolutely right.



I propose a 15 minute debuff for anyone that has less than 4 medals in 1-49 (or less than 6 medals in 50) or less than 2500 objective points.


So in other words you don't want anyone to play a healing class in PvP with the current medal system.


No wonder you lose.

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I propose a 15 minute debuff for anyone that has less than 4 medals in 1-49 (or less than 6 medals in 50) or less than 2500 objective points.


LOL fine with me, I just hope you are a healer, because:


I am quite sure no one will heal anymore, other than a 2.5K, 5K and 75000... the rest will probably be DAMAAAAAAGE.


BTW... healing and damage is not participation.... in huttball you can easily score a 6:0 without ever healing or damaging.

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