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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual-spec Coming and no changing advanced classes!


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Guess what? I also went with the whole shebang. And I still support AC changing.


Players should be given the options to play how they want and have fun as they want.


Players who have fun = longer subcription = more player base = more fun for everyone.


If Bioware persist in their flawed design of no AC change, then one day a big portion of frustrated players will quit and then all that is left are just those who screamed ACs are different class, no respec for you!

They can chose how to play how they want. If they want to play a sage they roll one. Just like how you do with any other MMO. I don't get your point. Every game MUST have rules. and the rule here is you can't switch AC. If there's no rules or boundaries then you'll get a whole bunch of chaos.

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They can chose how to play how they want. If they want to play a sage they roll one. Just like how you do with any other MMO. I don't get your point. Every game MUST have rules. and the rule here is you can't switch AC. If there's no rules or boundaries then you'll get a whole bunch of chaos.


If I have a bounty hunter, why must I LvL up a new bounty hunter if I want to tank with my main character?

Edited by Mamono
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But you don't have to play through the same class quests and story to play a different advance class. You can play its mirror.
As I mentioned before: that's not the same thing


The current system already discourages making multiple characters for some people. Some people don't want to play through the same class quests and story to play a different advanced class.
I'd say that the biggest deterrent for me playing another consular is the fact that the story lines are the same.
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Because it isn't

My class is still consular after level 10. I still go through the consular storyline. I still get all of the consular abilities.


I get additional special abilities for my first specialization (Shadow).


Jedi Consular is more of your Archetype, not your class. A shadow plays completely differently from a Sage and has different role options(Sage can heal/dps and Shadow can dps/tank). They share some of the same abilities because they are of the same Archetype(just like classes of the same Archetype in Aion, which used the exact same class system, had some shared abilities). Shadow is much more than just a "different spec" than Sage, it is a completely different class within the Jedi Consular Archetype. Which is exactly why Bioware has said they are NOT adding Advanced Class respecs. It would make just as much sense saying you want to respec from a Commando to a Gunslinger.


It amazed me, this isn't the only MMO with this type of class system yet it is the only MMO I've seen with people that don't have the brain capacity to comprehend how it works and demand being able to respec their class because they don't like what they chose. Aion for example, even though I hated the game, had the same class system but you didn't see hoards of mouth breathers complaining that they can't swap their class to the opposite part of their Archetype after picking it at level 10. Dual spec changes nothing, it is just a more convenient and cheaper option to resetting your skill points.

Edited by Ganrax
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why is switching advanced classes bad? I would agree if grinding in this game were like normal mmorpgs where you you grind sandbox style.


But since this game forces you to go cut scene to cutscene doing the same boring missions over and over, its stupid.... I don't want to bloody do the same single player game twice.

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why is switching advanced classes bad? I would agree if grinding in this game were like normal mmorpgs where you you grind sandbox style.


But since this game forces you to go cut scene to cutscene doing the same boring missions over and over, its stupid.... I don't want to bloody do the same single player game twice.


Some dont want you to switch classes because they assume that if you really want your other adv class you will make a character and grind through it, offering a continous supply of people throughout the games life.

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why is switching advanced classes bad? I would agree if grinding in this game were like normal mmorpgs where you you grind sandbox style.


But since this game forces you to go cut scene to cutscene doing the same boring missions over and over, its stupid.... I don't want to bloody do the same single player game twice.


Welcome to MMOs. This is not new or particular to SWTOR in anyway. SWTOR at least gives each archetype a separate story, but that does not it gets away completely from the standard MMOs have set of having to level with the same content. Pretty much every MMO I've played my alts go through mostly the same stuff, regardless of what they are.

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AC switching is just a bad idea. You want to see 6 Sages in every WZ? Allow AC switching. Whatever mindless, 4 button faceroll class is FotM is what everyone will play. At least now you may see 8 inquisitors in a WZ, but usually 2 or 3 of them are Sins and not Sorcs. Edited by Mannic
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I dont care ether way its up to me if i dual spec or not it seems to me by this thread and other similar threads that if you try some thing new people dont like it but if you do something that is a good idea but is done by another mmo we cant have that make up you god dam mind ffs you cant have it both ways. remember if they add it you dont have to use it I wont I like my jugg the way it is so I wouldn't use the system.
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See my sig...


And that means copying everything WoW has done is a good thing?


All we'll end up with is a heavily bugged WoW expansion pack with a Star Wars theme. All the WoW players will think 'screw the bugs, might as well play the original' ...because playing WoW is what they do. Those of us that wanted something different will be left with an exact replica of a game they already got bored of years ago.


I don't care if that quote came from a Bioware co-founder, it's just an opinion. Lots of players might agree with him but there are many that wont.

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called it for duel specs since day 1. I bet they will add advance class repecs too . I also called for cross server pvp, now if they only start working on LFG cross-server


If they implement it im just going to use general chat for groups. I dont want to be in groups with complete ******es that ninja loot every chance they have because there is no reason to be nice. With server only groups those bad apples will soon find themself without groups, with cross server there is no penalty against it.


Do you really want to play with antisocial people that just need on every item they can need on for their companions or just to sell it. Even if it is a good upgrade for your class and you can actualy use it?

If yes you want cross server LFG if no you dont want it.

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  • 2 months later...

All right, I'm human, which means that, despite the fact that everything I (or anyone else here) have to say has likely been said 15 times by page 5, I'm going to say it all anyway, because damn it, my opinion matters!


This thread seems to have three topics. I'll begin with the most inane of them. :wea_03:


1) WoW Clones - It really does suck for WoW that their ideas get stolen so often. I mean, their undead idea (wait, zombies existed before?), or their warrior class (what is a warrior, anyway? man, they're clever to make that up), the use of pets, warlocks, mages, shamans, blah blah blah blah... Okay, fine, but the Lich King was totally original, right? Aside from looking like Sauron, I mean, and totally having his backstory. But what about mounts? They made up horses, and dragons, and...no? Well, surely their combat system wasn't stolen from EQ, nor their badge system from City of Heroes, nor their pet battle system from Pokemon, nor their anything from anything! Sarcasm aside, WoW is the Harry Potter (early HP, for you rabid fanboys) of MMOs. There is NOTHING uniquely creative about it. Everything, down to the way they color code rarity, is an MMO convention that existed before it. The reason WoW fanboys go "OMG WOWCLONE" is the same reason that, when I was 5, I thought Voltron was a cheap knock-off of Power Rangers and the same reason my ex's niece thinks the Tinkerbelle character originated in that crappy fairy movie, not in Peter Pan. I saw Power Rangers first and I didn't know any better.


2) Dual-speccing -- would be especially nice for soloists who struggle under the tunnel-vision tendencies of a straightforward class. Once more, though, not. a. WoW. idea. It's been done in plenty of other MMOs, too.


3) AC switch -- honestly, I've wished for it, but for selfish reasons like "MAN, it's a pain to level this class. If only I could level with the PvE-friendly class until I get there..." The fact that you can choose a specialization within a specialization is awesome, because it means my Juggernaut can do damage now and tank later, when they actually are worth half a damn as tanks.

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All right, I'm human, which means that, despite the fact that everything I (or anyone else here) have to say has likely been said 15 times by page 5, I'm going to say it all anyway, because damn it, my opinion matters!


This thread seems to have three topics. I'll begin with the most inane of them. :wea_03:


1) WoW Clones - It really does suck for WoW that their ideas get stolen so often. I mean, their undead idea (wait, zombies existed before?), or their warrior class (what is a warrior, anyway? man, they're clever to make that up), the use of pets, warlocks, mages, shamans, blah blah blah blah... .


You know it's funny, most people don't realize that wow is a patched up success off all the other failures out there. wow has been taking bits and pieces from other mmo's that came along that couldn't make it all the way.


What's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing. It's made them successful.


The biggest problem I've seen in my years of mmo's is everyone waits to long to comply. By that, I mean, a new mmo comes out, trying it's hardest to separate itself from wow losing it's customer base the whole way along and then finally, after bleeding itself to death they adopt more wow friendly systems in place. The problem is they wait too long and by the time they "copy" what wow has, most of the players that would appreciate that have gone back to wow.


Unfortunately I see that happening here. There are a lot of "non-elitist" elitist here. People are against mods, or against anything wow like... They want to keep this piece of pie all to themselves. Well, realistically that doesn't work. The "wow elitist" type player is really the bread and butter of the industry. Casual players might play here and there, they may leave their subscription going while not playing, but a hardcore player is going to server change, buy pet items, name change, faction change, over and over and over. This game is great for casual players to an extent, but it lacks in the aspect that there are no group queing systems so it more or less forces a casual player to have to join a guild to be able to really see the content or run ops without bashing their heads on their keyboards.


It's really sad that wow is a standard but it is and the longer bw takes to adopt the things that make a wow player feel comfortable the faster they will lose their customer base. Once those players are gone they more than likely will not come back because of their first experience with the game. As much as those people suck, empty servers and long pvp que times suck worse.

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No big deal. Switching advanced classes would actually keep me playing longer since I'd get to try more content (the other AC). I'm not going to reroll a character and suffer through the same story twice. Not going to happen. Guess BW doesn't need my money.
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These convo's remind of that South park episode, where butters is trying to come up with an original plan and everytime "Simpsons did it" lol.


WoW has pretty much done everything so there will be overlaps.

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I agree there is quite a big difference between the two advanced classes within each single class. However, I find it ridiculous that people honestly think it is right for people to have to play through a single class AGAIN just to get the other specialization. The problem with this...


1. Some people do have lives, and moreover JOBS. Meaning they may not have the time to play that same class over again, and if they're like me they would want to try out different classes all together. Then again, like me they would still want to be able to simply switch their AC when they wish. (although there MUST be a rather large fee of course)

2. Also you would need to play through the same story. With more thought, there is a way around this however: if your first class was with the republic, then simply make a character of the same class as Sith for a different story. At the same, most people have strong ties to one specific faction, and the strength is reinforced by their guild/friends ontop of it all.

3. One way or another their are ties between the individual specializations for the most part; however small they might be. These are ties none the less, and with the force wielders ever closer. Realistically, I simply cannot see how a Jedi Guardian couldn't become a Sentinel, nor how a Mercenary couldn't become a Powertech. They've got very close similarities, and with the others it isn't so hard to believe either.


Here is a third option that will be more accepted by even Anti Dual AC

Some people have the problem when they hit 50, or when they're about to hit 50 that they wanted to change their specialization because after constant leveling, they didn't like the one they picked way back when. If Bioware doesn't allow players to change their AC in the future to the other AC, why not allow a one time opportunity to switch your AC 1 more time permanently? At level 10 you didn't necessarily know whether or not you would like the specialization you picked or not in the long haul did you?


My final comment: I find little reason to be against the idea of dual AC, and it gives many players more options and less time going through the same time consuming quests that they had to go through on other classes already just to end up with a 2nd character which belonged to the exact same class as the 1st to begin with.

Edited by Super-Sonic
because I can
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