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Incoming changes to global cooldown UI Blog Discussion


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It's great that you guys have done this, but its really unnecessary...It's perfectly fine as it is now, and a change on the CD UI isn't nearly the biggest problem with the game so far.


Actually no and no.


Short of not being able to login nothing is a bigger issue than being able to manage your abilities properly. I realize some people who only participate in super leisurely combat might not see it but it is a fundamental issue of great import.

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Open for addons instead. then we can choose whatever we want of what's available. Not what you think we want or what a minority has given postive response to.


This will also give you time to work on other things that actually needs fixing, like combat responsiveness, proffessions/crafting, about half the bosses currently ingame are still broken and needs workarounds to be killed. These are much more important issues.


I would have to agree.

Edited by J_Rimmer
I found my answer.
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No offense BW but you were really effing me up with changing this around in recent patches :/


Ok, so we get really cool options on that and that's fantastic! :D Now I can go back to the way it was when i first started playing! Lol


Now, I truly hope that these options are purely cosmetic (which common sense tells me they are) because if this just makes more delay in abilities.....I don't even want to think about it - you fixed 95% of my issues there. Let's keep it that way.

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Honestly, i am confused as to why SWTOR has a GCD at all....there aren't a lot of abilities anyway so BW could have given each ability its own reuse timer instead of going the lazy way and having a GCD.


anyway, the new looks to the UI don't really matter to me (haven't had a problem with it at all) but its good to see you guys working on something. How about the functionality of the GTN next?


What do you mean not a lot of abilities? It has more abilities than any game but eq2?


I could non stop spam abilities forever on my assassin with no gcd

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I was one of the complainers. Nearly a deal breaker, but OMG -- BW just turned that near deal breaker into at least +100 internet points. If this is the kind of response to feedback I can expect in the future, I am going to be a long term player.




I can't even believe it. I thought we were being ignored at first, like other game companies. I was clearly out of line.




You've gained a faithful fan, BW. And, probably more, because of this quick reaction, in the future.

Edited by Partyrockk
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Thank you Bioware for listening to us! Not sure how this will be in game. from the picture it still seems like I might have problems with the shade animation being to bold when cooldowns flash even with option 4 you guys presented. maybe make an adjusting cooldown shade animation option? 1% having the cooldown shade animation almost invisible to 100% being bold black.


Also I know blue goes with the whole total UI package but I feel different colors could help even if it's just the cooldown shade animation. Being a Jedi Knight can get frustrating sometimes with these cooldown animations. most of my abilities are blue! :o

just some ideas I think will do wonders :]


Again thank you guys for listening! Keep this up! :]

Edited by Astronauts
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Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.


I care how it looks, and several 1000 post threds worth of people care how it looks, when the GCD makes it so you can't tell which skills are ready because the GCD masks their readiness, yeah we care.


Maybe it doesn't affect you. But it does affect many of us. BW actually listened to our suggestions, and redesigned the GCD look to be more effective, easier to distinguish and cleaner.


maybe you were not affected, but many of us were, and I for one am glad BW listened and worked with us, the players, to craft a good remedy.



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Glad to see such a concise fix.




GUI AddOn support is what we need. Then you'd have people doing the work for you.


This. I love that Bioware is listening and making changes, but things like UI changes seem like things better left to the community to work on. It just seems like minor annoyances that shouldn't take time away from other pressing issues. If it's an issue of Bioware not wanting us to access certain things, that's fine. I'm sure they can set limitations on what an addon can do. Limit them to UI changes, or something.

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I care how it looks, and several 1000 post threds worth of people care how it looks, when the GCD makes it so you can't tell which skills are ready because the GCD masks their readiness, yeah we care.


Maybe it doesn't affect you. But it does affect many of us. BW actually listened to our suggestions, and redesigned the GCD look to be more effective, easier to distinguish and cleaner.


maybe you were not affected, but many of us were, and I for one am glad BW listened and worked with us, the players, to craft a good remedy.




Thanks, cause i didn't want to have to say all that again.


For some people the current you made them sick. It needed to be changed as they (and that includes me) can't play the game at all.


As far as mods, check the Dev tracker and Stephen Reid talked about it a day or two ago. The March patch will have more customization.

Edited by Keta
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*grunts irritably* I can't find anything to dislike about this, Bioware. I'm very dissapointed you did not give me a reason to complain. So I will complain about you doing good work instead.


This sucks. It has all the features I want and some I didn't even think of. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!!?


I wanted to add my thank you in the tone as above lol well done Logical.


I actually did cancel my sub and will start it again once this hits test.

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Show ready flash: OFF

Show GCD ready flash: OFF

Show cooldown text: ON for the love of god yes ON


GCD style: something with NO OVERLAY so we can SEE when the icon behind it is LIT meaning we can cast it when the GCD is over.


Cooldown style: something with a dark overlay so we can see at a glance that it is not usable.


I'm thinking 4 and 3 respectively on these. The dark cooldown makes it easier to see the icon.


Text size: big enough to easily read, small enough that it doesnt obscure the icon and other settings.


Show tenths of a second: I'm thinking about 3 seconds and under, perhaps 2.


Yes please, can I have this now?? :D I can't wait for 1.1.4 hehe

Edited by DragnHntr
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Please waste more time working the UI when the add-on community would do the work for you faster and for free...


I hope there are never user mods. 99.9% of them were stupid in WoW. They broke every time a new release or major patch cam out.


Yeah .. Fishing Buddy. The .1% can be added by BW at some point.

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Who else watched that video and said to themselves "LAWL CLICKER!"


On topic... nice change.


lol, yeah, I was thinking "Who's the noob that's clicking their abilities?"


Now that this whole GCD thing is out of the way, how about getting rid of the hardcoded Control-A hotkey to turn off ambience? It's the most annoying thing ever, needs to be unbindable.

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I am so glad to see that you're going to listen and give the players options to make it suit their own vision.

Mad props on understanding that one size does not fit all when it comes to MMO UI's after you listened to the community as a whole.

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