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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Incoming changes to global cooldown UI Blog Discussion


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Looks great, ship it now!


I'd like the cooldown text to be less chunky (I liked OmniCC, it used a thinner font) and it's important to format to the right precision (e.g. "5m" rather than "300s," 1/10s precision at < 5s) - it seems like this UI does that. I would also prefer making the standard text white and the < 5s text yellow (red doesn't contrast very well and those last seconds are the most critical).


The GCD flash seems like it would be helpful.

Edited by DanChart
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Thanks Bioware....


However, it seems like this minor UI fix is mostly an issue of inconvenience. I've personally never been bothered by the old global cooldown system. This issue was never been one of the many things I've heard people complain about.


If Bioware is concerned about players being inconvenienced, they should focus on improving more large-scale things like movement speed and the time it takes to get from planet to planet or between the republic fleet and a planet.


Or the fact that the Pass to Republic Fleet has an 18 hour cooldown! That's just cruel....

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Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.


Really?...You don't know they're already working on that? Don't realize they can work on more than 1 thing at a time?


As far as "No one cares." they had numerous issues with the UI changes, some of which were potentially dangerous for people. While YOU may not care, and OTHERS may not comprehend, this was a very important change.

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MORE ACTIONS BARS! Its plain and simple. I don't care how flashy the transitions are, I need more bars for my action buttons. I'm tired of having to scroll up and down in the middle of combat. Seriously, give us access to make all 4 action bars visible and moveable. Anything else is not worth your time.
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What I am missing in the style selection:


- Ability to turn off cooldown display entirely, i.e. a style "off" (I don't want any display of global cooldown at all, for example)

- Ability to just have the dark overlay, i.e. a style "only dark overlay" (can be combined with cooldown timers very well)

- Ability to adjust the color of the cooldown animation, indivually for both global and skill cooldown. I would very much prefer style 4 if the animation weren't that bright blue, but the very color of the dark overlay.


But all in all, a very good step in the right direction. Also love how the screenshot shows that there will be numeric cooldown timers as well.

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Like that, for a change, you guys listened to us. I can't wait to see this implemented. I saw you guys are not changing the GCD (for a lack of a better term) "cooldown lines" opacity.


The opaque GCD timer was, if not is, the most distracting thing for me. I liked the transparent one. It was easy to see what was on cooldown and what was available.

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