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Everything posted by kamranhs

  1. I agree with every single one of these points and don't have anything to add. Very great list!! Bioware, Please read this and incorporate some of these, especially the movement-imparing points mentioned. Most of these points do not decrease the difficulty of the game, they just make it more enjoyable and pleasurable. Instead of transportation being a pain, it becomes a pleasure. Specifically: -Elimination of orbital stations -Creation of an Emergency Ship pass which is usable every hour or so -reduce cooldown for emergency republic fleet pass -allow mounting in spaceports, command bases, large bunkers, etc. -increase mount speed. The worlds are huge, which is nice but also an inconvenience when it takes 20 mins to get to your quest... Thanks Bioware. Keep up the good work!
  2. Thanks Bioware.... However, it seems like this minor UI fix is mostly an issue of inconvenience. I've personally never been bothered by the old global cooldown system. This issue was never been one of the many things I've heard people complain about. If Bioware is concerned about players being inconvenienced, they should focus on improving more large-scale things like movement speed and the time it takes to get from planet to planet or between the republic fleet and a planet. Or the fact that the Pass to Republic Fleet has an 18 hour cooldown! That's just cruel....
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