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Everything posted by StormWulff

  1. I'm betting there's been comments about this already, but I had to post something because it desperately needs fixed: Bioware, get people who know Math on your Teams... In a standard Champion Bag, you pay 800 Warzone Commendations, 600 transferred to Mercenary, and 200 for the cost of the bag. In said bag, you get 15 Centurion and 7 Champion commendations. That means each Champion Commendation costs 114.3 Warzone Commendations, that's not including the (very small) percentage chance of getting a Champion Item, or the 15 Centurion Commendations you get from a Bag. You have added in buying 1 Champion Commendation for 120 Warzone Commendations. This is almost insulting...Fix it. Please. At MOST it should be 100 per Champion Commendation to buy them solo... Next: For Operative/Smuggler and Mercenary/Trooper...Why the hell does the Sorceror AoE not have a limit but both of them do? I get that Sorceror should be most powerful healer because they have the lightest Armor, but that weakens both of them considerably, and makes things -stupid- in Operations as you can't decide -WHO- gets hit by the AoEs, it's a crapshoot. Remove the "Cap" on targets for both of them, it makes no sense anyway. If you're in an AoE, you should be affected by it. This way ALL healers are useful in Operations. I can tell you right now that both those Classes get -denied- opportunities to run Ops simply because they can't keep up with the Sorceror Healer. I do not -think- you intended this, but it's something you should re-consider. It does not make either of them "Better" than the Sorceror....the Sorceror still has the Shields, and that alone is basically a 5k Damage Buffer the rest of us Healing Classes hate because we can't do. In Summary: The "Cap" on Targets is senseless and prevents play to those Classes due to limitations that are really pointless. Stop making the "Force Users" the "Ultimate Classes" and give others a chance for play.
  2. I'm okay with a "System Gear Score", which would basically tell those who want to do something they should work towards bettering themselves first. If there's a Gear Score that people can see, it leads to douchebaggery. In general, the best part of the "System Gear Score" is that there is no need to be anal about their gear, they're good enough to complete the Mission and THAT is what's important.
  3. The in-game Reporting. I had an issue with Kaliyo's Companion Mission not activating...specified which Mission it was and what problem I had...I get a response(3-4 days later) that says: "We need the following information: Screenshot Client (ie French/German/English) Server (ie Cosmic Turbine/Darth Malak) Planet/Area Name (Taris/Nar Shadaa) Coordinates (e.g. X: 23 Y: -175 Z: 200) Character Name / Account Handle (Camaron) Character Level / Class / Advanced Class Quest Name Active Companion" Now...Can I understand needing all this? Yes....However...this is an in-game help ticket...Why in the world doesn't half of that automatically go into a Ticket? Client? Server? Character info?...Hell, they could even add an option to "Screen Cap" your current screen to attach to the ticket. Not gonna lie...it was so much pointless info that -wouldn't- help answer my question that I just gave up.
  4. To a similar effect...I'd rather like it if we could actually "Group" with our Companions on the Ship. Would allow us to send them out for selling gray junk, pass out Gifts, and just as important, we could see our Companions on other people's ships! Would love it if every Companion had random conversations with other Companions, both in-Class and out-of-Class. For example if Vette and Kaliyo turned out to be ex-lovers, or whatever and if you have the 2 of them in your group they talk about "Old times".
  5. What it means is simple: While you have the -option- to Group for every single Quest(With a very select few exceptions simply because non-Questers can't reach the Quest point.), it is also just as fun to do so solo. What other MMO game has a Story on par with TOR which can be played through solo if you so chose? Answer: None.
  6. In that case I demand that everything that -isn't- a FP/Heroic be solo-only. No Grouping allowed...because obviously it's intended as Solo-content, so it's unfair that those who want to group have access to it without following the intended form of play. That's basically what you're saying should happen, because you're limiting my ability to play as I want, why can't I limit yours? While yes, making Group Content accessible for solo-play will lessen the number of people who will group, so what? There's plenty of ways to make grouping more appealing...and you CAN already group from the beginning of the game through to the very end. It's the choice that's important...and allowing some people to have what they want, while not allowing others to have what they want, is a bad business model when you CAN give them both what they want. Will I leave when I'm done with the story? Yes. I might re-sub when they get new additions, but if all it is is Flashpoints and Warzones, I have no reason to come back. You, and everyone else, should want everyone satisfied, because the more people stay to pay and play, the more content will get made and the more improvements can and will be added.
  7. Perhaps instead there could simply be an Empire and Republic "Bounty" option? Would be kinda cool...have a Republic and Empire Bounty group, and in order to gain "Status" in the groups you need to do Bounties which are both PCs and NPCs. Perhaps different Status ranks getting you access to special "Bounty Hunter-like gear".
  8. I dunno how difficult or easy it would be to change things, but what I would like to see happen: Remove the "Specific Level" for Missions. Instead of having Missions of a set level, I think it would improve playability and improve the amount of content for 50s if every Mission was made so it's difficulty is based on the person's level. About the only difficulty I can imagine would be world-based play, and again...not sure of the difficulty, but maybe you could set it so that the Mobs in the world change level based on who aggros them? Just something I think that would improve the game for everyone. No more Gray Missions...Although perhaps you could add in a "Difficulty Selector"? "Easy" would be like -2 Levels to the Mobs, "Normal" would be +0, "Hard" would be +2.
  9. Actually...I'd think this would be better served being on Nar Shadaa in the Casino. This way you could turn Nar Shadaa into kinda the "Neutral Fleet"...make it possible for Empire and Republic to challenge each other to games and such. Improved interaction = your Friend. I also like the idea of other Mini-games, would be cool to have the "Arena" be on Nar Shadaa as well, maybe some "Dice" games...whatever.
  10. I get that some people might think a "Legacy" is something you use to identify a "Player" regardless of what Alt he's on. I'm of the opinion this should be a Role-Playing aspect of the game instead. What I would like is for the option to basically "Share" a Legacy, specifically: If me and my brother are playing, and we want to play IC Brothers, why can't we have a mutual Legacy? Perhaps make something like a "Friends" list, but specifically a "Legacy List", this would require you sending a request to "Join (Insert Person)'s Legacy", which they could approve or decline. And then when you make a Character you choose which Legacy you are part of and gain the benefits of. For later-game content that becomes available with "Legacy", perhaps bring the option of "Multiple Legacies" for married couples IC with PCs having to go to an NPC and "Buy into" another PC's Legacy. Note: I know none of this is exactly -easily- implemented...I also know they would likely need to have ways to prevent this from being abused. But I think something to this effect would make Legacy mean a lot more and be way more awesome.
  11. I think it's probably because the Commando/BH have a slightly better Combat Capability than Healer-Specced Sage/Sorceror and Operative/Scrapper.
  12. So basically what this says is: You're not allowed to Solo what I don't want you to. Follow my way of thinking or go away. It is my choice to play with others or by myself. I do so with or without the "Group Content", what this will do is allow me to experience something I'm missing out on. In all honesty...why would you WANT people in your group who don't want to team up? I hear complaining about how "So-and-so did something stupid and got me killed." far too often as it is...and with people who don't WANT to group being forced to, it happens more often because they just don't care or are annoyed at having to be around other people who annoy them.
  13. For the complaints about: "This is an MMO, if you want Solo, go play a Solo game!" Response: If you want pure-group Play, go play somewhere else. This game is an MMO, it does not, however, require playing in groups...and honestly I'm not a fan of games that do. I play for MANY hours a day...and a lot of times I have to afk for several of them and just wait till I can pick up where I left off. I don't like being tied down to always depending on other Players. I should not be punished for having a life/job/other things that pull me away while someone with none of those can sit and go 2-3 hours straight in a group. As far as gear, there's no reason it should be different, but I wouldn't complain about it dropping less frequently. I do, however, also stand on the opinion it shouldn't be "Easier", the benefit of being in a group being you don't have psycho Minions to worry about. However, there's also no reason they should have Companions be much weaker than a normal Character while in a Mission. Perhaps give "Presence Bonuses" to the Main Character when doing them to account for the difference? For those complaining about "Noone would group!"...isn't that THEIR choice? How is it right that you get to decide when someone does/does not group? If someone doesn't want to, they shouldn't be forced to. And it's BS anyway...most people would still group, but those who don't want to wouldn't. This game is not designed to be only successful if you group...nor if you solo. This game is so far designed to play however you choose to play. This is what makes it attractive to me. Finally: I have wanted specific Missions with multiple Companions...might be nice if some even require specific Companion Combos in order to get specific scenes...for example there could be an opportunity to prompt a "Romance" between Companions based on the actions you take.
  14. Really?...You don't know they're already working on that? Don't realize they can work on more than 1 thing at a time? As far as "No one cares." they had numerous issues with the UI changes, some of which were potentially dangerous for people. While YOU may not care, and OTHERS may not comprehend, this was a very important change.
  15. Dueling is often used to help friends with Datacrons and stuff. >.> In all honesty, Dueling shouldn't really have any incentive more than basic World PvP should....but I'm of the opinion that World PvP should have more of an incentive. Mostly I think it'd be awesome to take a book out of GW's playbook and have "Neutral contested Areas" where you fight NPCs and the opposing side's PCs to gain control of it. Perhaps get discounts or something from Vendors there? Honestly there's lots of opportunity, but it's up to BW/TOR to decide where to take it.
  16. I'm not one of those experiencing problems, however, when something involves visual stimuli and lights, it is very possible people are getting sick. It will affect nothing beyond solving the problem by adding in a little Preference option that turns off the new UI. Anyone who's complaining about that being "Ridiculous" should take a step back and just consider what they would think if it was them experiencing this issue and people were talking about it like it's a lie. Take 5 minutes to think about times you had something happening but noone around you acknowledged it happening because "They didn't have that problem." bloody near a guarantee everyone's had it happen.
  17. Just as a note...if you go to Preferences, and then "Key Binding" under "Targeting"...Target of Target is an option.
  18. People keep bringing up things like "But the main characters of the Movie are..." What we're playing here is something the designers want us to be immersed in, if you ask -me- who I remember most from Star Wars it's Blik, Hovrak, Bin Kohal, Phlik, Severian, Caet Shrovl, Lak Sivrak, Tagg Sivrak...Shistavanen, because it's my personal favorite race and I happened to love the Characters...one of which was in a romantic entanglement with a crazy worm alien-race. The excuse of "Due to Romance" is kinda BS considering how many times in the SW Universe it's already been done. Every person who loves Star Wars loves it for their reasons, everyone has characters that are what they want to play and want to embody for their own reasons. Everyone should recognize the fact that different people relate to things differently, and for some of us, the differences those Aliens have makes them -easier- for some people to become immersed in. Star Wars has always had a huge variety of Races, and I can guarantee you every single Star Wars game many people thought at some time or another how they wished their Main Character could be some other race. That said: I do agree in some aspects the races were done lazily, the Cyborg should have simply been an option on all the races for "Cyborg Enhancements", I still am trying to understand why they chose to limit the Cyborg Enhancements to the different Classes...if you go through the Classes and Empire/Republic, you won't find many of the same options. And tbh....I find many of them ugly, so not having any of the "Cool ones" available in my preferred Class irks the heck out of me and makes no sense whatsoever. I'm one of those people who believes TOR probably did their Character Creation in a bad way...it would have been better to simply get several different Voice Actors, and basically have the "Race Creation" be more like Dragon Age, where it's modifiable AND you can choose between voices. Some Class Voices with the Appearance the person chose are horrible and just don't seem to fit which hurts immersion rather than helping it. Before people go on about "But then they'd have had to have those Voice Actors do every Quest Line" I will point out that my "Voice Options" repeat. A lot. It would not have been difficult or added much to what is already in place.
  19. Would be better if you could instead adjust your companions, make them more or less dark side based on your conversations with them....y'know...like KOTOR did? Also, in some cases they just need to adjust things to be more sensible...if you had the option to slap Kadge and make him beg for mercy you probably wouldn't be so unhappy. Instead of -allowing- him to join you after making him your peon, you're given options that seem not to match with the character's storyline up to that point.
  20. Went all-Empire on one Server because my friends went Empire, went all Republic on another Server because I'm a fan of the "Heroes"...Even my Empire characters tend to be "Heroic".
  21. Just came up with another thing! Multiple Players in Space Combat! Both having the option to have people man your ship's guns for a Space mission and that way they can shoot at things from the Gunner Station as you use the Pilot Weapons. That and the option to have Multiple Players in a single Space Combat.
  22. Oh! Another thing: Companions...I will explain. 1) Rather than limiting us to Companions as they have now, mixing and matching them would seem to be better. For example: Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight...perhaps allow someone to choose between a Light Side and Dark Side choice(Would be better if it was non-Dark/Light Side specific due to my next suggestion, better if it was simply based on how you wanted to continue the story.), they choose one option they get 1 Companion, regardless of whether they are Republic or Empire.(There should be 1 exception, whatever the 1st companion is should be Empire/Republic specific just because there should always be something like that. ) This would also help with Empire/Republic interaction as -perhaps- this could be an opportunity to allow opposite sides to Group together. 2) Change Companion's way of thinking...perhaps make it so Vette actually -likes- getting shocked and eventually starts gaining Affection and Dark-Side based on your responses to her. It would be nice if we could basically mold the Companions as we see fit...
  23. I would like to see other "Side-Games" made available...The card-game, Sabacc I think it's called? Maybe some die-rolling games. Would be cool if this could also be mixed with a Companion who can make it accessible on your ship, as well as having it accessible on Nar Shadaa between both Republic/Empire. More interaction between Republic/Empire. More options with weapons on Characters. Particularly being able to mix/match primary/offhand options regardless of Class. I would also REALLY like them to completely re-work the Race section of Character Creation. I honestly think they need to go with something more along the lines of the City of Heroes Creation Process for appearance. Which should be done -after- Class Selection...limiting Race based on Class is ridiculous...We all know any race can be any Class, NONE is strictly anything. Probably a lot more...these are just off the top of my head.
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