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10 Good
  1. Wow guys! I hated the changes you made in the latest patch i thought you had it right the patch before BUT THIS! This is the best of both worlds! we have a choice! good job and good idea keep up the good work
  2. Ding is old school the new way to say you have leveled is................*drum rolls*.................WOOTINI! <3
  3. good luck! the set pieces are blues and not oranges anyway for certain parts so you will out level their usefulness pretty quick
  4. you do not get them very often - i normally upgrade her with any greens i pick up and some blues. Fights do start to last longer when your levels increase, it may be a dps thing because on my sentinel ALL fights are close even with a blasted healer. Try upgrading makos armour from the GTN may help - if all else fails respec shieldtech, i love the spec coz i never have down time
  5. Also i have always picked upgrades for mako instead of the commendations if they are available. Normally i get around 24comms at the end of the planet which is more than enough to buy the main pieces
  6. My Bounty Hunter is speced shieldtech and i have no problems since level 10. I havn't felt gimped at all. I kill mobs slower than most people but my survivability is through the roof! The only time I have any down time is after 4man herioc mobs. Standard mobs im close to full health all the time with mako healing. I havnt tried the dps spex so am unsure if they would be any good but shieldtech <3
  7. Okay so i have played my Sentinel since release and can say I LOVE the class. At first i thought the class was broken like you guys and had a hard time but now (lvl 44) i feel epic! Once I released button bashing wasn't going to work and actually thought about what i was doing everything became a lot more fun and easier. Now I hardly have any down time (using doc) i use kira or Rusk if i just wanna nuke stuff but prefer doc because i dont have any time between fights. Its all about knowing ALL your moves. I tend to build a lot of focus and then nuke them with all my dmg moves. If ever i get to low health i use force camo and carrying on dmging whilst receiving no dmg and getting healed with doc or using kira as a tank. IF you can play the class how its supposed to be played you WILL feel epic. There are some problems in PvP i have found but PvE = no problems.
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