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SWTOR's Newest Patch Ruined all lvl 50 Players Gear Gathering


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Now i can sleep gg... I hate you swtor pvp developers. Other than that rework your system to not extend your endgame that was already achievable easier earily on instead make it the same and bring out other endgame material at a higher rate... to make it fair for everyone.



and if 8 of those items were implants and belts(and they were) i would prefer to have the extra tokens.

Edited by Deathnasty
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this is the reason why most of the mmorpgs failed. Gathering end-game content is easy even for a 5 yo kid.go do some pvp quests and you're full ? with my scoundrel character i've become 50 just 1 week before the patch and only piece as champ im missing is chest piece and i've got spare medical set which my compaion wears.

And im Republic player as you can see , if Republic players can do this in 1 week it means its too easy to gather.even now after the patch i did obtain 4 piece of champion. its still easy...

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Ruinez do you understand the math... or did you even read what I posted.


I am not bashing on you but seriously?


You would rather have 1 apple vs 5 apples?


1 dollar vs 5 dollars?


no comment...

those aren't good analogies.


Would you rather go in to get your car serviced, and need an oil change, but have them decide not to change your oil but to replace your brand new tires instead?


Before the change: it literally wasn't uncommon to get 10 or more duplicates before getting all the pieces you want.


Now: you have a a lower chance of getting a duplicate piece, and more commendations so you can buy the piece that you want.


The system is much improved for people who are still in the process of getting valor up to battlemaster.

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Now i can sleep gg... I hate you swtor pvp developers. Other than that rework your system to not extend your endgame that was already achievable easier earily on instead make it the same and bring out other endgame material at a higher rate... to make it fair for everyone.


And? If you want easy mode go play WoW. Problem solved. Seriously you easy mode casuals are already trying to get SWTOR Nerfed to easy mode. This game is already easy it doesn't need to be easy mode x 5.


Just look at WoW, a blind monkey can slap his banana on the keyboard and get PvP epics or raid finder welfare epics. Bioware, you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

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I don't PvP. I don't need PvP gear. My "gear gathering" hasn't been ruined.


^^ This


Thread title is misleading - I came expecting some super secret change made to getting gear at 50 that I missed. Instead it is the same PvP gear thread I've seen over and over (just colored with the latest patch notes).

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They never should have had a random based system for gear. Having to hope you win the RNG lottery for your gear when opening a bag is just stupid and lazy design.


And yes, when they screwed up with the patch and allowed players to gain ridiculous amounts of valor and gear, they should have rolled it all back.


Anyways, I mostly PVE as PVP in MMOs is pretty silly IMO, very silly in SWTOR as there isn't one facet of competitive PVP, its just a giant gear grind in one unorganized war zone after another.


OP just do what most of these 'champions' or 'battlemasters' did for their welfare gear, go run around war zones all day while half afk tabbed out watching Youtube and updating Facebook.


It's not like you actually do anything but queue up to get PVP gear.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I look at it this way.


In the first week @ 50 I opened 16 bags and got 5 pieces of champion gear (weapon, offhand, chest, gloves, and helm).

In the second week @ 50 I opened 14 bags and got 2 pieces of champion gear (wrists and legs).

In the third week @ 50 I opened 10 bags and got 3 pieces of champion gear (Implant, wrists and gloves).


So in total I opened 40 bags and got 10 pieces of champion gear (2 duplicates).


Now under the current system those same 40 bags would get me 280 champion tokens or enough for the weapon plus what... one more piece?


So 40 bags = 10 pieces of gear under old system

And 40 bags = 2 pieces of gear under new system


10 > 2


Therefore old system wins.


For you. Talk to people that have 10 earpieces, are Battlemasters, and are still missing a few pieces of Champion gear. It all evens out.


This is how the system should have worked from the start, though. And it's how the BM bags should work, too. Every bag gets a comm, up the cost of items, and allow a slow but steady rate of gear progression. RNG is stupid. It produces results where one person opens 20 bags and is wearing full Champion gear, and another guy opens 100 and is still missing 9 pieces of gear.


The fact that this system even went live speaks volume about Bioware and this game. Just sayin'.

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I look at it this way.


In the first week @ 50 I opened 16 bags and got 5 pieces of champion gear (weapon, offhand, chest, gloves, and helm).

In the second week @ 50 I opened 14 bags and got 2 pieces of champion gear (wrists and legs).

In the third week @ 50 I opened 10 bags and got 3 pieces of champion gear (Implant, wrists and gloves).


So in total I opened 40 bags and got 10 pieces of champion gear (2 duplicates).


Now under the current system those same 40 bags would get me 280 champion tokens or enough for the weapon plus what... one more piece?


So 40 bags = 10 pieces of gear under old system

And 40 bags = 2 pieces of gear under new system


10 > 2


Therefore old system wins.


No NEVER! me i got 14 relic, 20 implants. Etc etc etc. So THOUSANDS commendations for nothing. NEW system WAY WAY WAY better.

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I'm sorry I'm Valor 43 and all i get is Champ BP Champ BP ... like 10 of them ... what luck i have lol..


At least this prevents the uncertainty.


Don't get me wrong... I destroy players with my mediocre gear. Just hated the randomness of getting the same item... They did a good job with this. Your complaints about this is unwarranted.




Here is my 2 cents on how I feel about Starwars the Old Republic and how they are doing things.


First of all before I bash on all the crap Swtor has done in these recent updates, I wish to say that they have a beautiful game and something that could be promising if and when they start listening to there players and stop thinking on what to do to ruin it for them.


1st: There was so many glitchs and bugs to achieve your dailys and weeklys that made it so easy for lvl 50's to get there gear and pass valor around to reach end game gear.


2nd: SWTOR decides to stop that and allow those players who have achieved Battlemaster Gear + lvl 65 valor to stay where they are and reduce the chances of any new comer to come close to this gear. - I am included in that bunch.


Commenting on 2nd: "Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations." This is a quote from the patch notes...


Seriously... *** are you thinking! You are making it harder to achieve any expertise in Champion wise gear and what? Giving us centurion gear easier so we can have pos gear to fight battlemaster rank players.


Ok lets imagine I have offically hit lvl 60 valor. Same crap happens again. Now i can get my champion gear 2 times as fast even tho I wish to have battlemaster??? Before it was like 3/5 bags would give you a full champion gear which in turn costs 64+ some lower some higher in accomdations for them. You would gain over 150+ accomidations for opening 3/5 bags if you calcuated the item value.


Now you would only get Champion accomdations at 7 a piece and 15 centurium bs... Which means out of 5 bags x 7... 35 Champion accomidations... THEY HAVE MADE IT 5X HARDER TO ACHIEVE ANY FUTURE GEAR THAN EVER....


The bastards who have all battlemaster now can kick your *** for 5x the length of which you could have achieved your gear which was already somewhat long as it was.


Swtor this is my advice to you. Allow players who reach lvl 50 to achieve there gear quicker and faster to battlemaster because of all the faults you gave those players the chance to achieve there gear so quickly.


Instead wait a month to have everyone have that gear and screw those who have achieved that gear already through cheating. Once its been established then press on to grant a higher level standard or bring a more difficult gear to attain that would be monitored from the beginning before implimenting it.


If what I am saying doesnt make sense to you then hit lvl 50 with no expertise gear at all and see how long would it take you now to achieve any gear vs those who are already in battlemaster.


+ all these glitching and bugs and clipping and *** is going on here... I have never seen more cheating in my entire life than Counter strike's wall hacking.


Your allowing players with over dominant gear to **** those who are interrested in playing this game fully. I believe I am decent at pvp but this gear difference is flipping rediclous. I can do every combo perfectly on someone with battlemaster gear and he can just sit there taking it and at 50% hp decide to turn around and pretty much 3-4 shot me.


I just cant wait to see swtor's customer support delete my post because they believe I am wrong and wont let others see what we are all dealing with.


Gl to you all who have just gotten to lvl 50. Ill see you guys at endgame gear in 3 months. When before it was achievable in 1 week.

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Its obvious the OP has no idea how PVP and PVP gear works.


Perhaps you should look at some BM gear, then look at the BM's in your group, inspect them.


Chances are they aren't wearing full BM, its not because they don't have it, which could be the case, but a lot of times Rakata and even Champion gear is better.


Having PVP'd a lot sine htting 50 a about a week in, I had all but 2 peices of my champ gear before patch.


I saved all my bags from the week before patch and got 1 token and 126 champion tokens.


In 1 week I would be able to buy 2-3 items. That's a HECK of a lot better than the old random system. Plus I got to chose 2 of the items. Not get assigned.


You know how many relics I had from PVP bags? 12.




The new system is WAY better and I wish we would have had it from the start. It also lets you pick which items you might want to pull mods from. Most the BM's on my server take the mods out of champ gear and apply it to BM gear just to get the stats correct.


The issue isn't the bags. The issue is the stats on the gear. If you think you can't beat someone in BM gear when you are in champ, then there is a skill issue not a gear issue.

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It's pretty hilarious that the OP is posting about this, considering it's now EASIER to get fully champ geared. All those of us who reached 70+ valor legitimately by warzoning our asses off and you got this guy complaining that it's harder to get gear now that it's easier. I opened a few hundred champion bags by this point and still never once received a helm, yet I got 11 off hands and 9 main hands. Sure wish I had just gotten more tokens (like now) so I could buy what I wanted.


Stop complaining and valor/gear grind like the rest of us did.

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Curious...why are you in the PvP forums?


This thread was started on General and moved to PvP - so that would be your answer.


As to the other poster caling this one a douche - your lack of knowledge on how this happened indicates that you might want to look in the mirror first.

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