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SWTOR's Newest Patch Ruined all lvl 50 Players Gear Gathering


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Here's what I think:


They need to ditch Expertise altogether.


I still have not heard a valid reason to have it. It simply does not make any sense to give players added bonuses onto gear that is already better.


Keep the BM, Champ, Cent gear exactly like it is. Keep the current Bag/Comm ratios. I don't care.


BM's aren't owning face because their gear is THAT much better than Champ gear. What makes it better, and what gives them "I win" function, is the Expertise. Ditch it. All of these other problems will literally take care of themselves.

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I look at it this way.


In the first week @ 50 I opened 16 bags and got 5 pieces of champion gear (weapon, offhand, chest, gloves, and helm).

In the second week @ 50 I opened 14 bags and got 2 pieces of champion gear (wrists and legs).

In the third week @ 50 I opened 10 bags and got 3 pieces of champion gear (Implant, wrists and gloves).


So in total I opened 40 bags and got 10 pieces of champion gear (2 duplicates).


Now under the current system those same 40 bags would get me 280 champion tokens or enough for the weapon plus what... one more piece?


So 40 bags = 10 pieces of gear under old system

And 40 bags = 2 pieces of gear under new system


10 > 2


Therefore old system wins.


All that shows is you got lucky. My drop rate on pieces before the change was 10-15%. And I even got duplicates like 4 implants, and 5 offhands.


Good for you that RNG helped you out, but the vast majority of players would rather not suffer the RNG.

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The Math in this thread displayed by all has been pretty poor.


The old system's possibility for duplicates means that as you obtain a new slot you had not previously attained, your likelihood of obtaining another new slot you had not previously attained is reduced.


i.e Assume for simplicity you only have 5 slots you can fill with PvP gear and assume the probability of a bag containing an item in the old system was 0.6. The probability of getting an item you need is 0.6. Assume you are lucky and you get an item; now you have 4 slots you can fill and there is now a base likelihood of not getting an item 0.4 & an extra likelihood 0.12 of getting a duplicate.


When we consider 2 bags with someone who has 0 items already, they have a 84% chance to get an item


When we consider 2 bags with someone who has 1 item already, they have a 73% chance to get an item they don't already have.


In basic terms: The overall likelihood of obtaining a full set of gear under a likelihood function that decreases with amount of unique acquired < The overall likelihood of obtaining a full set of gear under a similair but reduced likelihood function + a definite outcome of commentations.

Edited by Oceaa
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Here's what I think:


They need to ditch Expertise altogether.


I still have not heard a valid reason to have it. It simply does not make any sense to give players added bonuses onto gear that is already better.


Keep the BM, Champ, Cent gear exactly like it is. Keep the current Bag/Comm ratios. I don't care.


BM's aren't owning face because their gear is THAT much better than Champ gear. What makes it better, and what gives them "I win" function, is the Expertise. Ditch it. All of these other problems will literally take care of themselves.


There is no significant difference in expertise between champ and bm gear, so your post is full of fail.


The reason expertise exists is so that pvpers can't simply just pvp and get epics and then steamroll pve content and vice versa.

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Anyone who thinks the change reduced the speed at which they get gear is an idiot, plain and simple - you are bad at math, bad at the game, and whining about a BUFF to your gearing speed.


Anyone who is a fresh 50 should have a full set of champion gear by valor rank 40.


Previously, fresh Battlemasters WERE STILL MISSING PIECES OF CHAMPION GEAR. You have no idea how bad it was.


You have no idea how much Bioware caters you do and you have the nerve to complain about it. Good god. If I was Bioware I would rip you fools openly on the forum the way Blizzard used to.


Just because you didn't pass high school math is no reason to complain about a buff. Complain about legitimate problems.

Edited by EternalFinality
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1. I feel sorry for the Battlemasters, that were missing Champion gear, really. Really. There's a small issue though. You need to win around 300 warzones to actually get from valor level 50 to 60.


That's 25.000 warzone commendations total. Assuming you grind it for a month that would be 4 weeklies and 30 dailies. 4x3 + 30 = 42. 25.000/800 = 31. That's 73 champion bags. I refuse to believe, that anyone can miss more than a piece or two from their precious champion collection. Newsflash: Expertise is pretty much useless above 400 unless you stack it to 600+. It's actually way better to replace some of your PvP items with PvE items (like rakatas from dailies or whatever) for the higher stats and HP. Replacing two champion implants will lower your expertise bonus by around 0,6% when you're above 500 and, from a sage's point of view, will increase your critical bonus dmg by 10-11%.


Also duplicates are awesome, because the stats on the gear are plain dumb and give you equal bonuses to all stats (power/alacrity/whatever). People usually focus on this or that stat, so they need duplicates to scavenge the enchancements and mods and replace them in items with wrong stats. That's why I, a sage, use my every columi commendation to buy trooper's columi gloves. They have power + surge enchancement.


2. After the new system was implemented I got one piece I was missing using commendations and that's basically it. I'm doing dailies upon dailies and there's no progress. I heaven't seen a full drop since then. Duplicates still happen (my gf got a hat and three chests). There was no fix to the "duplicates" problem, the chance was lowered and all you got in return is more commendations, which allow you to buy something once every 9 days of doing endless dailies (warzones still don't count pretty often). Great.


3. About the bans / rollbacks for Ilum exploiting: Screenshot or it didn't happen. I see people, who I saw exploiting wearing their BM titles and even on the Republic side (yeah, some of our guys exploited it too) I see people with 65-67 valor rank with 300 expertise and still some centurion pieces. How could that happen? Let's see... Ilum doesn't give you gear, that's how.




Edited by Kalantris
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I refuse to believe, that anyone can miss more than a piece or two from their precious champion collection.


At Valor rank 51 when patch hit, no ear, no offhand. 6 implants, 4 gloves 3 pants 5 bracers.


Do you know how frustrating it used to be? "Only a piece or two"?

Edited by EternalFinality
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under the old system I almost had 3 complete sets of champ gear and have not got to BM valor yet.....


I was missing sash and gloves forever as i keep getting dupes, but the dupes were nice as I like to move around enhancements.......


Under the new system no bag has dropped a unassembled and its just well meh.....

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At Valor rank 51 when patch hit, no ear, no offhand. 6 implants, 4 gloves 3 pants 5 bracers.


Do you know how frustrating it used to be? "Only a piece or two"?


You still have what... 280 warzones to play till you hit BM? I had most of my gear around rank 55. Old system ofcourse.


No, I have no idea how frustrating it used to be. As I said it's actually better to have some PvE gear instead of the centurion crap most of us used to fill the gaps. I exchanged it to rakata as soon as I got some drops. Mainhand, implant, bracers - all rakata and I'm still way above 400 expertise (470 I think). Instead of having 5xx expertise I have 40% crit and 90,5% surge.




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I personally like how the system is at the moment. I want to play for weeks or months before I have a full set of gear. Its an MMO, I do not want everyone running around in full BM after only a week or two. If that was the case then what is the point? I hope that it continues to get harder to get gear and then people who want an easy drop will leave this game. I hate playing games with people who complain because they cant get their gear as fast as some other people do. Find some friends, calm down, open a beer, and play.


Also, for some reason I feel that if you were in the first group that leveled super fast and got your gear you would not be upset at all by the changes. Not sure but just a thought. I play a Jugg and by no means top out on dps. I have to use CD's and leaps constantly to even win or kill. I finish each WZ with usually 8-12 medals and All I have a few champ pieces and mainly centurion gear. If you are getting killed as bad as you make it sound it might be possible that you should change your class to something that you might be a little better at. Just an idea.

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Here is my 2 cents on how I feel about Starwars the Old Republic and how they are doing things.


First of all before I bash on all the crap Swtor has done in these recent updates, I wish to say that they have a beautiful game and something that could be promising if and when they start listening to there players and stop thinking on what to do to ruin it for them.


1st: There was so many glitchs and bugs to achieve your dailys and weeklys that made it so easy for lvl 50's to get there gear and pass valor around to reach end game gear.


2nd: SWTOR decides to stop that and allow those players who have achieved Battlemaster Gear + lvl 65 valor to stay where they are and reduce the chances of any new comer to come close to this gear. - I am included in that bunch.


Commenting on 2nd: "Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations." This is a quote from the patch notes...


Seriously... *** are you thinking! You are making it harder to achieve any expertise in Champion wise gear and what? Giving us centurion gear easier so we can have pos gear to fight battlemaster rank players.


Ok lets imagine I have offically hit lvl 60 valor. Same crap happens again. Now i can get my champion gear 2 times as fast even tho I wish to have battlemaster??? Before it was like 3/5 bags would give you a full champion gear which in turn costs 64+ some lower some higher in accomdations for them. You would gain over 150+ accomidations for opening 3/5 bags if you calcuated the item value.


Now you would only get Champion accomdations at 7 a piece and 15 centurium bs... Which means out of 5 bags x 7... 35 Champion accomidations... THEY HAVE MADE IT 5X HARDER TO ACHIEVE ANY FUTURE GEAR THAN EVER....


The bastards who have all battlemaster now can kick your *** for 5x the length of which you could have achieved your gear which was already somewhat long as it was.


Swtor this is my advice to you. Allow players who reach lvl 50 to achieve there gear quicker and faster to battlemaster because of all the faults you gave those players the chance to achieve there gear so quickly.


Instead wait a month to have everyone have that gear and screw those who have achieved that gear already through cheating. Once its been established then press on to grant a higher level standard or bring a more difficult gear to attain that would be monitored from the beginning before implimenting it.


If what I am saying doesnt make sense to you then hit lvl 50 with no expertise gear at all and see how long would it take you now to achieve any gear vs those who are already in battlemaster.


+ all these glitching and bugs and clipping and *** is going on here... I have never seen more cheating in my entire life than Counter strike's wall hacking.


Your allowing players with over dominant gear to **** those who are interrested in playing this game fully. I believe I am decent at pvp but this gear difference is flipping rediclous. I can do every combo perfectly on someone with battlemaster gear and he can just sit there taking it and at 50% hp decide to turn around and pretty much 3-4 shot me.


I just cant wait to see swtor's customer support delete my post because they believe I am wrong and wont let others see what we are all dealing with.


Gl to you all who have just gotten to lvl 50. Ill see you guys at endgame gear in 3 months. When before it was achievable in 1 week.


Buying system is much better than the random system. Even if all items cost 5 times as much its still a better system.

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1. I feel sorry for the Battlemasters, that were missing Champion gear, really. Really. There's a small issue though. You need to win around 300 warzones to actually get from valor level 50 to 60.


That's 25.000 warzone commendations total. Assuming you grind it for a month that would be 4 weeklies and 30 dailies. 4x3 + 30 = 42. 25.000/800 = 31. That's 73 champion bags. I refuse to believe, that anyone can miss more than a piece or two from their precious champion collection. Newsflash: Expertise is pretty much useless above 400 unless you stack it to 600+. It's actually way better to replace some of your PvP items with PvE items (like rakatas from dailies or whatever) for the higher stats and HP. Replacing two champion implants will lower your expertise bonus by around 0,6% when you're above 500 and, from a sage's point of view, will increase your critical bonus dmg by 10-11%.


Also duplicates are awesome, because the stats on the gear are plain dumb and give you equal bonuses to all stats (power/alacrity/whatever). People usually focus on this or that stat, so they need duplicates to scavenge the enchancements and mods and replace them in items with wrong stats. That's why I, a sage, use my every columi commendation to buy trooper's columi gloves. They have power + surge enchancement.


2. After the new system was implemented I got one piece I was missing using commendations and that's basically it. I'm doing dailies upon dailies and there's no progress. I heaven't seen a full drop since then. Duplicates still happen (my gf got a hat and three chests). There was no fix to the "duplicates" problem, the chance was lowered and all you got in return is more commendations, which allow you to buy something once every 9 days of doing endless dailies (warzones still don't count pretty often). Great.


3. About the bans / rollbacks for Ilum exploiting: Screenshot or it didn't happen. I see people, who I saw exploiting wearing their BM titles and even on the Republic side (yeah, some of our guys exploited it too) I see people with 65-67 valor rank with 300 expertise and still some centurion pieces. How could that happen? Let's see... Ilum doesn't give you gear, that's how.





Except that pretty much everyone going from 50-60 will be doing Ilum zergfests mostly because it will give you more WAY more valor usually. Trying to get BM solely through WZs is retarded.


Your math is so fail it hurts. Champ gear (not including weapon) costs something like 70 comms. That's 10 bags. Doing dailies and pvping a bit will net you 3 bags per day. That's a piece of champ gear every 3-4 days, and not 9 days. There's also that ******** of cent comms you got to buy gear with too.

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I look at it this way.


In the first week @ 50 I opened 16 bags and got 5 pieces of champion gear (weapon, offhand, chest, gloves, and helm).

In the second week @ 50 I opened 14 bags and got 2 pieces of champion gear (wrists and legs).

In the third week @ 50 I opened 10 bags and got 3 pieces of champion gear (Implant, wrists and gloves).


So in total I opened 40 bags and got 10 pieces of champion gear (2 duplicates).


Now under the current system those same 40 bags would get me 280 champion tokens or enough for the weapon plus what... one more piece?


So 40 bags = 10 pieces of gear under old system

And 40 bags = 2 pieces of gear under new system


10 > 2


Therefore old system wins.


Yes and the first week i opened around 20bags i got relic x2 , chest , hands x2 and a belt. 2nd week i opened around 20bags again and got nothing but comms even tried opening the bags in wzs no help there.


And my point being yes you could get lucky with bags and get a full set in 10-20 bags or get in to duplicate hell or comm bags wouldn´t you rather get steady stream of comms to buy what you want or base it on total randomness .


To OP stop being a creedy gimp and work on you gear like the rest of the world does.

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Ruinez do you understand the math... or did you even read what I posted.


I am not bashing on you but seriously?


You would rather have 1 apple vs 5 apples?


1 dollar vs 5 dollars?


no comment...


You're missing the point. Yes you can get $5 as you put it, but the money is frequently no good, i.e. $5 Canadian instead of U.S. This way you can actually pick what you need instead of hoping the champion item is not yet another item you don't have any use for because it doesn't match your spec. Just do your dailies and you'll be geared in Centurion in no time, which will give you the ability endure until you get all of your champion. There are lots of things BW has done to complain about that are legitimate, but you're just whining.

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I think you guys didnt fully read what I said and dont expect you to... Like I said people who used "glitches, cheats, and other methods" got there gear faster than the norm.


There was a bug where if you stayed in your ops group and turned in your champion bags you would achieve a high rate of 60% chance to get full items from the bags even battle master.


I am not bull ******** because it worked perfectly and I saw the imperials take advantage of this on the fan site boards and also we did too.


The problem is they have taken advantage of valor rank glitchs which is now fix'ed that you could reach valor rank 60 in less than 2-3 days.


Now its like 300-400 hours like the other person said.


They are not penalizing the cheaters for this instead they are embracing them by fixing all these glitches and bugs and not allowing us players who are really grinding it out to achieve this gear.


Yes I knew about these bugs and glitches and have tried it because I didnt believe it was true a week ago.


I did it and gotten a 60% value on these items. And the patch then hits. I realized on the fan site boards they are trolling on all the newbs including me and you all posting here that your all going to get stomped on for the next couple of months because you didnt know about this...


So all of you who have been doing it legitly feel like this is a great update... but really you got screwed entirely if you knew about the 60% bonus chance at getting full items fromm your bags.


You'll never be ahead of those cheaters because your honest and good willed. I appreciate players like you but I wish to fight for you guys too because of all the bs you guys are taking and not seeing for your selves.



So you admit you exploited a bag turn in bug. On this post alone you should be banned.

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I totally agree that they made the system to worse.


1) Even though getting duplicates all the time, i was still excited to open those bags, now i have nothing to wait for: They could just not have the bags and give me the commendations from the quests.


2) The system was front loaded and quite balanced because of that. the more you had gear - the less you had chance for new gear. Now it's even worse for new players.


This surely wasnt the result of "Ingame metrics" it was a result to numerous of lazy whiners who didnt think of anyone but themselves.

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