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Other players "helping" you ....


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Slightly OT but I often start fights with a long cast ability (such as Chain Lightning) and it's quite common to have someone jump in and attack the mobs that I am about to attack. This is pretty much the only time when I might attack grey mobs (and it is quite annoying that I have to abort the attack and put my pet on passive).


Otherwise the only way I help people is by tossing my buff on them and the occasional drive-by shielding...

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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


I agree .. although i will heal if I see someone with a few to go ... a drive by heal mind ... unless they are in trouble.

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Well I mean if OP doesn't want players assisting his kills, why would he want or expect healing or a rez after combat, depending on its outcome?


He doesn't like players taking part in fights he obviously has under control, or attacking targets that he hasn't tagged yet. The problem is that not so experienced people may not be able to "read" the situation properly and kill-steal unwittingly - which could result in a misunderstanding.

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I only attacked an NPC if the player wasn't going to survive the fight... lol.


I also knew enough to not attack it until it went to grey.


If while I was fighting the NPC, and the player died I just went ahead and killed the NPC and rez'd the player back to life.

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Here's an idea:


Instead of whining on the forum, why don't you tell the person in-game "hey, I'm guessing you're probably trying to help and I appreciate the thought but I am trying to get some practice taking on more difficult opponents."


Or, just go to one of the many phased story areas and clear it enemies, then go outside, open your mission log, reset the mission, go back inside and clear it again.


BTW I don't usually help anyone fight mobs. If they look like they are dying, I'll stand by and watch them die, then kill the pack after it resets. Preferably while the person is still laying there dead hoping for a rez. Then I leave.


So... you're just kind of an all around D-bag. Got it, thanks for the heads up.

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He doesn't like players taking part in fights he obviously has under control, or attacking targets that he hasn't tagged yet. The problem is that not so experienced people may not be able to "read" the situation properly and kill-steal unwittingly - which could result in a misunderstanding.


Yep, thats it. Thanks for clarifying.

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Generally I'll only help with mobs you've already tagged, so they're grey. Or I'll toss a heal and a buff on you. After the fight, or after I've killed a mob or two for you, I'll wander off, though. There's generally plenty of room for everyone to farm objectives separately, except sometimes on Balmorra.


BUT if you've reached a quest mob just before me, I will help you kill it simply because the faster it dies for you, the less time I have to spend twiddling my thumbs, waiting for it to spawn for me. If that bothers you... sorry. Generally, people seem thankful for it and sometimes even stay to help me kill MY version of the mob. :)

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I take pride in taking on challenges and are willing to go down if I screw up. If someone helps me DPSing things down I thank him/buff him but if he - in addition - has his companion or even himself taunting that champion/elite off me (as a Juggernaut tank myself) then I am simply assuming that I am a rude person who needs to learn some manners and not take on mobs others have laid their eyes on as well. I apologize, back off, buff him, get ooc, mount up and go for other opportunities. Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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Not really sure why anyone's worried about it, according to forum reports the servers are a barren wasteland so the chances of actually running into someone in mid combat are slim to none, right?


This is quite true on my server. I rarely...rarely come across others in the same area as I play. This kinda event of players helping others occurs very infrequently in my near 2 months of play.

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Twice now I've had players come up and help me kill Quest-spawned Elites, and both times, after my Elite was dead, I'd wait for there's to spawn (and wait for them to attack first), then join in and help with the kill.


This is typically followed with:


"ty :-)"

"no, thank you."


And then we go our separate ways.

Edited by HanzoV
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I don’t care. I look at it this way. Even though we are not grouped we are a team. As a Jedi Sage, it is my duty and privilege to help all. It makes things go faster, the loot is not that big of a deal and experience is negligible. The only time I would get mad would be I just cleared out a group for a node or a chest and someone runs up and takes it. Of course that has only happened once in a LARGE amount of hours played, so it is very rare.


Last night, I was on Balmora in a dungeon, an Assassin came from behind and without grouping we both completed the same quest. Once the quest was over, we fought back nearly to the entrance and we said our thanks and went our ways.


As players in ANY game, we need to stop focusing on the me mentality and focus on US.

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I like to help is I see a difficult target, and the player on the edge. I also like when someone helps me, even if it's only because that way I feel the game a bit more alive (Hey! Something new and unexpected have happened!).


And I really hate when you rez someone and he don't event stop to say a sad "ty". I know you don't really need to rez someone here, but if you save a 20 secs count, well... I'm too old-fashioned, I guess.

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I offered two pieces of advice to OP which would help him in either clearing up potential misunderstadings in the future, or avoiding them entirely. What more do you want?


No you didn't - you just explained how you watch other people struggle in fights and die, then go in to finish off the mobs while they hope that you might res them - which you don't. That's not advice, it's arrogance and showboating.


The MMO gaming experience is what you make of it - spread a little love around and you might just find it returned. Karma.

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Is it rude if;



I just walk up beside you and help push your grocery cart without asking?

I know it only has 5 items in it and you're doing fine but, I just wanta help. :rolleyes:


It would be more polite if you asked "need a hand with that?" before :) Though I wouldn't hold it against you and thank you for trying to be helpful.

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I agree with OP, I find this annoying also, but when it happens I usually just ignore it or perhaps moan to friends/guildies that it has happened again :)


When I group I like the group to work together for a common goal (occasional screw ups aside, I am as likely as the next guy to be the cause :)). Often I duo with a long time gaming friend. I also solo a lot. In all these case I prefer if my group (or just me if solo) is left alone to sink or swim in our encounter. Maybe we took on something we shouldn't or had a bad pull - fine, we will learn more from the wipe or miraculous escape than if someone helps.


EQ2 has a feature that I wish more games would implement - encounter lock. So when I start a fight it is not possible for others to interfere, whether they have good intentions or not. It also has a yell for help feature which would break the lock and allow help.

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EQ2 has a feature that I wish more games would implement - encounter lock. So when I start a fight it is not possible for others to interfere, whether they have good intentions or not. It also has a yell for help feature which would break the lock and allow help.


Yeah, that's a great feature (although by the time you yell for help it's usually too late).

Edited by daemian
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I'll admit that this upsetting people never crossed my mind. I'll throw a buff on you if I see you around and toss a grenade into your mob on the way by as what I intend as a friendly gesture. :confused: I suppose I'll stop doing the latter. I'm still going to buff random strangers, though. It's fun.
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This is probably bad, but I dont ever 'help'.


If I see a player standing and fighting targets, I'll assume they know what theyre doing and that they're fine. If they weren't, they'd probably be running - since its not very difficult to drop combat and/or escape in TOR.


I don't mind if someone 'helps' me I suppose, although it does kind of imply that you weren't ok on your own. Whatever, i guess?

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