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How to stop ppl from leaving warzones


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Or allow them to queue for what they want!


Im willing to be proven wrong, but id wager most people who leave do so not because it was huttball (as boring as it can be) but because they want the 3 or 9 wins to complete the quest and dont care about anything else.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Or give them a debuff for leaving preventing you them from joining a new one / ilum for 30 mins. And if they do more then 3 of these in a row give them a temp ban of up to 3 days..


Yes great idea, i promise not to stealth and go afk next time this game force me to play against premaid on huttball again.

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Or give them a debuff for leaving preventing you them from joining a new one / ilum for 30 mins. And if they do more then 3 of these in a row give them a temp ban of up to 3 days..


That would work. I was thinking something like; 20 minute ban for the first game. if you leave another within 60 minutes of the first time you do it, it doubles, if you leave another within 2 hours of the previous, it triples, etc etc.

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Or stop kicking me from the huttball because the retarded force field was up when I zoned in.


No thanks, until the devs fix this crap, I can't get on board with penalties for leaving a WZ. I never once left, I was always kicked. I don't want to get yet another penalty on top of a wasted load time because the game is borked.

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Or stop kicking me from the huttball because the retarded force field was up when I zoned in.


No thanks, until the devs fix this crap, I can't get on board with penalties for leaving a WZ. I never once left, I was always kicked. I don't want to get yet another penalty on top of a wasted load time because the game is borked.

Yeah that happened to me too, it was the most retarded thing ever, or in voidstar the wait time on the door lasted so long after i took a second to fix my contact in my eye that it kicked me for afk, fed up with it lol

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I was thinking stop matching soloers against premades.


I was thinking I just would not play warzones to entertain other people if forced to be farmed for 15 minutes against a premade.


I have no problem at all staying and losing....... AS LONG AS I HAVE EVEN JUST A SMALL AMOUNT OF FUN AND ENJOYMENT.


I also know by creating the quest "WIN WARZONES" instead of participate and complete, Bioware is creating the problem all by theirselves. People will just leave and get into another warzona ASAP to complete the daily/weekly win quests.


I am just simply astounded, how we the customers have to suggest obvious solutions to the company that should have their finger on the pulses of the customers. Yes, you can quote me on that. :)

Edited by silvercgull
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That would work. I was thinking something like; 20 minute ban for the first game. if you leave another within 60 minutes of the first time you do it, it doubles, if you leave another within 2 hours of the previous, it triples, etc etc.


so, I guess it has never happened to you that you joined a warzone already going on and you left the save zone too late (or rather not at all because you got kicked from the match before you had the chance...)




I'm against a ban from matches, but definitely in favour of a debuff, so people who actually like to play warzones may still do so, but get less valour...



people leave for all kinds of reasons, and I've often seen player leave just because the ops was not all lvl 40+ (and just as often I saw that 'not all 40+' ops still winning :p)


and I can definitely see why people (usually imps) would leave a huttball match... while I personally enjoy that game, I wouldn't want to play it 8 out of 10 times either...

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Afk first two games per day. If my team carries me to wins, great, 1 left. If not, oh well, now I can play for 3 wins and leave if we are losing.


30 minute debuff? Oh well, I have dailies to do and movies to watch.







The only fix to people leaving is for pvp to be less ****.

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I was thinking stop matching soloers against premades.


I was thinking I just would not play warzones to entertain other people if forced to be farmed for 15 minutes against a premade.


I have no problem at all staying and losing....... AS LONG AS I HAVE EVEN JUST A SMALL AMOUNT OF FUN AND ENJOYMENT.


I also know by creating the quest "WIN WARZONES" instead of participate and complete, Bioware is creating the problem all by theirselves. People will just leave and get into another warzona ASAP to complete the daily/weekly win quests.


I am just simply astounded, how we the customers have to suggest obvious solutions to the company that should have their finger on the pulses of the customers. Yes, you can quote me on that. :)


1) Group vs solo. Hard to balance atm because you can enter with 1 friend. 2 friends and in full premade of 4. So how do you do it? The only way to balance it is to make it: solo only / full 8 man premade only. And that is ... imossible atm. If you make a full premade only the wait there will be insane. So in order to balance this BW actually made it impossible to queue with full premade and i really like it.


2) Pvp enjoyment. For me - it is in 10-49 bracket. Every class can make a contribution, there is no obvious gear ownage. Sure, some will cry lvl 10 will be owned by lvl 40 but ... that is only logical. I have no idea why ppl queue pre lvl 20 -24 (when you get nice skills / advance on skill tree some) though. It can be a pain to have a bunch pf lvl 10-13 ppl in the group that do not have speed run even.


Nevertheless, even lvl 14 CAN hit your lvl 40+ for a nice chunk of dmg. So if you want to have fun - get a lvl 25 alt and pvp only. LOADS of fun. Plus many ppl do the same so even though you see many lowlevels many actually know what to do, when to support and, most of all ... they watch ops chat -_-. Oh and know how to make a pass in huttball!

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its Simple, add "played 5 warzone games" to the daily.


And you'll find that people are less likely to cheat/ use exploits.


Just don't suck and decent players wouldn't leave. Also being able to avoid failball would help

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Why penalize people, I've joined games where a friend didn't make it in so I leave, I join where 2/3 people on the team just AFK, so I leave. I join where my team just want to medal hunt and leave the objectievs, so I leave.


Penalize me for that and I'll be out of this game pretty quickly.

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1) Group vs solo. Hard to balance atm because you can enter with 1 friend. 2 friends and in full premade of 4. So how do you do it? The only way to balance it is to make it: solo only / full 8 man premade only. And that is ... imossible atm. If you make a full premade only the wait there will be insane. So in order to balance this BW actually made it impossible to queue with full premade and i really like it.


2) Pvp enjoyment. For me - it is in 10-49 bracket. Every class can make a contribution, there is no obvious gear ownage. Sure, some will cry lvl 10 will be owned by lvl 40 but ... that is only logical. I have no idea why ppl queue pre lvl 20 -24 (when you get nice skills / advance on skill tree some) though. It can be a pain to have a bunch pf lvl 10-13 ppl in the group that do not have speed run even.


Nevertheless, even lvl 14 CAN hit your lvl 40+ for a nice chunk of dmg. So if you want to have fun - get a lvl 25 alt and pvp only. LOADS of fun. Plus many ppl do the same so even though you see many lowlevels many actually know what to do, when to support and, most of all ... they watch ops chat -_-. Oh and know how to make a pass in huttball!


You don't understand server imbalance do you, repubs can easily do a forced 8m premade. my server is 6:1 favor imps. When its 10am and the whole of 20 level 50 republics are on its pretty easy to exploit the system. If 2 sets of four are que'd and 3 solo'd they system will automatically match the option that ends with a full team.

Edited by theblackjew
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Let them leave....


I have seen other games with penalty for leaving warzones and minigames.... ppl just standing on the rezpad or somewhere afk....


Let em leave ... the chances are that someone else that will want to fight will join :)

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good and skilled players don't leave because they are confident with their skill. i've seen so many time comebacks after those supposedly great player left the match.


only players that thinks they're good leave a match because in reality, they need good players to carry them.


What (s)he said. Leaving because it's 0-1 in Huttball? Just lol. Yeah, that's SO insurmountible, uhuh. Losing the first phase in Voidstar? Uhm... how about trying to WIN the second part? And don't even get me started about Civil War.


Seriously, grow some stickwithitness.

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Or give them a debuff for leaving preventing you them from joining a new one / ilum for 30 mins. And if they do more then 3 of these in a row give them a temp ban of up to 3 days..


How about letting people choose what they want to play? I don't give a **** about Hutt Ball. I'll not be forced to play that ****.

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Or give them a debuff for leaving preventing you them from joining a new one / ilum for 30 mins. And if they do more then 3 of these in a row give them a temp ban of up to 3 days..


Without PVP in this game being fixed.... They can't make deserter debuffs.


On my server I play huttball 98% of the time because the huge side imbalance. When I que with my 3 other guildmates our team is filled out with random people. Rebs on my server (I'm conviced there are only 10 of them) can que and all get in the same game. 10 people in Vent > 4 people in vent + 6 random people running around aimlessly.


Why would I want to finish this game and waste my valuable game time when I can dump out and reque for a more balanced game? Because once I get my 3 pvp wins for the day and go on to the next daily.


We should be able to que as an op.

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