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10 Good
  1. roll face on keyboard healer dies. How much easier do dps need to to be...
  2. They also said they would bring out ranked warzones in 1.2.
  3. i have 2 50's and didnt even get an email. Then again its Bioware, they cant do anything right.
  4. Hes talking about pve not pvp. I'm not sure how you couldn't see that...
  5. Im pretty sure ppl are over "waiting and seeing" with bw.
  6. i think this thread should be name "1.2 Last impressions" seeing as a lot of ppl will ether leave or play another class.
  7. PVP healing is a joke now, if you get targeted you die within 1 stun. if you're lucky enough to get your shield up before that you last as long as your shield. Its not like im under geared . full bm healing 1100+ expertise. DPS dont even need to try interrupt your heals now. You just fall over for them. Ammo, just wow how stupid can bw get? maybe they think well you're useless after 5 heals cos you have no ammo anyway may aswell die right?. PVE Ammo again is a massive problem. i did lost island hard mode this morning. Ive got mostly Rakata gear. i found it a lot harder than it would have been last patch. Saying that we cleared it all. And now knowing the fights it would be a bit easier. Lost island would be a walk in the park for an Operative/Scoundrel. So really for troopers nothing good came out of 1.2 as a healer anyway.
  8. thats if your legacy will even xfer with your chars, which they haven't confirmed yet..
  9. Has this been confirmed anywhere? i plan to move to the aussie server when i can but if i cant take my legacy with me thats pretty lame..
  10. I never said that "its Simple, add "played 5 warzone games" to the daily." As in you ether can win 3 or have played 5 games to complete it As for making it an "afk fest" Sure more people may afk. But you could easily adds things like "report player for afk" Comes down to the daily's are very bad for solo queing players. It can take up to 2 hours+ to get them done, if you have unlucky ques.
  11. its Simple, add "played 5 warzone games" to the daily. And you'll find that people are less likely to cheat/ use exploits.
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