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Marauders = weaksauce


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kinetic shadow has no problem dealing with maras

That is what I wanted to say as well. My wife is full kinetic tree and has full tank specced armour (so low crit, low surge, insane shield/resist). I can not win a single duel with my sentinel.

IN combat tree - As most of our attacks are phisical I hit for just a pitiful amount. She sees precision slash on me - WHAM! kick / stun. Sure, i do manage to take out a chunk of her health with blade storm but ... while i do that she is outohealing every 4.5 sec, she is throwing critted rock (s) at me (hit like a truck) then it 3 HS procs and telekinetic throw (that ALSO heals her). .... I look pitiful.


When watcham tree? hahaha. it is eve WORSE. dots? lol! she uses resilience when i get 4 on her, cleances them and is immune to further dots for 5 sec. Merciless slash? double haha. this is a mele attack and in most cases it hits oh her shield (proc chance is abt 55% and it eats abt 37%dmg ... + armour ... so i do 30% of dmg with it).


So kinetic shadows are my nightmare atm. Healers are meat though.... Surrisingly have little troubles with knight tanks ...

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That is what I wanted to say as well. My wife is full kinetic tree and has full tank specced armour (so low crit, low surge, insane shield/resist). I can not win a single duel with my sentinel.

IN combat tree - As most of our attacks are phisical I hit for just a pitiful amount. She sees precision slash on me - WHAM! kick / stun. Sure, i do manage to take out a chunk of her health with blade storm but ... while i do that she is outohealing every 4.5 sec, she is throwing critted rock (s) at me (hit like a truck) then it 3 HS procs and telekinetic throw (that ALSO heals her). .... I look pitiful.


When watcham tree? hahaha. it is eve WORSE. dots? lol! she uses resilience when i get 4 on her, cleances them and is immune to further dots for 5 sec. Merciless slash? double haha. this is a mele attack and in most cases it hits oh her shield (proc chance is abt 55% and it eats abt 37%dmg ... + armour ... so i do 30% of dmg with it).


So kinetic shadows are my nightmare atm. Healers are meat though.... Surrisingly have little troubles with knight tanks ...


Isnt that some kind of hybrid build which gets nerfed with the new patch ?

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Isnt that some kind of hybrid build which gets nerfed with the new patch ?


No, that is the thing. She is playing a full kinetic build 31/0/10. It is just ...so good at taking down sents(mara)/snipers. And i think that is totally ok because there are other classes that can take her down easily (sorc/sage for ex).


We, Sentinels, have own prey. It is wrong to ask the class to be able to kill everything with ease.


P.S. yes, many say sorcs/sages are OP. But thing is, WE are the counterpart for that class and if played correctly they have no chance to win against us.

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Isnt that some kind of hybrid build which gets nerfed with the new patch ?


No, deep Kinetic/Assassin tank is a Mara/Sent's nightmare, and isn't a hybrid that got whack-a-moled, and as a result, it was slightly buffed - as well as having a few issues fixed.


It's one of the few matchups I've grown confident as a Shadow Tank (pvp tank geared as well) to 1v1, since it's about the only person we can mitigate a high amount of damage from.


Other than full Kinetic, Mara/Sent's are beasts in the right hands and will pretty much annihilate anyone else.

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Dude if it gets me medals, I'm doing it. lol. As far as the 75k healing medal, I actually have no idea and have been wondering it myself... but I suspect it comes down to a Bioware faill. They didn't put combat logs in the game for a reason... I'm pretty sure there are miscalculations galore. I've had games where I don't get the 2.5k damage single-hit medal even though I'm regularly hitting for 3.5-4k easy... so nothing really surprises me anymore.


Thats cause that 3-4k hit is hitting someone with less than 2.5k health, hence no medal

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As a Sentinel, I will admit I am probably the best 1v1 class in the game.


If only this game were about 1v1. Sadly, the more people you throw together, the weaker Sentinels get.


I still do alright for myself. I don't think Sentinels are the strongest or weakest class - they have problems and those problems need fixing.


Yes, I think playing Sentinel requires the most skill, but I do not think they are disproportionately effective by those with skill - other simpler classes still beat you in group situations no matter how much skill you have.

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There is no way in hell that if you are playing your marauder right that there should be a problem. They have much more utility than a commando/merc, and a good one DESTROYS super fast. Their damage is not to be joked around with. They are always in the top 3 damage in warzones.
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FWIW, I've lost exactly 1 fight to a marauder in a 1v1 ever and that's before I even had centurion gear and he was BM fitted.


That's as a gunslinger.


I have no idea why people say these things but they're just not true...all you have to do against the marauder is not max out their resolve bar until after they fire their immunity CD and keep rooting them.


What exactly is so great about them that makes them 'hands down' the best? Show me even a handful of their skills whose damage coefficient makes them scary.


People are confusing these "mythical skilled marauders" with biochem marauders in far better gear than them. I swapped to biochem a while ago and I have enough gear that I usually burn them down before they get me to 70% health.

Obvious lies are obvious? , do you even understand what bs you're writing here? A gunslinger taking down a mara/senti is 100 % impossible unless you were zerging him with your entire team he might not be able to drop you, you have NO cooldowns to safe you from him once he makes contact and he will rip your hp down faster than if you placed a cupcake infront of DAFATKID! om nom nom, so my point is you're never gonna kill a mara as a gunslinger in a 1 v 1 srrrrrrrrry if you are sitting up on a ledge leeching which i can assume is what you do because that's how weak players of your class is, that's exactly what you'll be doing , but im talking about you and him fighting straight up 1 v 1 with both of you engaging at the same time, you're dead and you will always be dead, because you are a ranged class who's primary objective is to leech and not do a damn thing yourself

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Why do people think marauder is difficult?
It's not that it's difficult, it's that it requires far more player involvement in comparison to some of the other classes.


A (good) Marauder is going to be using 20+ different abilities over the course of the average fight. It's a far cry from just having to spam a few skills, like some classes.

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As an Op and 1v1 situation, if both my Evasion and Probe are on CD and I get caught out of stealth then I stun and run, if not I pop evasion and relics to try and put him into defensive position.


I don't feel very comfortable fighting Marauders/Sentinels if I don't get the opener since a couple of lucky crits with 100% armor penetration debuff and they tear you to pieces.


Edit: I do believe the class is balanced though. I feel like I have fair fighting chance most of the time if I have all abilities at my disposal just like with any other class.

Edited by Ankhkharu
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No, deep Kinetic/Assassin tank is a Mara/Sent's nightmare, and isn't a hybrid that got whack-a-moled, and as a result, it was slightly buffed - as well as having a few issues fixed.


It's one of the few matchups I've grown confident as a Shadow Tank (pvp tank geared as well) to 1v1, since it's about the only person we can mitigate a high amount of damage from.


Other than full Kinetic, Mara/Sent's are beasts in the right hands and will pretty much annihilate anyone else.


Marauders are a very strange class since they're heavily melee dependent but not Force dependent. This means Force Shroud which is normally game over against classes people consider strong is actually pretty weak against them, but Saber Ward and a Shield is actually useful against them.


The first matchup issue is that since they basically require the exact opposite defensive strategy it's possible you just go with your standard routine without realizing you're supposed to do exactly the opposite. The second, more serious issue, is that if you gear yourself to fight them (actually have a shield, for example), then you would not be very good against the traditional classes considered as powerhouses (Sorc/Merc/Op).


Given the prevalence of the three classes that gets shut down by Force Shroud, I don't mind losing a bit more often against Marauders. Yes technically you could just become so good that you win them all, but that's easier said than done.

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My PT has no problems with Mara... so dunno where this "best 1v1 evah!" garbage is coming from.


I do know where the "weaksauce" garbage is coming from. People who quit playing Mara before 40-50 because at lower levels they ARE the worst class in the game.


Also every class in the game has a million buttons... seriously go level some alts, you'll see. Then you can also get over your "Mara take uber skillz" garbage too. Because they don't, they just take patience while you level up and get some epics.

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I just wish I had an 'oh sh*t' button, for when those bloody marauders decide to chew me a new one.

They are an awesome class, very effective and the hardest for me to take down. I am so going to roll a sentinel for my next class.

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marauders are very far from insane dmg and 3k crit spamming.


the highest crits are made with rage spec which is about 3,5k every 15s. the rest of the time the dmg is mediocre at best.


the highes dps output is in annihilation spec which doesnt produce 3k crits accept on undergeared enemies. (usially i get 2,5 highest crit in wz with this spec and full champion gear and i am neither new to the class nor unskilled)


with equal gear the dmg is inferior to any other dd in the game plus to actually apply this dmg is very hard due to knockbacks, roots and stuns.


in 1vs1 the class shines due to the defensive cds, i rarely lose a 1v1 but mainly because the enemy is unskilled. i have no chance against a skilled sorc and it requires some luck to kill a skilled merc. i also play commando and have no problems against marauders.



marauder is the class with the least cc and the least dps+burst of all dds. the short term survivability is very good, the long term survivability is rather low. either the class needs more cc, more anti cc or more dps. since i can only choose from 3 differnt dps trees, at least one of them should have dps compareable to a merc. (which it hasnt)

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My PT has no problems with Mara... so dunno where this "best 1v1 evah!" garbage is coming from.


I do know where the "weaksauce" garbage is coming from. People who quit playing Mara before 40-50 because at lower levels they ARE the worst class in the game.


Also every class in the game has a million buttons... seriously go level some alts, you'll see. Then you can also get over your "Mara take uber skillz" garbage too. Because they don't, they just take patience while you level up and get some epics.


Sentinel truly shines only past lvl 40 when we get a full skill tree. For combat it is even further as you need some extra points into watchman tree. So yeah, if ppl play combat they will kinda underpowered till that lvl range.

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Does Force Camo clear aggro? I can understand why people feel Marauders are godlike since Force Camo is on 45s cooldown (much faster than equivalent abilities) and if it clears aggro that's pretty much instant win with Pure Shockfrozen Water.


But not including an obvious exploit, fighting a Marauders basically boils down to knowing not to attack them when they use Undying Rage. Ideally you want to save a CC for this, but even doing nothing is perfectly fine. If your class has any burst at all, you should be able to blow him up after Undying Rage wears off since you'd be at 100% resources and he'd usually be at about 20% health at the most. Don't think about fighting back during the duration of Undying Rage. If he could kill you before Undying Rage wore off, you're already dead so there's no reason to worry about it.

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They dont really, marauders just like to say that so they seem more pro...they are a late bloomer though and pretty gear dependent.


Pretty much. Rather than hitting 3 or 4 buttons they have to hit 7 or 8....so damn hard. I haz to move a finger more than u I haz skillz!

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Noone can, marauders destroying any class in 1v1 battle. If i meet one in the open field i do stun - run - knockback - run - medpack - run - trinket charge immobilize or choke - ruuuuuun. Basicaly it works good if you run to WZs medpack node, since when you there and already have 10% HP (or dead) while doing nothing but run - it helps you to run a little more and get your buddies beating marauder meanwhile :)


Pretty much, I play a hybrid shield / assault Vanguard and can beat most others in 1vs1 (though not as easily as a full assault), but can't even really scratch a marauder.

The most I'll ever do is ~50% health before I lie face-first in the dirt.


They'll even outheal most of the damage I deal by themselves.

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Pretty much. Rather than hitting 3 or 4 buttons they have to hit 7 or 8....so damn hard. I haz to move a finger more than u I haz skillz!
20+ in the average fight. Not 7 or 8.


They aren't difficult to play. Just more involved than some other classes.

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