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Everything posted by der_mawel

  1. es kann sein, dass die ebenfalls zu stark sind aber die werden kaum gespielt und sind zu verbuggt. außerdem könnte ich bei denen noch verstehen dass die so viel schaden machen, weil die ja wirklich seht statisch spielen müssen und dazu noch nichts aushalten.
  2. i used to whine about sentinel/marauder but i came to the following conlusion: the class is not weaker the most ther classes. i always lose against a well played sage/sorc because of being kyted but its i a 1vs1 issue and cant be balanced for all classes. there ure but some huge problems with the class: 1. animations are bugged. we all know this, it is the major combat issue in this game. 2. there is basically only one way to play the class in pvp effectively in terms of dps and this is watchman/annihilation. i prefer the combat spec but since it is bugged and hat far less timed dps i am fored to play watchman. focus is also nice but it doesnt work out due to 1. BUT the greatest fail are mercs/commandos who can outdmg every class with the only condition of not being interrupted all the time. if there are no mercs in the enemy team i feel quite strong with my sentinel but as soon the enemy has 2 or even 3 mercs everyone just gets smashed beyond healability.
  3. dass der merc/commando zu starkt ist, zeig die tatsache, dass das dei einzige dd ist, den man keine sekunde ignoreiren kann und sofort alles stehen und liegen lassen muss um den anzugreifen, denn sosnt tötet er ein beliebiges ziel, das gerade geheilt wird. die schwere rüstung aber vor allem energiebarriere/geladene barriere macht die klasse nun nciht unbedingt squishy, sodass man ihn gegen jeden anderen dd (genau einen) heilen kann während der trotz interrupts noch zu nicht unerheblichem burst dmg fähig ist. zudem kann er sich durch den knockbak oft etwas zeit erkaufen um eine bessere position zu suchen. die fehlende mobilität wird durch die 30m reichweite und die zwei knockbacks relativiert. im hutenball ist er nicht der beste ballträger ist aber in der defensive stark und definitiv nicht nutzlos. fest steht aber, dass die klasse für dieses spiel einfach zu viel schaden macht, der dazu auch noch sehr leicht anzubrigen ist und daher sehr zuverlässig kommt. natürlich gibt es möglichkeiten dem merc/commando entgegenzuwirken, und zwar mit ständigen interrupts, diese möglichkeit gibt es aber bei allen klassen, wenn man es darauf anlegt. ein merc/commando zwingt einen einfach sofort in die defensive, da man ihn unbedingt angreifen muss und zwar unabhängig davon, ob er einen guard hat und geheilt wird oder nicht. was ein merc/commando anrichtet wenn ihn niemand stört ist nciht mit dem zu vergleichen zu vergleichen, was andere klassen in dieser zeit anrichten können. (außer vielleicht der schurke, den man aber mit einem einzigen slow für 12s aus dem kampf nehmen kann)
  4. strong heal makes the game more difficult to play in pvp as focused dmg, burst dmg and interrupts/cc need to be coordinated better in order to score a kill. a kill becomes a team effeort and solo players have less chances to kill anything on their own so they start articulating their dislikes in the forums. heal gives us the advantage to choose our targets by priority, not by the pobbability of killing the target beofore getting killed. without heal the fighting will become chaotic and wont punish lack of teamplay in a matter appropriate for an mmo. besides in swtor healers are very weak since they cant even heal themselves up against a singel dd let alone dealing reasonable dmg to a dd AND healing up against him. skill is not only how well u use your abilities but also how good youre tactics are. the presence of healers forces special tactics against them, as well as the presence of guard or stealth or cc. teamplay will allways be superior to soloplay, u could calkl it imbalanced. you could also call unexperienced players imbalanced to experienced ones but itd be stupid becaus u dont want to end up to play /ramdom in am mmo. balancing is only possible for the top lvl players (i dont want to call swtor balanced).
  5. in swtor heales have only heal abilities in their skilltrees, no cc oder escape skills so healers just need assistance in order to survive. a gaurd is often helpful but the main problem of 4 healers that heal me are mercs and commandos. the best bet is to interrupt them and put slow on melees that beat up your healer. an opertaive/scoundrel is very easy to get rid of by just slowing them, other melees are not as easy. in my team the healers appreciate transcendence (sentinels' group sprint) the most. in my oppinion it is one of the strongest pvp abilities in the game. but let me tell u a secret: there is no way to heal up against 3 dds (no matter which classees). even with guard the healer dies together with the guarding tank in reasonable time. sadly swtor works without focus damg due to the very weak heals. seriously, a healer is just toast when being attacked, he can try and kyte you but hell end up on his own and die without support. another secret: tank have no defence against elemental dmg you can just focus them to get rid of the guard,, as i said, 3 dds at a time are not healable. in most cases 2 dds or one merc/commando are not healable.
  6. woah! wait! this would cause a major balancing crash as 21/21 oder 31/11 build will be possible. some classes can be hybridskilled so they will become imbalanced as hell. never ever ask for this, some developers may be dumb enough to follwo this
  7. der_mawel

    Class imbalance

    after i spammed the froums with "buff the sentinel" ive got yet another idea whats wrong in this game: the sentinel is very strong in 1v1 due to defensive cooldowns. the dps is enough to kill a healer without any difficulties. tanks aer also not much of a problem. a good sorc kills you with cc and force sprint. mercs are hard, if they are skilled they can kill you, if not they dont stand a chance. so far the 1vs1 balance. now 1vs is not exactly the thing we see the most in pvp so lets leave it for a moment. the great problem of the sentinel/marauder is cc. we have the least and are the most susceptible to it. our dps is alright but not more. 3 of the most played classes have aoe knockback on 20s cooldown which is very very strong against sentinels. all in all i dont feel gimped when playing in a team accept in one singel case: if there are more than one well equipped merc/commando AND a descent healer in the opposing team there is just nothing my team can do besides having commandos as well. the incredible dmgoutput of mercs/commandos forces my team to concentrate on interrupting them instead of attacking a healer which pushes my team into a defensive position. a merc is capable of a 7,5k bust every 15s which can become 10,5k dmg one gcd later. this is too strong assuming that his anytimer which crits with 2500 is still way too strong. (with 2 pve set items is gains 15% critchance, which results in at least 45% critcance) the tracermissile alone delivers sustained dps of nearly 1300. this is just too much.
  8. i am not so sure the charge needs a fix, i feel there are just too many aoe knockbacks in this game on too low cooldowns. they also cause only little resolve. in huttball knockbacks are very strong. if there were only cone aoe knockbacks or even single target knockbacks it would be more balanced. still there needs to be somethign in this game to make melees immune to cc for a little time. but wait, asassinst/sahdows and opertaives/scoundrels do have such a thing already. sentinels and marauders could use some debuff immunity once in a minute as well.
  9. der_mawel

    Valor 70+ gear

    me and my friends (toghether we are 6 people) play from the very beginning (2 days after the first preorder key was activated) and we have played pvp at least 95% of all time played. we logged in nearly every evening for at least 3-4 hours. everyone of us had 1000/1000 pvp coins at lvl 50 and all of us made roughly 20 bags a week. this week 4 of us finally had their champion set complete, one of us has quit the game and anotherone started a bit later and hasnt even his centurion gear complete. yesterday 3 of us finally became battlemasters. most of the time we were undergeared and now finally we managed to catch up with the 24/7 plaers gearwise. i dont understand why new gear should be intoduces just now only because some people dont have any motivation to play besides accuireing new gear. on civil war i had 3 1vs duells against a marauder (i am sentinel) with exatly the same spec as me just with no pvp gear. each time i lost only 20% of my health when he died although he use the same abilities i use at nearly the same time (besides he used up all his cds while i didnt use a single one). he had no chance no matter how well he played. this is what i dont want to see in pvp. in my oppinion centurion gear should be removed from the game and all players should have their stats evened up to full centurion when joining a wz. but seriously, the pvp is atm so flawed that any new gear or other improvements would have the chance to break the pvp beyond rapair (like illum almost did when the killquests were introduced first). first valor has to be stabilized to something reasonable and illum has to be reworked completely. also the warzones need to be fixed. a draw in voidstar make the team that was first to attack automaticaly the winner. in civil war the imperials have a point advantage due to the fact that a cannon which was activated by imperials instantly deals 5 dmg whereas the same cannon deals this dmg after 10s when activated by the repuplic. i wont even start with class balancing and faction balancing
  10. der_mawel

    Voidstar Bug

    every inquisitor/consular can do this, we tried it yesterday. it works and its stupid. i wonder whyit didnt come up earlier. i cant imagine that this was intended by bioware. there are still some bugs/glitches with stealth and interaction with objectives though. there may be some less important bugs in this game as well but the community is honest and never abuses these glitches... as well as people tend to not play op classes...
  11. there are lots of people out there who play a stelath class in every game. these people always complain about not being able to kill any other class in 1v1. noone can reasonably expect to kill a healer on his own in under a minute, otherwise healers wont have any purpose. i play sentinel and i feel that my class is slightly underpowered but this is no camparrison to how healers are underpowered. of all dds sentinels/marauders hav the least dps capabilities and the least cc, still a healer is no match for me and is forced into kyting in order to survive. if i was to call the shots in balancing i had designed the healers so that in a fight noone would be able to kill anything without focused dmg, timed bursts and timed cc/interrupts. since you cannot queue for wz with 8 players real pvp just never takes place. thus all the belancig issues dont become obvious so that this topic becomes hard to discuss due to the fact that many people do not know which fight the won with teamplay, which one with superior gear and which one with pure luck. most videos posted to show how great they perform in pvp feature gear and lvl advantages. as always there are very few players who are suited for a constructive discussion about balancing but since all voices have the same volume on the bw forums it is hard to distiguish those few competent ones. therefor bw needs its own competent people which they obviously dont have (yet), thats why i am quite pessimistic about the pvp in tor.
  12. id say dmg is overpowered since a healer cannot heal himself up against an operative/scoundrel or a merc/commando. a healer without guard becomes instantly toast when being assisted by 2 dds (of everage skill and equal equip). strong singeltarget heal forces u to chose your targets carefully, watch out for guard and switch your target while trying to cc and interrupt a healer. so far in most cases its the easiest way to kill a dd while interrupting the guarded healer. a melee is a good choice for first target as u can pull him away so that the tank cant effectively switch guard between the healer and the dd. the owrst thing u can do to a healer is aoe dmg as there are few aoe heals which are positional and rather weak. for a healer to work the sustained hps need to be higher than sustained dps of any class in the game which is not the case in swtor due to the 30% defbuff.
  13. marauders are very far from insane dmg and 3k crit spamming. the highest crits are made with rage spec which is about 3,5k every 15s. the rest of the time the dmg is mediocre at best. the highes dps output is in annihilation spec which doesnt produce 3k crits accept on undergeared enemies. (usially i get 2,5 highest crit in wz with this spec and full champion gear and i am neither new to the class nor unskilled) with equal gear the dmg is inferior to any other dd in the game plus to actually apply this dmg is very hard due to knockbacks, roots and stuns. in 1vs1 the class shines due to the defensive cds, i rarely lose a 1v1 but mainly because the enemy is unskilled. i have no chance against a skilled sorc and it requires some luck to kill a skilled merc. i also play commando and have no problems against marauders. marauder is the class with the least cc and the least dps+burst of all dds. the short term survivability is very good, the long term survivability is rather low. either the class needs more cc, more anti cc or more dps. since i can only choose from 3 differnt dps trees, at least one of them should have dps compareable to a merc. (which it hasnt)
  14. @1. as far as i understand only the maximum group size should be limited to 8, not the overall population in a zone. combined with the fact that kills are only scored for your group benefits smaller groups over a 24man zerg. @2. it isnt black and white. u just need to try and kill a healer while his dps pet is shooting at you (the dmg is non ignorable). attack the healer and he starts kyting you while his pet is dealing dmg, attack the pet and he starts healing it. some classes have the ability to cc an companion for 60s others dont. companions are not even intended to be balanced so no companions in pvp.
  15. this would be the perfect occasion to introduce prestige ranks maybe even with an elo system so that it becomes a disgrace to get killed by a low ranked player. i think there has to be a better punishment for abusing then the normal pvp mechanics. something like a hitlist sorted by the rank of players u killed and how often u killed them. it could be combined with a bounty system which offers extra rewards for killing certain enemies and a top ten most wanted list. some people will always try to abuse any system, as far as i understand u already proposed a valor system which does not support killtrades by offering valor on kill only once in 15mins. that would sufficiently limit the benefits of killtrades.
  16. well huttball isnt won by dps but by knockbacks and superior ballhandling. you dont need to kill the healer, just kick him down. the cluster tactic in huttbal works rather well but there are lots of countermeasures which all require teamplay. actually its not the heal that is strong in hutball but the tank. every healer would admitt that an ally without guard is not healable when attacked by 2 serious dds. (sorc+merc for example)
  17. der_mawel

    Tracer Spam

    id say people make a lot of trouble around tracer missile because it hits for 1300 noncrit an 2500 crit without having a cooldwon or costing a lot. i play sentinel and i often win 1vs1 against mercs but thats because they dont use their cc correctly. most of them stun me right away which is a great mistake. sinsce i know how this class works i never lose a 1vs1 against marauders with my lvl25 commando. or any other melee accept operatives maybe. its not because i so very skilled, its because commandos deal too much dmg. an enemy has about 12k hp in low lvl wz, i often deal 5k in 1,5s with grav round and high impact bolt. you just need to cast the grav round after you knockbacked the enemy and use your instant abilities (high impact bolt, sticky grenade, demo round, stockstrike) when you are in melee range. my cc rotaton: stockstirke concussion charge cryo nade when playing commando i feel totally imba in warzones.
  18. i play dd and must say that healers are truly underpowered. a healer should not only be able to heal up against one dd, he shpuld be able heal easily up against one dd. this is fa from reality as a normal heal hits for 2k having a csttime of 2,5s. with my sentinel i always kill a healer, it may take long but evetually they have no chance against dps. its just stupid. this is not only bad for healers but also dumbs down the gameplay as for most classes focused dmg is not neccesary to kill healed enemies. if there is focused dmg its pointless to heal because the dmg of two full dds is very very far from helable by one healer and often not healable for two healers due to dmg spikes and cc. the 30% debuff has to be removed. why is it there anyway?
  19. der_mawel

    Tracer Spam

    i dont know what the effect is actually called but is is a soft cc with 6s or 8s duration, an activation time of more than 1,5s and 30m range. the best wasy to kill a commando is a sorc, the second best way is melee but it takes at least two melees to kill one healed merc whereas the dmg one merc inflicts ist harldly healable at all.
  20. i agree with the op with one acception: neither valor nor commendations should be lost on death. 1. the drawbacks caused by death favor zerg building. 2. they also effect the equipement progression as the better equipped players will die less and kill more enemies with smaller groups which will boost their equipement further and slowing down the equip progression of the worse equipped enemies. 3. additionally the healers who are naturally the first assist targets will suffer the greatest drawbacks whereas stealth classes hardly ever get killed due to their escape skills. 4. running into certain death is sometimes a valid tactic when it causes destraction, it shouldn be punished another idea slolen from warhammer online: high rank enemies should have a chance to drop powerful items on death which should be slightly superior to normal pvp equipement. this will cause people to roam around an hunt certain well equipped and skilled groups and give those groups more opportunities to fight against a superior number of enemies which is the greatest fun that can be found in open pvp.
  21. der_mawel

    Tracer Spam

    assumeing that the lighning deals 1000 dps at least itll end up at 4,5k dmg at least with a critchance of 33% and 60% critmultiplier: (1000dps + 1000dps*0,6/3)*4,5s=5400dmg average well, most of them dont just spam lightning (or whatever the channeled ability is called) they also deal rediclous dmg having quite some mobility and an aoe knockback. the problem with sorcs is that they deal internal and elemental dmg which cannot be reduces by anything but overall dmg reduction (such as commandos have in their gunnery tree as a stacking buff or the sentinel's rebuke). as we see there are several overpowered classes. atm mercs and sorcs (and their mirror classes) dominate pvp more than any other class. the sorc busts tanks and the mercs bust melees and basically evrything else that crosses their way. btw as a sentinel i need 4,5s just to start the fight and having dealt 1k dmg. there are 3 abilities that crit with more than 2k dmg, none has a cd under 9s. there is one ability which sometimes deal over 3k dmg which can be used every 15s at best and deos not hit moving targets due to an animation issue. additionally the spec which is neccesary for this 3k+ crit lacks overall dps an features slightly better survivability.
  22. der_mawel

    Tracer Spam

    the problen is the overall dmg the commando does. btw by my count u need 4,5s for 3 grav rounds 1,5s*3=4,5s. lets concider the worst case, nothing crits and the enemy is non squishy: grav round (1200dmg)*3+demo round(2000dmg)=5600dmg AT LEAST! in 4,5s lets concider the the standard case haviing a little critluck: 2*1200+2300(grav round crit)+3000 (demo round crit) = 7700dmg in 4,5s whis in nearly 50% hp of a champion equipped player. the full combo would be: grav round * 3 -> demoround -> grav round -> sticky grenade ->grav round -> high impact bolt. the los argument sounds like: if u dont want to get killed, dont cross my los. its the definition of op. ive player my commando long enough to know that the class is not that easy to interrupt due to knockbacks, cryo grenade, concussive shot and both instant shots which have the greatest crits. btw u can still use mortar when the target is out of los which deals significant dmg (at least 4k) well glasscannons with heavy armor and 10% additional dmg reduce in combat. a sniper an operative and maybe sorcs are slasscannons but definitely not commando.
  23. i think i hear some trollollo... i beleve it was more like this: there wer 60 imps and 30 reps in illum. the imps captured the middle and annihilated the rep zerg. after this the reps tried to take tho north an south objectives where they were finally crushed ashort time after they have been spotted. thereafter the rep zerg has splitted up and roaming imp groups farmed them as they were tying find some single imperials to complete their daily. the reps were pushed to their spawn at least once where most of the reps could complete their daily in the dia show mode and left illum as soon as they had 30/150 kills completed. anyway this is still the best outcome a rep player can hope for on our server. the normal outcome is 8 reps an only some stealther imps in illum.
  24. that is why u need a team u can rely on. and where if not in an mmo are u able to find such a team? if u see a good player in a wz just contact him after the wz. after some time ull find yourself in a premade team. that said, i can feel your pain when playing with randoms, it can be a torture in huttball. but how are u going to reward someone who helped you to score a goal by disableing 5 enemies in the middle while u can escape with tha ball inhindered? he has contributed as much as u (if not more), why shouldnt he benefit from it? such a reward system would be very complicated and would end up as a bugged patchwork of rules. to be clear: you would have to reward a player for interacting with an enmy who wants to interact with the ball carrier. or u will have to reward players for not killing enemies while running through the tunnels to the next objective in voidstar. or youll have to reward chat messeges in civil war. it wont work like that. easier rules are in most cases better rules. btw there is no way to balance pugs against premades. organized players with teamspeak wil allways be quicker due to real time overview over the wz.
  25. there is a far easier way to force people to play better: just make a win count much more than a lose. delete the medals from the game. not every class has the same dmg capabilies. some classes have higher crits than others. some classes can both dps AND heal. some players dont bother about dps and just work to achieve the wz objective, they dont get medals for this. the best way is to motivate people to play as a team instead of trying to score one piont for their daily. everyone in a wz should get the same amount of commendations and valor. also time should count in, the faster u win the more commendations u get. there are many possible soulutions but they imply some serious experience and thinking on the developer side. its neither rocket science nor witchcraft just some thinkin, testing and a bit of math if it is meant to be a perfect system. even the class balancing can be solved by two people: one who knows how working mathematical models are made and anotherone who knows how to code a tiny tool to test such models.
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