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10 Good
  1. You have already expressed your opinion of people that are angry. So no explanation will change your tune.
  2. I pre paid. I also have a 47 and a 45...a couple lower levels I rolled pre 1.2 because I didnt want to hit 50 before the patch. I quit leveling when I realized crafting was getting a bump up in 1.2 as I was sick of dumping credits into it for nothing. I have held a sub since before day 1. So a guy that came in a month ago and spacebared his way to 50 is more valuable than I am eh? Very classy BioWare.
  3. I have a level 48 and a 46 that I specifically stopped leveling while waiting for 1.2 for various reasons like crafting and class changes. I played 2 other alts while waiting. This isnt a I have a life or I didnt blow through content deal for me. This is simply getting hosed because I waited on the patch. Very bad move BioWare. Having a level 50 should not be a factor here. It should be based on how long you have subbed or something along those lines.
  4. They are bads. I edited above read it.
  5. I have a sentinel. But really..I have a merc and assassin too. I dont spam one button. I use everything just like any smart player would. This Im more skilled cause I use more buttons is dumb. Some fights I dont need more than a few skills...others I gotta drag the whole table out. Its the same for at least all 3 of those. As a merc Ill go through what I do...Tracer, tracer, tracer...I get charged then choked. Break out of it..Rail shot, knockback, tracer, heatseeker, Shield, Vent heat, kolto, Unload...think I dont use up to 15 skills in a fight?
  6. Pretty much. Rather than hitting 3 or 4 buttons they have to hit 7 or 8....so damn hard. I haz to move a finger more than u I haz skillz!
  7. I agree but calm down...we are discussing nice ways...or not nice ways of shutting up the droid. Please keep it non serious this was for fun.
  8. Sense of humor much? Pretty simple to add in like above or go away.
  9. I hate him as most probably do. I can lose one companion and its him. 1. Give us a option to blow him out of a airlock. 2. Let us melt him down for scavenged metals. 3. Let us sell him to Jawas. 4. Let us send him on a mission he finishes but then gets a computer virus and dies. 5. Let us blaster him whenever we get on the ship and not be able to speak again for the next 10 times we come back. 6. Since hes my droid I want him to be a pleasure bot. Nuff said. well I was gonna go to ten but im drinking...back to the game to see if I can RE my 30th blaster to what I want. Carry on with your list and remember...have fun
  10. You are getting the same patch...not when you want it and thats your problem. The earth turns and when bioware can stop that issue and make the sun shine everywhere at all times it will be fixed. Until then you will not see patches rolled out according to your personal timezone. Unsub if you hate that fact.
  11. So your failure to comprehend and inform yourself..read the EULA is your bad. Grats.
  12. You mean split Europe...NA...and I say why not go further right? PST...CST...EST...lets make Bioware set up teams in every timezone. See where thats going? You think you are entitled to your own patch times...why shouldent everyone then?
  13. People are gonna QQ no matter what time they are offline. If you really think bioware has a hate for europe and a love for the US unsub. Not much more I can say there. They have numbers and if they see the entire playerbase low at a certain time and say this is our target time so be it. Sure its hitting someones prime time...always will.
  14. Yeah the same as it is now? its no different anytime they go offline. Tuesday you will see the same even though people all know tuesdays are the day.
  15. Not truthfully so at all...you are treated like we are. The downtime fixes the SAME issues we are having and you are having. Patches add the SAME content. Your gripe is the time frame and im sorry the earth turns and not everyone gets it when they want it. Deal with it. FYI the downtime was my primetime and Im not QQing about it.
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