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Everything posted by Fearo

  1. So it would seem some of you don't understand the severe impact bubblestun has on organised pvp, you can do nothing as a melee who needs to maintain the close proximity to do damage, in conjunction with the Seismic grenades, it provides a team with endless CC and cannot be stopped in anyway, it needs to be put under control and there for the simple way of doing it would indeed be of moving bubblestun far up the tree or simply removing it.
  2. Fearo

    @New reward system...

    and guess what i've started up with another 5 warzones i join with 2 minutes left or behind 4-0 in huttball so i cant get a reward for those either....this is ridicoulous....i've wasted a total of 1 hour on this bs today alone
  3. So 5 times today i've been qued for warzones sitting in que for 15 minutes at a time just to join a warzone with 2-3 minutes left on it, and i get NOTHING because i haven't gotten my 3 medals, this needs to be fixxed either by BioWare giving 3 free medals for late joiners, or by simply setting up a system so you cant join a warzone least theres 5 minutes left on the match.
  4. started up with EQ in 2000 and quickly turned to DAoC in 2001 played that and tried out WoW,Aion,WAR,GW and AoC along the way, i feel SWTOR has the potential to become a better game than it currently is, the lack of proper pvp is killing the buzz the lack of proper pve is killing it aswell, overall it lacks world pvp and more players in warzones plus the armor designs on the armor is seriously a buzzkill for most, the might wanna get some of their ME designers on that tbh
  5. It's getting freaking old to play on a server that accomodates 500 players pvp is impossible sitting in ques for 20-40 min each round, so how about you allow us to migrate our chars hell you can always open up new servers if the game becomes populair again
  6. the reality of this post is , Note how no one who's actually played DAoC has disagreed only WoW players disagree because they THINK WoW had a good pvp system compared to DAoC , it's humerous to see really
  7. best pvp game of all times and the game we should hope and pray that BioWare are smart enough to learn from rather than to continue down this ridicoulous WoW path
  8. You show how little you know, if DAoC had the budget of WoW or SWTOR for that matter and could have thrown up a PR Campaign like either game the scales would be different, the game ran up to what a million players despite NO commercial advertisement. Hell half of you peons didnt even know the game excisted Conclussion is DAoC has by all standards and remains by all standards the most challenging pvp game and if you say otherwise it prooves you are a complete and utter tool who has no say in anything on the interwebz, theres no argueing a fact sorry bud, You'd say to me with a straight face that random zerging in a battleground/Warzone has anything on small man/solo/Group action where you proove yourself the better or the worse player everytime you enter a fight? come now don't embarass yourself, the world PvP is something to learn and live by , the DAoC Battlegrounds are something worth looking into , and ya know best of all is if they implement them i'll bet ya anything that the Warzones will become completely deserted and we'll be back to World pvp - MMORPG Fact... People prefers killing / hack and slashing to do useless random objectives and being told by random scrubs what to do ...."go plant the bomb on the door noob dont fight people omg" is one of such idiot comments, if YOU prefer to play pvp for ....well...PLAYING PVP? ....PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER? ..... Not CATCH THE BALL AND RUN .....not .... PLANT THE BOMB AND GET TO THE CHOPPAH.......or the all time favorite....CAMPCAPCAMPCAPCAMPCAP...yea... F THAT.... more actual PvP and less objectives k thanks bye
  9. appearently you didnt get the gest of a damn thing i said so ill try once again.... im saying they should focus on NON instanced pvp rather than focus on ridicolous warzones that will become boring due to lack of diversity in matter of hours... the real focus should be on an ever changing world pvp that has a general purpose but still remains free for the player to decide how he wants to play and how many he wants to play with. im not saying copy the classes obviously
  10. you are a complete tool, DAoC NEVER had anywhere CLOSE to the same budget as WoW did they never advertised the game like WoW did , and it wasnt build on a famous branch - The Warcraft legacy.... the game stood up on its own merits and its own values, and the fact that you're talking smack about a game . that you've clearly NEVER played.. means you are a complete and utter tool , so let me try and explain to you why DAoC is infinitely better than WoW in pvp.... DAoC provided action for everyone not just for the zerglings such as yourself i'd imagine, but also for people who prefer to run small man or even solo, there was action for everyone , the fact that there was no "Warzone/Battleground win rule" it meant a huge frontier with action everywhere because people would go xp/grind/cap keeps/towers etc. in the frontiers, allowing for people to venture out and intercept these people. the game Concept to day is still hands down owning swtor pvp and i actually reupped my DAoC accounts becuase the game is so much better, so heres my thought how about you TRY DAoC and THEN tell me WoW or even SWTOR has better pvp , because you might just learn that you are so wrong, instead of slapping on random gear having to actually build a template for your needs and playstyle also infinitely beats this random crap gear equipping both WoW/WAR/SWTOR fancies. You know nothing of pvp if you say any of these games have even a slight bit of challenge compared to DAoC which had the most epic balance between classes . the mere fact that ANY class could kill ANYONE by simply being the better player meant everything ... this random BS where RNG Determines the outcome is BS and thats how it is
  11. BioWare should really start giving us the Patch notes prior to the actual patch day so we can prepare ourselves what is to come.... it's annoying to get a vague video that tells us nothing specific about class balancing, how about we feed the actual notes into an ongoing post like Camelotherald does for DAoC .... im just saying you're wasting your time and you're wasting your players, more and more players drops every day because they dont know if you're about to salvage the sinking ship or whether you are just going to let the game crash and burn....more info ....PRIOR to the release of a patch thx
  12. Our ability Assault as juggys should according to Tool tip generate 2 rage yet it only generates 1... dunno if this has been mentioned but pretty sure that's a F up that needs to be solved, either on the tool tip or the actual rage gain, help me bumping this quest if ya feel the need for it to be fixxed.
  13. well first of Carnage is by the weakest of the 3 specs ( and no i don't care for alternate opinions i've done the math thank you) , so by choice of spec you've chosen the weakest, and i sincerely doubt the fact that you've used cooldowns in said fight, because i walked right over mine without using cds granted im a juggy, but still you should fry them fast use quinn if you feel you're dropping like a rock, and if that's not the case simply use a dps companion nuke the living bajebus out of one and use a cd or two , and i'd possibly check your gear for low lvl pieces aswell and start replacing them don't expect to be at the peak of your ability with some lvl 30 items and **** and for godsakes use a cd if you need to.
  14. the reality of the situation is this is *********** dumb period, they havent done a *********** thing when it comes to fixxing server balance / population / afkers / leavers , nope it's STILL Going down altthough this was reported SEVERAL Times during beta by yours truely, did they listen? naw naw everyone trying the BETA was like THISISSOAMAZINGNOFLAWZ , because the idiots invited random idiots who never BETA tested nor played an MMORPG Before, nope NEXT , failures are fcking fail
  15. So yea i did 19 warzones in a row without a single win good to know that we are being forced to play with random *******s who knows nothing pvp and cant do a farking thing about it, oh yes we can do premades! HURRAY FOR *********** PREMADES 30 minutes que THANK You again. BROKEN
  16. Fearo

    Tracer Spam

    Do you not understand how tracer missile works? it works as intended?! you have to cast 3 Tracer missiles, use your final abillity/Railshot in conjunction , what you ASSUME is a 1 key spammage is actually a 3 keyspammage which is no different from say Assassins who uses Voltaic Slash/Shock/Maul, then you can add to the fact that any BH with a slight registering of Brainwave patterns might find it useable to stun/DFA and use a various amounts of AoE abilities to fight in group fights and you have a fully functional class, this tracer missile spam is YOUR lack of knowledge and not a fact sorry
  17. no fcking way it should , the initial hit, yes the rest? no and dots shouldn't prevent Seethe/Channel Hatred/Meditation/Recharge and Reload etc. once you've defeated the sorc/sage you are WELL Within your rights to heal yourself up, it's freaking dumb to the point of the extreme
  18. Obvious lies are obvious? , do you even understand what bs you're writing here? A gunslinger taking down a mara/senti is 100 % impossible unless you were zerging him with your entire team he might not be able to drop you, you have NO cooldowns to safe you from him once he makes contact and he will rip your hp down faster than if you placed a cupcake infront of DAFATKID! om nom nom, so my point is you're never gonna kill a mara as a gunslinger in a 1 v 1 srrrrrrrrry if you are sitting up on a ledge leeching which i can assume is what you do because that's how weak players of your class is, that's exactly what you'll be doing , but im talking about you and him fighting straight up 1 v 1 with both of you engaging at the same time, you're dead and you will always be dead, because you are a ranged class who's primary objective is to leech and not do a damn thing yourself
  19. And that leaves you at zero understanding of how a MMORPG works, No Offense, but you don't , This game features the worst elements ever created in mmorpgs allowing solo qued players to fight vs premades is stupid pure and simple, they get crushed to the point of where its not even fun to try, then theres the huge que time which again by definition is stupid waiting 10 min in que as a premade sucks too, simply because they dont want a cross server que system, but all of this pale in comparrison with the fact that its a stupid mindless repeatative task whether you go to Illum or whether you do Warzones , and till you've reached atleast rank 60 you shouldnt even be talking, because its that simple.
  20. WoW featured **** pvp and since you haven't played other games who are you to even TALK About it?. WoW was NOT the best mmo of all times and it never will be, DAoC was by FAR a thousand times better, it had flawless PvE and the perfect PvP/RvR made it the game it was, DAoC started up with no money to speak of and so thus never had much commercial advertisement, yet it grew into a big game on its own merits, if it had the same commercial advertisement as WoW or SWTOR i believe it would beat both the games even now 11 years after it was released. The game is simply THAT good
  21. does it bother anyone else that BioWare appearently doesnt feel like responding to posts? =P
  22. permanent bans for repeated offenders kk thx bai
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